
by Ultimauser50

Chapter 7 The Reunion

Author’s Note: We’re baaaaaaaaack♪ Sorry it took me soooooo long to come up with this chapter, it’s just for those of you who didn’t know, I got started on another fanfic called My Little Kingdom Hearts: Hearts Are Power, for those of you who didn’t know and are interested in reading head over to my site. Now, please enjoy and again sorry of the long wait.

The elevator makes its way to the next testing area and POTaTOS wakes up as we step out.

“Did anything happen while I was out?” asked POTaTOS.

“Nah, not really.” replied Pinkie Pie. “You were only out for twelve seconds.”

“Hm, I see. Well at least I wasn’t out long.”

“The testing area’s just up ahead. The quicker you get through, the quicker you'll get your sixty bucks.”

“Cave Johnson giving away money? HA! I would love to have seen that!” I laughed.

“Hahaha! I know right?! I’d sooner believe that Fluttershy was able to wrestle a bear than believe Cave would give out cold hard cash.”

“Hold on, who-?”

“Caroline, are the compensation vouchers ready?”

“Yes sir mister Johnson.” replied both Caroline’s recorded voice and POTaTOS catching everypony off guard. “Why did I just-Who is that? What the HELL is going on he----?” POTaTOS instantly shuts off.

“…Well…That was creepy. Anypony agrees?” I asked looking at the Mane 6.

“Definitely.” replied Rainbow Dash.

“But it’s also, kinda odd. Don’t you think it’s weird how GLA-I mean POTaTOS replied to Cave Johnson’s voice like that?” asked Twilight.

“Not really.” I replied. “Being a potato obviously drained her more than we thought, but to me it doesn’t matter. As long as we get her back in her body, stop this place from blowing sky high, and if she keeps up her end of the bargain then it doesn’t matter.”

“Exactly! …Now there’s just one question.” said Rainbow Dash.

“And that is?”

“How are we gonna get out of this test room?”

“Up there looks like our best bet.” said Twilight pointing her hoof at the upper level of the testing chamber.

“Alright! Let’s go Fluttershy!”


Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy quickly flew up the walkway while Twilight teleported AppleJack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and I to the upper level. We reappeared next to Fluttershy who was just standing still looking up.

“What are ya lookin’ at Fluttershy?” asked AppleJack.

Suddenly the exit door opened and Rainbow Dash landed next to Fluttershy.

“Rainbow Dash.” replied Fluttershy.

“It turns out, there was a button up there, and all I had to do was fly up and press it!”

“Sheesh, I wish you guys were with me during my entry exam tests. Your powers are the ultimate cheats!” I said.

“Heh, well we are pretty awesome.” replied Rainbow Dash.

“No arguments from me.”

“Alright you two, let’s stay focused please?” asked Twilight.

“Whatever.” Rainbow Dash and I nonchalantly replied as everypony walked through the emancipation grill and ran into the next section of the training area. As everypony looked to the left we saw a walkway.

“We need to get over there.” said Twilight.

“Right! We know what to do!” shouted Rainbow Dash as she and Fluttershy took off and Twilight used here teleportation spell. Rainbow Dash then quickly flew in front of Twilight.

“Hey boss! The exit is right on the opposite side of this beam!”

In shock everypony ran to the opposite said and saw the exit elevator.

“Wow.” said Pinkie Pie. “If only the other tests were this easy!”

“They’ll probably get easier and easier as we go along Pinkie, after all, you guys are able to use your powers without and restrictions so that’s helping too.” I said.

“True dat.”

Twilight quickly teleported everypony inside the elevator and we were quickly joined by Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy who barely make it into the elevator as the door shuts with the elevator ascending.

“Great job, astronaut, war hero, and/or Olympian! With your help, we can-” The tape then cuts off and cuts back on. “This on?” Cave Johnson taps on the mic. “Hey. Listen up down there. That thing’s called an elevator. Not a bathroom.”

“I swear I know him…” said POTaTOS.

“Don’t you remember POTaTOS? You used to work with the guy back when Celestial Science was still, you know, alive.” I said with emphasis on alive.

“No, I don’t remember. I don’t even remember Cave Johnson at all.”

