Original Sin

by NocturneD85

The Choices We Make

Original Sin

By NocturneD


I won't go much into the fight that I started but it was brutal. I made some pretty harsh accusations. Said some things I should have not said. Twilight must have been experiencing some problems with the princess because she was acting pretty harsh lately. Can't blame her, she finally knew shew as an aunt then no longer one for about a couple of days. That joy stripped away. I think that was her boiling point once I showed her the letter from Celestia herself. Here I was fighting with a random pony I hardly even know. And for what? My mind wants to tell me for my honor and Cadence's sake. But my heart is telling me something different. Screwy yes. Ever have that feeling for something that used to be yours then some pony else had a better use for it then you did? Would that not bother you? Oh who am I kidding. I really sunk to a new low. I was drinking a bit before I even came to this stupid party. To help my nerves but even that got the best of me.





I swung at Big Mac. He would return the favor. Man he punch like a freight train! We must have exchanged about a hundred blows to each others faces and ribs. My anger just kept on going. I would have had something if Cadence did not sleep with this big inbreed hick. We threw each other on tables. Guards and guests alike tried to stop us by pulling us apart but we weren't having it. I really hated his guts. Rain told me to go crawling back to Cadence. I did not want to. But now I'm just not sure.




Out of nowhere Ghendi tried to restrain me with him shouting, "Captain this is not necessary!"

I growled, "Get off of me lieutenant!"

"No way!" He growled back. "Captain please this is not like you!"

I shook him off and delivered a punch to his face. At this time I heard my sister and her friends gasp for such an attack made on one of my most trusted followers. He landed flat on his back holding his jaw. But my rage still kept going. I went back to Big Mac and kept punching him and ramming him into things. I used my magic to form a barrier every now and then but man the barrier really rattles with Mac punches it.

Again I tried to be restrain but this time by other guards, "HOOFS OFF!" I roared. "I'm your captain!"

"Not anymore Shining Armor!" They grunted. I raged further and slammed them together.

"STOP!" I heard Cadence cry. But still I fought with Mac.

"I SAID STOP!" She cried harder.

"Really this is getting out of hoof here!" Apple Jack shouted.

"PLEASE STOP!" Cadence made her last desperate cry for help.


Just then the doors exploded open. Princess Celestia and herself with princess Luna standing in the doorway. Celestia used her magic to separate Big Mac and I and held us in place. She could destroy us anytime she wanted to. My heart was racing as I kept quiet to await her next command. She pointed to the each of us. "YOU! YOU! YOU! YOU! AND ESPECIALLY YOU TWILIGHT SPARKLE!" She heaved, "IN MY STUDY NOW! I AM NOT REPEATING MYSELF!" She walked up to Cadence who was still crying, Celestia was not too pleased either way, "WE ARE SETTLING THIS NOW YOUNG LADY!" She turned to the guests, "FOR THE REST OF YOU THE PARTY IS OVER! GOOD DAY!"

And with that. The guests left. Some mumbling, others talking how terrible the party was anyway. Great. I gave the press another thing to write about us. Everything was a mess. I looked around with some of the guests trading glances with me, their faces in disapproval. Scoffing at me. Scoffing at Cadence. Scoffing at Big Mac. I hated myself. I really embarrassed the hell out of Twilight in front of every pony, even the princess. Worst yet. I hit my guards that I taught myself. Spent time with.

Right now. Cadence was just staring at me and Big Mac. She had her fancy handkerchief with her. I was bleeding. Big Mac was bleeding. I don't know what possessed me to think she would come over to my direction. Hoping that she had some decency and felt really sorry she would come over. Oh man do my sides hurt. But she did something I never thought she would do.

She threw down her handkerchief in between us. Told us, "I'm tired of playing around. I'm tired of being scorned because I made a stupid mistake!" She tried to hold back her tears, "NO MORE! Clean yourselves up!" She turned around and walked the other direction. More likely to the study to wait our fates. Man did I really screw up.

Not only that. I'm sure my superiors are going to want to chew me out. My sister came along side of me and started cleaning the blood away from my face. It hurt. It hurt a lot deeper when your life went crashing down. Rarity then soon followed wiping the blood away from my eyes.

"... I hate myself..." I muttered.

"Shhh..." Rarity tried to ensure me. "A lot has happened in the past couple of days."

I did not want to hear it. I really made an ass out of myself. "Guess I can say goodbye to my position now."

