Fallout Equestria: Cloppenhagen chronicles.

by neoxxx666

Visiting west medical.

Chapter 6: Visiting west medical.

We entered the mess, which looked like a mix between an actual mess hall and a diner, with 2 counters at the back, one to the far right, and the other to the left, with some chairs in front of one of them, and a lot of tables with 6 chairs around them, scattered around the room; all tables in the room had the same red tainted metal tops, and the chairs were all of the same design ‘Must have gotten their hands on them, when they emptied the Stables in the area.’ I thought as I followed Peach to the counter with the chairs, where Zodi and Hoofer was sitting, and after putting my magazine bag down, I helped her into one of said chairs.

I then rang the small bell on the counter, and soon after, a blonde coated unicorn mare with a slightly darker blonde mane and orange eyes, came out from the kitchen “Hi there, what can I do for you two?” She asked cheerfully with a smile on her lips that matched her tone.

“Well, the little cutie here is hungry…” I said as I stroked Peaches mane “And she’s had a couple of rough days, so I think she’s deserved something really good to eat, do you think you could provide something like that miss…”.

“Lemon Butter, and sure, if the little cutie has had a hard day, then she should have something special to eat.” Lemon leaned down, so she was at eyelevel with Peach and asked “What’s your name little cutie?”.

“Peach Rose, Miss Lemon.” The pink foal said and giggled a little out of shyness for the new mare before her.

“Okay little Peach, what would a little cutie like yourself like to eat?”

Peach looked thoughtful for a few seconds, before she exclaimed loudly “I want cake!” She then seemed to remember that I was the one who was paying for her meal, and turned to look at me ”I-if it’s okay with you Miss Amora.”.

I chuckled a bit, which further agitated whatever virus I had contracted in the wasteland, making me feel even more sick than before, but I sucked it up and kept on smiling at the foal “Of course it is.” I said and gave Lemon a confirming nod, along with a friendly smile.

Lemon smiled back and said “Then I’ll go and get a piece right now.” She then turned and started walking into the kitchen. For the first time, I noticed her cutie mark, which didn’t, like I had first thought, have something to do with cooking, instead it was 2 orange shields that was positioned to form a heart, with a sword of the same color going through them.

‘Maybe she’s a soldier that’s been assigned kitchen duty.’ I thought as I looked at the blonde mare as she reached the kitchen door, then I suddenly remembered 2 thins I had forgotten, and said “Lemon, before you go.”.

“Yes?” She asked, turning slightly to look at us.

“I just wanted to know how much the cake is, and where I can find Bronze Wire, as I want to do some business with him.” I and smiled at the waitress.

Lemon smiled back and said “The cake is 10 caps, and Bronze is at the other counter, doing business with another mare.” She then walked back into the kitchen to get Peaches treat.

I found 15 caps in my bags and handed them to Peach with the words “When lemon comes back, give her those caps and tell her that she can keep the change.” And with a happy nod from the foal, I picked the magazine bag back up and went over to the other counter, where a bronze red earth pony stallion, with a light brown mane, was finishing his business with Sky “Did you get a good price?” I asked once I was within earshot.

The clay red Pegasus turned and walked up to me with a smile on her face, and said “Yeah, I got 227 caps for a bag of action figures and glue, plus I got another 100 for a some of those office supplies we got from the M.O.M hub.”.

“Nice job cutie.” I said and gave my marefriend a quick peck on the cheek, which she returned before walking over, and taking a seat at the other counter beside Peach, who was still waiting for her treat. I walked up to Bronze and asked him “Are you ready for some more business, Mr. Bronze Wire.”.

“Ah’m always ready to do business, little Miss.” The red stallion said with a thick appleloosan accent.

“Good…” I said and put the bag on the counter “Because I got some goods that are just begging to be sold.” I opened the bag and slid it over the counter to Bronze, and said with a smile “And my name is Amora Rosa, by the way.” The red stallion nodded and promptly started to look through the contents of the bag.

After examining the contents for a few minutes, Bronze Wire turned his attention back to me and said “This looks like a mighty fine lot, but Ah have to look through ‘em to check the quality, so Ah can give you the best possible price, that okay with you Miss Rosa?”.

“Sure, I’ll wait, it’s not like I have anything else to do at the moment.” I said with a shrug. The red stallion took the bag and went over to a corner, and started pulling out magazines and comics, one after another to check the condition. I decided to take a seat near the counter, where I dug out the lock picking manual and started reading; though I still felt sick, the sitting down greatly helped, and reading the manual distracted me from thinking about it.

