Original Sin

by NocturneD85


Original Sin

By NocturneD

"Alicorns can't get drunk so easily..."

I'm going to let that sink in...

Before I go any further I want to let you know is that this is one of the last things that broke the camels back for me. For what I did was unforgivable and I really did not give it a second thought, I cheated on my wife to pay her back for making a mockery of me and saying things behind my back. Don't hate me yet but while I was doing the deed with Rarity damaging my own marriage further, I actually did have a quick thought. Was I any better? Even if I rushed into marriage, I rushed to get out of it just as soon as I heard the news of Cadence performing adultery. I got too caught up in the moment that I actually started to slow down, felt pretty much guilty for yelling at her and not being the husband that every pony wanted. I was supposed to love and honor her until death but... marriage is a big question itself these days. It was supposed to mean something between two ponies to cherish and spend their lives together.. Unlike ponies around here who get married one year then divorce the next, sadly... It was going that way for me.

That little drunk act, is not going to fly anymore. While what the moon princess said shocked all of us, I pretty much took whatever I can get for ammunition in this quarrel. The pony that was my wife, Cadence just sat there with her hoofs to her face. Bawling as her little game was up. Before you call me cruel and selfish I want to let you know that the magazine that I fumbled around with earlier with Cadence's picture on it. Cadence was indeed having relation with another pony in a barn but upon further inspection...

It was probably around the second day of our three day separation. I was sitting at the kitchen table trying to get my bearings together. Simply trying to put the whole affair away and out of my head. I was sitting alone and barely noticed that it was getting late. It did no good though, I tried taking Rain's advice into consideration. First try was no good because I was looking at the stupid magazine that started making me go downhill.

Four pages worth of Cadence. If these were photos for me given by her then I would have loved them but a lot of these seemed off. Not too much later there was a knock at the door. I got up and answered it, surprised to see my lieutenant.

"Good evening captain. I just wanted to stop by and just deliver the last of the small items from your house." The dark haired stallion greeted me with a smile and a salute.

However I really can't be in a world of happiness right now. I just frowned but kept a friendly tone, "I've been doing somewhat alright." I mumbled. "You can stop saluting now. You're basically in my parents home." He lifted a few smaller boxes he gathered from my house and put them on one of the couches inside with his magic.

"Oh... Oh right." He put his hoof down from his head. Ghendi... Ghendi what am I going to do with you? Loyal and plays by the rules yet does it in his own style. Always creative, yet can have hilarious freak outs here and there. Often the other captains would poke fun at him because of his stature then Ghendi would always overreact by lifting the others up and start swinging them around. That's of course when I have to come into the picture and scold him in front of the higher ups but when they leave I give him a pat on the back. A little hot headed he can be at times and I am the one usually pulling him off of the others. Yeah, because the other day he was trying to calm me down which is rather quite a switch.

I invited him in, fixed him up some tea that I would have made for myself earlier but oh well. I probably needed the company to get through this. My sister and parents always wanted me to be surrounded by loved ones and friends, which is good but really the only one that would make me sometimes feel better was my wife. Even that became... Unsatisfactory. Just... What happened? How could this all go wrong?

Going back through all the events in my mind was not easy because... half of them were missing. My memory was pretty fuzzy during my days as a private up to months prior to my wedding. It was just black. I remember Rain of course, being happy together. Coming up with words from the heart just for her, she was my angel. We practically grew up together, did everything together and what else...? We were almost in every class together. Went to the dance together, graduated together. What made it perfect was that she accepted my proposal to be my wife one day. Now those days are gone.

Waking up being promoted to captain. Like I stepped into an episode of the Twilight Zone. How could I just lose almost three years then just suddenly wake up? I was not frozen or put in some stasis, I was put under an affection spell. Many of you know that I kept bringing that up, how could I be so sure? Well how else do you lose three years without any recollection? Well... despite being a perfect drone, I was under a spell. Just I wonder... How did princess Celestia allow this? Did she even know it? No matter anymore...


"Sorry..." Ghendi apologized after a loud slurp he made from his tea. He set down his cup on the table with his magic and looked back at me. "Well, I better give my statement about the squad since your absence. We did well in weapons training, bows and arrows still need to be worked on, rifle training did surprisingly well. Sparing could use some work, Iron Hide has pulled us all in about an update on another changeling type but apparently some pony forgot the notes. Squad was unfortunate to have clean up duty after losing at paint ball but hey they ga..."

