The Heart of Shadows

by TheSilentAuthor


The weeks began to roll by and nothing seemed to be going right in the land of Equestria. This new threat who went by the name 'Discord' waged chaos against the kingdom of Canterlot all while Dawnbreaker was slowing dying due to his health issues. It was only a matter of time before the old king would pass his crown to his daughters. Sombra was quite relived when he got the letter from Celestia telling him that she couldn’t make the trip to the crystal empire because of the situation. In fact Sombra was just glad to be out of it entirely for he had other things on his mind that didn’t include fighting monsters.

The others things he had his mind on was Chrysalis. Sombra never really had anypony to share views and personal matters until Chrysalis had entered his life. It was almost odd; a creature that he had saved from a life of misery was in fact making his life better. He felt happy and actually grateful that she was there to listen to him. It was not like his servants for they agreed with him no matter what just cause of who he is. He felt that he found something to distract him from the troubled world. Each day he’d wake up and Chrysalis was waiting for him at the breakfast table. Everyday they found new things to do and a million new things to discuss. They would spend hours sitting at a table just talking about the little things in life to huge deep conversations that dealt with heavy issues. The odd pair seemed to do everything together from seeing plays to just walking through the city. Many ponies upon seeing this began to spread rumors about how Sombra was becoming attached to this creature. In which case he denied every little bit of it but deep down inside it was true. He felt that she was always there whenever he needed somepony to talk to it was almost as if he actually had a connection of some sorts.

“Never let a mare get the best of you for they will bring nothing but hell. Don't let anypony in no matter how much you trust them” His father always said to him. Maybe that’s why Sombra had such a lonely life, cause he never got to actually meet others as a normal colt without being told not to do so. So maybe this was his chance to actually connect with somepony outside of being a prince. Whatever it was it made him feel good inside. Sombra hated to admit it to himself but he was slowly developing affections for Chrysalis. He couldn't describe it but it was almost as if he was being drawn to her. It wasn't the fact that she was beautiful, while other were quick to judge. He just felt that she was something that he always needed. Of course he could never let these feelings surface for it would mean the end of his public image. Also he thought that it could drastically destroy his current relationship with Chrysalis and that was something he didn’t want to lose. Besides as far as he could tell Chrysalis felt nothing of the sort about him so it was best to keep it to himself.

Sombra watched as Chrysalis was getting better with each passing day. Her hoof became strong again despite the hallowed holes shooting through it which according to the doctor they didn't matter. The same could not be said for Sombra, everyday he felt more and more tired. His body felt weaker and weaker for some strange and odd reason. It got to the point where he began visiting the local doctors and all told him they could not figure out the reason for his consistent state of unrest. This sent Sombra into a state of weariness, where he was looking for anything to keep himself energized. Nothing seemed to work so he decided to live with it for now.

“Alright there we go good as new.” Doctor Winhelm said removing the brace from Chrysalis’s hoof. “Give a try.”

Chrysalis leaped off the table and placed her newly fixed hoof down with a reassuring stomp.

“It feels fantastic. Thank you doctor.” She said wrapping her hooves around him.

“It was my pleasure my dear so when do you leave for the swampy south?” He asked.

“WHAT?” Sombra said aloud. “I mean excuse me doctor?” He asked.

“Well you did say once she had her hoof fixed you would take her back to her home land right?” He asked looking at Chrysalis.

“You did say that.” She said.

“Um I did didn’t I? Her hoof is all better now isn’t it?” He asked.

“Good as it has ever been maybe even better heck she is ready to climb a mountain if she wanted to.” The doctor laughed.

“Well I guess it depends on when you want to leave Chrysalis.” Sombra said looking at her. His throat twisted as the words came out of his mouth. Pain shot throughout his body but he was normal to this happening.

“I guess I really never gave it some thought I guess the sooner the better right?” She asked.

“Whatever you want.” Sombra said.

“Ah look at the time I have to go sorry for the quick departure but I have other patients that need care. Do come and see me before you leave Chrysalis and may I just say it has been a delight having you as my patient.” He said shaking her hoof.

