Digimon Crusaders

by Klonoahedgehog

Save the Digital Village! part 2

We now return to Digimon Crusaders.

We flash over to the base of the mysterious tower, on the base there were quite a few Digimon each possesed with a Dark ring. The human had her back against the wall looking as if deep in thought with her arms folded. Her Kazemon landed right beside her with an annoyed expression. "Yo Gilda! Why are we still waiting here? Those punks are the ones who interfiered with our groups plan!"

"I'm normally the thinking type Kazemon, but those punks showed that they got strength but i think iv'e got a plan." She unfolded her arms and looked at the Digimon around her. Kazemon looked at her confused. "It's simple, if there really Digidestined then there gonna investigate anything suspicious. And this tower isn't exactly fitting in." She said then put her hand on the Tower. "And once they arrived we'll ambush them!" Then an evil smile grew on her face. Kazemon smiled as well.



Apple Bloom and the others were walking through the path just outside of the village, Each of them with looks of confidence, except Hawkmon who had a uncertain look. "Girls are you sure this is a good idea? I'm telling you were in over our heads." Scootaloo rolled her eyes at Hawkmon's comment, she turned over to him and said. "How are we in over our heads? Have you seen what we can do in a fight? I say were on a roll!"

"2 Wins don't guarantee that we'll win every time!" Scootaloo just ignored him and looked up front. Hawkmon sighed. "How did i get paired up with a human like you?"

There destination was coming into view. "All right, let's go!" Said Apple Bloom then she started running with Coronamon not far behind. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked at each other and ran to her as well Armadillomon following them. Hawkmon sighed but then followed them but at a slower pace.

Once they got to the tower they looked around but there wasn't a soul in sight. Apple Bloom confused, they thought that this was where that human went earlier. "Well, we might as well tear that thing down, Jijimon said this thing is the source of there problems right?" Said Coronamon.

Scootaloo looked at Hawkmon with a sarcastic expression causing Hawkmon to look at her confused. "In over our heads huh?" Hawkmon just rolled her eyes. The three of them began to charged there attacks and aimed at the tower. Before there attacks could hit it however.

Hurricane wave!

And the attack landed in front of them. "Huh!?" They yelled, Kazemon landed in front of them, then a bunch of Digimon appeared from the trees surrounding them. "It's an ambush!" yelled Coronamon. Gilda's voice could be heard from behind the Digimon. "We got you now chumps! This is what you get for medeling in our plans!" She pointed her finger over to the girls and yelled. "Get them!"

Gilda's party attacked in full force. "Digiarmor energize!!" The Girls yelled in unison. Coronamon Digivolved into Buckermon, Hawkmon Digivolved into Shynermon and Armadillomon Digivolved into RareDigmon. Blocking all of there attacks and jumping into battle!

The Girls jumped onto RareDigmon's back and he began running, some of the Digimon chased after them but Buckermon and Shynermon jumped in and just punched them sending said Digimon flying. "Nice shot!" Yelled Shynermon. "And you sai you were worried." Said Buckermon with a smile on hi's face.

He took hi's blaster and tried to aim at one of the Digimon's black rings but another one jumped him before he could shoot.
"Buckermon!" Yelled Apple Bloom. Shynermon shot hi's Fluttering swarm attack and shot the Digimon back.

"Aw yeah!" Yelled Scootaloo fist pumping. RareDigmon dropped them off and ran back to help his friends.

Meanwhile in the bushes the same Tamer from before and her partner were watching from the sidelines. The Tamer chuckled a bit at what was happening. "This is too good!" Her partner poked her leg and asked.

"Don't you think they've had enough? I think it's time we helped them out." Then she moved a bit trying to get out of the bush but The tamer put her hand on the partners. "Just wait a bit." She said and gave a mischifevious smile, her partner surrendered and stayed to see how much longer they would last.

"Diamond storm!" Yelled RareDigmon to one of the Digimon knocking it out but it immeadiately got up and shot Raredigmon.
"Oh no!" Yelled Sweetie Belle. "Double barrel Barrage!" Yelled Buckermon, shooting a ton of shots to another one but that Digimon dodges it swiftly and punches Buckermon in the stomach. Apple Bloom got really nervous over how the battle would end on.

