My Little Kingdom Hearts: Hearts Are Power

by Ultimauser50

Aquiring The Key

The girls are in the waiting room each looking either anxious or nervous.

“Do you think Master Celestia is making the right choice enlisting those two?” asked Fluttershy.

“Well, I think it’s a mistake, but Master Celestia has never been wrong before. So who knows, they may or may not help us at all. It’s their choice.” Twilight said pacing back and forth.

Pinkie Pie however seemed impatient. “Oooh! I hope they hurry up in there! I want to see what their keyblades will look like! I’ll bet they’ll look totally awesome, like ours!”

“Shucks Pinkie, nothin’ ever worries ya huh?”

“Nope! Why should I be worried AppleJack?”

“Eh…never mind.”

“Okie dokie lokie!”

Rarity then stood up and walk towards the door. “Well, while you all wait for them to get out with Master Celestia, I’m going to make them new outfits. What they’re wearing is baggy and atrocious.”

“Okay, if they get out before you finish we’ll find you.” said Twilight.


-In the throne room-

“Now, before we get started, I want the two of you to know that acquiring a keyblade is an intense experience, and if you die in the station of awakening, you will die in this world too, so I want you two to be as careful as possible while in there okay?”

Both Rainbow Dash and I look at each other nervously.

“But if anything does go wrong, you can always get us out before we get killed right Master?” asked Rainbow Dash.

Celestia only shook her head. “I’m afraid not, the station of awakening is an unknown land, filled with magic that is beyond my knowledge and my understanding of magic. I can only send you there. I can’t bring you back, only you can do that once you have received your keyblades and completed your final test you both will arrive back here. Are you two ready?”

“Yes ma’am.” we both replied.

“Okay, now I want you two to close your eyes and concentrate. After you concentrate long and hard enough, the test will begin.”

Rainbow Dash and I close our eyes and we arrive at the station of awakening, only were in two separate stations.

-Rainbow Dash POV-

Rainbow Dash gently floats and lands on a stain glass blue stain glass with a rainbow colored finish around the edge and has her and me holding a keyblade in the center. Above Rainbow Dash’s head it shows Twilight, AppleJack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity.

“Huh? What does this mean?”

It seems you have a strong connection to many people, but it seems your connection with the boy is strong too, like a sister to her brother.

“Huh? I-I can hear a voice, but I don’t see anyone.”

The connections you have with the people in your life will make you stronger. Keep these connections close.

“Uh, sure I will.”

The door is still shut. Now, step forward. Can you do it?

“Uh, sure.” Rainbow Dash slowly and steadily walks forward until three pedestals with a sword, shield, and wand appear.

Power sleeps within you. If you give it form… it will give you strength. Choose well.

“Uh, right.” Rainbow Dash looks around and notices the shield and picks it up.

The power of the guardian. Kindness to aid friends. A shield to repel all. Is this the power you seek?

“If I’m going to protect that little spaz and our ‘new friends’ then yes, I’ll need this.”

The shield disappears.

Your path is set. Now, what will you give up in exchange?

“Hmm…” Rainbow Dash walks up to the wand and picks it up.

The Power of the Mystic. Inner strength. A staff of wonder and ruin. You give up this power?

“Yes, I’m not all that with magic and I don’t get how it works, so why keep what’ll hinder me.”

The wand disappears.

You’ve given up the power of the mystic. Is this the form you chose?

“The form? Sure, I guess.” the pedestals collapse and disappear and the stain glass she stood on began to shatter and she fell through. As she descended she saw another stain glass only it was purple and it had Princess Luna and Nightmare Moon in the center.

Rainbow Dash gently lands and her keyblade Soaring Loyalty appears in her hand.

You’ve been given the power to fight. You have chosen the path true to your heart. For your purity, you have received the keyblade. A marvelous weapon created to remove darkness and replace it with light. Use it to dispel the darkness.

“What does that mean?”

Dusks appear and surround Rainbow Dash.

“What the-?! What are those?”