“Thank you doctor and it has been also a delight having you as my doctor.” She said.

“Ha well at least somepony admits going to the doctor’s is a delightful trip, well farewell to you.” Winhelm said exiting the room.

“We should go now they will be serving lunch soon.” Chrysalis said heading to the door.

Sombra felt his mind go blank as he walked through the hallways by Chrysalis’s side. The carriage ride back to the palace was silent as well. He really never thought about her leaving he just got caught up with her being there to notice the promise he made her. The servants soon served him his lunch and the meal was meet with the same treatment as the rest of the morning had gone until Chrysalis looked up.

“Something wrong Sombra?” She asked. “You’ve been awful quite today.”

His heart began pumping furiously. “Just….tired that’s all didn’t get much sleep last night.” He said.

“That seems to be really bothering you lately hasn’t it?” She asked while she took a bite out of some eggs.

“I just don’t know why I mean I don’t stay up late or anything. I sleep long hours and let’s admit it, I don’t do much heavy work around here and none of the doctors have been any help at all.” He said setting the side of his head down on the table.

“But that one doctor said he might know what’s wrong with you.” She said in an innocent voice.

“Yeah but he wants to crack my chest open like a walnut to poke around my heart.” Sombra said sitting back up. “Just forget about it. So what is on the agenda today Shards?” He asked a mare standing by the door.

“Not much sir, oh you did receive a letter this morning from Samuel.” She said taking out an envelope.

“What? Bring it here I haven’t heard from him in over a month.” Sombra said while rising from his chair.

Shards walked over to him handing the letter.

Sombra took the letter tearing it open and began reading it in his mind. Samuel had the circus under his custody for well over six weeks and was trying to get his way back to empire. It was very hard trying to keep the whole troop of colts together and it was apparent that Samuel was becoming annoyed with them. As for the other creatures of the show they had been freed from their captors. Sombra smiled at this news it would only be a matter of days before his closet servant would be returning back.

“What does it say?” Chrysalis asked.

“Wonderful it says….”Sombra stopped his words. He forgot to tell her that he had arranged for her captors to be brought to him. Should he tell her? She was leaving and there is no good reason to tell her this and besides it wasn’t going to affect her decision. “It says Sam will be back very soon.”

“Oh good I was wondering what ever happen to him. The first day I was here was the only time I ever got to talk to him.” Chrysalis said with a smile

“Yes it will be good seeing him again. So Chrysalis what do you want to today?” Sombra asked while returning to his chair.

“Oh um I was guessing that since I will be leaving soon I would might as well see the famous crystal mines.” She said.

“Now Chrysalis the mines are no place for ponies like us. Each place has its ponies and besides it’s much to dangerous.” Sombra said.

Her eyes grew big. “I just wanted to see them.” She said.

Sombra felt defeated. “Alright we’ll go but we are not going deep inside understand?” He asked.

“Gotcha.” She grinned.

Sombra stared at his plate as Chrysalis left to go upstairs.

“Megan bring me some wine.” He ordered.

“Um sir I think it is a little to early for-“ She stopped as he turned his head around slowly. “Right away sir.” She said galloping off.

He put his face in his hooves and let out a sigh. “Everypony leave me.” He said. The room became empty and soon Megan returned with a bottle of wine.

She began to set up to fill a glass. “Leave it and please excuse yourself, tell nopony to enter.” Sombra said pulling the bottle over to him.

“Yes sir.” She said while bowing.

Sombra waited for her to be out of the room before cracking the top off the bottle with his teeth. Gulping the whole thing at once he barely felt the alcohol take effect on his body.

“Lets go to the mines then.” He said to himself.

The ride to the mines was also a very quiet one. Neither Chrysalis nor Sombra said a word to each other. Deep down Sombra wanted to say something but he quickly put it out of his mind before he found the courage to say it. After a while the sounds of hammers hitting rock began to echo in the air. The carriage came to a complete stop. A huge pony came up to them; he was covered with ash from head to hoof.

“Ah you’re royal majesty what brings you here to our fine operation.” He said removing his helmet.

“Hello Mort, today I am not here on official business but more of a…personal matter.” Sombra said stepping off the carriage.

