//------------------------------// // Alternate Ending // Story: The House on the Edge // by WillowmistPegasus //------------------------------// Bang. Quickly looking ahead of themselves, the Cutie Mark Crusaders found themselves in front of a heavy wooden door. After a split second of staring, they determined what it was. They had found the exit. "SNORTLE AT THE SPOOKY! HAHEHEHEHE!" The voice rang behind them. Quickly scrambling to their hooves, they charged at the door, attempting to open it. It was to no avail. Locked. They continued the struggle to open the door. They could hear the clattering of hoofsteps behind them. Eventually, they found themselves punching the door. "HELP US! LET US OUT!" screamed Sweetie Belle as she continued to smash her hooves into the door. The hoofsteps slowed, but got more audible. Eventually, the clattering stopped. Slowly turning around, they found the Pegasus mare standing behind them. They let out a shill cry, a sliver of rainbow and the glint of stainless steel being the last thing they seen before the lights were flicked on. Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle found themselves looking at a cyan Pegasus with a spiky rainbow mane. It was Rainbow Dash. Rainbow dropped the knife on the ground and plummeted to the floor laughing. "You... you SHOULD HAVE SEEN THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE!" she yelled as she continued to laugh hysterically, rolling around on the floor. She finally cooled down, and got back up. "Pfft, you guys are HILARIOUS! I knew I chose the right ponies to prank this year!" Rainbow could see tears forming in the girls' eyes. Even though knowing it was a prank, some things still ran around in their minds. "Rainbow Dash, WHY?! You nearly scared us to death!" yelled Scootaloo as she tackle-hugged Dash. "Aw, cheer up kid. It was just a prank." she explained with a grin. Scoots looked up at the cyan Pegasus she was hugging. "What about the smell? The blood? What about Pinkie Pie?" Rainbow Dash laughed and looked down at the small orange filly. "The smell was just some rotting wood I found. It seemed pretty bucking nasty-" Rainbow stopped abruptly. "Oops, dang it. Sorry Scoots, just... don't repeat that word, okay?" Scootaloo nodded, and Rainbow Dash continued with her explanation. "And the blood? That was just paint. Pretty easy." said the rainbow-maned mare as she continued. "And about Pinkie Pie? I faked her death so we could use the entire week to plan for a Nightmare Night prank!" she finalized. "Pinkie, come on out here! The prank's up!" shouted Rainbow Dash. A few seconds later, the thumping of hooves on wood got louder and louder until a pink Earth Pony popped out from the stairwell, just finishing the removal of her suit. "They TOTALLY fell for it!" she laughed as she nudged Pinkie into the room. "Hey!" greeted Pinkie joyfully as she bounced around the house. "See, we made this REALLY cool suit that looked so creepy, we just had to use it." explained Dash innocently. Pinkie stopped bouncing and let out a long, high gasp, which normally signaled that she had an idea. "Hey!" How's about we go to Sugarcube Corner and have a bite of my own super-duper special Nightmare Night cake!" she reccomended happily. Everypony else nodded, and the group of ponies set out from the small wooden shack towards Ponyville. That Nightmare Night was the best Nightmare Night that the Crusaders ever had.