“Hmm…that’s odd.” said Twilight. “You should remember that. I remember it clearly.”

“Me too.” I said.

“Same here” said Rainbow Dash.

“Even I remember!” said Pinkie Pie.

“So do I.” said AppleJack.

“As do I.” said Rarity.

“Me too.” said Fluttershy.

“If we all remember it, then why don’t you?” I asked.

“I really don’t know, I’ll have to look into it when we get Wheatley out of the mainframe.”

The elevator stops at the next test area and everypony steps out and slowly walks forward, scanning the test area.

“If you're interested in an additional sixty dollars, flag down a test associate and let 'em know. You could walk out of here with a hundred and twenty weighing down your bindle if you let us take you apart, put some science stuff in you, then put you back together good as new.”

‘As if anypony would be stupid enough to accept that offer.’ I said to myself.

“Oh! Oh! Let me do this one! Pleeeeeease?!” asked Pinkie Pie on her knees.

“Uh, sure Pinkie. Why not?” said Twilight nervously.

“Yippee!” shouted Pinkie Pie as she fired a blue portal below the tube spilling out orange gel and fired a blue portal on the lower wall on the platform in the back of the room. “Come on everypony! This is where it gets fun!” Pinkie Pie jumped through the portal with everypony else following suit and because of the orange gel on the floor they all slide to the back wall. “We’re not done yet!” Pinkie Pie then fired a blue portal under the blue gel tube and fired an orange portal on the upper platform causing blue gel to fly out from the orange portal. After a few seconds Pinkie Pie fires a blue portal on the platform in front of them. “Okay everypony…CHARGE!!!” everypony runs at full speed and with the help of the orange gel everypony runs with incredible speed and launch right out of the blue portal and bounced right off a platform covered with blue gel and we land on a platform suspended by black wire. “And there’s the exit!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with glee pointing at the elevator.

“Great job Pinkie!” Twilight praised.

“Yes, you did an excellent job!” Rarity praised.

“Definitely, way to contribute to the team!” I said.

“Now, there’s only one thing left to do.” said AppleJack looking at Rainbow Dash.

“We’re already on it. Let’s Fluttershy!”


Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy take off into the sky and fly into the elevator while Twilight and the rest of us are teleported directly into it and the elevator doors close at it begins to ascend.

“In case you're interested, there's still some positions available for that bonus opportunity I mentioned earlier. Again: all you gotta do is let us disassemble you. We're not banging rocks together here. We know how to put a pony and or man back together. So that's a complete reassembly. New vitals. Spit-shine on the old ones. Plus we're scooping out tumors. Frankly, you oughtta be paying us.”

“Yeah, we oughtta pay them for ripping us apart.” I said rhetorically. “You know, I gotta say, I never knew how much nerve Cave had, even when we were working for him, but as I listen to him now, I’ve been shown how much nerve he has.”

“I’m not surprised personally.” Twilight said. “Mr. Cave has always been blunt about his pursuits on science.”

“At least he showed passion, personally I’m liking this guy more and more. Did I kill him?” asked POTaTOS.

“No clue. When you flooded the entire joint with that neurotoxin crap, we were put to sleep in rooms on the opposite side of the science center.” said Rainbow Dash. “For all we know, all of us and the princesses are the only survivors we know of.”

“I see. How unfortunate. And…sorry about that.”

Everypony’s jaw drops and everypony stares at POTaTOS “WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?!?!?”

“Yes, I’m…sorry, for what I’ve done. What I did was mean, and I was wrong. I’m sorry.”

“Woaaaaah.” Everypony said in amazement.

“Welp, I’m convinced.” I said.

“On what?” asked AppleJack.

“That putting POTaTOS back on the main control panel is a good idea. I think she’s learned her lesson. Now I’m positive that what we’re doing is the right thing. POTaTOS, you have our full support.”

“Thank you. But if I could ask you just one thing please?”

“Sure. What is it?”

“Stop calling me POTaTOS. Just call me GLaDOS like always.”

I huffed. “Fine. It took me a while to come up with that name.”

Everypony including GLaDOS laughed to my dismay as the elevator reach the next testing area.

