//------------------------------// // Chapter 13: One Step Forward, and Two Back // Story: Ace Combat - Battle for Equestria // by Lonewolf78 //------------------------------// Canterlot Castle 2 October 2017 16:30 hours Celestia had just finished dinner and was talking to other members of the parliament when Twilight came in. "What is it my faithful student?" "Two things. First our mission to sink the Eclipse and others has failed." "How? We threw over 30 planes at it!" "And all but three got shot down by two air force squadrons and the other ships in the battle group. Namely that new battleship of theirs the Pacific. It is protected by at least four laser close in weapons." Members of the parliament chatted among themselves until Celestia spoke again. "We've got to do something. We can't keep losing aircraft and crews this fast." "Do you know which NLR squadrons they were?" the commander of the Solar Empire Air Force asked. "Yes. The Razgriz, and Lunar squadrons." "Not them again," another pony said as they bickered. "And that leads me to my other report. We found out which NLR pilot warned our squadron of the stealth cruise missiles." "Who was it?" the white alicorn asked. "His name is Maverick. And he's the commander of that Lunar squadron." The room fell silent. Nopony could believe what they just heard. "The commander of the squadron, who just repelled our attack, destroyed Excalibur, and shot down some of our best squadrons, gave us a warning that saved lives?" she said. "That's the long and short of it," replied Twilight. None of them knew what to say. After a but Celestia just said "Thank You Twilight. That will be all for now." And she left. ___________________ Whitemare AFB 5 October 2017 14:00 hours As soon as the group had sat down at the table Moonstone began. "OK pilots here's the deal. This is the one we've been waiting for. We have located an LoD POW camp Southwest of Rhone in the Griffin Empire. A special ops team has been sent in to secure it and evac them to choppers. Your mission is to provide cover for the troops and the choppers. You must protect them at all costs." Glory's eyes lit up. "Do you think Blaze could be there?" she asked. "We don't know, but it's possible. The LoD definitely has other POW camps out there." "What if there's Solar Empire ponies among them?" Ice asked. "We will rescue them too, and drop them off near the border with the Empire on the way back. Maybe we'll get a few kindness points for doing it." "Well imagine that. Helping the enemy", replied Ice. "The window for this mission won't last long. The area is high up enough for winter storms year round, and there's one moving in, so we've got to get it done as soon as possible and get out of there". "What if it moves in before the operation is complete?" asked Glory. "We will have no choice but to have the entire rescue crew stay there until it blows over, which would mean calling in more fighters so we have round the clock defense. We really don't want that to happen though." "Understood", replied Maverick. "Good luck guys... And don't eat yellow snow." And the feed abruptly ended. "EEEEW Moonstone!" yelled Dahlia. "Never expected something like that from her," replied Ice. "I hope we get Blaze back. It's time this wing got good news," Glory said. "But will he take Maverick's spot?" Ice asked. "If he wants to I'll be more than happy to become Lunar Nine again," replied Maverick. ___________________ Blue Mountains Griffin Empire, LoD 17:21 hours "Wow. It's looking a liiiiitle dark up there", Ice said as the group got closer to the mountain range. Soon the snow was starting to fall. "Sentry Two to all planes: good to fly with you again." "What's the status Carrot Top?" Maverick asked. "We're picking up five pairs of bandits in the area of the base, 40 miles away from you. Looks like they're patrolling." He looked at his radar. "I don't see them." "It must be the snow. They're up higher so our radar is picking them up easier. Yours has to go through the snow." "Roger. I guess that's a good thing because it means they can't see us either." "It's going to be very hard to see anything up here or down there", Glory said. "I hope the choppers can make it in. It seems to be getting worse", Sunfire added. 21 miles out they picked up the first pair of bandits. "Do they see us?" Dahlia asked. "No they're heading away," Maverick replied. "Let's suprise them." The group got within 15 miles and Maverick and Glory launched long range missiles. The two LoD planes got the warning, but it was too late. "They know we're here now," Ice announced. Soon the other LoD planes were alerted. "All planes we have five bandits approaching the camp from the southwest. Engage!" announced the LoD controller. Maverick was soon contacted by the special operations commander. "Lunar 1 this is SOP 1. Looks like you're creating a nice little diversion up there and down here". "Hope it helps," he replied. Soon the squadron was engaging the fighters. Sunfire got the next kill, followed by Dahlia and Maverick. Ice was hot on the tail of one when another got on his. "Get this one off me," he