//------------------------------// // Escape // Story: The Heart of Shadows // by TheSilentAuthor //------------------------------// It took a while for Sombra to be finally alone. He sat in his room thinking about what he was about to do. 'Its the right thing to do. Those poor creatures are suffering and I am going to help them.' he thought. The clock on the wall struck letting him know that it was ten o’clock. “Time to go.” He said to himself. He exited out of the room making his way down the deserted hallway. The palace was empty it was almost in a peaceful state. Only a couple of guards patrolled the great halls none paid any attention to Sombra as he walked towards the door. The guard at the door looked up as the white unicorn approached him. “Evening Sir, what can I do you for?” the guard asked. “Well fine sir I was wondering if I could slip out for a bit you know to take a nightly stroll around the town.” Sombra said. “Sorry but we can’t let anypony out after the curfew.” The guard responded. “Oh please it won’t take long.” Said Sombra. “Sorry sir but those are the king’s orders.” The guard said. Sombra slip out of his coat pocket a small bag, it jingled a bit as he threw it at the guard’s hooves. “Oh my I do believe you have dropped something.” Sombra said. The guard picked up the bag. “Well thank you sir, wouldn’t want things like this to go missing, I do recall that it was okay for ponies to go out as long as they are the respectable type.” The guard smiled as he unlocked the door. “Don’t be gone to long.” “Thank you sir.” Sombra said. The cold air blasted into his face sending his mane into a frenzy. Everything in the city was asleep except for the nightly watch. Sombra made his was quickly through the courtyard and through the streets. Within the hour he came to a small inn almost at the end where Canterlot’s building were before running up against it’s great walls. An old sign hung that read “The Dusty Mare” swung from being hit by the breeze. Sombra looked around the building trying to find the tents and crates. Poking his head down an alleyway he could make out all the crates that contained the performers stationed behind the old inn. He walked the down the alleyway slowly making sure nopony was there. He heard something talking but it wasn’t anything pony like. He turned his back to the crate and lean up against it putting his ear up to it. The voices that came from inside where a mixed batch of words, he could barely make any sense out of them. Slipping through the crates he came to the center where the crates were organized so that they could be shipped off in the morning. He knocked on one of the crates. “Hello?” he whispered. “Who’s there?” a pony’s voice answered back. “A friend.” Said Sombra. “I an't got any friends and don’t wish to now leave us alone.” The voice said. “I am here to rescue you.” Sombra said. “And how do you intend to do that, sure you can free all of us from our cages but then what?” the voice asked. “There is a secret tunnel by the old fountain a couple of blocks from here. It's where the city meets the mountain, it use to be an old mine shaft back when Fireskies thought there was gold here. If you come with me I can lead you all to safety.” Sombra said looking at the back door of the inn hoping nothing would come out. “So you say you can get us to this entrance?” the voice asked. “Yes.” Sombra answered. “Well what are you waiting for get us out of here.” The voice said. “Okay wait one second.” Sombra said while stepping back. He concentrated his magic to focus on the screws the held the boxes together. Slowly he unscrewed them all opening them up to revel the performers. A small crowd soon gathered around him. Sombra looked around and there at the end of the group laid the changeling. He went over to her. “Hey don’t worry I am here to rescue you.” He said lowering his head. She sniffled. “I cant walk, its my hoof.” She said. Sombra looked at the bleeding hoof. The ringleader must of have been doing this for a long time. The creature looked up at him, tears starting to form in her eyes. It was a look of pure hopelessness making Sombra determined to save them all. Sombra picked her up throwing her on top of his back so that she could ride him. “There see I will get you out.” Sombra said to her. He went to address the crowd but before he could say a word the back door flung opened. Two colts were walking casually out talking about something before noticing the crowd standing there. “Run, follow me though!” Sombra said taking off. The crowd ran after him as the two colts called out for the rest of their crew and guards to come help. Sombra heard sounds of guards calling out to each other for help. Soon guards started descending upon the group tackling them one by one as they tried to run. Sombra kept galloping, not stopping for anything. Finally he came to the old spot where the mind shaft was but to his horror it was sealed up. “But, How?” he asked himself. There was no time to think he quickly ran away from the group and dove into some bushes away from the spot were he had left them. Sombra felt bad for failing to save the entire group but there was nothing he could do. He felt the blood from the creatures hoof starting to run down his back. “Changeling are you alright?” He asked. There was no response she had past out. Sombra tried to think of plan. He needed to get her inside the palace without being spotted by the guards. Then it came to him, the memory of him playing in the palace with Celestia. She showed him a secret passage located underneath the brush near the side of the Palace. It leads directly to where now the first floor of guest corridors was located. Wasting no time Sombra darted out of the bushes and kept to the shadows as he made his way through the city. It took some time but he made it where the passage way lied. The smooth wall had a jagged outing that resembled an old doorway. This must be it Sombra thought to himself as he felt along the outline looking for a way to open. He tried to remember how Celestia did; the memory was very obscure in his mind. Then within a split second it came to him, reaching for left corner on the top he quickly pressed in a piece of stone that unlocked the old stone door. It swung open making more noise than he had hope for. Walking inside he guided the door back shut. He sat there for a second for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. As soon as his vision was good enough he began making his way through the old corridors. Sombra never really knew what this old tunnel and door were ever used for all he knew was that it was there before he was born. He came to a set of stairs, which were leading up to another stony door. He unlatched the hinge and slowly opened the door almost being blinded by the torchlights in the hallway. He poked his head out looking both ways making sure that nopony was around. Slipping out and closing the door he began creeping down the hallway hugging the wall. The changeling on his back moaned, she was starting regain her