//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: My little pony: OCs are Magic // by loopertooper //------------------------------// The sun shining down on Critical weighed him as he traveled towards his house carrying a large duffel bag. He moved swiftly without hesitation. “If Hyper isn’t home soon, I’m going to kill him with all my might" Cricial exclaims as he opens the door, seeing Hyper in the back yard. "STOP!" which stopped Hyper from going into a army stance. "Training time, speedy!" As Critical drops the duffel bag, a loud metallic clammer writhes from inside. What's in the bag?" Hyper pondered. "They're gifts from Smith." Then Critical began to open the duffel bag. "Smith? Oh, the Blacksmith." Critcal seemed satisfied for his genius paronomasia, making an eerie smirk. "Hey, bro, you oka-" Without hesitation, the stainless sword was drawn two inches from Hyper's muzzle. You need a stronger skill than speed; your power is speed, so I got some swords and other weapons to create combos we can use." "..." Critical raised the sword and swung. Hyper blindly dodged, however getting scathed on his right hoof. Hyper grabbed the edge of the blade, and turned to his brother. "I've got one set up; charge at me, then strafe right and left. Then, launch the target into the air, HIGH into the AIR. Then, pass them by, and DROP THEM HARD!" Critical's overly enthusiasm sent goosebumps down Hyper's back. "What do I hit?" Critical levitated a rapier from the bag, cocked his head, and squared off with Hyper, whom already broke into an obnoxiously uproarious laughter. "YOU, I'll frickin' kill you!" Hyper, once again, rolled on the ground laughing. "As a gentleman, I know how to wield a sword." Hyper, chuckling, picked up his blade in his mouth. "Fine, ring it Crit." Hyper mumbled through the sword in his mouth. Hyper darted at Critical, cutting his mouth with every passing second. He swung the sword at Crit, whom simply parries out of his mouth. "......" Hyper slowly grasps his sword back into his mouth. Hyper took off in place. As he did so, his tattoo shone brightly. "Good, you can control it. Now, use the combo on me, but don't me or hit me. Because you will fail, and get hurt, so I'll have to tend your wounds. And I can't do that, 'cause I'm tired." Hyper growled and darted. In Crit's perspective, his brorther became a blur. "COME ON!" Critical tauned his easily swayed brother. Hyper sped quickly towards Critical, strafing from left to right. Once he reached Critical, he lauched him into the sky, pretending that there is someone there. "HAMMER DROP!" Hyper dropped into the ground, leaving a huge crater in their backyard. "... WHAT THE HELL MAN?" Hyper laughed at his accomplishment; Critical couldn't help but gape at the large crater in his garden. His garden! Soon enough, though, he joined in the laugh. "Good job, I'm impress...?" Crit stopped motionless. "A shiver...come on!" Critical packed the weapons and grabbed onto his brother. "Move, we will scan the town." Hyper seemed confused, but he just went on ahead. Hyper and Critical flew through the town, seeing no problems. "Dude, let's stop in and say hi to Bronze and Blaze." Hyper stopped on a roof across from the Sugarcube Corner. Crit pulled him down before he could move. "WHAT?" Critical shushed Hypercritical. Crit pointed his hoof at the two stallions walking down the street. Hyper looked at the sight, at the pegasus standing before them. "Dark Storm!" Storm was trotting with another pegasus. His light brown coat, dark black mane/ crimson highlighted mane and tail, and video game cutie mark depiced no one that they were knew. Scanning the stranger, Hyper noticed a tattoo. "That must be Dark Storm's partner, we should be careful. Dark Storm beat us single-handedly. With his partner, we stand no chance.: Critical stated blatantly. Hyper nodded. Storm and his partner stopped right outside of Sugarcube Corner. "Do it." Storm looked at his partner, who raised his hoof. The other pegasus's tattoo lit up brightly. Then, his partner lowered his hoof. Once he did, all nearby lamp posts and electrical objects flickered out. A surge of electricity stuck Crit and Hyper, freezing them in place. "I can't move." Hyper looked at Crit, who looked as frozen as he was. Storm and his companion moved into Sugarcube Corner. "Welcome, sorry we are having some technical difficulties. While we get it sorted out, please sit down and we can get to you ASAP." Bronze smiled as he went off to the kitchen. Storm and his partner seated themselves. Blaze came out of the kitchen in a pink apron that read "PARTY WITH THE CHEF". Blaze hid his face in the apron while going up to the table of Dark Storm. “Yeah, what can I get you two fine… gentlecolts.” Blaze fidgeted and looked towards the kitchen where Pinkie Pie was laughing. Blaze looked at who the customers were and freaked. “OH CRAP! YOU! BRONZE IT’S DARK STORM!” Dark Storm stood at his introduction and stuck his hoof out to