“Personal eh, well you of all ponies would know if we needed you down here. Unfortunate sir there is still no sign of it.” Mort said whipping the ash from his forehead.

“Sign of what?” Chrysalis said stepping down.

“Oh Mort this Chrysalis, Chrysalis this is Mort he is the supervisor of the mines of the north.” Sombra said.

“Ah thee Chrysalis the changeling I heard a lot about you.” Mort said.

Chrysalis smiled and replied back.

“Ah and to answer your question miss the ‘it’ I was referring to is the crystal heart.” Said the miner.

“The crystal heart you mean the real one? You mean its actually here.” She said looking around.

“Ha so the legends say but we have had no sign of it ever since we have started digging here.” Mort said lighting a cigar and shoving it into his mouth.

“Um if you would please.” Sombra said gesturing to the cigar.

Mort eyes fell down upon his mouth. “Oh sorry sir.” He said throwing the cigar to the ground and stomping it out.

“Don’t worry about it its just I don’t care for the smell of it.” Sombra said.

“Right so what does bring you down here good sir?” Said Mort.

“Well Chrysalis here wanted to take a tour you know see some artifacts and what not.” Sombra said.

“Ah so you want to go exploring in mines do ya?” He said eyeing Chrysalis.

“Yes sir.” She smiled.

“Well let me be the first to warn ya the mines is no place for a delegate creature such as yourself. It is easy to get lost and even worse falling off a sharp cliff. Now you think you can handle yourself?” He asked.

Chrysalis puffed out her chest. “Yes sir I can.” She said.

“Good now go over to that tent right there and sally will get you suited up.” He said pointing to a tent by the side of a great rock.

Chrysalis galloped over to it and before Sombra could move forward Mort stood in front of him.

“Keep a watchful eye on her sir.” Mort said looking around.

“Whatever do you mean?” Sombra said also looking around.

“Many of colts down here are sly beast they will easily take advantage of frail creature like her down in the darkness.” He said.

“Right, I understand.” Sombra said walking forward.

Sombra hated the helmet that they gave him for it was extremely dirty and full of dried mud. He noticed Chrysalis had no complaints with her outfit even though it made her look light brown instead of her natural black. Once they got the proper uniforms on they were lead to a small cave like opening in the hill. Sombra never personally went down in the mines but he wasn’t afraid of the ever-consuming darkness. For long while the pair walked forward only being guided by Mort down a steep slope until they started to see dim lights below them. At last they came to level ground with torches blazing around them and ponies hard at work hammering away at the stone. All stopped what they were doing once they saw Sombra and bowed before him.

“All right lads the prince is just here to take a look around get back to work.” Mort ordered. “Right this way.”

He lead them to another area where ponies where digging up huge crystals and loading them into carts to be shipped off. Mort stopped one just before it passed them.

“This right here is the prize of empire dear, it’s tactium crystal strong enough to make a building out of but flexible enough to bend and mold.” Mort said tossing Chrysalis a piece.

“It’s beautiful.” She said looking into it.

Mort chipped off a piece of another crystal and took the rock from her and handed her the small piece.

“There let that always guide you when it gets dark.” Mort said with a smile.

“Huh?” Chrysalis asked while looking at the small rock.

“Tactium crystal glows when it gest surround in pure darkness.” Sombra whispered. “An old saying among the northern tribes goes ‘when the night sky falls, the earth’s shards will guide us all’” Sombra said.

“Oh that’s incredible” Chrysalis said grasping the rock between her hooves hoping for it to start glowing.

“Come along now we got much to see”. Mort said moving forward.

Sombra made sure he and Chrysalis stayed close he didn’t like some of the looks that were being given to Chrysalis by some ponies. According to his father most of the ponies who mined for a living are descendants of the northern tribes. A brutal and savage race of crystal ponies that were known for their oddness. Whatever it was Sombra didn’t like the looks of some of them. They’re eyes stared at Chrysalis all sharing a sick since of curiosity about her.

“And down there we have the main dredger that pumps up the soil and brings up all sorts of things.” Mort said while standing by a huge table with the sound of rushing water passing in it.