Dusks are creatures that symbolize incompleteness, they’re beings that are the remains of those who have lost there hearts to darkness. What do you think they could symbolize for you?

“Huh? Uh, let’s see…they symbolize incompleteness? But, I don’t feel incomplete. I’m…not sure.”

There’s no time to think now, they’re ready to attack.


A dusk twirls in the air and swings its arms towards Rainbow Dash trying to strike her. She skillfully blocks and swings at him slashing him in half. The other dusks quickly gang up on her and pin her to the ground. After a few seconds a huge flash of light appears under the dusks and after the light dies down only Rainbow Dash is left and she slowly stands up.


It seems the light within you is strong, strong enough to fend off the incompleteness within you.

“What does that mean?!”

A door appears in the middle of the platform.

“Huh? Maybe that’s the way out.”

Rainbow Dash opens the door and is engulfed in a white light. Rainbow Dash shields her eyes and walks in. As the light dissipated Rainbow Dash looks around and sees that she’s back in the city.

“What the-?! Am I back? Is the test over?”

No, not yet anyway. The door won’t open just yet. First, tell me more about yourself.

“Uh, sure? What do you wanna know?”

AppleJack, Pinkie Pie and I appear in front of her.

“Hey Dave! Finally, a familiar face. How’s your test going?”

“Tell me the one thing that’s most important to you?”

“Huh? Odd time for questions, but okay. Um, the most important thing to me would have to be…my friendship with you and those other girls, even though they do come off as boring.”

“Friendship huh? Is that really so important?”

“You’re acting strange, ya know that?”

I vanish causing Rainbow Dash to jump slightly.

“What the-?! Oh right, the test is still going on, this isn’t real. That spaz is probably having a hard time choosing his weapon.” Rainbow Dash slightly laughed as she walked over to AppleJack. “So, what question do you have for me?”

“What do ya want most outta life?”

“Hmm…I’d have to say, to broaden my horizon. I was recently told there are a lot of worlds out there, and I wanna see them all.”

“To broaden yer horizon huh?”

AppleJack then vanishes and walks over to Pinkie Pie.

“Alright pink hair, what’s your question?”

“What are you afraid of?”

“Hmm…I’d have to say, getting old. Definitely.”

“Getting old? Is that really so scary?”

You want to be strong. You want to broaden your horizon. You’re afraid of getting old. The next part of your test is the last part, and it will also be the most intense. Keep a steady pace and you’ll come through fine.

“Sounds good to me.”

The day you and your friend will open the door is both very near and very far, but be careful, for darkness has its sights set on you and your friends, keep them close.

“Can do.”

Rainbow Dash reappears at the station of awakening and a bridge appears the left side of the stain glass leading to another stain glass platform.

Continue. For your story is very far from over.

“Right.” Rainbow Dash runs past the bridge and as she makes it to the second stain glass platform the bridge disappears and Twilight Thorn appears looking down upon her.

“Gah!! What the heck is that thing?!”

The light within you is strong indeed. But the incompleteness within you will always return until it’s been made whole. Like the body when it loses it’s heart, the body will try to replace it the first chance it get, the mind is no different.

“Th-The mind? Could the voice be talking about-”

Twilight Thorn raises it’s arms and Rainbow Dash is instantly suspended in mid air by shackles of energy binding her arms and legs. Twilight Thorn slithers up to her and pulls back his fist, and as he swings Rainbow Dash quickly shatters the binds and runs on Twilight Thorn’s arm and slashes it right in the face causing him to fall to the ground.

“D-Did I do it?”

Rainbow Dash cautiously walks up to Twilight Thorn as she approaches it summons multiple dusks and it slithers under the platform.

“So, he can spawn more huh? Ha! More fun for me!”

Rainbow Dash quickly and swiftly cuts down the newly spawned dusk’s and as soon as she finishes off the last one the platform beneath her begins to shake until it tilts completely causing her to fall, but she quickly stops herself by placing her keyblade into the platform.