“Thank you - I can't believe I'm thanking these people - for staggering your way through Aperture Science's propulsion gel testing. You've made some real contributions to society for a change, and for that, humanity is grateful. If you had any belongings, please pick them up now. We don’t want old newspapers and sticks cluttering up the building. For many of you, I realize 60 dollars is an unprecedented windfall, so don't go spending it all on... I don't know. Caroline, what do these people buy? Tattered hats? Beard dirt?”

Everypony walks past the emancipation grill and approaches a giant door with the sign “Elevator To Surface”

“How much you wanna bet that it won’t open?” I asked.

“Although it would be nice, but it doesn’t matter, remember, if GLaDOS doesn’t get put back into the control panel we’re gonna catch a massive fire work show that just may be our last.” explained Twilight.

“True, true. So, where to from here?”

“Oh! I see an exit up there!” shouted Pinkie Pie pointing to an emancipation grill.

“Good eye Pinkie Pie.” complemented Rarity.

“Oh! Nice rhyme!” Pinkie Pie giggled.

As Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew to the exit Twilight had teleported everypony up in front of the grill. Pinkie Pie then quickly noticed the sign on the railing.

“Hmm…‘GAMMA’? The sign is pointing over there, but I don’t see anything.”

“No Pinkie, it’s up there.” said Rainbow Dash pointing to the upper level marked GAMMA. “Meet’cha up there!” Rainbow and Fluttershy quickly made there way to the gamma platform as Twilight had teleported the rest in front of the door.

“Caroline... why do I know this woman? Did I kill her? Or- Oh my god.”

“What’s up GLaD?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“N-Nothing…just…listen, you’re all doing a great job…Can the rest of you handle everything on your own for a while? I need to think.”

“Sure, just don’t think too much or you might short out again.”


“Hey guys.” I said getting everypony’s attention.

“What’s up?” asked AppleJack.

“See that?” I asked pointing to the upper platform.

“Already on it.” said Rainbow Dash as she and Fluttershy took off to the upper platform and Twilight used her teleportation.

“Uh, guys? Are you sure we should be here?” asked Pinkie Pie.

“Why because of the ‘Danger Keep Out’ sign?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah, we’re not supposed to be here.”

“I agree with Pinkie.” said Fluttershy. “The sign says danger, and I don’t like the sound of that.”

“Don’t worry Fluttershy, the only thing we’ve gotta be worried about here is the bottomless pits in these test chambers.” said AppleJack.

“I-I guess.”

“Come one everypony, let’s not slow down.” said Twilight as she led everypony down the hall. Twilight then opened the door she saw out of the corner of her eye. As I stepped through the door, GLaDOS began to freak out as she noticed the crow.

“Agh! Bird! Bird! Kill it! It’s evil!”

“Calm down GLaDOS, it flew away.” I said.

“Oh, good, alright, back to thinking.”

“Right, and while you do that, we’ll continue to make progress.”

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy glided across the wide and steep gap cutting them off from the next area of the testing area and Twilight teleported the rest of us onto the stares and we quickly made our way up.

“Welcome to the enrichment center. *cough*”

“This was taken before he died.” I said.

“Really?” asked Twilight.

“Yeah, you weren’t around at the time because Cave sent you off to do some assignment.”

“Assignment? ...Oh! I remember, he said that there was a blown fuse and I left to fix it.”

“Well, while you were gone he got ill. I’m surprised he was able to hide it from you.”

“Me too…but how did he get ill?”

“Since making test participation mandatory for all employees, the quality of our test subjects has risen dramatically. Employee retention, however, has not. *cough* As a result, you may have heard we're gonna phase out pony and human testing. There's still a few things left to wrap up, though. The bean counters told me we literally could not afford to buy seven dollars worth of moon rocks, much less seventy million. Bought 'em anyway. Ground 'em up, mixed em into a gel. And guess what? Ground up moon rocks are pure poison. I am deathly ill. Still, it turns out they're a great portal conductor. So now we're gonna see if jumping in and out of these new portals can somehow leech the lunar poison out of a man's bloodstream. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. *coughs* Let's all stay positive and do some science. That said, I would really appreciate it if you could test as fast as possible. Caroline, please bring me more pain pills.”