The heavy miner stuck his hoof in it and started to fish around pulling up a hoofful of crystal flakes. Chrysalis went forward and stuck her hoof in it with the same results. She smiled as the torchlight reflected off the shinning rocks.

“Beautiful isn’t it.” She asked holding her hoof out to Sombra.

“Indeed it is, now then Mort where is it that the crystal heart is rumored to be. I want to go there.” Said Sombra.

“Ah that cavern is down this way follow me.” Mort said walking down a set of pony made stairs.

Sombra had been accustomed to the darkness, he remembered playing in basements as a small pony. Chrysalis on the other hoof kept tripping in falling every so often. Sombra tried his best to help support her but he wasn’t always able to catch her. The trio soon came to an underground lake filled with miners hard at work digging around a huge stone. The stone seemed odd to Chrysalis for it shined with a faint blue. This was not like the other crystal stones she had seen around the mine. This one was tall almost the size of the palace itself.

“Watch your step.” Mort said holding his hoof out in front of her.

It took awhile for her eyes to adjust but soon she could see that the trio was standing at the edge of cliff dropping down into lake filled with pure darkness. The water reviled that the great rock continued down beyond her sight deep in the water.

“Water here goes down fathoms one slip and you could sink to the never ending bottom.” Mort gestured with the torch before turning back around. “The great heart stone, rumored to contain the crystal heart itself.” Mort said gazing at the small mountain.

“The crystal heart is in that?” Chrysalis asked.

“Well according to legend.” Sombra said while stepping forward to get a better look at the rock. “It was said that after the first great tribe war the great Markin sealed the heart away deep in the earth so that nopony could use it for evil.”

“Evil? But I thought the crystal heart was a good source of magic.” Chrysalis said looking at Sombra.

“It is but also it serves as a raw magic source, so if one were to use it to boost a spell they could easily use it to create black magic with tremendous power.” Said Sombra.

Chrysalis stepped back a couple of steps so that she could prop herself up against the cavern wall. Sombra and Mort looked on a couple of feet ahead of her and talked about certain aspects of the great rock. Chrysalis felt the wall move slightly behind her and before she could say anything she was pulled back into darkness. Her mouth was being forced shut by something but she could tell what. Her eyes darted in panic looking for light or somepony. She notice a crack where she could see Sombra and Mort still talking but they where several feet away. A noise click and suddenly a dim light shined in her face to reveal a sickly looking pony. His mane and coat were covered with ash and his hoof was tightly wrapped around her snot.

“Well hello there.” He smiled with the light flickering from his horn. “My you are a beauty arnt cha.”

Chrysalis tried to force his hoof off of her but it was no use he was far too strong.

“So ya the pretty little thang that te prince has been messin around with huh? Well I cant honestly say’a I like his choices but he’s always beens an odds one.” The pony said in deep northern tribal accent.

He lifted Chrysalis up pinning her up against the wall. He was right up against her breathing down her neck.

“My looks likes I gets to get something onlys the princes has.” He said forcing her lips to lock with his.

Chrysalis almost vomited at the taste of his tongue inside her mouth. It wrenched with alcohol and cigar smoke. She tried to force him off but he pushed himself forward with great strength.

“Shh close your pretty eyes and let a real stallion show you how it is done.” The pony grinned.

Chrysalis gazed in horror but soon a bright light shinned and the pony was yanked away from her. Falling to the ground she was caught by a pair of strong hooves that belonged to Mort. She looked up to see the opening in the wall was wide-open leading back to the cave with the heart stone. Screams stroke the air and there before her was Sombra standing over the miner sending his hood down upon his head.

Sombra stroked over and over at the unicorn lying on the ground and soon blood began to flow from the miner’s horn. With rage Sombra used his teeth to pull the unicorn up against the wall.

“You disgraceful little heathen what do you got to say for yourself? Huh? Answer me!” Sombra yelled pressing his hoof across the miner’s neck.

“Whats can't a colts have a little fun? Besides what’s wrong with sharing?” The miner said with a laugh.