“Woah, what the-?! YOWZA!” Rainbow Dash looks down and sees that Twilight Thorn had gathered energy into a massive ball and as it jumped off it caused Rainbow Dash to plummet. Taking advantage of situation, Twilight Dusk grips onto the energy ball and swings it towards Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash continues to plummet until she glows white and I appear and give her a boost up into the air. “D-David?”

“Come on, let’s finish him!” I shouted.

“Right!” Rainbow Dash and I throw our keyblades at the giant ball of energy causing it to burst open and knock Twilight Thorn back but Rainbow Dash’s Keyblade still falls down at great speed going straight through Twilight Thorn’s face killing it instantly. And as both Rainbow Dash and Twilight Thorn slowly drifted to the floor of another stain glass platform Twilight Thorn dissipates as she lands softly.

“Aw yeah! Now that’s awesome! Great job dude!” as Rainbow Dash looks around I’m gone.

“Where did he go?”

That was called a D-Link.

“A D-Link?”

Yes. A D-Link is a magic ability that only those with strong attachments with that other person can pull off. With it, you can either temporarily summon them, and you can even imitate there abilities and fighting styles.

“I see. That sounds like it’ll come in handy.”

You survived. But there are many more trials ahead of you in your life, find the incompleteness in your life and make your mind whole again.

“Right, but if you’re talking about that incident long ago…it might be hard.”

A door appears behind Rainbow Dash and she turns and faces it.

The test is complete, head through the door.

“Right.” Rainbow Dash opens the door and she becomes engulfed in light.

-David’s POV-

I slowly land on a black stain glass platform with a picture of Xehanort on it.

“Huh? Who the heck is that?”

Do you recognize the face you see below you?

“What the-?! A voice? Hmm, probably just a part of the test. But to answer your question, no. No I don’t.”

It seems he’s tied in with your past some how. Ties of darkness, or ties fate. Are you willing to seek the answers the worlds have in store? Even if it sinking into darkness?

“As long as Rainbow Dash is by my side, I don’t fear the darkness.”

The same sword, shield, and wand appear before me.

A path that holds many possible outcomes lay before you. It’s up to you to shape your destiny.


Now, pick which power you’d like to gain.

I walk up to the sword and hold it in my hand.

The Power of the Warrior. Invincible courage. A sword of terrible destruction. Is strength important?

“Yes, without strength I can’t protect anyone, and after RD helped me through out my life, I want to be there to help her.”

The sword disappears and becomes the Yin-Yang Keyblade.

You have been given the power to fight. Use it wisely, for the darkness can easily entice violence.

“Right, I know being a keyblade wielder is gonna be tough. But as long as RD is by my side, I don’t care.”

Ten shadows appear and they quickly circle me.

“What the-!? What are these things?”

They are called “shadows”. They represent the darkness in people’s hearts.

“I see, well they won’t stop me!”

A shadow jumps up and swings at me with its claws. I barely block it and slash it in half causing a heart to float up into the air.


I watched the heart float up and while I was distracted a shadow jumps up and slashes me in the back causing me to fall flat on my face.

Ugh, oww… okay, note to self: Focus, or die.

I quickly jump up and take a swing at a shadow but it quickly dodges and jumps up and tries to slash at me. I block it and slash it in half. The rest of the shadows jump up in the air in the same time and try to bring there claws down on me. In fear, I block and a bright flash of light appears in front of me and causes the shadows to disappear. I slowly open my eyes and I see Rainbow Dash for a moment and she disappears.

“Was that-?”

It seems your bond with Rainbow Dash is so strong; you’ve even gained a D-Link with her.

“A “D-Link”? What’s that?”

A D-Link is a magic ability that only those with strong attachments with that other person can pull off. With it, you can either temporarily summon them, and you can even imitate there abilities and fighting styles.

“Heh, cool. It’s just like RD said. Even when we’re apart, our hearts keep us connected.”

A bridge appears the left side of the stain glass leading to another stain glass platform and I quickly cross the bridge and I notice a beam of light and I slowly approach it.

The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.