“WHAT?!?!” shouted Twilight in disbelief. “THAT was why he died?!?! Anypony knows that moon rocks have poison in them! Even Princess Luna could tell you that!! Ugh! I don’t even know why I’m surprised!”

“That’s probably why he didn’t want to tell you.” I said. “He wanted to avoid an ‘I told ya so.’ speech. You know how stubborn he can be.”

Twilight let out a huge sigh. “Yeah, I know.”

“Let’s not let this slow us down, let’s keep moving.”

“Right!” replied everypony.

We quickly move through the computer room until we find a red button next to a desk. Twilight pushes the button and it opens the door leading to the elevator. Everypony quickly runs out of the computer room and into the elevator and it brings them up to the next level. We quickly leave the elevator and see a tube spilling white gel onto the floor and the walkway a few feet away from us.

“Sheesh, we’re flying and teleporting all over the place. It’s starting to get annoying.” I said.

“I agree. Are there any parts still intact in this place?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Come on everypony, we’ll have time to complain later.” said Twilight.

“Fine.” both Rainbow Dash and I said as Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew over the pit and Twilight teleported everypony to the railing. We begin to walk down the railing until we notice the railing on top of the massive support beam.

“OH COME ON!!” shouted Rainbow Dash and I.

“Knock it off you two, let’s just go.” said Twilight.

“What ever.” Rainbow Dash then quickly took off with Fluttershy as Twilight teleported everypony to the railing.

“Let’s see…” I said trailing off looking around the room. “Ah! There’s another computer room!”

“Right! Let’s go!” Rainbow Dash quickly flew down with Fluttershy as Twilight quickly teleported everypony onto the platform leading up to the computer room.

“All right, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons? Don't make lemonade.”


“Make life take the lemons back!”


“Get mad!”


“I don’t want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these?”

“Yeah, take the lemons!”

“Demand to see life’s manager!”


“Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I’m the man who’s gonna burn your house down! With the lemons!”

“Oh, I like this guy!”

“I’m gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!”

“BURN HIS HOUSE DOWN! Burning people, he says what were all thinking!”

Everypony stares at each other and quickly burst into laughter.

“What? What’s so funny?” asked GLaDOS in genuine confusion.

“BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! H-He’s quite the motivational speaker ain’t he?!” whooped AppleJack trying to catch her breath.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! That was hilarious!” shouted Rainbow Dash.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Wow, he sure can be energetic when he wants to be!” laughed Pinkie Pie.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I knew Cave was hard headed but THIS is a new level! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!” laughed Twilight.

I could barely say anything, I was laughing too hard.

Rarity managed to calm herself down as she stood back on her hooves. “Tee hee, w-well, at least we’ve had our laugh for today.”

“Y-Yeah, Hahaha! That was funny!” said Fluttershy slowly standing up along with everypony else.

“I’ll never understand your tastes in comedy.” said GLaDOS

“The point is: If we can store music on a compact disc, why can't we store a man's intelligence and personality on one? So I have the engineers figuring that out now. Brain Mapping. Artificial Intelligence. We should have been working on it thirty years ago. I will say this - and I'm gonna say it on tape so everybody hears it a hundred times a day: If I die before you people can pour me into a computer, I want Caroline to run this place. Now she'll argue. She'll say she can't. She's modest like that. But you make her. Hell, put her in my computer. I don't care. All right, test's over. You can head on back to your desk.”

“Goodbye sir.”

“You remember him now?” I asked.

“No, but it, just, feels like I know him.”

“Well don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll remember eventually. For now, let’s just keep moving.”

Everypony continues there walk through the test chamber until we arrive to a door labeled ‘Elevator to Surface’.

“Alright! And by the looks of this door it seems to be unlocked! Let’s hurry!” I said in excitement.

“Yeah! Let’s go!” shouted Rainbow Dash as she busted the door down. But to our shock it’s actually a long corridor leading up. “No! Not more flying!!”

“N-No! NOOOOOOOOOO!!” I yelled. “Not more teleporting! There’s no reason for this!” I then drop to my knees. “WHY GOD?! TELL ME WHYYY!!”

“Calm down you two. It’s not that high up. And besides there’s a way for us to get up there without teleporting. But the only problem is that, we’ll need flight.”

“Oh no.” moaned Rainbow Dash.