Sombra felt his blood boil and with one motion he flung the pony down while also sending his hoof into the miners gut. The miner fell flat on the ground not saying a word.

“Mort get this filth out of my sight and have sent to my place immediately.”Sombra said breathing heavily.

Mort moved forward ordering his colts to escort the passed out miner “Yes sir I am so sorry tha-“

“Enough go! Chrysalis are you hurt?” Sombra said walking over to her.

She was down to the ground obviously shaken by her experience. In the back of his mind Sombra remembered a memory from his past where he scrapped his knee. He remembered crying but then his mother held his head against her chest in a comforting him. Slowly Sombra braced Chrysalis up and placed her head against his chest. She was shaking from head to hoof wrapping her hooves around him.

“Hey its alright he’s gone now. He wont hurt you.” He said in a low whisper. “Nopony will ever hurt you again.” Sombra thought in his mind.

“I wont to go now!” Chrysalis sniffled.

“Alright lets go.” Sombra said pulling her in tightly. “Get my carriage ready.” He ordered to a pair of miners.

As they made there way up to the surface Sombra made sure to keep one hoof around Chrysalis the whole time. Once they got back up to the surface the sky had now taken a gray and cloudy look to it. Sombra placed Chrysalis in the carriage before taking his place beside her.

“Sombra please forgive me sir I didn’t know that anypony was still in the pocket sections.” Mort said with fear on his face.

“That will be all thank you I don’t want to be here any longer.” Sombra said.

“Yes sir, I am terribly sorry Chrysalis.” Mort said looking at the changeling.

Chrysalis didn’t say a word; she only sat with her head hung down.

“Go.” Sombra ordered.

The carriage went forward and made a turn to go back to the capital city. Sombra sat in silence but then something inside of him began moving. He quickly wrapped his hoof around Chrysalis pulling her close to him. In response she leaned her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes letting out a sigh. Sombra was cautious about his next move but soon rain began to fall down causing him to act on his thoughts. Removing his cape he wrapped it around Chrysalis propping it up so that her head was sheltered from the rain. Sombra didn’t mind getting wet as long as Chrysalis wasn’t. Chrysalis squeezed in more and more as the rain began to pour from the sky. Soon it was as if the heavens had opened up its river dame. Sombra quickly readjusted himself so that he could act as a shelter for Chrysalis. The carriage began racing towards the city and soon the palace was in sight.

“Hang on we’re almost there.” Sombra shouted over the rain.

Chrysalis looked up at him and smiled before closing her eyes again. Upon entering the city Sombra could tell the sudden storm had taken everypony by surprise. Shopkeepers hurried to get their stands out of the rain while ponies rushed to various building holding up objects to give them shelter. While passing through the center of town Sombra got a quick look at the great clock. It was late in the afternoon much later than he had felt it was. Pulling up to the palace they were both quickly escorted inside away from the freezing rain.

“Lord Sombra we are glad you’re back how was the trip.” A stallion said taking the dripping cape.

“Awful I want that mine working overtime for the next two weeks understood?” Sombra said storming off to the dinning hall.

“Um sir that’s seems a little harsh don’t you think?” The stallion asked.

Sombra stopped in his tracks and turned around storming up to the servant.

“Harsh oh you haven’t seen harsh yet. Listen up! Tomorrow the northern mayor will be brining in a prisoner early in the morning. None of you are aloud to say a word to him. Don’t wake me when he gets here either just lock him away. No food or water is to be given to him until I say so clear?” Sombra asked.

“Yes sir.” They wall responded quickly.

“Good now is dinner ready?” Sombra asked.

“Yes sir its ready for you and Mrs. Chrysalis.” Said Shards.

Sombra let out a deep sigh. “Good Chrysalis you ready t-“

Before he could finish his word the changeling rushed up the stairs all the way up to the living quarters.

"My what on earth happen out there?” Shards asked.

“Something shocking that’s all. I will check up on her after dinner.” Sombra said walking into the other room.

After awhile Sombra made his way up to Chrysalis room with a tray of food in his mouth hoping not to drop it. He gently knocked on the door placing the tray on the ground.