consciousness. “Hold on we’ll be safe soon.” Sombra whispered. The creature laid her head back down against his neck letting out a sigh of relief. Sombra climb up the stairs leading to the second floor where his room was located. He crotched as a guard made his way past the top heading in the opposite direction. Taking the moment of opportunity Sombra raced out towards his room just barely getting in and shutting the door in time before the guard turned around to make a sweep. Sombra laid the creature down on the bed then raced to the bathroom to get a rag and some water to clean her wounds. The creature opened her eyes as Sombra stood over her. She started to rise up falling back down once the pain from her hoof shoot through her. “Easy now you’re in no condition to get up or walk for that matter.” Sombra said pressing the damped rage up against her wound. The creature let a sharp cry of pain as the rag dug around the wound. “Shh, there, there, if I don’t clean it you’ll risk getting infected.” He said as he tried as gently as he could not to hurt her. “Do you have a name?” The creature shook her head to tell him no. “Everypony has to have a name don’t they?” Sombra asked with a kind smile. “I am not a pony though.” The creature sniffled. “Come now of course you are, in fact I believe your more of a pony then some of the ones I have seen here.” Sombra said wrensing out the rag before wetting it again. This made the creature smile, reveling two sharp teeth almost like fangs. “Now about that name?” Sombra said while counting to clean the other wounds on her body. “I have never had one, the only name I have ever had is the one that…that monster used to paraded me around with.” She said. Sombra looked at her wings, at one time they must have had been a thing of beauty but now all they showed was years of pain. “How long has he done this too you?” Sombra asked almost angrily. “Ever since I can remember. He took me away when I was to young, to young to remember my parents. Everyday I woke up at the sunrise and he would be there with that staff he used. Every time I did something wrong he would-.” She broke down in tears, her whole body started shaking. Sombra set his rag down and crawled up next to her on the bed. He held her close to him. “Shh he can’t hurt you anymore your safe now, he will never hurt you again I promise you.” He said in a low whisper. The creature let out a few more whimpers before calming back down. She looked up at him. “Why did you try and save us?” she asked. “Cause I felt that what that pony was doing was wrong on many levels, I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t do anything.” He said. "But my friends-“ she started. “They will be free soon trust me but right now I got to focus on getting you to a real doctor.” He said setting her back down and rising from the bed. “The only problem is that I can’t take you to one here.” “Why not?” She asked. “Cause they will be looking for you, no the safest place for you would be the palace once we get there and patch you up I can take you back to your homeland. You can finally be free to live amongst your own kind.” He said turning to her with a smile. She smiled also and was about to say something until there came a knock on the door. Sombra jumped up at the sound and quickly picked her up moving her to the bathtub placing her inside there. “No matter what don’t make a sound.” He whispered. She nodded. He went to the door. “Who in their right mind would be knocking on my door at this hour of the nigh-“ He stopped as he opened the door. It was Celestia. “Hello Sombra.” She said in serious toned voice. "Um, hey Celestia um what are you doing up at this time of night?” he laugh hesitantly. The alicorn looked at him with eyes red with irration. She looked like she had been weeping for quite some time. "Is ever thing okay?" Sombra asked in a concerning voice. "No father just had a heart attack." She began crying. Sombra guided her to sit on the bed and he sat down beside her. "It happened a few minuets ago and doctors are now with him. I just couldn't bare to watch him in that condition." She sniffled. "Why is this happening to him?" Sombra felt sadden by this question for nopony could truly answer that. "Well Tia i don't know why but I am sure he will pull through this." "But what if he doesn't what if he-" She stopped before she finished. "Hey now there no need to think like that he will get through remember that he is a strong fighter." Sombra said trying his best to comfort her. She looked at him and managed to smile. "You really think so?" "I know so." Sombra reinsured. "Thanks Sombra." She said. The two sat there in an awkward silence with Sombra eying the bathing room hoping Celestia didn't enter there. "You know something Sombra I don't get to make much conversations with other ponies outside the palace anymore. But may I say that it feels good talking to you." Celestia said. "Any time Celestia, I will always be here to listen." He grinned. She smiled and began drifting off leaning her head on his shoulder again. "Sometimes I think that all I need is some peace and quite." "We all could use that." Sombra said. "In fact sometimes I feel that I need to get away from this type of life style. Not that I don't appreciate it but I feel like nopony truly respects me for me." Celestia said. "I would respect you, princess or not." Sombra said. Celestia smiled. "Thanks Sombra." She said. She looked up at him with admiration in her eyes. Not thinking she pecked him a kiss on the cheek. Sombra froze in place not knowing how to react to this action. Feeling that the situation was getting awkward with him not saying anything Celestia blushed from embarrassment. "Um I think I need to get back to see if father is doing alright." She said hoping off the bed. "Huh? oh, yeah." Sombra said escorting her to the door. "Well good night Sombra see you in the morning." She said with haste. Sombra locked the door leaning his head against it. He was trying to figure out what just had occurred. He walked into the bathing room drawing some water from the sink to wash the sweat off his face. He rubbed the spot on his cheek where her kiss had landed. A small smile crept across his face. Walking over to the tub he leaned down to see the changeling who was now fast asleep. She breathed calmly; he looked at her horn for it puzzled him greatly. Sombra couldn’t tell if it was naturally shaped like that or if it was molded by years of torture. He scooped her up making sure not to wake her and carried her to the bed. Once she was all tucked in he went to the window and took a look outside. The moon shined bright against the cloudless sky. Turning back he settled in the lounge chair across from the dresser. He didn’t like the feel of it or for that matter any Canterlot made furniture it always seemed so stiff. Sombra found a position in which he was comfortable in closed his eyes and soon he was asleep. Then the thought entered his mind. "How am I going to get this creature out of Canterlot without being noticed?"