//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Daring Do and the Crystal Key // by kaidanXD //------------------------------// Daring Do was surrounded by Diamond Dogs on all sides inside the ancient temple, slowly being forced towards the pit of crocodiles below her. The leader of The Diamond Dogs wore many golden artefacts, including a necklace, belt and a gem encrusted crown. "Heathen Intruder!" Bellowed the leader of the Diamond Dogs, pointing a gem tipped gold staff at Daring Do accusingly. "Sacrifice her to the Gods above!" The leader continued pointing the staff to the heavens. Daring Do sighed and rolled her eyes "Can't please anyone..." she whispered, unfortunately the leader heard her words and gave a venomous stare, and gave a nod to the Diamond Dogs behind Daring Do to push her closer towards the crocodile pit. "Sacrifice her to the Gods above!" The leader repeated, now looking at Daring Do with scorn. "THROW HER TO THE CROCODILES!" The Leader Shouted, pointing the staff at the pit, gaining a great cheer from the Diamond Dogs surrounding him. One of the Diamond Dogs behind Daring Do poked her with a spear. "Hey! Now that hurts!" She cried. She looked up and saw a ledge. She smiled. The Diamond Dogs may have tied her wings up, but she knew she could leap pretty far, and thanks to that poke she had felt the ropes loosen slightly. "I'm not one to argue with Gods..." She said as she took a great leap "...But that's the worst idea I've heard all day!" She heard the Diamond Dogs cry as the ropes fell and Daring Do spread her wings wide, she grinned triumphantly as she flew higher "In fact, if you'll pardon the pun, I think it's a crock!" Daring Do said, just one for wing beat and she would be on the ledge. Suddenly the air was full of arrow heads. "Arrow Heads?!" Screamed Daring Do. Suddenly everything around her was warping and shifting into a sink hole, and Daring Do felt like she was falling down it into a complete dark void. She awoke with a start, with a cold sweat on her brow. It had just been a dream, but Daring Do breathed hard as if she had just run a marathon. She looked around became aware that she was definitely in her own quarters at Canterlot University. Daring Do took a moment to calm, and sighed. "Arrowheads! Damn Daring, stop dwelling on tomorrow's lecture!" She said to herself. She was now wide awake, and in the dim light she saw the mess of papers on her desk. "Well; doubt I'll get back to sleep, may as well do some marking." she said disheartened, and got out of bed. ############################################################################################### ~The Next Day. Canterlot University.~ A quiet and peaceful sort of day, as Dr. Do teaches her class, who are listening intently to her lecture about arrow heads; on her own desk she has set up a display of several different arrow head types as examples. "Make sure you hand this in promptly to me! I'll have those graded and back to you, er, some time…Next week... Ish." She mumbled absentmindedly, as she was finishing writing the assignment on the blackboard. She turned to the class, and gestured to the display of arrow heads. "Before class ends, I'd like you to have some real experience age-grading real arrowheads." She said with a smile. "This is a clinch, you see how rough they are - and the crudest ones are the oldest!" Dr. Do heard a stallion say somewhere at the back. Dr. Do never missed a thing, and locked onto Weight Lift. Star player of the Hoofball team. Not such a star in Dr. Do's classes. "Well Weight Lift!" She said making the entire class stare at him. "Would you like to go first? I need to know which one is genuine!" Weight Lift gulped and began to sweat. Dr. Do smiled again and continued "Just put them in order, Weight Lift, and give me your reasons!" Weight Lift stood from his desk. "Um...sure..." he said as he staggered to the front of the class. He studied the arrowheads and made a "hum" as he did, scratching his chin with his front hoof. "Okay...see, this one's the oldest. You c'n tell because...well, they didn't know much t' start with, and then they got better tools, and..." Weight Lift said, until Dr. Do put up a hoof to stop him. "An interesting theory, Weight Lift, except..." she said taking the arrow head he had chosen as the oldest and showed it to the class. "This…ahem 'Ancient' arrowhead was made this morning, by me!" Daring gave a wry smile and the entire class burst into laughter, making Weight Lift go bright red. "Please keep in mind, Weight Lift that they were as sophisticated in their day as Hoofball players are in ours." Dr. Do said as the laughter died down. "An excellent point, Dr. Do!" Said a stranger, making the class look around. An old unicorn stallion wearing a dusty blue coat stood in the door and came in, he took one look at the arrow head display and said "I would say only two are authentic: this one here, and the other on the far left." This caused a murmur through the class. Even Dr. Do was stunned for a moment, and then gave a nod. "That's pretty good guessing, are you an archaeologist?" Dr. Do asked. The old unicorn gave a bark of a laugh. "I am Mr Corn." he introduced himself. "And I try never to guess. As for archaeology, let’s say I have played my parts." He used his unicorn magic to levitate something out of his coat pocket. "Today, for