I hadn’t been reading for long, before I heard the clink of a bottle being sat on the table. I looked up to see Lemon Butter standing with a tray in her levitation field; I then looked back to see a nice, cold sparkle cola standing beside the manual “Why?” I asked, looking back at the blonde unicorn.

“A thank you for the tip you left me.” Lemon said with a smile, before turning and walking back towards the kitchen, her tail swinging to a fro as she did, giving me a good glance at her goodies.

I couldn’t help myself from looking at her backside for a moment, before taking a good sip of the carrot flavored soda, and going back to reading the manual “She does that to more or less all mares who comes in ‘ere.” Bronze said from where he was looking through the magazines.

“It’s just too bad that I’m already taken.” I said and smiled, while still keeping my eyes on the pages; after a few seconds of silence between us, I closed the book, took another sip of the cola and turned to the red earth pony “Just out of curiosity, is she looking for ‘the right one’ or does she just want some fun?” I asked.

Bronze didn’t look up from his work as he spoke “She’s just in it fer the fun, but Ah wouldn’t find it impossible if she one day found a gal she’d spend her life with, though Ah’d say that day is not coming anytime soon.” A small chuckle escaped him as he kept on working.

“Is that so…” I said with a chuckle of my own “Maybe me and my marefriend should ask her out for some fun one of these days.”.

“You do that, she’s been quite alone lately.” Bronze said as he finished examining the magazines. He put them back into the bag and walked back up to the counter.

I put the manual away and put my saddlebags back on “So how much am I going to walk away with, Mr. Wire?” I asked as I walked up to the counter.

“Well, most o’ the magazines are in pretty good condition, some of them are almost mint, but others have seen better days, an’ with that in mind, I can offer you 164 caps for the whole lot, what do you say Miss Rosa?”.

I took some time to think about the offer, before I reached a hoof up and said “I say you have a deal.”.

Bronze nodded and bumped hoofs with me to seal the deal “Ah’ll go get your payment then.” He said and took the bag into the backroom, and returned a few minutes later, with a box that was making a light clinking sound from the caps it contained “Here ya go Miss Rosa, 164 caps.” Bronze said and pushed the box over the counter to me.

I looked into the box and was pleasantly surprised to see that it was divided into little sections, with 20 caps in each, making it easy for me to count the little metal discs, and confirm that I had received the correct amount; after I finished counting the caps, I emptied the box into my saddlebags and said “It was a pleasure doing business with you Mr. Wire.”.

“You too Miss Rosa.” Bronze said and gave me a friendly nod.

I nodded back before putting my saddlebags back on, and walked over to my companions, and sat down beside Sky “Well, now I just want that ranger to come and tell us that we can go into the city.” I said and gave a sigh of annoyance.

“Don’t worry honey, I’m sure he’ll come really soon, and tell us that we can go and take Peach back to her family.” Sky said and gave me a peck on the cheek. I smiled and returned the peck, before leaning against her shoulder and closed my eyes.


An hour went by before the door to the mess opened, and the ranger stepped inside. We all turned and looked as the armor clad pony made his way up to us “So what did you find?” I asked, leaning against the counter as my dizziness and nausea had steadily gotten worse over time.

“We found a missing persons report, put up by her mother; the reason it took us so long to find it, was because it was one of the first, out of many, reports we had typed in the day after the alicorn attack, but everything is in order now, and you’re free to leave whenever you’re ready.” The ranger said and gave us a nod, before leaving the mess.

“What was he talking about?” Peach asked, looking confused at the leaving ranger.

“He said that you’re going home to your mommy.” Sky said with a smile and ruffled the foal’s mane.

“Really?” Peach asked and looked up at my marefriend with wide, hopeful eyes.

“Really, really.” Sky said with a confirming nod.

“Yay!” Peach exclaimed happily and literally jumped out of her seat; she ran to Zodi and started pulling on one of her front legs while she said excitedly “Come on, come on, come on, mommy’s waiting for me!”.

“Okay, I’m coming, I’m coming.” Zodi said, chuckling as she got off the chair and let the pink foal lead the way out to the wagon.

Me and the others laughed as we started walking out of the mess, but when I was about to walk through the door; I looked back at the counter, and an idea popped up in my head ”You guys go on ahead, I think I forgot something back at the counter.” I said to Sky.

“Okay, but hurry up, I think Peach is going to explode from excitement, if we let her wait too long.” Sky chuckled before she trotted up to the others to deliver the message. I gave a little chuckle myself, before I hurried back to the counter, where I grabbed a napkin and wrote a message for Lemon.

Dear Lemon.

When I come by your place again,
let’s get a room and have some fun.

XXX Amora.

I left the napkin on the table and hurried out the door “So, what did you forget?” Sky asked when I entered the wagon.