"Fluttering swarm!!" And the swarm then hit that Digimon sending flying. Shynermon went to help Buckermon up, but when he did Buckermon degenerated into Coronamon. "There's too many of them..." Said Raredigmon walking to there side as well.

Gilda laughed at them lying on the ground. "Looks like you punks got served!" Buckermon looked at her with an angry expression as well as the other two Digimon. Gilda yells at her servants. "Now get rid of them!" The Digimon gathered around them and charged there attacks. "I can't watch." Said Sweetie.

They were about to launch there attacks at them when......

Lunar claw!!

Everyone gave there own surprised expressions comprised of "What The!?", "Who!?" "What!?" And "Huh!?"
The Digimon that were previously surrounding them fell to the floor degenerating into in training Digimon of many kind like Stunomon and Tanemon.

There attacker landed in front of them, it appeared to be at the Rookie level confusing the Digimon on how a Rookie could take them out. The Digimon also appeared to be some sort of Rabbit with a Moon symbol on it's chest. "Hiya!" She says.

The Digimon and the girls just blinked at how casually this Digimon appeared. "Uh thanks." Said Coronamon. However Gilda wasn't pleased, she immediately yelled. "You'r gonna pay for that you little punk!" And Kazemon said. "I'll get her." And flew over really fast.

She took out her fist getting ready to punch the little Digimon but before it could hit she dodged it. "Tear shot!" She yelled and a ball of water appeared out of an antenna on her head sending Kazemon flying back. The Digimon ran towards Kazemon "Lunar claw!!" she yells. But Kazemon gets ready to kick before she could hit her however the Little Digimon grabs her legs with her claws. "How did you get so strong?" She asks. "I guess it's just expirience..." She says.

"Tear shot!" She yells, the antenna being the only thing free hit Kazemon with a blast of water sending Kazemon down to the ground. the Little Digimon lands in front of her. Kazemon gets up trying to fight again when.... "Kazemon stop! Were leaving!" Kazemon looks over to Gilda and she has the same expression as before.

"Why Gilda? These kids are a danger to us!" Gilda nods. "Yeah but were outnumbered! We need to head back." Kazemon reluctantly surrenders flying back to Gilda. "Hey! Come back here!" Yells Scootaloo but Gilda takes something out of her Pocket the same thing as Trixie and throws it to the ground a ton of smoke coming out.

Once the smoke dissipated they noticed that Gilda was nowhere to be found. "They got away again...." Said Scootaloo folding her arms. Shynermon and RareDigmon Degenerated into the Rookie forms and limped to there partners. The little Digimon walks over to our heroes. "Here." She says handing what appeared to be fruits to them. "Huh?" Asks Apple Bloom.

"Cmon take them." She says. "....Whats the catch?" Asked Scootaloo all sceptical. "Don't worry guys." Coronamon walked over to the Digimon more like limped to her and put hi's arm around her. "She's my friend." He said smiling. "WHAT!?" All the humans said in unison.

Coronamon then he grabbed one of the fruits and took a huge bite out of it, when he did a small light covered him then it just faded. "Hey it worked! Thanks Lunamon!" Then he turned to Lunamon and asked the question. "Hey, where have you been all this time? I haven't seen you in Canterlot in a while." Lunamon scratched the back of her head then said. "Well i'd rather not get into the details, but long story short i met this human and we got to be friends so Princess Luna made me her partner."

She pointed to Apple Bloom and the others and said. "She's about you're age too." The three of them looked at each other then looked back at Lunamon. "So....Can we meet this Tamer?" Lunamon scratched her head again then looked at them. "Well i don't think she wants to see you at the moment. You see she thinks she's way out of you'r league." Scootaloo got a little angry at that and stomped the ground. "Who does this tamer of you'rs think she is!?" Apple Bloom got a bit more curious about this tamer.

