//------------------------------// // Chapter One // Story: A Method in this Madness // by Xeroed_In //------------------------------// MLP FiM: A Method in this Madness Author: Xeroed_1n (Cameron D) Picture: a world trapped on the precipice of insanity. Lunacy in every lampshade, madness in every mirror and discord on every doorstep. Now picture: the fate of all of Equestria held in the hooves of three very young ponies.... Chapter I: They slipped through the cool night air, three little wraiths in the silence of the night, trotting quickly through the shadows. The third one in line spread her wings after a quick nod from their leader and launched herself onto the rooftops, flitting quickly over what was left of the tiling ahead of the other two. It was a frosty winter night tonight with still air that seemed to just slide over their coats as they moved towards their destination.The remains of pony houses around them were warped by the darkness into jagged monsters that leaned out of crevices, gaping doorway mouths wide open. Such memories that lived in their walls...such horrible memories. The other two continued on through the half shadows, stopping slightly as a ragged and feral cat knocked over a trashcan in front of them, continuing on towards the ruin of Sugarcube Corner. 30 metres away. They stepped silently like two pools of oily darkness, twisting between debris after debris and taking care not to make any sound at all. 20 metres away and they stopped, the leader throwing up a left hoof to call halt. She peered around the corner with orange iris eyes at the ruin of what had been the most popular candy shop in all of Equestria, looked left, looked right and then quickly touched the small, dark object nestled snugly in her ear. "This is CMC-01," she whispered, glancing around to see if anything had heard, "Speedfreak, you copy?" The radio implant crackled as the recipient of the message voiced her own, "Copy that Quickfix, CMC-02 here." The one called Quickfix looked up at the ruin of Sugarcube Corner, seeking out the silhouette of her comrade in the darkness, the only low illumination coming from the huge, engorged moon that hung above Ponyville like a massive, blind eye. Motion caught her eyes and she looked to her right, tracking it swiftly. CMC-02, Speedfreak, waved to her from on top of a protruding beam that jutted out from the remains of Sugarcube Corner's roof, bare and broken open like a gigantic ribcage. The pale rays from the moon cast a ghostly shadow on Speedfreak's clothing, a tight fitting black suit with sleek armor plating over her dirty mandarin colored coat. Speedfreak continued talking, her breath whispering into Quickfix's ear, "As you can see, I'm already at Mark Two." "Ah can see yah Are there any...complications?" "Uhhhh, yep. I'm seeing three, no wait...five Shocks on the ground. Do I engage?" "Nnnope," cautioned Quickfix, "Engage as we do." Quickfix stuck her head around the corner again, searching the shadows that entwined the planks and chunks of broken concrete that filled the floorspace of Sugarcube Corner. She could see the familiar grotesque angles shuffling around and amongst the ruin and she shivered in revulsion and then reached back to touch the familiar and comforting cold steel of the kitchen knife attached to a bullwhip and wrapped around her waist. An ugly and ungainly weapon, but amazingly unique at the same time...and in her hooves a devastating weapon. Quickfix remembered the horror of a Shock attack all too well, the last one being a ferocious melee that cost her the majority of her left ear, an ugly flap of scar tissue being all that was left of it. She still remembered the real reason she had agreed to accompany her comrades back to town, her sister.Quickfix held back the instinctive tears that came quickly and pushed back the sorrowful memories that floated to the fore of her mind. A soft shiiiink echoed into the night, barely heard by Quickfix and her companion on the ground, Speedfreak had drawn her sword and now stood still as a statue, clutching the handle in her mouth through clenched teeth. Quickfix looked over her shoulder and nodded swiftly to the one behind her, the one called CMC-03 Silentsong, and with that command she stepped ahead and trotted ahead, moving from cover to cover as they approached Sugarcube Corner. High above them Speedfreak tracked the two figures while they slipped towards her, and then she crouched down, almost hugging the beam that she stood on, and turned all her attention to the creatures milling around on the ground below her. She judged each of their position and wiggled her flank in anticipation of the carnage that would ensue, flicking a lock of purple mane out of her eyes. Quickfix's hurried breath huffed in her ear, courtesy of the radio implant that they all wore. Only 10 metres away and Quickfix unraveled the whip from around her waist, the sharp steel knife zinging off the pavement and trailing through the air with a whisk, whisk. The dual click of hammers behind her heralded that Silentsong had drawn her weapons, two matte-black pistols usually held in twin holsters on her flanks. They had found the pistols once when they raided the Canterlot Archive, broken open in the aftermath of the Attack and the dusty relics inside strewn over the marble floor. After finding out how to operate the strange tools, after a fright as the first shot echoed of the walls around them, they decided that Silentsong should be the one to carry them, due to the fact that she could pick up, load, cock and fire the guns with her unicorn magic, utilizing the telekinetic field like many pairs of ethereal hands. No argument there. Speedfreak took a deep breath, wiggled her flank, and then dropped from her perch towards the Shocks below, immediately angling her descent for a clean kill. They came rushing forwards and down, like three blurs of lethal energy, death trailing behind them as the shadows they cast. Unfortunately, this was at the same time that one of the Shocks looked up, and with a gasp that sounded like a gurgling drain, hissed at the mandarin colored creature that plummeted down at them, a flash of steel filling it's vision.