“Chrysalis it’s me. Can I come in I brought you some food.” He said in a delicate voice.

He pressed the door open with his hoof; it wasn’t even locked much to his surprise. Sombra slowly peaked his head in the door and saw that the room was empty.

“Chrysalis?” He asked storming into the room.

The sound of the rain splattering against rock soon filled his ears. Turning to his left he saw the balcony door wide open with Chrysalis sitting in the rain. Sombra quickly got a blanket and dragged it over to her. The rain hit him as he went out.

“What are you doing out here.” He shouted over the pouring rain.

“I just wanted….to.” Chrysalis just sat there letting the water soak her.

Sombra rolled his eyes and pick Chrysalis up tossing her onto his back like he did the night he rescued her. He went over to coach in her room and sat her down on it.

“Hey.” He said after a long awkward pause.

Chrysalis jumped at the sound of his voice. “What?” She asked sounding confused.

“I brought you some food.” He said bringing the tray to her.

“Thank you.” She said snatching an apple.

Sombra sat beside her on the coach as she devoured the piece of fruit.

“Chrysalis?” He finally managed to say.

“Yes what is it?” She asked.

Sombra couldn’t say a word; he just stared into her green eyes. He felt his heart begging to pump furiously. His mouth began to move but nothing came out. Sweat began pouring out from his pores at a rapid pace.

“Chrysalis, um I just wanted to know if you were all right?” Sombra said. 'Well that sounded stupid didn’t it of course she’s not all right she’s probably upset.' His voice echoed inside his head.

“Yeah I will be all right.” She smiled at him.

“Good, good.” Sombra said. 'Well say something else, tell her about how you don’t want her to go.' His inner voice called out. “Um Chrysalis about this whole leaving business.” He said slowly.

“Yeah.” She said very faintly.

“I mean do really think its time for you to go?” Sombra said rubbing the back of his head.

“Well I do need to live among mine own kind don’t I? I mean don’t get me wrong I love it here but I don’t really belong here.” She said with a forced smile.

Sombra felt a lump begging to form in his throat. “I think that.” He paused.

“Think what?” She asked smiling at him.

His mind came to a complete stop, he had nothing to say. The color to his cheeks soon turned red from embarrassment.

“I think that it’s been wonderful having you as my guest.” He said. 'Well that sounded stupid.' His voiced echoed inside his head again.

“Oh it’s been an experience that I will never forget and one I will cherish all my life. Also just because I will be gone doesn’t mean I cant come to visit right?” She asked.

Sombra felt his body’s temperature rise he had to get out of there. “Um yeah any time.” Sombra said moving towards the door.

“Where are you going?” Chrysalis asked.

“Excuse me Chrysalis but I suddenly don’t feel well I think I need to freshen up a bit”. He said.

“Oh well good night then and thanks for the food.” She said.

“Good night?” Sombra said looking at the clock on the wall. “Oh right good night.” He smiled.

He never felt to relieved to be in his own room. Drawing water from the pump never seemed so easy before either. Soon he sat in his tub completely submerged in hot water. His body relaxed and all pain was gone. After a good thirty minuets he dried himself off and dove into his bed.

He slept calmly and not one time did he stir. Sombra laughed inside of himself he never remembered when he had such peaceful sleep. Then out of the blue he heard a faint knocking noise.

“Who’s there?” he asked while sitting up.

The room was filled with darkness.

“Hello?” he said pulling the covers up to him.

As soon as the words escaped his mouth a pair of green eyes shined in the darkness.

“Chrysalis?” Sombra asked.

The changeling stepped out so that the moonlight from the window revealed her entire body.

“What are doing here its very late at night.” Sombra said.

“I know that’s why I came.” She said sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Came? Came for what?” Sombra asked.

“I, I really wanted you to know something.” She said.

Sombra felt her eyes looking into his soul. “Couldn’t it wait until breakfast?” Sombra chuckled nervously.

Chrysalis also let out a tired chuckle. “Well what I wanted to tell is this.” She said drawing near to him.
Within a few seconds she was right up against him. She gazed into Sombra’s red eyes as she just stood still for a moment. Then with one motion she locked her lips with his.

