//------------------------------// // Cadenza Appassionata // Story: Off-Rhythm // by KnightMysterio //------------------------------// Off-Rhythm Chapter 3: Cadenza Appassionata By Jonathan “KnightMysterio” Spires A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fanfiction All characters and concepts not original copyrighted to Hasbro and used without permission for non-profit amusement reasons. All original characters and concepts copyrighted to me, so don’t use without permission, please. Comments, constructive criticism, and especially compliments are not only welcome, but encouraged. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Destiny Nights... Three days after their last date... /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ “So when you two gonna see each other again?” Jam Session teased, Vinyl groaning in annoyance . “I don't know, all right?” Vinyl said. “I guess whenever we both have some time off.” Beatbox gently smacked Jam in the back of the head. “Lay off,” he said. “They both got they own lives, they'll meet up again when they can.” Jam laughed. “Aw, c'mon! I just wanna be sure that Vinyl's keeping up with this, y'know? This is the first time she's been serious with someone since she's dated US!” Vinyl facehoofed. “Back to that again?” she said sardonically. Jam blushed. “Yeah, well... We may not have worked out, but I'm still pretty fond of ya,” he said. “I like seeing you happy.” Beatbox shook his head, chuckling. “That I can agree to, at least,” he said. Vinyl blushed. “Well... Tavi does have a concert this week, on the day the club's closed for renovations. Maybe I can go see her show, maybe return the favor she's given me?” “That'd be good,” Jam said. “Just try not to get too bored,” Beatbox said. Vinyl blinked. “Huh?” Beatbox shook his head. “I went to an orchestra concert with a date one time, about a month after we stopped seein' each other seriously. I fell asleep halfway through.” Jam blinked. “Wait, was that the prissy little hussy from Canterlot? Upper Crust, I think her name was?” “Uh huh,” Beatbox said. “I dumped her the instant I realized she was just trying to make her boyfriend Jet Set jealous.” “Ouch,” Vinyl laughed. “Bet that was a kick in the society.” Beatbox grumped. “I was tempted to kick her for reals,” he said. “Nopony makes fun of my friends.” “Awww,” Vinyl and Jam teased. Beatbox just grinned lazily. Big Time stormed in again, interrupting the moment. “Your ritzy girlfriend coming tonight?” Vinyl sighed. “I don't know, all right? She just shows up! We're not at the 'planned visits' stage,” she said. Big Time growled. “Well, next time you see her, tell her to check in with me first.” “Yes sir! Anything else sir?” Vinyl said, saluting. Big Time fluffed his wings irritably. “Look,” he snarled. “I'm not against you having your girlfriend come to the back and visit you after a set, despite what the boss thinks. But damn it, it's my job to keep the performers safe. If word gets out that some ritzy pony is sneaking by me, how long do you think it will be before someone with worse intentions starts trying to get back to you? You're an attractive mare, Vinyl, and you've been lucky so far that you haven't had some crazy stalker after you. But luck can change quickly. Jam, Beatbox, same applies to you.” That gave the three musicians pause. “...I'll talk to Tavi next time I see her,” Vinyl said. “You still don't have to be a jerk about everything,” Jam said. “It's the only way I can get you fucking prima donnas to listen to me,” Big Time snarled, heading back out. Jam frowned. “...Well, crud. I think we have to be nicer to him now and I don't wanna.” Vinyl chuckled. “Ahh, he's all right,” she said. “He's just got a lousy boss.” “I been nice to him,” Beatbox teased. “It's Jam who treats him like something what comes out of his butt.” Jam frowned. “I just... I just don't like him, okay? He's been rude to us since we started here without us doing anything to him beforehand, he butts in where he doesn't belong... Also, I don't like the fact that he works willingly for a scumbag like Redshoe.” “We all work for him” Beatbox said, shrugging. “Can you honestly say that you wouldn't leave this place the instant you got a chance to?” Jam Session said. “I'm not the best singer around, I got enough sense to admit that. But damn it, you two have got what it takes to make it big!” Vinyl shook her head. “I'm just a DJ,” she said. “I'm nothing special.” “There's a cellist, a rapper, and a rock and roller who disagree with that,” Beatbox said softly, he and Jam smiling warmly. Vinyl blushed. I have some of the best friends ever, she thought. “Well... Okay, I guess,” she said. “I do kinda wanna get out of this place someday. But there's no rush. I got a good rhythm going here.” Jam shook his head. “Vinyl, sometimes the song's gotta go off-rhythm to move on.” Vinyl paused. The thought had never occurred to her before. Beatbox snickered. “Jam, I gotta admit. Most of the time you got less sense than an empty piggy bank. But sometimes you can manage to be profound.” Jam chuckled and took a zen pose, standing on unsteadily one hoof. “I am the Buddha of Boogaloo,” he said. “Listen to my wise words and you shall be free of all your worries.” Without even