//------------------------------// // The Ugly Alicorn // Story: Foals Tales from the Book of Tradition : History of the Night Pegasi // by Georg //------------------------------// The Ugly Alicorn Source: Fearyzy Once upon a time, far far away on the sun, there lived a huge alicorn mare made out of fire. Her hooves were like burnished gold, her mane was the red of flames, and her coat burned white-hot with power. Alicorns are not like ponies, and this mare had a nest filled with golden eggs that she curled up around to keep warm. She would breathe on them with her fiery breath, and cover them with her flaming wings to protect them from the cold darkness that lurked outside of the warm sun. One glorious day, all the eggs in her nest hatched, and out of these eggs came twelve little tiny alicorn foals. They all shared her brilliant white coat and flaming red mane, all except one little alicorn. Her coat was dark as charcoal, and her mane absorbed the light and flowed like smoke. The mother alicorn gathered them all together and loved them all. She watched them as they frolicked in the fields of sungrass, and helped bend down the sunflowers so they could eat. She showed them pools of pure boiling water so they could drink, and the warmest spots on the sun so they could keep their fires burning brightly. But the littlest alicorn was so unhappy. The sungrass was very rough on her delicate hooves, and the sunflowers burned her mouth when she tried to eat. So while the rest of the little alicorns grew tall and happy, the littlest alicorn stayed small. Her sisters all teased her about how small and dark she was. They would dance around her when mother was not around and say the most terrible things. They called her ugly, and cold, and mocked the way her mane did not flow with fire like theirs. Only one of the alicorn foals did not tease her little sister. The good little alicorn used to sneak her little bits of sunflower that had been cooled off so she could eat, and shade the boiling water until it cooled enough for her to drink. One day the mother alicorn came to her little fillies and said, “The sunflowers have almost all been eaten, and the sungrass is very short. We must travel across the Great Darkness to another star or we most certainly will starve.” So she gathered up all twelve of her children and prepared to leave their home. “Now children, you must stay close. The Great Darkness is very cold, and we must travel very quickly. If you stray from my fire, the ice will claim you and your fire will go out, never to return.” All the little alicorns promised to stay close, and they all set off across the Great Darkness. They traveled a long, long way across the Great Darkness, and all the little alicorn fillies were very cold and tired. The littlest alicorn was weakest of the fillies, and eventually could not keep up with her sisters. “Wait, Mother!” called her sister. “My little sister has fallen behind!” “I cannot go back for her, or we all will perish,” said the mother alicorn, with tears in her eyes. The little alicorn laid down in the darkness and cried. She was too exhausted to follow her mother, and the cries of her sister vanished into the distance. It was very dark, and very cold. She did not know what else to do but curl up and wait for the end. After a very long time crying, the little alicorn heard a voice. “Why are you crying?” “I’m all alone,” said the little alicorn. “My mother and my sisters have gone off to a new home, and I could not keep up with them.” “You’re not alone. We are all here with you. Come dance with us.” The little alicorn looked up as all around her, stars filled the Great Darkness and danced in happiness at having somepony to play with. The little alicorn was very happy, and danced and played with her new friends. Still, she felt bad for her sister, and wanted to tell her about her new friends. So she set off across the Great Darkness with her new friends and after traveling a long, long way, she finally found her. If you look up into the sky tonight, you can see the little alicorn flying through the night with her friends. She flies around the world in constant pursuit of her sister who rules the day. They have not met in thousands of years, but every year the night slowly gains on her sister. Someday soon they will both meet, and the little alicorn will finally be able to show her sister the true joy and beauty of the night. Source: Fearyzy