Blaze. “Pleasure to see you again; careful people say my hoofshakes are HOT!” Just then, Storm’s hooves erupted into flames. The inexpectancy caused Blaze Arlis to jump back, frighteningly; Bronze came out of the kitchen. “What the? Who are you?” Bronze pointed to the pegasus next to Storm. “I’m Brice, Storm’s partner-in-crime.” The two laughed maniacally. Bronze and Blaze looked at each other, knowing they stood no chance. They planned on drawing the two outside to hopefully find some way to beat them. Bronze started for the door, but Brice didn’t want them to leave. “No, you’re not leaving. SURGE." As Brice said this, he struck his hoof against the ground. Again his tattoo lit up, and electricity halted all the ponies from moving. “My, my you are stopped so easily.” The two laughed at the misfortune of Bronze and Blaze. “Yo, Batty and Battery. You forgot little old us!” Hyper bust through the window and grabbed Storm and Brice. Hyper's immaturity was surprisingly intimidating for Dark Storm and Brice. The villains felt their skin crawl. “Who you calling Batty, you crazy pegasus?” Dark Storm right-hooked Hyper, a simple crack broke the silence. “NOW!” Hyper yelled. Just then, a hail of blades, spears, and other weapons came from the nearby roof, spearing into Storm and Brice. “Nice, direct hit!” Critical poked his head out from the roof and smiled. “You COLT OF A -!” Hyper bucked Storm in the face before he could finish. Critical came down off the roof to get back the weapons, facing the two impaled enemies in front of him. Storm and Brice got up, still filled with holes and scratches. “Well, seems Storm didn’t properly portray to me how strong you two really are. I’m sorry to underestimate you. Please, let me treat you as you deserve.” Brice bowed and immediately lit up his tattoo. Critical and Hyper backed up and prepared to fight. “You two seem confused; let me explain before you die.” “What if we live, then you’ll just have doomed yourselves for a later battle?” Critical smirked at his competitor. “Well, then think of it as veteran assistance for you fillies. Those “tattoos” are called Sigils of Partnership. The sigils are halves, and your partner has the other side. Some are cliché and unoriginal, like ours. My sigil is lightning, Storm’s is fire. Yours is different; it is complete, meaning your sigils show both extremes. What it is, I don’t know, yet it is the key to strength for these events. We are both pegasi, yet we can do more than fly, as you’ve seen. I’ve told you enough, now let me bless you with the gift that you deserve, our full power!” “Thank you for your explanation, and now please do attack at us with your full power you cliché villain.” Critical lifted his rapier and prepared. “SURGE!” Brice slammed his hoof on the ground, sending electricity through the earth. “As you can feel, I have the ability to make even the ground surge with electricity. Now, Storm, let’s finish them off.”Storm nodded. “Hyper, break out using your speed!” Critical winced in pain. Hyper used his sigil to speed out of the trap. “Damn it!” Storm was about to charge Hyper, yet Brice stuck up his hoof. “Wings have muscles, don’t you forget. And if you shock muscles enough, they lock down.” Brice sent a lightning bolt straight at Hyper’s wings. Once hit, Hyper’s wings locked up, making him plummet to the ground. “HYPER!” Critical screamed. Hyper quickly kicks off the wall of a nearby house, launching towards Critical. He grabs Critical and places him on a nearby roof. “Stay here; you can’t control your sigil.” Critical couldn’t complain. He watched as his brother jumped off towards Brice. “Yo, Blue Bird! Help!” As Hyper jumped over, he saw that Blaze and Bronze were fighting Storm and Brice. “RUN!” Hyper charged at Brice with a furiating blow. “So, you return!” Storm intercepted Hyper, and launched Hyper into a wall. “Now, let’s see you get out of this problem!” Storm came up and ignited his hooves, and proceeded to combo Hyper on the wall. Critical looked off the roof, and saw his brother helpless to get away from Storm’s flurry. Critical felt the feeling of responsibility for Hyper’s pain. “STOP!” All eyes turned to Critical. His sigil lit up and 7 spears appeared out of thin-air. “Away!” Critical sent the spears into Storm’s hooves. “Stay out of this.” Brice attacked Critical; as a defensive maneuver, Crit would morph weapons with his sigil, but, however, everytime he drew a weapon, he would bleed. “I’ve got this!” Hyper flew over to Brice; he strafed left and right, and launched Brice into the sky. Higher, higher, higher, and once he reached a good point, Hyper flew past Brice and dive bombed. “STORM!” Storm charged for Brice and Hyper. Storm tried to punch Hyper, but missed. “HAMMMMERRR DROPPP!” As Hyper and Brice landed, all objects around were blasted away by the immense blast. Hyper quickly joined his brother, while Storm helped Brice up. “Complete Surge.” Brice weakly used his power, this time completely locking