Sombra felt his whole body tense up but then relaxed. He closed his eyes and began to drift off. Then reality brought him back in.

He jerked away from her. “Chrysalis no.” He said.

“No what, did I do something wrong?” She asked.

“Yes, I mean no, I don’t know.” He stuttered.

“I am sorry if I made things awkward for you.” She said drooping her head.

“No it’s just that I don’t think whatever you where doing is such a good idea.” He said.

“Oh, why?” She asked.

“Cause I don’t think we could ever be that you know.” He said.

“I am sorry.” She said. “It’s just that I never had somepony care for me like you have and I guess I was just reading your emotions wrong.”

“Well not entirely.” Sombra said slowly. “Why did I say that?” He said to himself.

“Hmh?” Chrysalis asked.

“I have had given it some thought to be honest. I mean me and you.” He said in a dry voice.

“And what have your thoughts told you about us?” She asked.

Sombra felt his heart beat. He just stared at her not saying a word. In his mind he kept telling himself that he shouldn’t go through what he was about to say but it was no good. He decided to let go and just accept his true feelings.

“Chrysalis, for as long as I have know ponies have treated me with false respect. Not that they hate me but I know that the only reason why they cared about anything to do with me was that I am the prince of the crystal empire. With you it’s different, with you I feel that you don’t care about any of that. I feel that I can really talk to you about almost anything and you would listen, freely. I don’t know but for some reason I think that has made me grow attached to you.” Sombra said in a rushed manner. “I feel that there’s a special connection between us.”

Chrysalis smiled and scooted closer to him. “You really think so?” She asked.

Sombra regain some of his composer. “Yes I really do.” He smiled.

“Prove it” Chrysalis smiled.

Sombra shook his head. “How?”

Chrysalis placed her hoof around his neck so that his head turned to face her own. “Kiss me.” She said in a low whisper.

Sombra almost didn’t have control over his mind but before he could think he locked lips with her and pulled back. Chrysalis smiled as he sat back. He felt the urge to do it again and much the Chrysalis surprise he kissed her again and began a steady flow. His blood began rushing and his mind began to go black, he was losing control over himself. He pulled back and looked at Chrysalis. Her eyes shined brightly in the moonlight as she sat watching him. The look in her eyes matched his, the same bewilderment causing both of them to draw closer to each other. Sombra wrapped his hoof around her and pulled her close to him as he went in for another kiss.

The hall filled with the coughing of the dying king. Guards stood by the door watching to see what would happen next in the king’s room. Celestia and Luna both stood on one side of the bed as they watched their father sat up to say something.

“Celestia….Luna…please come closer.” The old king said while coughing up a bit of blood.

“Yes father?” Luna asked placing her head on his shoulder like a philly would do in order to feel safe.

“Luna, you remind me so much of your mother when she was your age. Looks like I will be seeing her again soon.” Dawnbreaker said with a painful smile.

“Don’t say that dad the doctors will be back soon.” Celestia said sitting beside him.

“Ah don’t worry I have accepted that this is the end for me but before I go I have to tell you two a secret.” He said wheezing.

“Secret what secret?” Luna asked.

“One that has been passed down the royal family line since the begging of Equestria. The elements of harmony.” He said.

“What about them father? I mean me and Luna already know all about them.” Celestia said.

“Yes you do but there is one thing that you don’t know. This Discord fellow seems to be feeding off of chaos and confusion. It is my personal belief that he is one of the spirits of old. The spirit of disharmony to be precise.” Honder said looking at Celestia.

“Spirit of disharmony? You really think so?” Celestia asked.

“Yes now it is your duty as holders of the elements to protect all things and if he is truly the spirit of disharmony you can use the elements to defeat him.” Dawnbreaker said while coughing.

“But how do we use the elements to-“ Luna began but stopped once her father slipped back down on the bed.

“Celetsia, Luna I love you both with all my heart but I am afraid that its time for me to leave this world.” He said with heavy breathing.

“No dad don’t go.” Celestia said with tears begging to form in her eyes.