"Ghendi?" I asked.

"Yeah Shining?" That's good. He knew I hated it when he called me captain when we're not working. Here were practically friends, almost brothers even because of his family's history with mine.

"You don't have to discuss work with me. Just do your best and until I get back things should go back to normal. You just got off, just take a load off." I eased the discussion but then I slouched a bit.

"You're right..." He put his legs up on the counter and relaxed.

"Okay that's taking too much of a load off." I pushed his hooves off the table slightly, "You know my mom has a rule of no dirty hooves."

"Momma's boy." He sneered.

"Alright joke time is over." I playfully swatted at him. I perked up a little, "I... Just have a... personal question for you. If you don't mind me asking. I mean..."

"Yeah?" His own head perked up.

I sighed. "What would you do... If you were in my horse shoes?"

"As in?" He shifted his shoulders in question, "If my wife cheated on me?"

I frowned, "Yeah... I want to know what have you would have said to Cadence if you don't mind me asking."

He crossed his forearms and leaded back in the chair, "Well... what did you say to her?"

I sighed, my head fell down to look at the floor, "I practically yelled at her. Told her I was sick of her bullshit saying I was not there for her when obviously she's practically not home either. So in a nutshell I called her a bitch, did not want anything to do with her and just left her there crying."

Ghendi just looked at me. He had a bit of history with Cadence as she was even his foal sitter when he was practically a toddler. He never really had any sisters of his own and always considered her one whenever they were together back then. Now its just simple friendship as now she would take care of his little brother; Synn at times. That's why, telling him this dead on probably was not the best decision but had to be asked.

"If she was my wife?" He asked.

"Yeah, let's pretend you were me when you found that out." I told him.

With a little blush coming from his white cheeks he stumbled, "Well... I uh..."

"Ghendi... I asked if she were to cheat on you, not what you would do to her in bed." I frowned.

I cupped his own chin with his hoof. I left him to think for a minute until he finally came up with something. "Well... I don't know exactly... Maybe I would have just got up and left to cool off."

I shook my head. Completely stupid why I have not just thought of that myself. "Just got up and left? Without saying anything?"

"Well... I would admit, I'd be mad as hell too. More in a state of disbelief if I were to confront her." He scratched the back of his head. His expression then saddened, "Maybe even I'd be too scared to ask her if it was true and learn what I did wrong. Scared she might leave, tell me what she wanted and how I couldn't measure up." His yellow eyes slowly inched into my direction, "I take it that it was a lot worse than what you said earlier?"

I nodded, "A bit... I might have said some things and told her I was done."

"Like legitimate done?" He asked. "Or done as in; done for right now?"

I sighed, put my hooves over my eyes, "I don't know..."

"Can I ask you something Shining?" Ghendi asked.

"I suppose..." My hooves still over my eyes.

"You're scared of your own wife aren't you?" He frowned.

"What?" I asked suddenly. I tried to hide my embarrassment, "Don't be stupid I can't be scared of my own wife."

Ghendi's eyes wandered, "Well... It is odd that you two keep missing each other through out the day. Even on your days off, you think you could put down the controller just to give her some more attention. Give her a hug, kiss her, sit on the couch with her, read a book together... Something!"

"I'm not scared of my own wife..." I frowned. "I asked what you would do if y..."

"And I did." He frowned. "You asked what I would do if I were in your horse shoes."

Immediately I stopped, thought back, "Guess I'm a lousy husband... but could you see it from my point of view? Two to three years wasted and turning your back on your friends? Leaving a former fiancee heartbroken. Probably worse wondering if she even wants to even look at me."

"Well..." Ghendi leaned back into his chair again, "Then there is a big decision to be made, you could just go find your former fiancee and give her closure."

"Give her closure huh?" I repeated. "Well... the least I could do for... just walking off on our friendship and engagement like that." Still I wonder, what made her cry so hard to make her just leave before she could tell my parents. It bothered me ever since I came home.

"Shin?" Ghendi asked. "If you don't mind me asking."

I lowered my head and let it rest on my forearms as I still sat on the chair backwards, "Go ahead..."

"Why did we just take half of your stuff out of your house?" He raised an eyebrow, "I mean... seems rather excessive."

"Why?" My eyes wandered, "I just can't stay in that place... Not anymore..."