down Critical and Hyper’s movement. “That’s it, let’s finish them for good.” Storm and Brice’s sigils lit brightly. Then, Brice’s left hoof lit up with electricity, while Storm’s right hoof lit up with flames. “Once two ponies can master their abilities, they can even mix their powers into an ultimate team attack. Until Brice mastered surge, this attack was pointless, 'cause there was no target.” “BLAZING CIRCUIT!” As they renounced their attack, they slammed their hooves together. The ground and all electrical objects burst into flames. “Blazing Circuit allows us to make an electrical circuit explode, yet it was pointless. Now even the ground is a circuit, so it is a trump card.” As the flames came closer to the brothers, they saw a flash of light. “Stop this foolish dribble, and bow to your princesses!” Princess Luna and Princess Celestia appeared, and quelled the flames. “Damn, Brice, we need to bolt.” Storm was about to flee, when Brice stopped him. “They are our opponents.” Brice pointed at the sigils on the princesses. “We need to beat them, SURGE!” Brice used his powers to no avail. “You attack your princess? Does thou have a death wish? Let me answer your wish with my beautiful moon.” Luna looked at Brice. “Lunar Descent.” A sphere of pure ice came down on command, almost toppling Brice, but Storm knocks it away. “Back off, this tyrant is mine.” Luna twitched to the word “tyrant”. “Sister kill the other one, I’ll take care of this rebel.” Celestia took off as did Luna, leaving Hyper, Critical, Blaze, and Bronze to sit and wonder at the princesses’ strength, nomming on their popcorn a kernel at a time. “No one can survive my electricity, THUNDER PULSE!” A pulse of electricity took down the two sisters. “Luna, we aren’t at full power yet. We are in danger.” Luna got her balance after being grounded by the pulse. “We can’t lose.” Luna tried to move, but a wound on her hoof stops her. “Good, now that we are sitting, COMPLETE SURGE!” Hyper quickly grabbed Critical and took off to avoid the surge. The princesses felt the blast and were stunned indefinitely. “Critical, use your power on me.” Hyper darted out to defend the princesses. Critical waited for the moment to strike. “Have you felt the cold wind?” Hyper flew over the two. “What? He is still alive?” Storm watched for an opportunity, though Hyper flew in front of the sun, and immediately blinded Storm and Brice. “What, how?” Brice covered his injured eyes. As Hyper flapped his wings, clangs and scratches of metal filled the air. “Now feel the winds wrath, WIND LASH!” As Hyper flew over the two, they were slashed. “Gahh… he didn’t even get close? Is he really that fast?” Brice looked at Storm. “Time to finish him. CONTROL!” As Brice stomped his hoof into the earth, his entire body lit up. “Go, ignite!” “PHOENIX!” Storm flew towards Hyper, and ignited into nothing but fire. Storm intercepted Hyper and slammed into Hyper’s side, also getting cut up by Hyper’s wings. “I… can’t… hold...out.” Critical’s eyes and mouth were gushing with blood, which caused him to black out. The blades disappeared and Hyper was defenseless. Once Hyper was close to the ground, Brice used his control power to block Hyper in with rock spires. “DEATH OF A PHEONIX!” Storm dived and landed directly into Hyper, knocking him unconscious. “SOLAR CRESCENT!” As Storm and Brice were fighting Hyper, they forgot about the princesses. As Celestia called, the sun came down, darkening the land. She broke it into a crescent and threw the crescent at the Brice and Storm, leaving two large gashes in their side that imploded in flames. Celestia moved the sun back, while Luna finished the two. “Feel the burn forever, Cold Preservation!” Luna used her ice to make Brice feel the fire burning inside him forever, but the feeling of intense pain, doubled with the fire spreading to his organs killed him. “Let your inside be nothing but ice!” Luna stuck the tip of her royal hoof into one of the wounds on Storm and froze his insides. As Storm gasped, he looked for Brice, but couldn’t see him. Then, poor, defenseless Dark Storm died of hypothermia. “Princess Celestia?” Twilight came over with Pinkie Pie, who warned her about the two ponies destroying Sugarcube Corner. “Twilight, meet us at the library, I will explain everything there. Bronze and Blaze, grab the boys and bring them to the library." Everypony nodded, and spread out. (It’s been awhile everypony. Time for some thanks. Colorlove and Potion Note weren’t featured in this chapter, but they will be back soon. Colorlove- bigMAREmac, Potion Note-B_Bubble132, Bronze- epicdonus1123 (my epic editor), Blaze “Ghosty” Arlis- BronyGC, Over Critical- Donceluzza(my semi-epic bro), Hyperactive- MEEE(THE EPIC OF EPIC EPICNESS). Now we thank the dead; Dark Storm- Hardcore Gamer59, and new to the thanks board (and now dead) Brice= -MeamZ- (Its different because he has dashes in his name, didn’t want to confuse ponies. THANKS AND RIP DARK STORM AND BRICE. /))