instance, I am a searcher! I wonder, can you identify the ritualistic markings on this key? It is, I assure you, very ancient indeed." Mr Corn said levitating a very odd piece of metal over to Dr. Do's desk. The bell went, signifying to the University students that their class had finished. Dr. Do didn't even notice her class getting up and leave, her eyes were fixed on the key in front of her. It was long rectangle of metal with prongs at the end, what was most interesting was the swirling patterns of crystal upon the key itself. "I can't say if I am able, but if you'll let me keep it overnight...?" Dr. Do hinted to Mr Corn whilst she was scratching her head with her fore hoof. Mr Corn smiled "Not a problem. Dr. Do, take your time." he said "I'll be back..." Dr Do was about to ask another question, but when she looked up, she saw that not only had he gone, but her entire class as well. She felt her stomach rumble. "Ugh...I can't think on an empty stomach..." she moaned and went to the University Cafeteria, the key still having a firm grasp on her conscious thoughts. ################################################################################################ ~University Cafeteria~ Dr. Do took a bite of her Daisy sandwich and stared at the key in her hoof, as if that alone would unlock it's secrets. She thought about this strange Mr Corn, who had just vanished before she could ask where he had found it! "It reminds me of something, a jar or a knife that I saw..." she muttered as she spun the key in her hooves. "Dr. Do!" Called Weight Lift. Spotting his lecturer across the University Cafeteria. He came over quickly "Great! I gotta talk to you-" he said, in his haste, he made Dr. Do spill her glass of Orange Juice. "-Ooo-Oops! Gee, oh Geez, Dr. Do I'm sorry! I didn't mean..." Weight Lift started apologising, as Dr. Do wiped Orange Juice off of herself. "It's just Orange Juice, Weight Lift, What's the problem?" She said, and looked up to Weight Lift. He looked awkwardly around and said "See, I know I'm not doing well in your class. I'm terrible with old stuff. But they'll drop me from the team if I flunk your course..." It was a pre-made speech, and Dr. Do listened, nodding, and absently drawing spirals in the spilt Orange Juice. "Wait a sec! Of Course!" She cried, making Weight Lift stop dead in his tracks. "Huh?" he said clueless. Dr. Do had fire in her eyes as she stood. "The Jastro expedition!" She cried. Weight Lift blank. Dr. Do pointed to the key excitedly and explained "You see the design? The Running Spiral? I knew I had seen it before, it's a very distinctive ancient ritualistic markings!" Weight Lift blank again. What Dr. Do had said had obviously just gone in through one ear and out the other. Dr. Do sighed and gave Weight Lift a look and said in a rather annoyed tone "I thought we covered this in class?" Weight Lift looked away awkwardly, which said everything. "Never mind… we're still storing most of the pieces, and that’s where I’m heading now. As for your grade Weight Lift. See me after class on Friday." she said making a move. Weight Lift just stood there and watched as she dashed off. "Oh Pony Feathers." he muttered to himself, he could tell his Professor was only interested in what the strange pony had shown her. ~Storage~ Daring Do almost galloped to the Archaeology Department Storage. "The Jastro find was dated before the founding of Equestria! No civilisation at that time even had keys...or so was believed!" She thought as she unlocked the store. She hit the light switch and the room lit up, revealing a mass of artefacts and treasures. Daring Do looked through the shelves frantically. She grabbed a chair and stood upon it to get a look right at the top of the shelves. She knew what she was looking for now, and gave a cry as she grabbed it and brought it down to ground level. It was a small Diamond Dog statuette, made of the same metal and had the same crystal spirals running over the Diamond Dog's body. She delicately made space on a nearby table and set the statuette down. Feeling the anticipation, she felt the statuette until she found a small gap, and slowly inserted the key. With a Click! The body popped open to reveal what was inside. Daring Do didn't have any time to see what was inside, as the door was opened by Mr Corn. "Thank you, Dr. Do, now I will take it!" He said using his magic to pick up the open statuette, it slipped out of Daring Do’s hooves and she continuously attempted to grab it as it floated through the air. She failed, as Mr Corn pocketed the statuette in his blue coat and he galloped off "After all, Dr. Do, you did use my key!" He shouted as he charged through the corridors. Daring Do was right on his tail. "Get the guards!" she cried as she passed confused and shocked students as she ran by. She leapt and tackled Mr Corn, taking him to the floor, but he was far stronger and with a strong kick got free. He got to the main doors of the University and there waiting was a wooden cart with a pony ready to charge away. "Hay!" Cried Mr Corn, jumping on the back of the cart. "Go...NOW!" The cart began to pull away, just as Daring Do managed to leap on. "What's your hurry, pal?" Shouted Daring Do, in a hope more to draw attention from on looking ponies as the cart picked up speed. Mr Corn was obviously a tough fighter. Kicking