I slowly look at my shadow and it quickly faces me and rises up from the floor and grows in height and becomes Darkside.

But don’t be afraid. And don’t forget…

Darkside charges dark energy in his fist and punches the ground, forming a small pool of dark energy to form below it. I run up to his fist and try to slash it, but a shadow pops up from the dark pool and lunges at me. I quickly cut through the shadow and I make a second attempt to slash Darkside’s arm but three more shadows jump out and block my path. And as the two shadows attack Darkside lifts up his arm causing the dark pool to disappear.

“Great, so this thing can create the little punks! I gotta end this quick.” I quickly cut through the two shadows and charge at Darkside. Darkside slowly gets on his knees and fires dark energy balls at me.

“Aw, come on!!” I shout quickly dodging the dark projectiles. “I can barely touch this guy, but yet he can attack at the drop of a hat!”

As Darkside’s assault stops he leans forward appearing to be exhausted.

“Now’s my chance!” I activated my D-Link with Rainbow Dash and a larger keyblade appears between us and we immediately start slashing away at Darkside’s chest causing him to fall on top of me.

--But don’t be afraid.

I quickly try to squirm free of the darkness, but it quickly begins to shroud over my body.

You both hold the mightiest weapons of all.

I try to stand up but the darkness quickly pins me down.

So don’t forget.

I slowly close my eyes awaiting my fate, until a hand grabs mine, filling the platform with light.

The connections you have, will keep the darkness at bay.

-Back in Celestia’s throne room-

Rainbow Dash and I slowly open our eyes.

“W-Woah, that was, close.” I said panting for air.

“It sure was. But we did it.” said Rainbow Dash patting me on the back.

“Yes, you two have indeed passed. Take a look at your right hands.”

Rainbow Dash and I looked and noticed in shock that our keyblades were in our hands.

“You both have officially become keyblade wielders.”

“AWSOME!!” Rainbow Dash and I shouted jumping up and down.

“You two have done well, but I’m afraid it’s not over yet.”

“Yeah, we know. But don’t worry, we won’t fail.” said Rainbow Dash as we both gave Celestia a thumbs up.

“I know you two won’t. As long as the two of you work with the other girls, no one can defeat you. Now I want you two to go find them and get to know them better before you depart. As a team, you guys need to get used to each other as much as you can.”

“Yes ma’am!” we both replied.

“Good. You two are free to go.”

Me and Rainbow Dash walk out of the room talking about our keyblades.

Celestia remained on her throne deep in thought. “… I really don’t want to do this. Because if they find out they might think I don’t trust them. *sigh* But it’s better safe than sorry.” Celestia closes her eyes, concentrating hard until she appears in a white world and Yin Sid appears in front of her.

“Ah, Celestia. My oldest student. How are you and your sister?” Yen Sid asked with a smile.

“Not good, and it’s why I contacted you.” Celestia replied in a serious tone.

“Is there something wrong?”

“Yes, my sister was attacked last night by what she described a boy in a mask. And someone managed to free Discord and Nightmare Moon.”

“What?!” said Yen Sid wide eyed. “Hmm… a boy in a mask. That sounds very familiar…and I’m sure I don’t need to ask if you felt the dark fluxuations.”

“No, I felt them last night. Something big is going on.”

“Are your students looking into this matter?”

“They would’ve but there’s been a delay.”

“A delay? What happened?”

“I enlisted two new students to assist my current ones.”

“Hmm…I see, a smart move actually. With the darkness I’m feeling I don’t think those five alone will be able to stop this force.”

“Actually…I still don’t think they’re ready. There may be seven of them now, but remember, the two I enlisted just now became Keyblade wielders and I don’t think they’re ready.”

“I see…I know what to do.”

“What is it master?”

“I’ll send my students in to help you.”

“Do you mean, Sora, Riku, and Mickey?”

“Yes, but not only them. Just like you Celestia, I’ve also taken up a new student.”

“Really?! Who is he?”

“His name is Lea.”


“Yes. Just like your two keyblade wielders, he too has just become a wielder.”

