//------------------------------// // The Pony of Science // Story: A Feline's Point of View // by Zman537 //------------------------------// Chapter 5 About 5 days passed since my encounter with Winona. Over the course of the time, Scootaloo refused to tell anypony of my speaking capabilities which included her friends (That one secret she was going to tell them involved that Rainbow Dash pony), and I was trying to find out a way to pester the orange farmer, which was proving harder than I thought it would be. Especially with her being gone for the last three days. I had taken to staying in the trees when roaming the orchard to avoid Winona, and had been leaving engravings on the trees to show where I was when exploring. I even managed to unlock the window leading to the attic. (Cause sticks are the most awesome tool for picking latch locks you can’t reach) I also started to read the scrapbook when I made another realization about this world. The written language wasn't what you would call 'English.' "When did the letter O get replaced with Omega?" Or writing for that matter. Seriously it looked like the drunken baby between Greek literature and Shakespeare with an illegitimate mexican uncle. though.... I'm not sure how that would affect the kid.... While it was challenging at first, I had been slowly translating the text so I could read. It was easier than you would think. Only about half the alphabet was changed. I had roughly about 36% of the changes memorized when I decided that I should see what I could gather from my rough translation. "Huh. His name really is Big Mac." Burger pony!!!! ~Elsewhere~ Winona grumbled as she searched the orchard. The scratch on her nose had been unnoticeable to all, but it still hurt. "When I find that no good ball of fur, He'll regret ever trespassin' on my property." She stopped when she saw some claw marks on the tree next to her. A quick sniff confirmed her thoughts. "If he thinks that I'm just gonna let him take my land..." Winona grumbled as she continued her hunt outside, unaware of the eyes following her. ~Back to Felix~ I rushed downstairs when I heard the door open and close. With how late it was, Scootaloo had to be getting back from crusading. "Hey Scoots! How did the crusading go?" "Hey Felix, not so good." I arched a brow . "By 'not so good' you mean?" She blushed and suddenly found the wall to be surprisingly interesting. Now understand that while I have only been here for about a week, I had probably become the closest thing Scoots has ever had to a sibling. Despite the obvious size difference, I played the big brother role. Even when it didn't work out all that well. This kid had some serious authority issues. "Uh, not much. Just... a little mishap." I put a serious scowl on my face. "And by mishap you mean?" She was really trying not to tell. Her face was scrunched up from keeping her jaws shut. A small snort escaped her.... Wait.... snort? She bust out laughing and was rolling on the floor. "Oh sweet Celestia! That Face!" Apparently my serious face had some setbacks on ponies. I turned to a Hand(hoof?)-mirror that was lying on the ground and got a good look at myself before joining her in the troughs of laughter. "HAHAHAHAHA! I looked like a Meeheheeme! Oh my sihihihides!" We laughed for a good while before Scootaloo and I could talk again. "Haha ha phooo, oh that was funny, but seriously what did you do this time?" "Um well... We may have accidentally caused some... minor damage to the apple family's barn." Scoots gave me the most 'innocent' grin she could as she headed to her bed. I just started chuckling. "It's missing a couple of walls isn't it?" Scootaloo stumbled on her hooves and grinned sheepishly. "Err....Maybe?..." I just laughed and hopped in next to her rubbing against her chin. She scratched behind my ears and snuggled into her covers. Her brow furrowed and she looked down at me. "Felix? What's a ‘meme’?" "I'll tell ya later" I let out a large yawn and curled up again. "Let's just get some sleep." We both drifted off to sleep shortly after with her petting me, while I soaked in the attention. The next day I was roaming in the trees when I saw the orange one, I think her name was Applejack, working about five trees away. I got closer and was about to pounce on her head from the lack of ideas I was having on pranks when someone shouting in the distance stopped both of us. “Applejack?” Looking away from the farmer, I saw a lavender unicorn and a yellow pegasus coming over the hills with some kind of lizard riding on one of their backs. The farm pony stretched before waving over to her. “Over Here Twilight!” I recognised the pegasus as Fluttershy, it was easy to tell she was confused. Pony eyes are traitorous that way. “You wanted to see us? “Somethin’ has been running through my trees and it’s got Winona in a bunch. I was wonderin’ if you could help me catch it. Ah think it might be a cat er somethin'.” I gulped and looked down before trying to get to a higher branch. Uh oh.... The lizard spoke up as he looked at my tree. “You mean that cat?” OH COME ON! I scrambled to a higher perch and started to dash down the trees until I suddenly stopped as I was surrounded by... lavender light? huh?.... I suddenly was pulled from the trees, despite my efforts to claw my way into the branches, and was somehow floating in front of the purple unicorn that the farmer called Twilight. Crap.... I'm pretty sure she knows