“Apparently nothing…” I said as the wagon started moving “But hey, better safe than sorry, right?” Sky nodded before putting a leg around me, and gently pulling me into an embrace, which I gladly allowed her to. With help from Peach, who was sitting on Hoofers lap, giving directions, we soon arrived at the pink foal’s house, which was located in the regular.

The second Hoofer opened the wagon door, Peach jumped out and ran to the door, and started banging on it while yelling “Mommy, mommy, I’m home.”.

Me and the others laughed a bit at the foal, as we also got out of the wagon; we walked up to the house as the door opened to reveal an orange coated earth pony mare, with a green mane and the same purple eyes as her daughter. The mare looked at Peach for a few seconds, before she wrapped her hooves around the foal and started crying uncontrollably, Peach following suit soon after. After some time had passed, the mare pulled away to look at us, and said “Thank you, thank you so much for bringing my foal back home.”.

“You’re very welcome ma’am.” I said and gave Peaches mother a smile, which the others mimicked.

The mare stood back up and wiped her eyes, before she walked over and gave each of us a hug, in thanks for bringing her daughter back; once she was done hugging us, she walked back to Peach and asked her to go inside, she then turned to us and said “Wait for me, I’ll be right back.” She then disappeared into the house.

“What do you think she’s getting?” Hoofer asked as he took the opportunity to have a look at the surrounding buildings.

“She’s probably getting some sort of reward for us; you tend to get that, when you do something for somepony in this city.” Sky said casually.

“Wow, I guess Cloppenhagen truly is a city of trade.” Zodi said as she sat down to wait for the mare’s return.

“It sure is.” I said and sat down as well, my nausea having gotten worse on the way, so I really didn’t feel like standing for too long.

Shortly after, Peaches mother returned, carrying something wrapped up in a piece of cloth; she put the cloth bundle in front of us and unwrapped it, revealing a beret with a tree and a horseshoe embodied on it in silver thread, and a combat knife in a sheath with a silver emblem of the sun and moon on it “These items has been in my family since before the war, I want to give them to you as thanks for bringing my little girl back home.” She said and pushed the item towards us.

I looked at the items beret and knife for a moment, before I reached out and gently picked up the items “Are you sure you want to part with these, I mean with them being your family heirlooms and all?” I asked as I looked at the 2 items.

“I’m very sure, and I’m also sure you’ll put them to good use.” Peaches mother said before she walked back to the door, but before closing it she said “Keep saving the innocent, it’s the only way we’ll have a better tomorrow.” She then closed the door behind her.

“What do you think she meant by that?” Zodi asked as she looked at the door with a confused expression on her face.

“She meant to keep doing good things for people.” Hoofer said as he turned away from his looking at the city “It’s a quote from a ministry of peace poster.”.

“How do you know that?” The navy unicorn asked

“I have one at home.” Hoofer said and sat down.

“Oh.” Zodi said and nodded.

I suddenly felt my stomach give a lurch; I quickly handed the knife and beret to Zodi, before I stood up and walked a few wobbly steps, and finally emptied the contents of my stomach out onto the road. Sky trotted over to me and rubbed my back, as more half-digested food left my mouth “What’s the matter cutie?” She asked worriedly.

I coughed a few times, and spat once to get rid of some of the acidic taste left in my mouth, before I said “I really don’t know, I think I may have contracted something when we were at the camp, maybe, maybe, augh.” My head started to hurt, and I vomited again.

While I was still catching my breath, I heard hoof steps coming towards us and when they stopped, I heard Zodis voice ask Sky “What’s wrong with her?”.

“She said that she thinks that she caught something back at the camp, but she doesn’t know where she got it.”.

Zodi was quiet for a little bit, before she asked, addressing me “Could it have something to do with that blood you got on you?”.

I took a few steps back and sat down, taking a few final deep breaths, before I looked up at the inventor unicorn and said “It could be, if I swallowed some of it, which is a possibility given the circumstances, but I wouldn’t think that I would get sick this fast.” I took a few quick breaths to keep myself from throwing up again.

“It could be that there was something in the blood that made you sick.” Zodi said and looked thoughtful for a moment, while she talked to herself “But what could it be? Maybe, maybe…” She trailed off for a few seconds, before it looked like a light went off in her head “That’s it, you probably got some of that mutagen crap that the Drake claws uses on you, and that’s what is making you feel sick.”.

“That does explain a lot actually.” Sky said.

I nodded and then coughed a couple of times, before I said “Yeah it does.” I slowly got up, so as not to agitate my stomach further, and started slowly walking towards the motorized wagon, while I said ”We better go get me some medical attention as quick as possible.”.

