My Little Pony: Adventuring is magic!

by ICrackVideoGames

The Dark Princess of Music pt.1

Chapter 4:
The Dark Princess of Music

Jake and I have been living in Ponyville for a while now. And I gotta say, It's really nice here. Twilight's offered me a place to stay, I've been helping Applejack with her orchard, and Pinkie's been giving me A LOT of Cupcakes for some reason. I'm actually getting used to my new lifestyle.

I finally found out what the pictures on everybody's butts. They're called Cutie Marks, they are the picture that symbolizes the certain pony's special talent. My Cutie Mark is my father's sword.

Oh, and I forget to look for the Princess sometimes.

But, some crazy things have been happening, Twilight has been running around Ponyville fixing things, Fluttershy calmed CERBERUS by just RUBBING IT'S TUMMY. Then Pinkie just pulls a ball out of nowhere and says she keeps balls all over Ponyville in case of "Ball Emergencies".

Anyway, I'm just gonna go for a walk in the outskirts of town. Maybe that will get my mind of everything.

But when I woke up today, Twilight looked terrible. She had an eye patch, and her hair was messed up. She was Running around the whole place looking in telescopes, graphs and machines.

I look at the calendar. It's Monday. Cool.

When I walk through the library doors I feel a cool breeze...

And a strange feeling that someone is watching me.

Suddenly Rainbow Dash flies in front of me... Upside down...

"Hey there, Finn!" She says.

"Uh...Hey there Rainbow. What brings you here?"

She turns herself upright and lands on the ground.

"Well, I hear there's a monster that appeared a few days ago in the outskirts of town and she eats the color red, so I wanted to go check it out. And I thought You could come with me cause you're hardcore like that."

"Well I was I was just going there so I can take a walk around but, okay." Then Pinkie passes me and and enters the library.

"Great! So you'll come with me then."

"I guess so."


We walk to the outskirts of town. But something's wrong. All the things that were once red are now bland and grey. So we follow the trail of grey. It takes us a few minutes to find the end of the trail. At the end of the trail, there stands a mare with flowing black hair, a grey coat , and instead of normal wings, she has wings like a bat,and her Cutie Mark is a really familiar axe bass.

Wait... An axe bass...

Could it be..?

Suddenly, a wild screech.


Rainbow is suddenly pounced on out of no where.

"Aah! get off me freak! Your not one of those people from my fan club are you?!"

"Rainbow Dash I'll save you!!" I say before the mare gets off her.

"Oh my glob. I'm sorry I'll never do it again! That is so not like me!"

The she turns her head to me.


"Wait...That voice... Marcie?"


Then, utter silence.

Rainbow breaks the silence.

"THIS is the monster I've heard about? Pfft. What a rip off. I'll see you around Finn" She flies back to Ponyville.

We stay silent for a while.

"Marceline... What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same Finn."

Then, I realize something...

"Wait a minute, you weren't with us when the Princess' experiment went wrong! How did you get here?!"

" What? Do you think your house is the only place I hide in?"

"...You Hide in PB's castle?"

"Uh....Yeah...Shut up!" Her cheeks turn red.

"Okay... So, back when we were with Rainbow Dash, how did you know her?"

"Oh...She's a character of a show I used to watch when I was a teenager, 983 years ago. You wouldn't know about it."



" Okay..." We walk back to Ponyville.

"Hey Finn?"


"Don't tell anyone that I fangirled when I saw Rainbow."

" Uh, Okay."

"Or I'll Kill you, and hang you with your own intestines." Her eyes turn red.

"Dude... Ew..."

"Sorry... Just don't tell anyone!"

"Okay Fine jeez!" I better do what she says. Cause that's just disgusting.

" Hey Finn." She says with a very mishcievous smile.


" You wanna raid canterlot castle?"


"You heard me."

"What for?" I say.

"My sources tell me...That they keep an apple tree there that bears apples so red, that you can actually SMELL the redness..."


"Marceline, that doesn't make any sense. Even for our standards."

"Kah, so what? It doesn't HAVE to make sense. You went to the NIGHTOSPHERE for Glob's sake. Does THAT make sense?"

...She has a point.

"..." I don't answer.

"Well?" She scowls at me.

"I... I guess not..."

"Good... So you comin' or not?"

*scoffs* Like I even have a choice.

"Fine Marcie... I'm in." I say. A really mishcievous smile runs across her face. And I get a really, really REALLY bad feeling about this.


Oh Glob...

"But first we make our preparations. We shall meet at the entrance of canterlot at sundown. You shall not tell anyoooooooonnnnnneeeee" As she says anyone, she disappears into the shadows.

She never fails to scare me when she does that.


When I get back to the library, Jake is still asleep on the couch. As Usual. But Twilight and Spike are nowhere to be found. Hmm... I guess they left.

I look for the things I need in my bag. I find nothing that I can use for the heist, so I check the other pockets. And I find the costume I never thought I would see again. It's my Shadow Costume from the Princess cookie incident. Its Full body black suit which only has a face hole. But thats all that can help me right now.

Eh. It'll have to do...

Wait a minute, I remember having multiple sets of this costume... Where the Nightoshpere did They go?

I look out the window. The sun is going down.

Oh Glob Marceline is going to kill me...