//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Prologue // Story: Ray's New Life in Ponyville // by TheVideoGamingGuru //------------------------------// WARNING: This story contains strong language, alcoholic references, and mildly suggestive themes, it is recommended for a mature audience EDIT: I made some mild edits, but I will finish the rest tomorrow, got lazy and distracted, so until then....enjoy the half finished story? " You are the reason they don't talk to you....." "Hmm?" said a man, lying face down in a bed, it reeked of sweat and alcohol. "Well, that's a new one" said the man, his voice scratchy. He saw a light coming from a window to his left, and almost immediately placed his hands over his eyes, blocking the light. Using one hand, while still covering his eyes, reached out for some tinted, aviators that were lying on a desk next to his bed, when he could not reach them he stretched forward, trying his best to grab them, and shelter his eyes from the brightness that had intruded his home, but all he got was a tumble to the floor. "Fuck" the man said, now trying to get back to his feet, placing his hands on top of the bed for balance. After several failed attempts, he stood himself up, covering his eyes from the light, and grabbed the glasses and placed them over his eyes, shielding him from the light. "Better" said the man, clearing his throat. He began stretching his arms, legs, and his neck, causing several small pops to be heard. He smacked his lips, they felt dryer then a desert, a notable effect of being hungover. He looked around the room he was in, it was small, only big enough to hold one person, two if they really tried, the room also reeked of alcohol, but it didn't really bother the man, considering he smelled of it too. He noticed a dark, brown beanie lying on the floor in front of him, he picked it up, patted it down with his hands, and placed it on his head, covering most of his long, straight, black hair. "Man, I don't think I ever got that smashed before, was I celebrating something?" said the man. The man saw a white door, and walked to it. He clutched the handle and opened the door to be greeted by a utterly disgusting hallway, the wallpaper was peeling off, the walls themselves had holes in them, and the carpet was horribly stained by something he did not want to know, and multiple patches of carpet were missing. " Oh, yeah. now I remember..." said the man, now chuckling to himself, now seeing the hallway. He staggeringly walked over to the end of the hallway trying not to fall over. The man walked though the hallway, avoiding the exposed wooden flooring. He saw some stairs, and proceeded to walk down them, wishing that he would reach the bottom floor.. When he got to the bottom floor, he saw that the lobby was equally if not more gross then the floors he passed by. The black and white tiles were cracked, and stains from soda and alcohol. There were also two green benches lined up along a wall that faced a desk. There was a man sleeping on one of the benches, he was wearing a thick patched up jacket, and dark green pants that had small rips in them. The man ignored this, and walked to the desk, and brought his fist down onto a bell, multiple times, each time causing a distinct ding to be heard each time. "Yeah, yeah im coming chill!" said a from across the hall A figure approached the desk, this figure was what appeared a old man, wearing a white tank top, and brown cargo shorts, and also wore a green golfer's cap. "Ah Ray, good to see you again, hows teh hangover?" said the old man, with an Irish accent. "Probably as you expect a hangover to be, Ed" Ray said to the old man, putting his hands behind his head "Well, if you didn't drink so much, maybe you would've get hungover as much" Ed said. "Yeah, I guess...anyways you got any mail for me?" Ray asked "Just some bills, why? You expecting something?" "Nah, just wondering" Ray said, now putting his hands in his pockets. "Well, if I get something il let you know, ok?" "Thanks, Ed. Have a good one" Ray said, now walking back to the stairs "No prob, Ray!" Ed shouted back Ray then walked back up the stairs back to the floor. When he finally reached the floor he was staying on, a cold chill swept though floor, and sent chills down Ray's back. "Wonder if a ghost is near by..." Ray thought to himself" "RAY!" came a booming voice from across the hall "Well, not a ghost, but equally scary" Ray thought to himself. Ray turned around to see a short, fat, balding man, wearing nothing, but some khaki shorts, and some white socks, Wake up.... "Hmm?!" said Ray as he woke from what seemed like a dream. "Ow, my head..." he said as he put a hoof over the back of his head. Wait a minute...hoof?! Ray immediately brought his former hand to his face to get a better look, it was a real hoof, a real actual hoof. Ray started to panic, he began to stand up, albeit groggily. He tried to stand on his two feet, but fell over. he looked to his feet, to be surprised that they were also hoofs! Ray started to look around, wanting to know where he was. H was in a forest with what seemed to be pine trees, but they were too colorful. He found his suitcase filled with his belongings to his left, and his guitar case and the guitar, still on his back. relieved that his belongings were still with him, Ray began to walk on his fours, knowing that he wouldn't be going far if he didn't. After walking for what seemed like a thirty minutes, Ray couldn't help, but feel he was being watched. He looked over his shoulders, too his sides, and for some reason over his head, but found nothing. Continuing his walk, Ray found what appeared to be a cottage. He approached the building, and found that some lights are on in the house. Assuming that someone was home, he knocked on the door with his...hoof. No one answered. He started knocking on the door more, these knocks being more intense. "Hello? Anyone here?" yelled Ray. Still, no one answered. "Ugh..." groaned Ray as he began to walk away from the house, only to hear the door open behind him. When he turned around, utter and complete shock filled his body. It was Fluttershy. He almost immediately recognized her from the show, except she was a bit more colorful then the show had shown. He stared at her for a long time, not making a noise, as did Fluttershy. "Y-Yes, can I help you?" said Fluttershy, almost so quite it could not be heard by anyone. Ray didn't say anything. "E-excuse me, Sir?" said Fluttershy, still being relatively quite. "Ok, I take it back, this IS the strangest dream, I have ever had" thought Ray to himself, as he still stared at Fluttershy. There was a dead silence between him and Fluttershy, till Ray broke it. "A-Are you...Fluttershy?" said Ray, nervously "Of course she's Fluttershy, you stupid git! What other yellow Pegasi do you know?! Ray thought to himself. "Y-Yes" Fluttershy said, almost like a whisper. After hearing that, Ray almost immediately laughed to himself,and fainted right before the Pegasus.