//------------------------------// // A new friend // Story: A New Beginning // by Mr101 //------------------------------// “Well…he has a brown coat…or mane I think we don’t really know” Twilight said to the mare before shooting a glare at Pinkie who rubbed the back of her head grinning sheepishly. “All we know really is that he is an engineer”. “Hmm…well that’s not much to go on…” the old mare stroked her chin “But I’ll give them a ring none the less” she replied reaching to the phone on her desk and dialling a number in, there was a brief pause before she spoke again. “Hello? This is Bethany Porter of Ponyville station…it’s nice to hear you to Coalman how’re your trains running since you retired? Excellent news listen I need a favour. It appears a pony destined for our fair town fell asleep on the train that should be arriving near you soon could you please help him back here it sounds fairly urgent….Uhuh….Brown…mhm, possibly brown as well his friends say he was on the last carriage of the train…yeah…ok Coalman thank you talk to you soon good bye!” and with that the mare placed the phone down smiling to the group “Your friend will be sent back and be here in about thirty minutes or so” she smiled to the group who burst into cheers. “Oh thank you thank you thank you!” Twilight almost screamed hugging the laughing mare as chattering began again Pinkie was going on and on about giving the new engineer a brief welcoming party on the platform the girls agreeing to this headed out to the other platform Pinkie already placing streamers and other various party decorations around the platform much to the confusion of the other commuters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Meanwhile a fair distance down the road from the station on route to Ponyville, Ratchet sat happily in a cart being pulled by two earth stallions at a quick pace taking in the awe of the beautiful scenario he passed. “This is more beautiful than any place I’ve ever seen…” he whispered to himself watching as he passed by ponies of every colour and breed “I’m going to love it here…I just know it!” he proclaimed loudly causing some onlookers to turn to his direction startled by the sudden outburst, not realising how loudly he said that he nervously chuckled and remained quiet as he was pulled up to a building that said ‘Ponyville Taxi cart service’ jumping down as some other staff collected his bags he walked to the two that had been pulling the cart and thanked them giving them ten bits each as a tip to which they thanked him gratefully. He then turned to the owner of the taxi service and paid the fare amount before collecting his bags one in his mouth the other riding on his back again not wanting to use APAU just yet in case some pony got freaked out, he headed to the location on his map that he got at the tourist information office where his new home was, he stopped for a moment to look over the map to make sure he was going in the right direction when he heard the sound of frantic wings flapping and some pony screaming. “LOOK OUT MISTER!” but it was too late as Ratchet felt something large collided with him and his vision went black. Ratchet murmured as he opened his eyes his vision somewhat blurry he could make out several ponies around murmuring concernedly; he shook his head and blinked as his vision returned to him. “Oh my gosh mister are you ok?! I’m really sorry!!” a grey mare with a blonde mane looked at him worriedly Ratchet noticed her eyes were in different positions. “Y-yeah I’m fine I think” He got up to his hooves “What about you are you ok?” he asked the pony who nodded, the crowd started to disperse satisfied that Ratchet was ok though he heard a couple muttering how he now owed another pony three bits for losing a bet about him being unconscious for an hour or something Ratchet didn’t catch it all, he and the other pony picked up his cases and then her own letters which were surrounding them. “I’m Ditzy by the way” the mare announced “But most ponies just call me Derpy, can’t think why though” she giggled as she handed him his case. “Thanks” Ratchet handed her several letters which she placed in her mail bag “I’m Ratchet I’m new in town” he grinned as she gasped. “Oh my gosh! Welcome to Ponyville!” She wrapped herself around him and pulled him into a tight bear hug. “C-choking not breathing!” Ratchet choked out as his eyes bulged, giggling Ditzy released her grip on him Ratchet coughed regaining himself smiling “Could you help me I think I’m lost…” he held up his map coughing a bit more. Ditzy giggled and agreed taking a look at his map scanning it over with a look of determination which kind of spooked Ratchet slightly. “AAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLRIGHTY! I can get you there in a jiffy!” She suddenly shouted out, grabby Ratchet’s hoof his eyes widened he saw her extend her wings. “Wait Ditzy waaaaaAAAAAAAAITTTT!” He yelled loudly as she suddenly took off dragging him with her causing ponies left and right to dive out of the way as the screaming colt was dragged down the street. What seemed like an eternity of being dragged helplessly clinging to his suitcases Ditzy suddenly stopped dead in her tracks forgetting she was dragging Ratchet let him go as he whizzed straight into a tree with a loud thud. “I’m sure it was around here somewhere….” She frowned looking around biting her lip until she heard a series of thuds from the rustling tree as Ratchet fell to the ground his eyes spinning in his sockets as he murmured to himself. "OH MY GOSH RATCHET I’M SO SORRY! She