Lunamon shrugs and gives the fruit to Hawkmon and Armadillomon and they took a bite out of them which made them get healed up. "Well i gotta go." Coronamon asked. "Will we bump into each other again?" "Don't worry, i'm sure we'll see each other again soon, See you later Coronamon!" She yelled and then ran off. "Hey wait a second!" Yelled Apple Bloom as she went chasing after Lunamon.

When she caught up it looked to her that a Digi port just closed. 'Did she head to the Real world?' She thought to herself but someone called out to her. "Hey Apple Bloom! We got to tear down the tower! remember?" It was Scootaloo. Coronamon spoke up and said. "Don't worry! I'll take care of it!" Then he got into a battle stance and yelled out. "Corona Knuckle!!!" And punched the tower, breaking it apart. As it fell down the data it was made of dispersed.

"Good job Coronamon!"


Back in the Village Jijimon and Babamon were looking out there window, noticing the Black Tower collapsing, Babamon walked over to Flamemon still lying in bed with Gigimon, DemiVeemon and Koromon sitting around him. They all noticed once the Dark energy dispersed that Flamemon started moving. "He's getting up!" Yelled Koromon.

"Ugh....Huh?" Flamemon opened hi's eyes to a bit of a rude awakening..... "YOU'RE ALRIGHT!!" Yelled the 3 jumping on top of him, making him flinch in the process. "What the heck guys!?" He yelled. The 3 little Digimon hugging him very, very hard. "Sorry!" "We were just very worried about you!" Said Two of the Digimon.

A few knocks were heard in the front door and Jijimon went to see who it was. When he opened the door he saw the Girls and there partners. "Oh you've returned! Come in!" Jijimon led the kids into hi's house to see what happened to Flamemon. "You arrived just in time! Flamemon had just awoken." Sweetie Belle asked. "Really?" Jijimon nods and leads him to the room where he was laying in.

Once they got there Flamemon noticed them and immediately got up and gave them an angry look. "Humans!" He took off trying to attack them but Coronamon, Hawkmon and Armadillomon jumped in front of them. "Hold it!" Yelled Coronamon. "Are you really gonna side with them!? "Sir, if it wasn't for these humans right here you would still be lying in bed! Maybe even have gotten Deleted." Said Hawkmon bluntly.

"Really?" Asked Flamemon raising an eyebrow. All the Digimon around him agreed saying things like. "They saved us when you were being controlled!" And. "They personally went on a mission to tear down the black tower!" Flamemon lowered hi's guard at them feeling a bit ashamed that he tried to attack what seemed like some new heroes for the Digital World. "Well, i guess i'm really sorry guys." He said rubbing the back of hi's head.

"Hey don't worry about it." Said Scootaloo.

"Yeah we all make mistakes." Said Sweetie Belle.

Coronamon stood up and stretched. "Well i guess we should be heading off." "Were are you going?" Asked Flamemon. "Our families might be getting worried about us so we should be getting back home." The three little Digimon walked over to them and Demi Veemon asked. "Will we.....See you again?" Apple Bloom put her hand on hi's head and said. "Sure we will!" And smiled.

The group of 6 walked out the door waving goodbye to the Digimon inside. They walked out of the town to the spot where they entered the Digital world so they could open the Digiport there, while walking Apple Bloom lowered her head to Coronamon's height and asked. "Coronamon, do ya know who this Lunamon's tamer is?" Coronamon shock hi's head.
"If i knew who it was i would have mentioned it to you guys earlier." He then shrugged. Apple Bloom scratched her head


Lunamon and her tamer jumped out of a laptop in her room, holding her Digivice and making it jump in her hands. The room itself felt like it belonged to somebody who was very rich. "Are you sure it was a good idea to keep yourself hidden?" "Look if i did show myself to those losers they would have gone and whined to the Princesses. Let's wait a bit and see if Apple Bloom and you'r brother have what it takes to actually fight in you'r world."

She then walks over to the door. "I'm gonna get something from the kitchen, do you want anything?" Lunamon yawns. "Not really, i fought so hard today i'm beat, i think i'm going to bed." She stretches and jumps into bed. Her tamer opens the door and smiles.

"Well goodnight."

Ending theme.