“Don’t worry Rainbow Dash, I can do it.” Fluttershy said.

“Really? You’d do that?”

“Yes. I’m sure.”

Before Fluttershy flies off I stop her.

“Hold on!”


“It’s dangerous to go alone. Here take this.” I removed GLaDOS from my portal gun and hand it to Fluttershy.


“Yeah, she might be able to help you find a place where you can put the portal. Good luck Flutter.”

Fluttershy blushes as she places GLaDOS on her gun. “Thanks.”

Fluttershy then fired a blue portal on the white wall next to a gel tube and begins to fly upward. She quickly reaches the top and gets read to fire an orange portal on the floor below her.


“Yes GLaDOS?”

“I maybe just a potato, but I still remember every inch of this place. You see that platform?”

“That’s in a diagonal position?”

“Yes, that platform is actually pointing to a door. Why teleport your friends here when you can cut the travel time in half by going as high as you can go?”

“That’s true. Thanks GLaDOS.”

“You’re welcome.”

Fluttershy flies up and just like GLaDOS said there was a door right where she said it would be. Fluttershy quickly makes her way through the door and as she walks into the new room she looks around in awe on how big it is.

“I know things look bleak, but that crazy man down there was right.
Let's not take these lemons! We are going to march right back upstairs and MAKE him put me back in my body! And he'll probably kill us, because he's incredibly powerful and I have no plan. Wow. I'm not going to lie to you, the odds are a million to one. And that's with some generous rounding. Still, though, let's get mad! If we're going to explode, let's at least explode with some dignity.”

“No GLaDOS, don’t give up hope yet! We CAN survive! We just have to stay positive that’s all.”

“But how can you be positive? Look at the odds! We’re probably MILES away from that moron, the facility might explode, AND he has complete control over EVERYTHING in the facility! There is no outcome where we come out on top as far as I can calculate.”

“Don’t worry, if you can’t come up with a plan Twilight will. She’s always thinking and coming up with new ideas, and she knows the Equestria is in the line of fire. She’ll come up with a plan. I know it.”

“Well…on the off chance she doesn’t have a plan I’ll try my best to come up with one.”

“Thanks GLaDOS.”

“Don’t thank me yet. Let’s see if this plan actually works first.”

“Right. And in the meantime.” Fluttershy takes off and maneuvers her way to the top of the room. Eventually she makes her way to the top of the room and lands in front of an emancipation grill. “Alright, this is the perfect spot.” Fluttershy aims her gun to the white part of the floor and fires a blue portal and she sticks her head through it. “Hey guys! I did it!”

“Excellent work Fluttershy.” said Twilight as everypony jumped through the portal.


“What’s up Flutter?”

“Do you want GLaDOS back?”

“Nah, you can keep her. I’m positive you’d take waaaay better care of her then I would.”


“Oh no.”

“What’s the matter Rarity?” asked AppleJack.

“There’s more gel in that test room.”

“Why’s that a problem? Ya didn’t complain before? Why now?”

“Because of two reasons. One, we were able to avoid using gel before so we couldn’t get messy. And two, the gel in that room aren’t being guided by pipes and there splattering everywhere. I refuse to go in there unless there’s another way to avoid it.”

“Ugh! Of all the times to be annoying…You choose now?!” yelled Rainbow Dash.

“Don’t worry Rainbow Dash. While I was up here I saw there was an upper level inside that room. All we need to do is teleport up there. See?” Fluttershy points at the platform above them.

“Hey you’re right! Great job Fluttershy!” said Rainbow Dash. “Now let’s go!” Rainbow Dash quickly makes her way to the platform.

“Right.” Fluttershy flies up to Rainbow Dash and Twilight teleports the rest of us up to the platform.

“Alright, where to from here?” I asked.

“If you all walk to the front, you’ll see that the tunnel leads up even further. All you need to do is fly and teleport up there.” explained GLaDOS.

Everypony walks to the front of the platform and Twilight smiles.

“She’s right. Alright everypony, let’s move!”

“Right!” replies everypony as Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy fly up the tunnel and Twilight teleports everypony to the top. At the top of the tunnel it turns out to be a pipe room.

“Woah, look at this place? Where are we?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“This is a pipe room. Most of the gel in the facility moves through these pipes to reach there destination.” explained GLaDOS.