turning around, Vinyl gave him a telekinetic shove, knocking him over. Beatbox guffawed, Vinyl smirking and putting on her trademark shades, heading out to do her set. The next day, the renovations on the club began. She'd have two days off, so she decided to go to the orchestra concert. She combed her mane and tail into a reasonable shape, and pulled out an old dress she had barely worn (Pinkie Pie's fashion-designer friend gave it to her as a birthday present... Rarity, Vinyl thought her name was) and put it on. She sighed, and shook her head. “I look silly,” she said. She put on her trademark sunglasses, feeling a bit better about herself, and went to the concert hall. Almost immediately she felt out of place. Ritzy ponies of all kind were attending, some buying tickets still. She put herself in line, trying to look as prim and proper as possible. It didn't stop some ponies from noticing her and chuckling, Vinyl's blush growing brighter and brighter. I don't stand out that much, do I? she thought, wishing there was at least one more pony with a white coat. She came up to the ticket booth and said, “One please.” The ticket taker stared at her. “...Aren't you in the wrong place?” he said, the Earth pony visibly confused. Vinyl shook her head. “No, I don't think so. This is where the orchestra is playing tonight, right?” “Yes,” the blue Earth pony said, his eyes narrowing. “But I don't think they'd have music that YOU would like.” Vinyl blinked. “Is it so wrong that...” she started to challenge. “No, no, forget it. Just give a ticket and I'll forget about you being an asshole.” The Earth pony leaned over the counter, glaring at her. “No... No, I don't think I will...” Vinyl blinked. “WHAT?! Why not?!” she shouted. “Keep it down,” the Earth pony said. “This is a classy concert hall. And vagrant thugs like you aren't...” “Aren't going to have to put up with this any longer,” said a burly, yellow-maned unicorn as he came out and smacked the ticket taker. “I heard the yelling. I warned you twice before about this, Ticket Stub. This is your third strike.” “Can you honestly tell me that this... this VAGRANT actually belongs here?” Ticket Stub said. “I mean, LOOK AT HER! She's the DJ from that low class hooch joint on the other side of town!” Vinyl blushed, furiously, wishing this idiot would just shut up. The unicorn manager looked her over, frowning. “I see a young mare in a lovely dress coming to see a concert. I see no reason not to let her in so long as she pays for her ticket and minds the basic rules of courtesy.” “No loud cheering until the end of the concert, no rowdy stuff, no gum, and don't fall asleep on the guy next to you,” Vinyl said. “I know this already.” The manager nodded. “That covers that. And the payment?” Vinyl held up a small pouch of bits and levitated out the proper amount. The manager nodded. “Keep it. Consider it compensation for having to put up with his arrogance” “You can't do this to me, Grand Usher!” Ticket Stub shouted. “Not for some low class BINT!” The manager scowled. “Class has never been an indication of personal value. She came to watch, she was willing to pay. Now clear out, Ticket Stub, you're done. Box Office will finish for you.” Ticket Stub fumed for a long moment, and then huffed, storming away. Vinyl blinked, noticing his empty flank. “He's still a blank flank and he thinks I'm low class?” as asked, incredulous. “Some ponies think that if their daddy has money, they can get away with anything,” Grand Usher said, shaking his head. “I have never, nor will I ever, put up with that shit.” “Thank you,” Vinyl said softly. “I really appreciate this.” Grand Usher nodded. “Enjoy the concert, ma'am,” he said, turning to the rest of the customers in line as he motioned for Vinyl to enter. Thankfully, the DJ received no more challenges from the other employees. Her seat was on an aisle, something else she was glad for. She made herself comfortable, waiting for the concert to begin. After some warmups, the curtain opened, revealing the full concert. Vinyl was surprised to see so many in the orchestra, including harp players, violinists (including, bizarrely, a mare that looked like a palette swap of Octavia), other cellists, flutists, and an extensive brass section, and Frederic as the solo pianist. It took a moment for Vinyl to find Octavia. When she did find her, she was surprised, as Octavia looked so stoic. She couldn't resist. She waved to Tavi, hoping she noticed. Several people around her glared at her, and she blushed, shrinking down in her seat. Octavia, however, blinked when she noticed Vinyl, allowing herself a small smile. She never broke her stance, but she was definitely pleased. Even in such a huge crowd, even with her hair tamed and a lovely dress clothing her, the DJ stood out prominently. And the fact that Vinyl had taken the initiative to attend one of her concerts... well, that gave the cellist great confidence in her decision to romance the lovely DJ. The concert began, and Vinyl settled in to listen and enjoy. And to her credit, she tried to enjoy it. Really, she did. But all too soon, the music started to get to her. It wasn't to her taste at all. The tone, the flow, it just came off as too slow. It had no pulse to her, no