“Right, let’s go.” Sky said while she, Zodi and Hoofer walked with me up to the wagon. Sky opened the door for me so I could get it, which I did very slowly, so we wouldn’t have to clean the wagon later; all the while, Zodi and Hoofer got in and started up the vehicle. I laid down on the seat and lifted my head so Sky could get in, and once she was seated, I put my head in her lap and closed my eyes “So where should we go...” I heard Sky ask as the wagon started to move.

“How about your stable?” Hoofer suggested “I mean, they have medical files on her, and some top notch equipment, so they should be able to help her, right?”.

“Logically yes, but they don’t know very much about the things that can make you sick in the wasteland…” Sky said while she gently stroked my mane “So I think our best option would be to go to west medical and have them check her out.”.

“Right then, west medical it is.” Zodi said before she started the wagon, and drove off towards the city hospital.


“Okay, we’re here.” Zodi said after a long while and I felt the wagon coming to a stop, and the engine went silent.

I opened my eyes and lifted my head, and immediately felt like throwing up again, but a few, deep breaths, while Sky got out of the wagon, took care of that, at least for the moment. As I slowly got out of the vehicle, I used the time to look at the huge hospital building; it was made out of concrete, which had been painted a pale yellow, and above the entrance was a large metal ‘Ministry of Peace’ logo, which was painted pink ‘Wow, that’s special, but it does make it look very inviting.’ I thought with as me and my friends made our way to the entrance; as we walked, I noticed a number of Hagen Rangers guarding the entrance and the hospital grounds ‘I guess an important place like this needs a lot of protection.’ I thought as we walked past the heavily armored ponies, who gave us a quick once over before going back to guarding the entrance, and into the hospital.

The inside of the hospital looked almost brand new, the walls had gotten a new coat of white paint, and the floors had, from the looks of it, been cleaned very recently. Sky went ahead of us and walked up to the counter, and rang the bell which summoned a nurse, a yellow earth pony stallion with a blue mane, and a roll of gauze for a cutie mark; he was dressed in a green uniform with a name tag that read ‘Echo Blue, nurse’ “Hello and welcome to west medical, how can I assist you?” Echo asked with a little smile.

“My marefriend has been exposed some mutagen, and she’s become very sick because of it.” Sky said and pointed to me, as we arrived at the desk.

Echo nodded and grabbed a pen with his mouth, and wrote something down on something behind the desk, before putting the pen down again “I see, and what’s your name miss?” The yellow stallion asked, directing his attention to me.

“Amora Rosa.” I said, sitting down on the floor to rest a little.

“Okay then, Miss Rosa, if you and your friends would be so kind and take a seat, then I’ll contact one of the doctors, and have someone come here to escort you.” Echo said and walked over to a terminal, and started typing something on the keyboard.

I got back up and walked, together with Hoofer, Sky and Zodi, over to a couple of sofas that served as the lobby’s waiting area; as we sat down, the skin on the parts of my body that had been in contact with the mutagen infused blood, started to itch, and I guessed that it was my body’s way of saying that it was starting to mutate, but I didn’t want to scratch myself, since that might just make it worse.

A few minutes passed, and another nurse entered the lobby; the mint green earth pony mare walked over to us and asked “Amora Rosa?”.

“That’s me.” I said weakly and got off the couch.

“Dr. Grace will see you now.” The nurse said.

“Okay.” I said and walked up to the nurse, but before either of us could start walking out of the room, a thought occurred to me and I asked the mint green mare “Um, can I bring one of my friends? I’d like to have someone familiar with me.”

“Sure, if it makes you feel better.” The nurse said with a small smile.

I nodded my thanks and turned to my marefriend and asked her “Sky, will you come with me?”.

The red Pegasus stood up and smiled happily, before walking up to me “Sure I will cutie.” She said and we started following the nurse through one of the 4 main hallways that lead into the hospital itself.

We followed the nurse, until we came to a door with a name plate that read ‘Dr. Bandage Grace.’ on it “Walk right in.” The nurse said and opened the door for us.

The office we walked into was painted white like the rest of the hospital; there were a couple of MoP posters on the walls, an examination couch, that was sitting against the left wall, a small pile of pillows at the right wall, a medicine cabinet and a desk with a big leather chair, in which sat a light purple unicorn mare, who must have been Dr. grace, with a purple and light blue mane that almost looked black; she was wearing a doctor’s coat and had a pair of thin, square glasses place on her nose. The mare got out of her chair, and walked over to us and said, while shaking our hooves “Hello, I’m Dr. Bandage Grace, which one of you is Amora?”.

“That’s me.” I said as I finished shaking her hoof.