“Neat. So, where to from here?”

“Well there’s good news and great news.” said Twilight.

“I like my options. Give us the great news first.”

“The great news is that we don’t need to fly or teleport anymore from what I can see. The walls here are compatible with our portal guns.”


“Finally.” I said. “Feels like forever since we used these things.”

“So what’s the good news Twilight?” asked Pinkie Pie.

“The good news is that I think I found where we need to go next. That active light bulb over that door is an obvious hint.” Twilight fired an orange portal under the light and a blue portal on the wall and everypony makes there way through the portal and as they walk down the path we look up and notice the giant door on the ceiling of the room.

“Woah, that’s a big door.” said AppleJack. “What do ya think is up there?”

“Probably some kind of weapon.” I guessed. “You know how Cave feels about his weaponry.”

“Do you know what up there GLaD?” asked Pinkie Pie.

“No. As far as I can tell, any guess would be accurate.”

“Hey, look!” shouted Rarity pointing to a room.

“By my scanners calculations it appears to be a computer room.”

“Wait? You have a scanner in there?” I asked.

“Apparently. It seems that little moron didn’t exclude it during my ‘remodeling’.”

“That is pretty stupid. But how did you get the power to use it? I thought you ran on 1.1 volts or something.”

“Well it turns out my scanner actually requires less energy than that.”

“Huh, who knew?”

“It seems we can use that wall to launch us into the computer room and that white paint on the wall can help us.” said Twilight as she fired a blue and orange portal on said areas.

“Alright! Let’s go!” shouted Rainbow Dash as she jumped down with the rest of us following suit.

Everypony quickly and safely made it through the air and landed on the railing next to the computer room.

“Wait! I've got an idea!”

“What is it GLaDOS?” asked Fluttershy.

“That poster! Go look at it for a second, would you Fluttershy?”

“Okay.” Fluttershy slowly walked up to the poster and held GLaDOS up to it.

“Paradoxes. No A.I. can resist thinking about them. I know how we can BEAT him.”

“And so do I.” said Twilight.

“But first before we discuss anything, we need to get that door on the ceiling open first.”

“I’m already on it.” said Rainbow Dash as she pressed the ‘Hatch Override’ button causing the lights to go out.

As everypony walked out of the computer room, the hatch slowly opened revealing light and three pipes that slowly moved down and attached themselves to three incomplete pipe lines and a small platform descends to the walk way on the ground.

“Well, I may sound crazy, but I think we should jump for it.” I said.

“Yeah, let’s do it! We’ve got leg braces on anyway.” said AppleJack.

“I agree. Let’s go!” said Twilight. And with that everypony jumped off the platform and landed safely on the ground and run up to the short flight of stares and we meet the platform as it stops in front of us.

“ALL ABOARD!” shouted Rainbow Dash as we entered the platform and made our way up.

“Twilight about that plan. We need to-”

“Get you in front of Wheatley so we can hit him with the paradox?”

“Um, yeah. I guess, wow you really DO always think. That’s admirable.”


“And once you guys get me in front of him I’ll fry every circuit in that little idiot’s head. As long as I don’t listen to what I’m saying I should be okay.”

“Oh! Wait GLaDOS! Let me do it! Can I do it!? PLEEEEEEASE?” begged Pinkie Pie.

“Uh, sure? Why not?”


“She’s very excitable.”

“Very.” replied Rarity.

The platform then makes it to the top and everypony exits the platform and head up the stairs on the far right of the room.

“Okay, so it's not the most watertight plan to go confront an omnipotent power-mad A.I. with.”

“But it’s better than exploding, along with Equestria.” said Twilight.


Everypony heads into the elevator and begins to move up.

Before reading what's below open another tab, and go here and listen to it while you read. -->

Note: Blue stands for me, silver stands for GLaDOS, purple stands for Twilight, and green stands for Wheatley.

Hey guys long time no see huh? So this is it? We just ride to the top and take Wheatley down?

That's right. I can only hope that the paradox will work.

Have faith GLaDOS, that's the most crucial part of any plan.

Next time on Portal! Chapter 8 The Itch!

Well, well, well. Look who we have here.