“I see. Thank you for your support master.”

“You’re welcome old friend. Farewell for now.”

Yen Sid reappears in his castle slowly opening his eyes. “Sora, Riku, Mickey, Lea.”

“Yes master Yen Sid!” replied Riku and Sora.

“What’s up master Sid?” said Lea casually.

“My old student Celestia and her students need your help.”

“Celestia? Who’s she?” asked Sora.

“She’s a princess who guards a land called Equestria. A world known for being the birthplace of light, it’s a rare world where no matter how hard you search, you won’t find the tiniest shred of darkness.

“Woaaah, cool!” replied Sora with a childish smile.

“But long before she became a princess, she became my very first student. Long before you Mickey.”

“Gosh, that’s pretty amazing.”

“Yes, I taught her everything I knew and each day her magic became more and more powerful until her magic surpassed mine.”

“WOAH!! Her magic surpassed yours?!” replied everyone in the room.

Yen Sid chuckled slightly. “Yes, her magic is now so powerful, she’s able to raise the sun. Something not even I can do.”

“That’s awesome!” shouted Sora.

“So what’s wrong master Yen Sid?”

“It seems that Celestia, like me has sensed dark fluxuations throughout the worlds, and she gathered up her students to prepare them for the coming threat. But, it seems she does not think her students are capable of dealing with the threat alone. Which is where you four come in.”

“So, we’re going to Princess Celestia’s castle to team up with her students?”

“Yes Sora, I’ll have you all depart for the castle tomorrow. So be ready.”

“Yes sir!” replied Sora, Riku, and Mickey.

“Heh, an adventure huh?” smiled Lea. “Sounds like fun.”

“King Mickey!” shouted Donald and Goofy. “We’re going with you!”

“Aw shucks, thanks guys you really are good friends.” smiled Mickey.

-In Radiant Garden-

Discord and Xigbar are standing on a stone walkway looking over the town.

“So, shall we get this party started?” asked Xigbar.

“Sounds good to me.”

“Unversed! Run wild!”

As soon as Xigbar finished his sentence, unversed immediately appear from under him and Discord and they begin there assault on the town. As the unversed tore through the town Discord began laughing uncontrollably.

“AHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Ah Xigbar, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”

“If you say so. I just hope our little party catches the attention of the foes Xehanort was going on about.”

“Oh don’t worry, if our enemies are who I think they are then this’ll definitely catch there eye. Oh and by the way, where is Xehanort anyway?”

“I’m not sure, said something about “taking care of some lose ends” whatever that means.”

-In Shibuya-

Xehanort, Nightmare Moon, and Vanitus appear on top of Tipsy Tose Hall.

“Why are we here?” asks Vanitus in an annoyed tone. “Just look at this world, it’s boring and pointless.”

“Nonsense Vanitus. I actually needed to come here. I made a deal with a boy in this world and I intend to repay him for a job well done.” said Xehanort with an evil smile.


“So, what’s the plan Xehanort?”

“Simple Nightmare Moon, I’m going to lure out the child by unleashing the unversed in this town. And when the boy appears to try and stop the unversed, I’ll kill him. While the two of you just go around town and cause as much destruction as you can.”

“Yes sir.” replied Vanitus. “At least there’s something for me to do.” Vanitus opened a portal and walked through and as he disappeared the unversed rose up from the floor of the roof and they jumped off the roof and quickly began destroying Shibuya.

“Ah, such lovely destruction. It warms my heart to see such carnage and fear.”

“I agree.” said Nightmare Moon smiling at Xehanort.

“Now go, I’ll need you to cause some panic too. The more destruction, the more darkness spreads into this world.”

Nightmare Moon quickly snapped out of her trance. “U-Uh, right. Of course.” A dark portal appeared behind her and she quickly walked through.

“Now then, lets get re-acquainted, Neku Sakuraba.”

This is what the Yin-Yang Keyblade looks like, the pic was made by FranciscoMartin a great artist on DA. Please check out his home page when you get the chance. Here's his site. ->