of me. Twilight blinked at me in mild confusion. “Huh... Fluttershy, isn’t this the cat you gave to Scootaloo about a week ago?” yep, she dose.... Fluttershy looked me over and nodded when she saw my tag. “Yes... but what is he doing here?” The lizard was looking at me in awe. “Whoa! I didn’t know cats could have three colors!” Twilight looked back at him with an amused smile. “That’s because they normally don’t, Spike.” She started to look me over while levitating me around like a ragdoll. “The fact that he does... I kinda what to run some tests to see why.” Fluttershy was looking at Twilight nervously. “Um.... It won’t hurt him.... will it?” Applejack looked at Twilight with a raised brow. “An’ shouldn’t ya ask Scoots first if it’s her cat?” Twilight smiled back. “Of course I’ll ask. I was on my way over to see if she was with your sister and Sweetie so I could. I’m only going to perform some simple tests and examinations.” Wait.. TESTS!!?? Her smile widened. “Celestia even sent a letter back asking if I could! She and Luna were both curious about a new species suddenly being found.” She looked concerned as she looked at the ground in thought. “Though... they didn’t seem surprised at all about the Spectrum Illumini suddenly appearing...” The unicorn hadn’t stopped moving me around and I was starting to get nauseous. Oh…..Gonna be sick..... I growled and made my discomfort known. The unicorn leaned back and looked over to ‘Spike’ who was holding a small carrier. Oh CRAP! I clawed at the edges of the carrier as they tried to put me inside until Fluttershy started to look at me. “Um... could you please get in Felix?... I promise that Twilight won’t do anything bad to you.” My claws reluctantly retracted and I was soon in the plastic box. “Oh, you’re such a good boy.” I blinked in confusion as I was being hauled away. Um.... what just happened?.... As I was carted off the property, I heard a bell ring in the distance. School just got out for Scoots.... Please hurry orange savior. I was jostled around as she walked through the town until I could hear Scootaloo buzzing down the street in the distance. I think she spotted Twilight when I heard Scootaloo speak up. “Hey Twilight! What’s in the carrier?” Twilight responded. “A pet cat that was found on Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack asked me to help catch what was messing with Winona and her trees and we found Felix here.” I gulped and heard Scootaloo doing the same. “Scootaloo... care to explain what he was doing there to begin with?” “Oh! um... well. It turned out that my parents weren’t too happy with me getting a pet as I thought they were...” Yes Scootaloo! Lie! Lie to get me the heck out of this box! “So I brought him to the clubhouse to take care of him.” She gave me the stink eye when she looked in the cage and I grinned sheepishly. “I didn’t know he was getting out though.” I heard Twilight sigh and the cage jostled again. “That’s alright Scootaloo, but you really should have asked Applejack or Granny Smith before doing that.” From what I could see through the cage I noticed I was near a giant gingerbread house. Um...... what?........ and can I eat it? “Oh, and Scootaloo? Is it alright if I do some tests on Felix? The princesses are curious on what kind of cat he is.” They started to walk down the street when Scootaloo spoke up. “Um... Okay?” NO NOT OKAY! I AM NOT BEING A LAB RAT! It was silent for a moment before she spoke up excitedly. “Can I help?” aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I’m doomed...... Twilight was looking around nervously from what I could tell and seemed reluctant. “Wouldn’t you like to play with your friends?” Scootaloo sounded slightly dejected. “Applebloom had to go home and so did Sweetie.” “Well... Do you promise not to cause any damage?” “Hey! That was just once!” There was a giggle from Twilight as I saw Scootaloo pout. I don't want to know..... “Alright, you can be my assistant for this.” Spike shouted from her back. “Hey, what about me?” “You, Spike, can have the day off. You’ve been working a lot lately and deserve a break.” It wasn’t long after that the cage was opened and I bolted out. I saw a couch nearby and dived under it. I could hear Spike, who I learned was a dragon on the way here due to Twilight’s nagging, yelling in surprise. “Whoa!” I stayed under the couch for as long as I could, until a violet light engulfed me again. Oh, come on! I call hax! The purple pony pulled me out and I was floating in front of her and Scootaloo once again. Scootaloo was looking at me with a grin. “Don’t worry Felix! Twilight is the smartest pony I know.” I gave her a look that said 'We’re talking about this later....' She smiled and I was taken down stairs to what could only be described as a mad scientist’s lair. I'm dead..... I am so dead.... Twilight set me down on a table in the middle of the room. “There, now one last thing...” A purple box with holes appeared around me that spanned the length of the table. “There.” Scootaloo looked up at me nervously before turning to Twilight. “Um.... you do know what you’re doing.... right?” Twilight gave her a reassuring smile that made me shiver. “Of course I do, I’m not Celestia’s student for nothing.” I felt something pierce into my leg sharply and I felt sleepy after I yelped in pain. I slumped forward and started to sleep as I watched a blurry Scoots gasp in shock. Oh god dang it....... she has sedatives......