said. "I'm on him," replied Dahlia. She banked and dived, and was soon on the tail of the MiG. One heat seeker ended it. "Thanks girl," he said as he splashed his MiG. It was now three to five when they got a radio call. "Lunar squadron this is Falco flight. We're 23 miles out." "Roger Falco. We've still got three fighters..." "Got em'," Ice announced on the radio. "Two fighters left, so come in slow until we give you the clear." "Roger. Falco One out." Then Another call came in. "All planes this is SOP 1. We're starting our operation." "Roger," replied Maverick. Dahlia and Sunfire finished off the last two bandits. Then they got a call from Falco again. "Lunar squadron this is Falco One, we're getting a radar spike," which meant some form of anti aircraft site was picking them up. "This is Lunar 1 i'm on it. Glory follow me." "Roger Mav'", and they headed in their direction. As they got closer they got a visual. "A pair of ZSU's. Get em'," Maverick announced. Both of them launched AGM's and destroyed them. "You're clear Falco." "Thanks. Here we come." The group then started cleaning up antiaircraft sites and armor around the POW camp. 16 minutes later the enemy had been crushed. "SOP 1 to Falco flight the camp is clear. Get us out of here." "Roger we're four miles out. ETA two minutes." Glory then got on the radio. "Lunar Two to SOP 1. Can you check for a Captain Whiteblaze among the POW's?" "Sure can. I'll get back to you in a bit." "Roger. Thanks." "Keep your hooves crossed", replied Ice. Soon the three Chinooks, escorted by three Apache's, landed in the middle of the camp, and the special ops were hurrying the POW's, including 8 Solar Empire pilots, to the choppers. The Empire ponies went onto a separate chopper. Lunar squadron continued to orbit around the camp, watching the activity as best as they could through the snow. After a bit, the SOP commander came on. "Lunar Two this is SOP 1. Is this the pony you're looking for?" Another voice came on. "Lunar squadron this is the artist formerly known as Lunar One. I told you i'd be fine." "WHITEBLAZE!" Glory yelled. "OMG you're safe!", added Ice. Soon everyone was responding to him. "Maverick. Have you been taking care of them?" He paused for a second. "Yes". There was another pause. "I haven't heard motor mouth yet," Blaze added. And the radio was silent. "Oh. You don't have to say anything more guys," he responded. Soon the transports were loaded, and were ready to take off, just as the storm started to pick up. "Guys I'm going to take a look," Glory announced as she turned and headed lower. "She thinks she's going to see him from there," Ice cracked. "I'll follow her," Maverick replied. Glory flew low over the base, then started to pull up. Suddenly two shoulder fired SAM's shot out of a bunker which the special ops thought had been silenced. An Apache finished it off. "DAMMIT!" Glory yelled. "Glory evade!" screamed Ice. She failed though and the missile hit her right engine. The second missile would finish her off. "No you don't!" Maverick cut between Glory and the other missile, and it hit him instead before he could drop flares. The move gave her enough time to eject. He did also. "Lunar One and Two are down!" Yelled Ice. "NOOO MAVERICK GLORY!" Dahlia screamed. The radio was silent for a minute. "We're fine. We ejected," Maverick said over his portable radio. "Sentry Two to Falco we need a rescue two miles West of the camp." "We can't. The weather is getting worse. If we don't leave now we may not make it out." "Roger Falco." "No you have to try! We can't leave them here!," Dahlia yelled. "We can't risk these other ponies." "Dahlia it's OK. We'll be fine", replied Glory. "This is Whiteblaze listen to them guys, they will be OK. We will have to wait until the weather gets better to rescue them. I'll try and get back to base as soon as I can." "Roger Blaze," Dahlia said quietly. "Are we going to stay here?" Sunfire asked. "No," replied Sentry Two. No doubt the LoD has forces coming this way now, and if you're in th area of them it will be easier to find them. They need to put some distance between them and the camp." "Roger Sentry Two," replied Ice. Maverick, be safe." "We will." And the squadron left. "Now what?" Glory asked Maverick. "We've gotta get out of this area," he replied while looking at his compass and map. "The logical choice is to head South, which is what the LoD will think. So we'll head West." "But that's towards the Solar Empire." "Right here," pointing to a spot on the map, "there's a four lane road that construction was stopped on after Discord took over the Griffins. There's no villages anywhere near the spot, and the road isn't in use because bridges on both sides have been bombed, so we'll head there. It will be easier too because of the valley between the two mountain ranges. We should be able to get out of the snow." Glory was impressed. "Will they be able to find us though?" 'Remember it's standard NLRAF procedure to head left of the right direction." Glory looked a little embarrassed. "Oh yeah, I forgot". And they started walking West. Glory's horn lighting the way.