rhythm. It didn't reverberate through her being like her dubstep music did. There were moments when the percussion came close, or a low note from the brass section would strike her. But it just... wasn't good to her. She struggled for a moment to find the words to describe it, until it finally came to her. So easily that it was almost depressing. Fluffy. It was light, it was fluffy, and to Vinyl's ears, it had no soul. She tried to tell herself that there were ponies that did enjoy it. That there were ponies who did enjoy it, that could find inspiration in it. That there was some artistic merit to it, since this style came long before her own. But to the DJ, it just didn't feel like MUSIC. “Something's missing from it,” she said softly, getting shushed immediately. There's no heart in the music... Didn't Freddy say that he wasn't sure if people were coming because they enjoyed it or because it was a society thing to do? She frowned sadly. That was it, she realized. The orchestra wasn't really trying anymore... Shame, she thought. For fluffy stuff, it's rather pretty. She applauded when the audience did, looking over them discreetly. She had gotten good at gauging audience reactions over her career, and could see that a lot of them were just applauding to be polite, that their minds were elsewhere. She felt bad for the orchestra, as they had to keep to what they rehearsed. With her mixes, she could simply change out the record if something was falling flat, rally the crowd with some cheerful words. No such luck here. She sighed, and patiently sat through the concert as best she could. A few artists had solos, which were a little better than the concert itself, but still, nothing to her taste. She was visibly bored, and trying not to fall asleep. And then Octavia stood up for her solo. Vinyl blinked, sitting more upright. She realized that she hadn't checked to see if Octavia had a solo, and cursed herself for not taking a program. She listened attentively, smiling softly as Octavia began to play. And when she did, Vinyl felt her heart soar. There was passion in the music, a joy of playing that was completely missing from the rest of the performance. Every single note reverberated throughout the unicorn's body, every single note filled with life, hope, and joy. Vinyl felt herself drawn in by the performance, as if every note was played just for her. This was music. She could feel this. The rest of the concert she couldn't feel anything, but THIS... When the solo was done, Vinyl was the first to start applauding, letting out a delighted cry, heedless of the other society ponies around her giving her odd looks as they stood to join the applause. Octavia grinned delightedly as she sat back down with the rest of the orchestra. This was better than she could have hoped for. After the concert, when the orchestra was heading back to the dressing room, she stopped by the security guard, a red-coated pegasus, and said, “If a white unicorn with a double eighth note cutie mark tries to get in, let her, would you? She's a friend.” The guard nodded. “There were a lot of white unicorns here tonight, though, all of them clothed. How will I know which is which?” he asked. Octavia smirked. “She'll be the one that looks absurdly out of place,” she said. The guard quirked an eyebrow at that, and nodded. And sure enough, a few minutes later, a white unicorn wearing purple sunglasses with a rather lovely dress appeared, looking around in confusion. One look at her sunglasses and her neon blue mane and he realized that she was the mare that Octavia was expecting. Out of place indeed, the guard thought. “Ma'am? Are you lost?” Vinyl yipped, taken off-guard. She coughed nervously, and nodded. “Yeah, um... I know the mare who had the cello solo, Octavia? I was wondering if it'd be all right if I...” “She's expecting you,” the guard said, smiling. “Go on in.” “She is?!” Vinyl said, blushing when she realized how excitedly she said it. She coughed again, and went inside, nodding in thanks to the guard. Almost immediately, the DJ felt overwhelmed. The room was very different from the dressing rooms at the clubs. Solid oak carvings adorned the lockers where musical instruments were kept. The tables with their lighted mirrors were much fancier, and gave the impression that they had been there since before Nightmare Moon, their age and worn appearance making them seem all the more elegant. She felt as out of place as an Earth Pony in Cloudsdale. “Well well,” said a familiar voice. Vinyl whirled, very grateful to see Beauty Brass standing there, a purple Earth Pony with a blue mane and tail standing with her. “I'm honestly surprised to see you, Vinyl. Not unhappy about it,” she said. “So this is who our Tavi's been gushing about,” the purple Earth Pony said. “I'm Harpo Parish Nadermane. It's a pleasure.” Sweet Luna that name, Vinyl thought. “I'm... so sorry,” she said, unable to help herself. Harpo rolled his eyes. “Yes, yes, the name is an awkward one, I admit. Let's stick with Harpo,” he said drolly. “You'd be Vinyl Scratch, I take it?” “Ah ah ah,” said Octavia, “I'll do the taking here. I saw her first, so I get dibs.” The cellist came up between the two of them, nuzzling Vinyl happily, the DJ blushing and nuzzling