"Will you just stop?" Twilight grunted, "You're going to be under the princess's hoof soon and have to explain yourself. Worse yet your marriage with Cadence is on the line."

"Twilight." Rarity glared, "You're going to be under the hoof as well because of how you acted as well."

"Twilight shook her head slowly with a scowl, "I just don't care anymore. I'm done. This was all fine until princess Celestia asked for Sprite."

"But surely she just wanted to take a look at the child." Rarity assumed.

"Maybe she does. Maybe she doesn't." Twilight grunted. "There is only so many known alicorns in Equestria and some that I met."

"What are you implying Twilight?" Rarity scoffed.

"Reason why Rain freaked and left my brother to sulk is because Sprite is an alicorn in name only and Cadence is an alicorn also married to my brother. See the hint?" Twilight grunted.

"Are you implying that they could take Sprite away and try to pass it off as a secret love child between Shining and Cadence?" Rarity frowned. "That's ridiculous! How would the princess even do that? Let alone allow it?"

"Knowing how things are pulled these days. Whatever to keep this marriage afloat." Twilight frowned.

"Twilight... be reasonable." I coughed. "Put the conspiracy theories away for a moment."

"It's not a conspiracy theory!" Twilight grunted. "Why do ponies think I'm crazy?"

"Because you jump to conclusions too quickly!" I growled.

"And how many times did I turn out right?" She shot back. "Yeah I thought so."

"Twilight..." Rarity blinked. "It's over... just let it go. Shining Armor here is in enough trouble as it is already. Maybe there can be some mending tonight and things will go over easier."

"Well it's no good now. Rain and Sprite are gone and I don't have any idea where they could have went." I frowned. But Rarity kept dabbing the cloth on my face gently. "Besides there's no proof that Celestia would forcefully take Sprite away. It's just not in her character. I mean come on she's your teacher for flanks sake."

Twilight just pouted. But not in defeat. I tried to walk to the door but my legs were hurting. I had to limp from the ballroom to the halfway point where I met up with my superiors. And no surprise they were not happy. I told Rarity and Twilight to wait up ahead while I talked. Waiting to speak was Colonel Iron Hide. A very old fashioned brute but gets the job done. I can go on all about this guy and his track record. He always was a great colonel.

"Yes Colonel Iron Hide?" I saluted.

"At ease Shining Armor." He frowned. "Word has it that you had yourself a quite a week."

I let my eyes wander. "Well... Yeah. It's been pretty rough and... I... can't deny it."

He crossed his arms. "First a suspension for you and your wife to work it out. I heard that it didn't fine. But do you mind telling me..." His straight face scared me. This was the pony that always let a few things slide as long as they were excusable. But his face scowled, "Why in Equestria did you go hoof to hoof with a random stranger in the ballroom?"

"I... I..." I had no answer. Sure I could say I was defending my honor and wanted to protect Cadence's interest but it was not going to do any good.

"Shining Armor. I always thought you were full of potential but this is unlike you. You always had a clear head on things but this. This takes the cake. Since you could not get your act together the higher ups have considered you to have a demotion." He frowned. My face fell. "I'm sorry Shining Armor but clearly you are not Captain material... yet."

What else was there to say? I had to bend over and take it. "Thank you sir. I'll get my things then..."

"Don't bother. The boys have already went through your office and boxed your things. Report for reassignment by Monday." Colonel Iron Hide commanded. I saluted and thanked him but not proudly. Even if I wanted to yell at him he was still a superior officer. And a good one still. He stopped, "And Shining Armor?"

"Yeah?" I sadly looked over.

"I'm sorry its not working out for you. You and your marriage as well as finding out you had a daughter this entire time." He turned his head in disappointment. "Hopefully you can make things right before you let this sink you further in." Finally he left and rounded the corner. That was it. I was no longer captain. Surely it felt like a piece of me was being ripped away but not as hurtful as Sprite.

My sister and Rarity were waiting for me. I walked up to them and continued my way to the study area. But somehow, those two heard everything.

"I'm... I'm sorry Shining." Twilight muttered.

I sighed, "Don't be... I dug myself into this."

"Shin honey. Please, you been through a lot." Rarity eased in. "Just go in and explain your side. If the princess is not in the best of moods and you get..."

"Fired?" I grunted.

"Well... If worse comes to worse I can always use an extra pair of hoofs at my shop." She smiled weakly.

I frowned. "Thanks for the offer but maybe a demotion is what I need to get my head straight."