“Luna protect the night and the dreams of those who sleep. Watch over them like the stars and the moon do. Never forget that the night is to that of the day and is forever needed in the circle of life.” Dawnbreaker said in a ceremonially tone.

“Yes father always.” Luna said crying.

“Celestia, protect the day and everypony at all costs. Watch over them like a hawk would do. Never forget that protecting the day is the hardest for everything is awake and will be always on the move for it is a part of the circle of life.” He said.

“Yes father I will never forget.” Celestia said.

“It is done, I go now to paradise where I shall remain for the rest of my days. Hopefully one day we shall meet again and be all together.” Dawnbreaker said with a smile.

Both of his daughters sat on the bed laying their heads on his chest.

“I hear your mother calling to me, good bye Luna, Celestia I love you both.” He said.

“Good by father.” Luna wept.

“Good by father.” Celestia said clenching to his robe.

Dawnbreaker looked up to the celling and felt darkness slowly creep over him.

The halls filled with silence as the great king passed away.

Sombra landed on his back, the sweat from his body caused him to shiver. His mind went blank and his body began sending him mixed feelings. He felt shame and happiness, pride and fear, anger and joy all doing battle throughout his body.

“What have I done?” he said to himself.

“What do you mean?” Chrysalis said laying her head on his chest. Her breathing matched his heavy pace.

Sombra’s heart ache and his body began shooting with pain in all his joint.

“Ah!” Sombra cried.

“Is something wrong?” Chrysalis said shooting up while gazing at him.

“Get out.” Sombra panted.

“But Somb-“ She said.

“Get out now! Leave! Get out! Get out!” Sombra yelled while pushing her to the door before slamming it shut and locking it.

He fell to the floor. Looking up he rushed over to his mirror and began staring into it.

“What have I done? I…I shamefully…went and” The words couldn’t finish coming from his mouth. “Oh god I am a horrible creature, one not worthy of being anything above anypony or anything.” He said. “Look at yourself you dirty, disgusting, no good animal you’re not fit to be anything but a loam some piece of garbage”

Sombra galloped to his bathing room where the tub still had warm water in it. He quickly plunged himself in and began scrubbing himself.

“Got to be clean got to erase the memory from my body.” He scrubbed harder and harder. “Its not working. Sleep that’s it sleep is all that I need.” He said jumping out of the tub sending water everywhere. He stumbled to his bed and quickly wrapped the covers around him. Upon closing his eyes all he could see where images of Chrysalis looking at him with her eyes burning with passion.

“Stop it stop it, go to sleep.” He kept telling himself.

It didn’t work and he then began to toss and turn shoving the covers off the bed. All while his body snapped and popped causing him much pain.

“What is happening to me? My body feels like I am going through a wheat grinder.” He cried. “Must get to doctors, must find solution to the pain.”

Sombra leaped out of bed and quickly threw a coat around himself. Upon moving to the door his hooves collapsed beneath him sending the young prince to the floor. The fall was swift but Sombra leaned forward and knocked his head against the nightstand. As he lay on the floor he could feel the blood rushing from his forehead. Everything was going black and pain was coursing throughout his entire body.

“What hell is this? Somepony help me!” He yelled as loud as he could.

Sitting in now a small pool of blood he heard knocking sounds at the door. Before he could say a word his mind went dark sending him away from the world.

Chrysalis sat in her room weeping into a pillow. Her eyes burned red from the tears that she had been producing.

“How could I be so foolish? I destroyed a perfect relationship with the only pony who ever cared about me.” She sniffled. “Why did I have to go in there in the first place?

She heard a commotion outside of her room. Naturally she opened the door and poked her head out. The site before her horrified her to the bone; Sombra was being carried down the hall on a medical stretcher.

“What happen?” She said stepping out of her room.

“Oh the prince has suffered an injury to the head it doesn’t look good.” A mare servant stopped and said.

“Is he going to be alright?” Chrysalis asked with tears begging to fill her eyes.

“I do not know ma’am but don’t worry he is being taken to the doctors right now.” She said walking off.

Chrysalis returned to her bed and buried her face again in the pillow.

“What have I done?”