Finding Solace

by Demichev

Morning Surprise

Morning Surprise

Fluttershy awoke to the luscious scents of breakfast. She thought she was dreaming and rolled over to look for her love, Jonathan. She saw him missing from his place on the bed beside her. She frowned, but then thought about it. She guessed that he must have left the room when she fell asleep after he woke her up with his violent awakening in the night. She sighed, there was a time when he was able to sleep through the night with waking, but recently had been plagued with nightmares every time he slept.

She really did wish she could take those away or find some way to make it possible for him to sleep. She knew that he had left the room and had spent the night downstairs and that he did not sleep at all. The lack of sleep really had to be effecting him badly. After all, nopony would be able to function without proper rest.

She got up from bed and trotted down stairs and into the living area of the house. There he was, in the kitchen making something and judging from the smells it was going to be delicious. He seemed not to have heard her come down the stairs. She thought about that for a moment and decided to take advantage of this rare opportunity. It is not very often that she got the opportunity to sneak up behind someone. She unfurled her wings and took to the air. She quietly fluttered over to where he was working. She reared up and then through her forelegs out and wrapped them around his neck in an embrace. She got satisfaction in that he jumped a little. After a pause, he dropped the utensils he was using and placed his hands on her forelegs and leaned his head on hers.

“You scared me dearest.” he giggled. Fluttershy loved it when he made those sounds. She especially loved the sound of his voice. A deep, voice and from her position she could feel the vibrations in his chest from the words. His voice wasn’t scary like a dragon’s voice was.

“I just had to take the opportunity to surprise hug you.” she responded. She released him, slipping her forelegs out from around his neck and he turned around to face her. She loved his eyes, those sky blue pools that usually shone, but were dulled by the lack of sleep. Still it didn’t stop his smile. She knew that his love for her was beyond that of simple affection.

She loved him just as much as he loved her. She loved everything about him, the way he smiled, the way he laughed, The way his short black hair seemed to change colors every now and again to brown was, and she especially loved how when he entered the house from outside, the animals who around her, that were normally rambunctious, would calm down. She had first assumed it was out of fear, but when she asked Angel about it, he had told it wasn’t fear but respect. Something about him demanded respect and as a result demanded respect of her.

“I didn’t hear you come down. I was preparing breakfast for you and I was going to bring it up to you, but you are down here now so my plans have to change.” he said.

“Oh, um, I could go back upstairs if you want. I mean, if you still want to serve me breakfast in bed.”

“That won’t be necessary. I would love nothing more than to be in your presence my dear. It means the world to me to have you close.”

Fluttershy blushed at his statement. Fluttershy would have loved nothing more than to have kissed him right then and there, but she restrained herself. She knew that doing so would interrupt the moment. He walked over to the table and pulled one of the cushions out from under it and dusted it with a few hits. He set it down and looked at her.

“My lady, a table for two. Breakfast shall be served shortly.” Fluttershy giggled at his poor impersonation of a waiter. She landed, folded her wings, and trotted over to the dust free cushion and sat down on it. He walked back over to the kitchen and put the food onto some plates. He carried them over and set them down on the table. He then pulled a cushion out for himself and sat down on it. She looked at him and snickered. The way he sat was always funny to her. The way he would sit down and then fold his legs so that each of his feet were under a knee.

She had asked him one time why he sat like that. His response was that it was called “sitting indian style” and that he didn’t know why it was called that, just that it was the most comfortable sitting position for the low table that Fluttershy had bought after the “Sleepover Incident”. She had tried to sit like that once, but couldn’t seem to get the positioning right and had always ended up staring ceiling.

She looked at breakfast. It was a delicious smelling mix of fruits.

“What is it?” she asked, noticing the slight char on some of the fruit.

“It’s fruit that has been slightly cooked to bring out the sugars in them. It makes the fruit have more flavor.” he said.

She took a bite. The flavors absolutely overwhelmed her taste-buds. The fruit certainly did have more flavor to them when they were slightly cooked. Either that or the dish had been made by her love with love. She chewed and swallowed the delicious breakfast.

She opened her eyes and saw him smiling at her. She hadn’t realized until just then that she had closed her eyes. She blushed.

“I take it that means you really enjoyed that bite. Judging by the closed eyes and the moan.” he said, smiling at her. Fluttershy turned a deeper shade of pink and tried to hind behind her long pink mane. He giggled and she couldn’t help but smile as well.

“Um, Yes.” she said, coming out from behind her mane and eating more of the delicious breakfast while trying hard not to close her eyes and moan at the same time.


Jonathan insisted on cleaning up the mess and letting Fluttershy relax for awhile longer. She watched him while he worked. Watched as he scrubbed the dishes clean and put them in their proper place. While she watched her mind wandered back to thoughts on what she could do to help her beloved to get the sleep that he had been deprived of for these many months.