"Don't be ridiculous Shining you worked hard for this position." Twilight frowned.

"I'm not so sure anymore." I thought.

Still my sides ached and continued limping. Twilight and Rarity escorted me to the medical ward where no doubt Big Mac with his sister was sitting across from me as I was being treated. I did not make eye contact with him and just let the doctor and nurse look over me. Just then Bic Mac was excused and left. He took one look at me, not mad, not happy either. I just had tons of bruises and cuts. And no surprise there were other ponies there also being treated because of our fight. I felt terrible as some of them were guards who invited their families to have a good time for once. Just for a laugh, get some high quality food and have a night to remember. You all know how that turned out. No surprise, my lieutenant; Ghendi was there also and just about done being treated. With his back to the wall I noticed he was wearing a bandage over his eye. Oh no. What have I done? The other eye looked at me with uncertainty, if anything it should be betrayal. He just sat there. Glum. I was just bandaged up and got a few stitches to close my cuts. Was off on my merry way. But I took one last look in the ward. When I first entered it was silent, eyes looking at me. Some wanted to jump me and beat my head in, I would not blame them if they wanted to. Others just let my guilt wander over me. I wanted to apologize but who would listen? Not after what happened. It was better off to leave.

Halfway there I just had to ask, "Twilight..."

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Why are you mad at the princess lately?" I asked.

"Just because... Lately we've been having a fallout." She muttered.

"Is it about Sprite?" I asked.

"A bit... Also the princess has been excusing my work too easily as of lately as if she did not even read it or go over it, lately she's finding any reason just to excuse herself from me. But also about Cadence how I trusted her and loved her like she was my own sister." Twilight kept her attention ahead.

"You think you know some pony." Rarity added.

Twilight shot a glare at Rarity. "Rarity imagine a pony you looked up to and was one of the only ponies that you seem to trust." She heaved, "My mom and dad were always busy, my brothers had their own thing to go to. Cadence at least tried to make things seem fun and reading wasn't always everything."

But then her face turned scowl, "Don't you tell me that I have no idea!" She got a bit defensive. "I had an older cousin who used lived with us but decided to get married to some young up and comer fashion pony we thought was great at first. She was like a big sister too that loved my things. But in due time under her coat she was mean and nasty! She gave me a hard time saying all my designs were stupid once she finally got on the circuit. My cousin used to defend me from everything and now he doesn't anymore. Always taking her side!" She sniffed, "He always said my work was pretty and said I should make clothes. Now his wife just insults my gifts whatever I made for him, goes out and buys something similar just to rub it in my face saying whatever she buys is just as good! She even wrote a bad review about my store!His gifts would gather dust in a closet!" She shook her head, "You think that is not bad enough? It goes much deeper than that!" Her eyes watered a bit while her teeth gritted.

This was surprising. I had no idea she was dealing with this kind of thing. I would ask her for more of the story but some reason I think this one was something she rather not continue along. We all have stories that hurt us more and more the more we talk about. I had some sympathy for Rarity and some respect for her tonight. She was a lot stronger than I ever thought a pony of her stature could ever be. But there was still a bit of mystery to her.

Twilight eased back, "Rarity... I'm sorry I had no idea..."

Rarity sniffed, "No... I shouldn't have said anything." She turned her head, "Forget it."

"Really I'm..." Twilight tried to apologize.

"I said forget it." Rarity walked up to the others leaving Twilight guilty and saddened by the fact that she tried to compare her feelings over every ponies. Sure she was due to be called out sometime or later but to actually do it in front of me or even in the castle. Wow that takes guts.

Next was the moment of truth. We finally reached Celestia's study with Apple Jack and the others waiting outside. Twilight opened the door and we found Cadence already inside. No surprise. Big Mac left the ward earlier than I did so it was no surprise to find him in there before me. Twilight and I sat in between the two and awaited our fates. We exchanged glances between each other. Maybe I have been going all wrong about this. Should I stay with Cadence and just let Rain and Sprite be... Or sacrifice all of this and just go find them? Many of you are thinking why not just stay with Cadence and go find Sprite to take her back. Well, that's what Rain was fearing this entire time. To take Sprite away from her just so my daughter could live happily in the castle and forget about her... I just can't let that happen. But if I stayed with Cadence then my chances are pretty rough as well as being in a relationship that practically went nowhere. I'm already in the dog house.

Within time... The princess herself walked in and sat down behind her desk. She looked at each of us. Ready to scold us..