//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Magic is Complex // Story: Failure Isn't In Store For You // by Kiernan //------------------------------// Chapter 2: Magic is Complex Fluttershy had began to wonder if Twilight was even awake yet. This had been the third time she had knocked,and still she waited at the doorstep. Mayhap, she could have knocked louder, but if Twilight was asleep, she didn't want to wake her, or their guest, who had been carried up from the lab, and left to rest in Twilight's guest room. She turned to leave, and was halfway back to the road, when Spike opened the door, carrying a pail of trash just larger than himself. "Oh, hey Fluttershy!" he said with a smile. "Twilight's in the lab, if you wanted to talk to her." He leaned in closer, so only Fluttershy could hear, even though nopony was around this early, and whispered, "And our guest is awake, and with Twilight." "Thanks, Spike. Let me know if you need any help, okay?" she offered, stepping inside. As if to say all was ell and good, Spike flashed her a Thumbs-up. Fluttershy knew her way around the library very well by now, having spent a good portion of the last two years studying there, practicing and honing her new magical abilities under Twilight's tutelage in the safety of her lab, away from prying eyes.She knew there were prejudiced opinions, even in a place like Ponyville, so she decided to keep her abilities secret until she had to. Besides, she wasn't very good, yet, considering she just summoned a creature she had never seen before, and had no idea what it was, or capable of. Best to play it safe for now. She opened the door to the lab, and stepped in, closing the door quietly behind her. she could hear a voice talking at the bottom of the stairs, deeper than Twilight's, but not quite as deep as Big Macintosh's. She assumed that it must belong to their guest. She quickly trotted down the stairs, to find them sitting on the floor, Twilight scribbling on a notepad, the other drinking something from a canteen. "And I'm afraid that's all I know about the automotive industry," he said, looking up at the yellow contrast against the brown wall coming down the stairs. "Good morning, Fluttershy." Fluttershy stopped in her tracks, and looked, almost fearfully, at Nick. "How did... How'd you know my name?" she asked. Twilight turned to face Fluttershy, a focused look on her face. "Fluttershy, meet Nick. He's a human, and he knows all of our friends names, and even had a brief description of all of them. I was surprised when I found out, too. Turns out he knows quite a bit about Equestria, including the difference between Winters Moon and Hearths Warming. There was even some things that I didn't know about that went on here in Equestria." "Well, I know my fair share of it. I'm sure some of my friends know more about it than me..." Nick blushed, turned his head, and scratched the back of his neck it was only then that Twilight saw the sharp, pointed objects at the end of his fingers. "Are you a carnivore?" she asked, a bit afraid of the answer. "No, I'm an omnivore. I eat a combination of meats and plants. There are sciences though, that say we can draw all our necessary nutrients from plants alone. Humans who follow that theory are vegetarians. I was already leaning more into that, myself, so the change in diet won't be too drastic." ""Then why do you have those claws?" she asked, pointing toward his right hand. "These are my fingernails. They'll continue to grow for the rest of my life. The reason they're sharpened as they are is because they look cooler in my eyes. They do have their uses like this, though. Like a higher precision, albeit weaker strength. Also, there are no nerve endings, so they can be pushed a little further than skin alone. Besides, they're only on my right hand..." He held out both hands, and, sure enough, the fingernails on his left were short and blunt, unable to cut cheese as they were. "Now, Fluttershy, I understand that you're the one that brought me here?" asked Nick, raising his Right eyebrow quizically. "How exactly did you manage that, not being a unicorn?" "Well, about two years ago, I received this," she directed the room's attention to her necklace, "In the Mail, from a friend of mine. He was a unicorn who dreamed of being able to fly, and had built his own set of wings. after he finished them, he left, and none of us have seen him since. I know how to find him, but I want to show him some cool spells when next I see him, so he can know how much I appreciate his thoughtfulness." "He was brilliant, actually," said Twilight, cutting into Fluttershy's story. "He had several spells that I had never even thought possible, and that's saying quite a bit. He also had a large collection of very valuable coins, most of which he left to the princesses to help with the financial burdens of the entire province." "Not to mention he saved Twilight's life." added Fluttershy. "Twice..." muttered Twilight. "But he gave me this necklace, and as long as I'm wearing it, I can cast spells, like a unicorn. I've been training ever since, trying to master the basic spells, but I'm afraid I'm not very good at it." "I beg to differ, Fluttershy!" said Twilight. "You're doing very well, actually. You've spent about two years in practice, and now, you're casting spells like a third-year student. A few more months, and you'll have all the experience required to pass magic grade school." Fluttershy blushed. She knew Twilight was right, not just being kind, but she wasn't used to getting praise yet. "I knew it! yelled a high-pitched, squeaky voice from the top of the stairs. As their new arrival came down the stairs, all three looked up at her. Twilight and Fluttershy dashed in front of Nick to try to hide him, but it was too late. He had been seen. "I knew there was something fishy going on..."