//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Warrior Cats: The Fifth Clan // by Luna Plays Minecraft //------------------------------// "Bluestar, why have you called us here?" A black she cat asked. "I will tell you when everyone has arrived." Bluestar replied. Two more cats came out of the mist. "Leopardstar, Nightstar. It's always good to see you." Bluestar said respectfully. "Same to you. I trust you have a good reason for calling us?" Leopardstar said. "Yes. It is very important, and will affect every clan." Bluestar told them. "Well don't leave us in suspense, what is it?" Tallstar appeared behind her. "Well since everyone is here, I will begin. As I said, this will affect every clan. Many strange cats will come from a different land. We must teach them our ways, and they will become a new clan, Lightclan." Bluestar said. "You all must go and tell each clan of what is to come." All five cats sat there, thinking about what was going to come. "Did you just make up the name Lightclan?" Leopardstar asked. "Yes..." Bluestar said. "Now go, and do what I told you!" Bluestar said. All of the cats walked away, grumbling.