//------------------------------// // Lunchtime // Story: A Twisted Crush // by Derpsanddinks404 //------------------------------// Featherweight returned to school the next morning feeling a tad exhausted. He'd barely gotten any sleep since his very much abnormal dream last night (y'know, the one with the... kiss). Never in all his colthood did he ever think he'd dream about kissing a filly, even if he had a crush on them! So now, here was Featherweight, tired after waking up at three this morning and falling back to sleep an hour later, where he thankfully did not dream. Featherweight sat at his desk next to the window and placed his backpack next to him. He was getting out his math book when he saw Twist out of the corner of his eye. He turned to look at her, and saw that she was looking at him first! She had a smile on her face, one of the cutest Featherweight had ever seen, and waved to him from across the room. He waved back, feeling a smile appear and his heart speed up a bit while doing it. Unfortunately for both, they weren't the only ones to see this little moment of theirs. "Did you just smile and wave at Twist? Eew, you've got a crush!" Featherweight turned around to see where the annoyance came from. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were standing before him, obviously on their way to their seats before they saw the exchange of smiles. Featherweight instantly felt an uneasy feeling of inferiority when he saw the two spoiled-rotten fillies. They were at the very top of the popularity chain (and in kindergarden, too), and could ruin Featherweight's reputation in milliseconds. Did I mention they both saw Featherweight smile at Twist? "I do not!" Featherweight defended. He may feel like they've got the upper-hand, but he refused to let them say he had a crush (well, he was, but he wouldn't let them know)! "Yes you do! You're head-over-hooves in LOVE with her, aren't you?" mocked Diamond Tiara "Yeah, aren't you?" repeated Silver Spoon, yet again being the sidekick of Diamond Tiara. "Oh, shut up!" Featherweight said bitterly. "Well, look at mister I'm-so-bad-at-hiding-my-feelings,-so-I'll-just-tell-everypony-to-shut-up!" said Diamond Tiara in one long breath. Silver Spoon was about to say her bit of approval when Miss Cheerilee entered the classroom. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon quickly went to their seats, leaving Featherweight in a ticked-off state. He was able to shake it off a minute later and pay attention to his schoolwork. He couldn't wait until lunch, when he could finally sit with Twist and talk in private, without the constant jeering from other school kids. The lunch bell finally rang, after an eternity of heck-on-earth, otherwise known as school (those double-digits were a nightmare!). Featherweight fast-walked outside to find the picnic table Twist usually sat at. Twist normally sat with Apple Bloom, but recently Apple Bloom has been sitting with the other Cutie Mark Crusaders, leaving the earth filly alone. Twist kept claiming to not mind, but even a blind pony could tell she did. Nopony was ever really able to get out of their comfort-zone to sit with her, and the same was truer the other way around. As far as he knew, Featherweight would be the first colt to sit with her. Featherweight saw the filly sitting at her own table in the shade of a cherry tree. Yep, she was all alone. Weirdly enough, this actually made Featherweight feel better. Like, he was going where nopony's gone before, in a good way. He secretly knew that this would make her day, perhaps even more than it'll make his. As he was making his way towards Twist, Featherweight suddenly put down his lunch bag he was carrying in his mouth and opened it. He was looking through what his mother had packed him for something he could trade with Twist. After all, trading was a great way to break an awkward silence, if one appeared. He took note of what he saw: a grilled cheese, raisins, some chocolate milk, and something else... There, at the bottom of the bag, was an object wrapped in tin foil with a sticky note attached. Featherweight inspected the unknown object and found out it was a cookie! He didn't know what to think of this; his mother never packed him cookies. He then looked to the note, hoping for an explanation. He wasn't that well of a reader yet, but he made was able to decipher the note: For your special somepony. -Mom Featherweight felt an overwhelming amount of pride in his mother. He made a mental note to thank her unconditionally after school. For now, though, he now had another gift to give Twist! Featherweight approached the peach-colored filly and worked his greeting in his head. Hey, Twist. My mom packed me this cookie for you. Hope you like it!, or maybe Wassup hot stuff? Gotcha a cookie, not like you need to be any sweeter. In the end, Featherweight chose an even easier start. "Hey there, Twist!" he said. Yep, keeping it simple is the best way, he thought. The earth pony was a bit startled