“Well then, let’s get you over here and have a look at you.” Bandage said and followed me over to the couch, while Sky went over to the pillows and sat down on one of them “If you would please take off your barding, so I can examine your body.” Bandage said before walking over to the pillow pile to get a few for us to sit on while she examined me.

As I got out of the barding, I noticed that the skin where I had come in contact with the mutagen, had become unusually red and was peeling off, almost like I had seen lizards do in a movie I had seen when I was still in school “Ugh, this definitely doesn’t look good.” I said to myself, I could only imagine how my face looked at that particular moment in time.

Dr. Grace quickly returned with 2 pillows in her magic grip; she put the pillows on the floor, and motioned for me to sit. I did so and the doctor started looking over the mutating areas of my body, and after a few minutes, she looked at me and said “It looks like you’ve come into contact with some taint, though it doesn’t look quite like other encounters we’ve had with the stuff; would you mind telling me what happened when you came into contact with the mutagen?”.

I nodded and relayed to Bandage what had happened from when we arrived at the raider camp, up until we decided to go to the hospital. Once I had finished my story, Bandage looked thoughtful for a moment, before she got up and walked over to the medicine cabinet, and returned quickly with a needle, connected to a test-tube, floating beside her in her magic grip “I’m going to take a blood sample so we can find out what was mixed into that mutagen.” She said and held up one of my front legs, getting ready to extract some blood; I nodded my permission and sat silently and patiently for the time it took for Bandage to extract the blood from my leg “You don’t have much against needles, huh.” The doctor pony observed as she withdrew the needle from my leg and looked at the contents, which now looked like the contents of the bottles that had been splattered over my body.

“I’m a nurse myself, kinda comes with the territory.” I said and rubbed the place where I had been stung by the needle.

“Oh, that explains a lot.” Bandage said and walked over to her desk, and sat down “It’s going to take some time before we get the results of the test, so I’m going to put you in a room until we’re ready to treat you…” She said as she typed something into her terminal “Also, I wanted to ask you if you had any memory orbs with you?”.

“Sure we do, but why do you ask?” Sky asked with a confused expression on her face.

“Well we want to make your friend’s stay here as painless as possible, and normally we would give her a shot of Med-X and have her sleep, but since you have some memory orbs with you, I’ll have a recollector brought up to her room, and then we’ll use one of your orbs and have her ‘sleep’ that way.” Bandage said as she finished typing on the terminal.

“I see, that way you won’t have to waste medicine that could be put to better use elsewhere.” I said and nodded in understanding.

“Precisely.” Bandage said and got out of her chair, floating the test-tube beside her as she walked over to me “I have sent for a nurse to take you to your room; I have to go to the lab and get this sample analyzed, but I’ll see you later when you wake up.” She said before walked out the door.

I nodded quietly, before I walked over to Sky and grabbed a pillow, and plopped down beside my marefriend “I sure hope they can get that shit out of me, so I don’t turn into one of those monsters.” I said and looked at one of the happy looking Ministry of Peace posters, promising a better future.

“Don’t worry…” Sky said and put a hoof on my shoulder, pulling me into a gentle and comforting hug, and said “They’re professionals and they know what they’re doing, I’m sure they can cure you somehow.”.


“Are you comfortable, Miss Rosa?” The nurse asked as she fitted the recollector onto my head. It had been a about 15 minutes since we had left Bandage Graces office, and I was now laying in the bed of one of the many patient room of the hospital.

“Yeah I am, all things considered.” I said and adjusted the tiara like device a little bit myself, so it was as comfortable as possible.

“Excellent.” The nurse said before she turned to Sky and said “Now, if I could have the memory orb please.”.

“Right.” Sky said and dug into my bags, retrieving the box with the rainbow Dash orbs, and walked over to me “Which one do you wanna see?” She asked as she opened the box. I looked at the glass like orbs for a few seconds, before I pointed to the one on the upper left corner. Sky turned to the nurse holding up the orb I had selected and said “Here you go.”.

The nurse took the orb and turned to me “Okay, are you ready to be sent into the memory, Miss Rosa?”.

“I am, at least I won’t have to worry about that irritating itch anymore.” I said with a slight chuckle. The nurse nodded and inserted the orb into the recollector, and as soon as it was in place, the world went black around me.


West medical: West of the main market is a big hospital called the west medical. This medical facility provides medical assistance, along with potions and chems, though at higher prices than Stable 169, but it is much better and they have a machine that can remove taint, though the process is slow and takes multiple treatments to purge the subject completely. The outside is patrolled by Hagen Rangers, and the inside of the building is protected a guard corps called ‘the Reaper Surgeons’.