//------------------------------// // Steamy Chat (Safe For Woona) // Story: Awakening // by blazikenking //------------------------------// First, Justin, the one who got me into the show in the first place. I saw that he was online and opened a chat window with him. “Hi.”         “Hello.”                  “How has your morning been?”         “Good so far. Yours?”                  “Well... I got a new perspective on the world. Oh, I’m not at college right now, hard as it is to believe.”         “What kind of perspective? What’s so hard to believe about that?”                  “Would you believe being sick with a serious case of pony?”         “That happens to me a lot.”         “Have you seen the news recently? Or heard things?”         “I haven’t been looking at the news much, reality is too tragic for my tastes.”         “Then let me get you up to speed. But first, a question. Have you looked at your calendar recently?”         “Other than season 3 (finally) showing up, nothing noteworthy for me.”         “Go tell me how long a week is. I’ll wait.”         “Is 7 days the answer you’re looking for?”         “No. It seems that a week is now 365 days long. If you don’t believe me, go look for yourself.”         There was inactivity on Justin’s side for a bit before a message came up from him.         “ … I don’t get it.”         “Discord might have something to do with it. Do you remember any Thorsdays before this one?”         “There was nothing to remember, it’s the same routine every time.”         “I’m fairly certain that Thorsday never existed before today. As for that new perspective and case of pony, well, let’s just say that it’s deer season out here, and I’m afraid to go out right now.”         “Why? You don’t look anything like a deer.”         “Let me give you a few more hints. Everything is now bigger from my point of view, and I have a noticeable lack of hands.”         “Did you shrink yourself and lose your hands in the process?”         “Shrunk? Yes. Hands lost in the process? Yes. Did I do it to myself? Abso-positve-lutely not. Here’s another hint: I now have an irremovable dark grey fur coat.”         “So you’re an animal now? How are you typing then?”                  “Pen in mouth for letters and such, hooftip for shift and enter keys.”         “I was wondering if something like this would happen.”                  “It has been for a few days. Did you know that Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are traveling to the big apple together?”         “It’s about time something big happened. I knew something was strange when my brother saw something like a dragon a few nights ago.”         “There’s a dragon out there? I didn’t hear anything about this! Oh, did you know that Lauren Faust and Tara Strong are now Celestia and Luna respectively?”         “No I didn’t, I had seen that in a story earlier but i thought it was just a story. I humbly accept our new reality.”         Well, he seems to be taking it with ease.         “Then you might also accept the fact that I’m Technia now. That comes with, yes, the shift in gender. And I think she’s rubbing off on me. I swear I “heard” my laptop say that it likes me. I might have a conversation with it later.”         “Well I’m not surprised, you know how to hit just the right buttons. ”         “I’m serious here. I swear I’m gaining machine empathy. Do consider how many electronic devices and machines there are around us. When it’s safe, I’ll see if I can talk with my car.”         “Once you make your acquaintance with all the tech in your house, see if you can convince the car to drive over here so I can see what you look like in this reality.”         There was a long bit of silence before a wall of text came up.         “Dream on. I’d have to do some serious modding to it. Adding a computer, programming it with high level stuff so that it can make decisions on its own, a “nervous system”, and various cameras and such so it can see the world around it. I’m sure Technia could guide me on that, but where would I get the proper materials? I can’t exactly strip devices around here for parts. Besides, I’m sure my mom would be willing to drive me around for a bit. It’s not like I’m physically able to right now. Although I think Fluttershy may have had her vehicle modded to let her drive it. Just speculating here. Anyways, now that you’re up to speed, I should probably inform Jenny. I hope to see you soon.” “         “Long post is long. How did your parents take to finding you as a pony? Would you kindly inform me of their and Jenny’s reactions to your news?”         “Mom knows because she saw me collapsed outside my room before she left for work. She left me a nice meal and letter. I’d say she’s taking it nicely. Dad, to my knowledge, doesn’t know. And I fear his reaction. His opinion of the bronies isn’t exactly the most favorable out there. Even of those in the military.”         “Well good luck with all that, and if you find out how you became a pony, please tell me.”         “Probably Discord. If not that, then RD has taken to disco. I’ll tell you more as it happens.”         After I finished my discussion with Justin, I found that Jenny was online and decided to chat with her. I just hope she’s observed the news.         “Yo.”          “Hey, whats up?”                  “I seem to have come down with a major case of pony.”         “Really? How?”         “Have you been following the news recently?”         “Yea, supposedly Discord has somehow gotten into this world and started to turn people into ponies. Wait, did you turn into one?”         “Yeah. Would you like to try your hand (I miss mine. I seem to be pulling a Lyra) at guessing who I am?”         “Hmm... wait, let me guess, your OC Technia?”         “How did you get it on the first try?” Is she psychic or something?         “Well, on the news, it said that people were turning into ponies that they supposedly created, so I just guessed that you turned into yours.”         “That’s some good reasoning. But it doesn’t seem to be entirely correct. After all, the mane 6 are out there, and they aren’t the ones who created them.”         “Well, i guess for them, people who were most like the mane 6 turned into them.”         “Most likely. Oh, I think I’m gaining some kind of machine empathy. I swear I heard my laptop say that it likes me.”         “Really? That’s a little weird.”         “Don’t forget who you’re chatting with. You are chatting with your friend who’s mind is in the body of the OC he created. Chances are that our minds are merging a bit. Too bad there aren’t very many Wednesdays anymore.”         “Oh, right, Discord also lengthened a week to a year or so.  But still, I never knew that machines could actually talk. Wonder what my laptop says about me.”         “As much as I’d love to come over, there are a couple obstacles. First, I’m too short to drive my car. Second, even if I could, it wasn’t made for hoofed beings. Thirdly, it’s deer season out here and I fear for my life if I step outside.”         “And, I bet it would be hard to walk with four legs instead of the usual two.”         “I’ll get used to the new frame soon enough, including getting a walking pattern down on the inside of my skull. And basic levitation would be nice too. I’ve already had some time walking with this new body, and I’ve got a slow walk down pretty well.”         “Well, that’s good. By the way, since you turned into your OC, do you think that Justin and I will turn into our OC’s? If so, that would be a little weird.”         “To quote the medic, I HAVE NO IDEA! But you’re free to hope for it. After all, it seems to only be affecting the bronies and pegasisters.”         “So, coming to a conclusion of you saying that, then most likely yes.”         “Granted that this lasts long enough, then yes, it will happen. It is only day 11 after all.”         “Well, that’s just great. But what if my mom doesn’t like it, and what will my boss and teachers say?”         “If your mom doesn’t like it, then tough cookies. I can only hope that your boss and teachers watch the news and let you take a pony leave.”         “Hopefully they will understand.”         “Let’s hope so. Could you tell your mom about what happened over here and see if I can come over?”         “Sure, I’ll be right back.”         “I’ll wait.”         There was a pause of a few minutes before I got a response.         “My mom said it would be fine.”         “For that, I am thankful. This is probably the pony magic biology surfacing, but being alone like this isn’t very comfortable. I hereby decree that friendship is the best drug.”         “You are very welcome, and friendship is one of the best things in the world. So, I guess I will be seeing you soon.”         “Probably tomorrow. I’m not sure when my mom’s getting off today. She said she was scheduled for a 12 hour day, but would try to negotiate for 8. Hopefully we can meet tomorrow.”         “Ok, well then, I guess I will hopefully see you tomorrow then.”         “Indeed. I’ll be bringing my standard electronics with me. Is there anything you’d like me to bring?”         “Hmm...nope, that’ll be fine.”         “Affirmative. I’ll see you soon then. If something comes up, I’ll inform you of it.”         “Ok, well bye.”         “Ciao.”         With that, all important matters had been discussed and the conversation dissolved into various silly ways of saying “bye”, most of which shall not be replicated here because the light comedy division of the police would come after me.         Checking the time on the computer, I saw that it was almost 3:15. The pen-in-mouth technique is slow. Typing would be so much easier with magic. And less tiring on the jaw muscles.         Magic. Maybe I could practice here in my room. I have plenty of objects of various weights to practice with. What’s the worst that could happen? ---------- A/N: I thank my friends Justin and Jenny for their help in this chapter, and you should too. I shall keep their Steam names a secret. ---------- BONUS STORY ABOUT JAPONYSE NINJAS HERE! Thanks for reading the ninja story.