and attempting to grab Daring Do. He was surprised at her reflexes, and clearly had not expected a teacher to be able to defend against his attacks. Finally he managed to grab her and held her over the edge of the cart. The stone road sped below them. If he pushed her she would not be getting back up. He grinned triumphantly "Good bye, Dr. Do!" he said. Daring Do gulped. Weight Lift tackled Mr Corn. Hard. "Don't you hurt my teacher!" Weight Lift cried as he kicked Mr Corn square in the jaw. Daring Do looked up, moth wide as her student fought with Mr Corn. With the advantage, Mr Corn was struggling to hold off both of them. He turned desperately to the driver of the cart. “I think this is a good time to fall back, there’s more competition than I first realised!” Mr Corn yelled. The Driver nodded and weaved in between other ponies pulling carts; during this Mr Corn shoved Weight Lift on top of Daring Do, by the time they both got back to their hooves, Mr Corn had leapt onto a different cart. Mr Corn laughed “Send them on a wild ride! So long!” he cried, causing the pony pulling the cart he was now on to slow, stop, and attempted yell at Mr Corn, as he ran off down an alleyway. Meanwhile it had become difficult for either Daring Do or Weight Lift to jump off, as the pony pulling the cart they were on was now galloping. “I’ll pay you double whatever he was to go after him!” Shouted Daring Do, but she got no response, somehow the pony was running even faster than before. “I’ll pay you ten times just to get you to stop!” Daring Do yelled, now terrified as she saw ponies diving out of their way. The Driver looked back at them and laughed. “So long” The Diver said and removed the harness and ran away from the out of control cart. The two wheel cart slanted forward, and the harness bounced off the ground. “Quick, stand with me Weight Lift; we have to balance out the weight or we’ll be thrown off, and at this speed that’s going to hurt!” She said and grabbed his hoof and moved him to a position beside her so that the cart balanced out. They wobbled slightly, and Daring Do grinned. The grin fell as she saw the road disappear down the longest hill in Canterlot. Weight Lift screamed like a little filly as the cart plunged down the steep hill, Daring Do held him to prevent the cart tipping too far. “Keep it balanced!” Shouted Daring Do to the extremely panicky Weight Lift as the hill came to a levelled section. “Get ready! Hold on to the side of the cart.” Continued Daring Do, they had both just enough time before the cart flew over the edge. “Look out below!” Yelled Daring Do. The cart bounded off the cobblestone road with a clatter, causing several ponies to run screaming. The cart shook, making it extremely difficult to keep balanced. Daring Do noticed the wooden boards they were standing on were coming loose from the violent treatment, also after the heavy landing the wheels were wobbling. “What do we do? What do we do?” Asked Weight Lift as one of the wooden board he was standing on gave way and fell off. Daring Do saw a pony pulling an apple cart crossing, now in the middle of the road. Daring Do knew the pony would not be able to get out of the way. She opened up her wings and began to flap backwards whilst gripping the cart. She just brought it to a gradual stop as they reached the apple cart. Both Daring Do and Weight Lift panted, the pony pulling the apple cart had the most confused look on her face. “Good gravy, Y’all right there sugar cubes? Looks like you just had one hay of a wild ride!” The pony said with a laugh “Ah guess ah learned a valuable lesson about not lookin before crossin the road! Here on the house!” The pony passed two shiny apples before continuing on her way. “Why is there always a fruit cart?” murmured Daring Do, and then looked to Weight Lift, who was already eating his apple. “You need to explain yourself Weight Lift.” she said to him, and Weight Lift swallowed. “I still wanted to talk about my grades! And I thought if I helped maybe… you know? You could do something.” said Weight Lift. Daring Do smiled. “You assaulted an older pony, and then rode on an out of control cart…just to talk about grades? Ha! Congratulations kid, you just passed with flying colours!” she said, shaking his hoof wildly. Weight Lift beamed, but looked confused “Uh thanks! But what was all that about? Anyway?” he asked. “That was a completely average day for me.” Daring Do as she thought over everything that just happened, Mr Corn was extremely determined to get a single artefact from the Jastro excavation, this worried her as she never thought much about the dig. However she knew one pony who took it too far. Weight Lift saw Daring Do thinking. “What’s wrong Dr. Do, you look worried. Can I help?” He asked. Daring Do refocused. “Huh? Oh, yes I need to visit somepony… if you would like to help then can you talk to the Dean of Canterlot University? You need to give an account of everything that’s happened.” She said, and saw Weight Lift wince when she mentioned the Dean, she waved a hoof. “Oh don’t worry. He’s used to this. Anyway I better be off, congratulations on passing again!” Daring Do continued as she ran off, leaving Weight Lift looking extremely confused. “What just happened?” he said to himself as he watched his professor charge across the street. ~To Be Continued~