dashed to his body helping him up “Are you ok?!” “D-did someone get the license plate of t-that bus?” Ratchet murmured before shaking his head again “Where are we? Are we there yet?” He looked around excitedly before lowering his ears in confusion. “Well we uh…kinda sorta…may be…”Ditzy mumbled the last word rubbing the back of her head. “Were lost…aren’t we Ditzy” Ratchet looked at he looked at her with a bland expression. “…Yeah” Ditzy replied hanging her head sadly, Ratchet patted her back with a reassuring smile. “Not to worry Ditzy, I’m sure another pony can point us in the right direction” he grinned at her as she smiled slightly feeling better. After ten minutes of asking several ponies they were finally pointed in the direction of the old repair shop, as they approached it Ratchet smiled surveying what he was going to be calling home from now on. “Well, it took a while and was…rather interesting but we made it, thank you Ditzy” he grinned to her extending a hoof out to her, she stared at it tilting her frowning slightly. “Oh…does this mean you don’t need my help anymore?” she sniffled looking up at him her ears lowered tears at the corner of her eyes, Ratchet frowned and then smiled at her. “Well sure I need some more help my friend!” he grinned as she just stared at him mouth agape. “You…you mean that?! You consider me a friend?!” she started to hover as her eyes widened and mouth started to pull into a massive smile. “Well…yeah course I do you did help me out after-“Ratchet was cut short as Ditzy tackled him into the ground giggling pulling him into a massive bear hug once again. “Oh my gosh I’m so happy I made a new friend and helped him out!” she giggled shaking him left to right slightly in her hug, Ratchets eyes bulged as he choked again. “Choking not breathing!” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back at the station the girls were standing around chattering excitedly to one another about the new comer. “I wonder if he likes animals…” Fluttershy said quietly “Maybe he is a fashion lover like moi!” Rarity said placing a hoof on her chest tilting her head dramatically As they were all talking about what he would be like Rainbow Dash leaned to look down the track thinking that something caught her eye, she jumped up and hovered a few feet shielding her eyes as she peered down the track. “What do ya pegasus eyes see Rainbow Dash? Applejack asked her peering herself along with the others squinting their eyes. “I think I see….YES! I CAN SEE THE TRAIN COMING!” she landed as the girls began to chatter once more Twilight speaking up. “Ok places every pony places!” all the girls scrambled to their hiding positions as the train slowed to a halt every pony grinning from ear to ear as a brown coated stallion got off the train clearly looking annoyed. “Who the hay told me I had to be back here why I’m going to be late for-“he was cut off as a loud bang erupted from Pinkie’s party cannon as confetti showered on the clearly startled and alarmed stallion who backed up slightly in fear “WHAT THE BUCKING HAY!?” he shouted as all the girls all jumped out of their hiding places. “SURPRISE!” they all shouted in unison. “WELCOME TO PONYVILLE!” The stallion just blinked flabbergasted as his hoof was suddenly shaken by Applejack “Well howdy partner glad to meet ya!” “I beg your pardon-” he began before Rainbow gave him a light punch to his shoulders “Hey what the-“ “Welcome to Ponyville home of the amazing Rainbow Dash!” she proudly puffed out her chest hovering slightly” “Can some pony tell me-“he was cut short again as Pinkie suddenly appeared in front of him giving him a tight embrace. “WELCOMETOPONYVILLEIMSOGLADYOUCOULDMAKEITDOYOULIKEPARTIESILOVEPARTIESWEAREGOINGTOTHROWYOUTHEBESTPARTYEVER!” she screamed with a manic grin that frightened the poor stallion more than anything as he cowered ears folded slightly in panic, not able to recuperate from the sudden burst from Pinkie his hoof was snatched once again by Rarity who, nose up high and a smile across her elegant face shook his hand daintily. “Rarity I’m charmed to make your acquaintance if I do say so myself!” “Uh...” was all that came from the stallion’s mouth as he now shook slightly from fear Twilight being the last to shake his hoof. “And I’m Twilight Sparkle it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our town! I’m sure you will be a fine engineer and a-“this time it was Twilight who was cut off by the stallion. “Look here missy!" He suddenly shouted "I don’t know what the hay your problem or what the buck is going on here but I am not an engineer! I’m a florist for bucks sake!” his face recovering from his fear as his anger showed visibly, the girls eyes widened startled themselves this time from his outburst were a loss for words. Fluttershy made an ‘eep!’ as she hid behind Applejack shaking as they looked at his flank to see a flower in a plant pot where his cutie mark was. “I...I’m sorry sir we thought you were someone else…” Twilight apologised lowering her ears. “And another thing I don’t live in Ponyville I live in Canterlot! Next time make sure you get the right damn pony instead of giving me a damn heart attack!” he glared at Pinkie as she hid behind Rainbow Dash nervously grinning. “I pity the poor sod you girls actually meant that for!” The stallion angrily stomped off to the bridge connecting the two platforms muttering about being late and silly girls and their damn pranks leaving the girls on the platform speechless surrounded by confetti. “Twilight” Applejack started ”Ah don’t think that was him…”