by the suddenness of the colt's appearance, but as soon as she saw who he was, she welcomed him with the warmest of smiles. "Oh, hi again, Featherweight!" she said with her signature lisp. "Mind if I sit with you?" Featherweight offered with a nervous, yet friendly smile back. "Of course you can! I was just sitting here alone, so you won't take anypony's seat." Yeah, I kinda noticed Featherweight thought to himself. Featherweight sat down next to the filly, trying to determine how close he could get before it got awkward. He placed his lunch bag on the picnic table and wondered if he should give it to her now, or wait to break the ice first. He decided the latter was better. "So, how's everything going?" asked Featherweight, eager to listen to every word Twist said. "Oh, nothing much, really," answered Twist. "How about you?" "Same." Featherweight realized that no, nothing did not happen. He wanted to tell Twist his feelings for her, how he loved her, how he had dreamed of her. He motivated himself to do it, but he just couldn't. Not this early in the conversation. "About that kiss yesterday..." Twist started with a hint of embarrassment. Featherweight was surprised that she would bring the subject up. He wasn't planning on it himself, and was starting to wonder if it would ever be unburied from history. And of all foals, he was really surprised it was Twist, the very filly who gives Fluttershy a challenger to see who's shyest. "...I hope you don't think any less of me," she continued. "I was just so surprised, and so happy that somepony would do something so great for me. And also, I kinda..." She paused. "... Like you." The filly held her breath as she waited for a response from Featherweight, an obvious look of shock as to what she just admitted on her face. A look of shock was also apparent on Featherweight's face. Did she just say she liked him? As in, how he liked her? Featherweight felt like a ton of bricks was lifted from him. Now it would be easier to tell her that he likes her too! "Do you mean, like like me?" Featherweight asked in hopes of an affirmative. "Y-yes," answered Twist with a shy smile. "Well, I... I kinda like you too. Like, like you, I mean," responded Featherweight, lifting Twist's spirits along with his own. The two foals smiled at each other, glad that the elephant in the room was finally acknowledged. Now was a great time to give Twist her gift, Featherweight figured. He reached into his bag and pulled out the tin foil, without the note of course. He nudged it over to Twist with his muzzle. "I got this for you," he explained, " to show that I'm not lying." Twist took the gift and unwrapped the tin foil. Inside was a chocolate chip cookie with chocolate chunks. Twist beamed at the treat, happy that her crush had given her yet another gift. "Oh thank you, Featherweight!" thanked the filly with her lisp. "I love cookies! Oh, I wish I could have gotten you something! You don't need to shower me with these gifts." "Oh, it's nothing," assured Featherweight.. "Your happiness is all I need." The foals laughed in merriment at their moment together. Lunch went by at its normal pace, with the two foals-in-love enjoying their lunch. They talked for most of the period, conversing about their day after the kiss, the day so far, and about how they liked each other. Featherweight enjoyed every second he spent with Twist, and by the look on her face he could tell the feeling was mutual. Neither were planning on the D word, being that they were only foals and that stuff was only for teenagers and adults. They were happy just being two kindergardeners in a crush with each other. Once the recess bell rang, both foals walked together to throw out their trash (Twist saved her cookie for another time; she was a bit full at the moment). They then proceeded to spend recess together, ignoring the looks on other colts' and fillies' faces at the pair. Besides, they were too busy lost in each others existence to even notice the looks, especially the ones of disgust from Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. The inevitable last bell of the day rang after what Featherweight wished to be an eternity. Alas, the two had to separate and go on home, not being able to see each other until tomorrow. Featherweight refused his gut feeling, and asked the following question: "Wanna hang out after school?" Twist liked the idea, and promised she'd ask her mother if either he could come over or she could go over to his house. Featherweight mentioned that the first was the better idea, considering he had a big pain-in-the-flank, also known as a big brother. The two nodded in agreement, and finally parted, hoping to see each other later on (if it was a yes, Twist's mom would call Featherweight's and tell her so). Featherweight watched his first crush walk to the left of the first fork in the road as he took the right. This is where they separated, and yet where they would meet again next time. Featherweight couldn't wait until next time.