Ghendi remained quiet. I knew he was going to disagree with me. For a pony who admired me growing up ever since he was a tike, he had a good head on his shoulders. Just wished he was not such a hot head at times. But, inside I knew he was disappointed in me. Say I could not face my problems like a stallion or even give anything a chance anymore. I'm sorry... I just don't want to go back to that but if things could work out... then yeah I'll go back and face it. Little did I know what was really going to happen the next day.

"So are you going to really send all the gifts back?" He asked.

I sighed, "Only if its over with Cadence and I." Then I wanted to ask him one last thing, "Ghendi... just... how did Cadence finally get the spell off of me?"

His face fell and with a deep sigh, "You're not going to like this..."

And he was right... I didn't like it.

And the fighting went on, the accusations, everything. Cadence made her threats, I made mine. Twilight much to my dismay butted in one too many times, Cadence kept trying to dive for Rarity, I would catch her and sling her back to the floor.

"YOU WHORE! I'LL KILL YOU!" Cadence growled.

I tried holding her down, "CADENCE KNOCK IT OFF!"




"IT'S OVER CADENCE!" I shouted.

"DAMN IT! I LOVE YOU!" Cadence bawled. "But if you want to keep bucking around with other mares then fine! I don't want to see you ever again!"

"Well..." I finally eased myself from on top of her. "That makes two of us..."

"I did everything because...because I loved you so much. I'm sorry!" She hiccuped.

"If you loved me then you would have not put me into a drone state." I frowned.

"I'm sorry!" She hiccuped, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"Oh I know you are..." I looked at her dead in her watery eyes, "But why am I not playing along anymore? Because you put a spell on me, you robbed me three years of my life and because of that... I missed the first three years of my daughter's life..." She froze, startled because of the bombshell, "That's right... I just found out a couple days ago and she is the reason why I want out."

"A daughter..." She repeated, "A daughter? A DAUGHTER?!"

"Yeah... and because of princess Celestia took notice. Rain freaked and ran off with my baby girl. My heart and soul was ripped away from me." I said sternly, "You can order the superiors to take away my position... I won't care. Nothing is in compare of me losing my baby girl. Sure living in a castle sometimes is great, but living in a house with a happy family to fill it and a heart big enough... That's what I want. Not a kingdom where husbands and wives only marry to bring power together for more land or power... You know why there are no divorces between royalty? Because they lose power and the alignment, they're scared of losing everything and don't want to make enemies."

"A daughter?" She was apparently stuck on this.

"Yes Cadence... A daughter. I want to pursue Rain and our daughter. I want to give her the chance I missed out on three years ago. I want to take her to school. I want to pay for her braces. Give her advice. Hell its scary but I want to be walking her down the isle when she gets married..." I explained. "But you... Cadence... Is why I'm saying, I don't want this anymore. I can't sink any lower and if I lose my baby girl... then my world is black and has no meaning anymore. She is my purpose now. I have no idea who took pictures of her to expose her in those magazines but if I ever find him or her, I will beat them with every inch of them."

"W...wh...why?" Cadence heaved. "Why can't we pursue this together!"

"Rain forgives you for all the crap you done... but if you ever were to take our baby girl away so you could just make her OUR daughter. Then she would be at wits end... And that's what I don't want to do... And oh... by the way..." I looked at her necklace and ripped it off of her neck as she yelped. "This is Rain's as well... And if you know any better Cadence... You'll leave this alone and let me do this... Royalty has screwed me over for the last time..."

It felt like forever until princess Luna finally ordered us back to our rooms and sealed the doors with her nocturnal magic so we could not interact with each other. I couldn't sleep. I was angry still, my room was still a mess from the fight earlier that night. I just looked out my window as Luna put a barrier around that too so we could not leave. The sun finally came up. The sun always was so beautiful, but only when you had some pony to watch it with you to cherish. Rain and I used to stay up all night on our vacations then finally go to sleep after the sun came up... I wanted to share that with my daughter... The court yard bellow, seemed to take on a different form as the light pours in. The morning do drops falling off the leafs and other plants. Birds chirping...

I made my decision... Whether you think I went off the deep end because of a child. All I can say is... you have no idea for what is going to drive me into deep fear. Rain and Sprite are out there somewhere and more and more I hear about the changelings becoming stronger...