back. “You'll have to forgive Harpo,” Octavia said. “He thinks he's one of the Marx brothers, but he's really just a stooge.” “I'm the smart one,” Harpo said, smirking. “Oh, a wise guy, eh?” Frederic said, coming up behind him and nudging him. Vinyl giggled. Octavia rolled her eyes. “C'mon. Let's go outside and talk. We can get a bit more privacy.” She led the two of them outside, heading down the hall until they were alone. Vinyl gulped nervously, not sure what to say. “Well... I came!” “It sounded like you did after my solo finished,” Octavia teased. When Vinyl blushed, letting out an adorable squeak as her horn sparked, Octavia giggled. “Oh, come on. You have to admit you walked right into that one.” “Heh... Yeah, I guess I did,” the DJ said, grinning. Octavia smiled warmly. “I'm surprised you came, though. I didn't think you liked orchestral music,” she said. “Well... Normally I don't,” Vinyl admitted. “It just feels too... light, too fluffy.” She frowned, and added. “Plus, it seemed like none of you were really trying. There wasn't any heart in the music.” “Yes...” Octavia said sadly. “I think many in the orchestra are losing their will to play. After so many lukewarm responses...” “But then, when it got to your solo,” Vinyl interrupted, an excited grin coming to her face. “Oh Tavi... It was beautiful! It was pure, unadulterated music! The passion you put into it, the joy...” The DJ found herself at a loss for words. “This... this probably sounds dumb, but it was INSPIRING!” It was Octavia's turn to blush now. “You r-really thought so?” the cellist stammered, grinning. “It was beautiful!” Vinyl insisted. “It was...” She paused, a revelation dawning on her. “It's the first time I've felt passion in music in over a year, the first time music has felt real to me...” she said softly. Octavia smiled, blushing. “Music is about passion. Without passion, without putting your heart and soul into your playing, all you're doing is playing notes in a sequence. Only when you invest yourself does it become music,” she said, nodding sagely. Vinyl grinned widely. She hadn't realized it, but she had been feeling stifled musically for months. To have someone share the same thoughts that had been going through her head for so long... I'm in love, Vinyl thought giddily. I'm in love!! It was crazy. She didn't even know Octavia that well. It made no sense that after one date, some amazing kisses, and hearing her play that she would feel this way. To Tartarus with making sense. This felt more real than any romance she had attempted before. “Listen, are you free this weekend?” Vinyl asked. “The club's gonna be closed for a couple days for renovations, maybe we can do that trip to the club you mentioned? I bring the boys, you bring your three stooges?” Octavia grinned widely. Her heart was racing with excitement. To have Vinyl start taking the initiative... she tried not to get her hopes up. It was still early yet to hope that the DJ felt the same way about her that she did for Vinyl. But still... “Sure. I think I can arrange that,” she said, leaning in to kiss Vinyl, the DJ blushing bright red and meeping, her horn sparking. Vinyl nodded, breathless. “Okay! Shoe Inn Tavern, this weekend,” she said. She hesitated a moment, and started to leave. She paused, and said, “OH! Um, before I forget... Don't sneak past Big Time anymore if you come to visit. He's starting to get pesty about it.” Octavia rolled her eyes. “Okay, okay, I'll check in with the big lugnut next time I'm at the club,” she said, not losing her grin. Vinyl smiled gratefully, and turned to leave. Octavia blushed. She's so cute when she smiles, the cellist thought. Harpo came up to her. “Everything going well, Tavi?” he asked, smiling warmly. Octavia put a hoof on her chest, sighing. “Ever since I first saw her, saw her passion, heard her music... I knew that she was the one... It sounds silly, I know, but...” “When you're with her, the wound that he left in you feels like it's healing,” Harpo said softly. Tears edged their way out of Octavia's eyes. “Of all the things to happen to me... Just that one little thing nearly destroyed me...” she said softly. “Just be careful that you do not let it destroy her as well,” Harpo said. Octavia blinked at him, startled. Harpo sighed. “Tavi... You and I have known each other the longest. I knew you even before this great change in you came... I just...” Octavia shook her head. “I know what I was, Harpo. And the mare I was is gone now. She went away with the silence. I won't hurt Vinyl, Harpo. I swear it... I've come to adore her too much to allow that to happen.” Harpo smiled sadly. “I hope so,” he said. “Have you told her about your condition?” Octavia frowned. “I'm... working up to it,” she said. “Better to get it out in the open quickly,” Harpo said. “Before something happens to either of you...” Vinyl, for her part, was almost skipping home. She felt great, better than she had in far too long. And without realizing it, she began to sing. “Something has changed within me, something is not the same, I'm through with playing by the rules of someone else's game. Too late for second guessing, too late to go back to sleep. It's time to trust my instincts, close my eyes and leap...” TO BE CONTINUED...