And so that ends... My so called perfect life with my perfect wife in my perfect life. I only had a few regrets when signing that paper. Cadence was sorry but I was so full headed to even consider it. I really was scum for making matters worse. Rarity and I would not stick together for very long as her business would take off. Could say she never really had time for me anymore. I offered her some money I got from the divorce to help her out a little but she refused it, saying she is willing to take a chance. She was scared at first, figuring her name would be dragged through the mud and be labeled the home wrecking skank but to my surprise... The publicity helped her. It honestly did, first the posh ponies were going to tear her head off but turned impressed by her stuff. I worked for her a little while going to college. Twilight was attending the same classes I was as she wanted to go for the same thing, awkward to have your little sister with you all the time but it works.

Still... sometimes at night I wonder if I made the right decision. And my heard fell one day, when I heard the changelings attacking different cities all around Equestria. No pony was doing anything about it... I hated seeing on the news another city has fallen. I raced back to the castle and swallowed my pride. I begged the guard to form a dispatch as... I was tipped off one day that Rain was in one of the areas reported. No pony took my side. I tried and tried. Still I was at wits end. Reenlisting wouldn't help. So I took a stance and told every pony who wanted to fight the changelings and help the ponies in need, then throw off their helmets and come with me. Funny thing was... My sister was the first one to join as she was trying to calm me down through the entire thing, I guess sitting down and reading books and papers all day really was not my thing. Why she joined, because she cared for her friend Rainbow Dash who was also said to be in that attacked area. As much as I wanted to thrash that little bitch, it was my duty to protect. Then... I saw my former lieutenant throw off his helmet and joined my side, then Biggs... Then Wedge... Then their squad, then my squad. More soldiers were willing to drop their status to go out and protect what really matters. We're not only here to protect Canterlot... I took an oath a long time ago, maybe one I don't remember taking but I was willing to protect all of Equestria no matter what. Problem was we had no funding and only carried stuff that we brought from home. Let's just say, my cause raised some attention and got the funding we needed, maybe not from the best of interest. But it was something...

Day after day my militia and I ventured across Equestria with our new toys... Heavy built tanks, attack vehicles, high powered weapons and other goodies that would make GI Joe jealous. I can't really say I trust my new boss Sheen Lorenzo, as he made us wave his flag and call ourselves the Black Suns. But mark my words changelings. If you harm one little hair on my baby girl, I swear I will burn every hive you have. I will stomp across Equestria and let it burn and make sure you regret the day you were hatched. This little locket that I ripped from Cadence's neck, belongs to Rain. And I will make sure that she gets it back to pass down to Sprite.

Hold on... Daddy is coming...

And wherever life takes me. I will promise you, that I will never leave you alone. I have made my mistakes in the past but I want to own up to them. I want to see you grow up, I want to take you to school, I want to show you that I care, I want to walk you down the isle of your own wedding, I want you to be by my side as I lie down in my death bed. You were always my little treasure. For the short time I found out about you, you seemed like you were a lot more.

And to my former wife Cadence... I just want to say. I'm sorry... Even for what you did, it still angered me. Especially what you had to do rid me of the effects of the potion and understand you had to do some... unspeakable things. Yes Cadence... I know you had to sleep with one of my most trusted guards to break the spell. I might have taken too long to forgive you for even that, but you did it because you wanted the real me. You wanted to love the real me. To let me have my freedom. To do what you had to do Cadence, must have really haunted you. worrying that I would find out about it just like the little affair you had in the barn. But with that, it was a cry for help... A cry that I was unappreciative for what you done for me.

And I want to admit something...

I really was scared of my wife...

The End... for now...

Note: Now, I want to come off and say. I'm sorry but this story is fun while it lasted. I'm not quitting on it, I'm just shelving it for now as I just think that the Forbidden Fruit universe was really meant for Cadence and her only. I only did Shining Armor's to get his side of the story and pretty much I figured the hard way is that he is pretty much just living it up like Cadence, having his own fits and weaknesses. As well as what I planned for what to happen next. Just seemed like it would not fit right in this universe. Cadence's story was about her trying to gain the trust back while this was intended for Shining to risk his neck and save Equestria from the menace that threatens it.

Alot of you have questions and I will try to answer them the best I can. But for right now, this story is complete and might get a sequel in the future. This story was also not attracting the attention like Forbidden Fruit was which was a little disappointing because I would often get that Original Sin is more liked because it took a chance to do something else. Again I apologize.