//------------------------------// // A Heart As Black As Night // Story: The Heart of Shadows // by TheSilentAuthor //------------------------------// Sombra breathed in the air around him as he strutted down the road. His mind was a violent motion like rusty gears grinding together. His smile reflected the inner thoughts that began to poison his perspective of the world around him. Ponies who saw him instantly knew somehow to get out of his way. "Soon all will suffer." He mumbled to himself. He came to the end of the road, reaching the outskirts of the city. Turning around he gazed at the city that laid before him. A burning desire came to his mind, one that he wanted to act on immediately. Taking the crystal heart he raised it to the sky. "Dakrness will cover this land and all will learn to fear it." He said. "LET ALL WHO CHALLENGE ME BE COVERED BY THIS DARKNESS FOR THEY SHALL BE FOREVER TORMENTED BY IT!" With one motion he slammed the heart down to the ground. He poured all his hatred, his sadness, and every single regret he made was channeled from his heart to the stony heart. The ground around the heart became black and looked almost like a small shadowy puddle. Sombra stared at it and soon it began to expand. Almost like in an snake like motion the black shadow was begging to expand into the street. It crept along the road eventually spilling into the sidewalk. Soon it began spreading like wildfire turning everything little stone into an ugly color. Once the sidewalks fell victim to this it attack the surrounding crystal structures. The beautiful buildings soon became black and vile looking. Sombra began laughing. "How fitting." He said to himself. He began walking down the road ahead of the shadows that now had begun spreading down other roads. The looks and reaction from the crystal ponies drove Sombra wild. It was exactly what he hoped for. Their fear of the unknown intrusion was giving Sombra a wondrous feeling. Buildings around him started to twist and turn resulting in the previous structures fates. Looking to his right he could see it spreading far down to the other parts of the city, turning to see the left had the same results. "Sombra!" A guard said coming up to him. "The city seems to be under attacked by something." Sombra laughed. "No we are not being attacked we are being brought closer together." "Sir?" The guard asked in confusion. "Let me explain better." Sombra said. Sombra charged his horn and shot the guard with a jolt of magic. The reaction was quite the opposite what Sombra was hoping for. Though the guard hit the ground he didn't let out a cry of pain. He laid there breathing heavily as the shadows on the street went by him. Sombra did feel the guard's fear but there was no more than that. At that moment he realized something about the guard. The crystal pony had lost his crystal shine. Instead of a bright shiny red coat the colt had a dull and joyless red tone. The shadows of the street started nipping at the edges of the pony's hooves. It was as if Sombra had sucked all the happiness and hope out of him. How could he do this? Was there something about the spell he used? It was just a common burning spell. Could his new found powers somehow create something entirely different? He had to experiment with this theory. Easily spotting a random pony he quickly went over to her. "Prince Sombra what's going on?" She asked fearfully. Sombra wasted no time answering her question he just fired his spell off and watched. The glimmering yellow coat turned into a pale counterpart. The pony fell to the ground but was able to hold herself up a little. "Why....why would you?" She managed to say before toppling over. This feeling of fear was intensified than the others he felt before. It was different like something was added to it. Sombra felt like that it must have to do with the fact that the pony must had felt comfort with his presence. Could it be the feeling of fear resulting from feeling betrayed? Whatever it was he liked it. His mind quickly pulled him back to the goal he had set up for himself. The shadows had almost consumed the entire city, encoding it in it's darkness. All that remained still glimmering in the sun was the famous palace. "Only on thing left to fix." Sombra said jokingly. He bent over and touched the ground spreading a dark aura matter around him. His heart was racing as he watched it climb near on the support basses holding the palace up. At first the dark matter didn't latch on as if something was resisting it. Sombra clenched his teeth and let loose a reinforcement for the current shadow. Together they attacked the bass turning it to an ugly black color. It soon began running along the bass to the intersection where all the others meet. The sun reflected off the ugly color casting a almost threatening shadow along the area. As the tower began falling more and more to the darkness the more larger area was covered in this great shadow. Once the whole castle was covered Sombra let out a sigh. "It is finished!" He yelled with glee. "Soon I will become absolute ruler over everything that I see. Yes I have the crystal empire already on my plate but think of the expansion. Once I bring these fools to their knees so will the rest of Equestria. All will join me and them in our suffering. For now I need to bring these ponies something they can really fear, something to break them. Those other two seemed to be transformed in a way as if I took the very meaning of a crystal pony right out of them. Maybe I can use this to my advantage." He stopped once he noticed when members of his royal guard started to draw near him. Their faces showed fear of this unknown phenomena. "Reports gentlecolts?" Sombra asked. "Sir I don't know how but the entire city has fallen under some kind of anomaly." One of the captains said. "It's black magic I say." One guard said. "Now we don't know that it could be something else." Another shot back. "Sorry boys but you're both wrong on this one for it is I who is responsible." Sombra said. "Sir?" The captain asked in confusion. "I felt like we needed a change of scenery, you know something new to look at." Sombra said turning around to see his new city. "Well what do you boys think?" The guards sat in silence not knowing if he was being serious of that he had gone mad. Sombra then started to grow a cruel idea in his head. His heart began pumping slower than usual as if he was suffering for something. Ignoring it e began plotting on how he could get everypony together fast. "Guards alert the kingdom I want everypony here tomorrow by the mid days sun. I do mean everypony" Sombra barked. "Every last colt, mare, and young ones who live in our empire do you understand? I want the army here as well, all of them. Pull out of every fort, station, town, cave, and every patrol area. I want them suited up and ready for crowd control. Now I will also need squads to empty out all the dungeons. Gather all the supplies that you can that can be used to hold ponies down against their will. As for the prisoners I have no mercy for and do away with them as you colts feel proper." He said. "Don't just stand there move! You two do the first thing I said, you three start alerting the army, and you start gather guards up to clear out the dungeons. GO!" Most of the guards went off to do their order even though they were confused about them. All left except for one. "Is there a problem solider?" Sombra asked. "Sir what is the purpose of these orders?" He asked. "Purpose? The only purpose to carry out these orders you need to know is to not lose your head when questioning me. Got it?" Sombra said. The guard displayed greater fear. "Yes sir." "No go before I really lose my temper." Sombra said. Sombra began walking into his newly designed palace. The inner walls somehow reflect the inner working of his heart, black and full of depression. The thumping in his chest became more and more slower yet he wasn't being effected by it. He wasn't feeling light headed or short of breath. He also noticed how empty the palace was. Most of his servant cleared out form the previous episode he had just done before heading outside. He didn't care for he did not hunger for anything nor did he need anything at the moment. All he needed was his orders to be carried out and the crystal heart that was secured to his armor. Making his way up to his bedroom he locked the door behind him. Lying down he drew the heart close to him. "You're the only thing I need anymore." He said to it. A young guard was clearing out the dudgeons empty cells taking all the chains and devices used to captivate a pony. "You there what's going on?" Another guard asked. "Orders by the prince we are to clear out all cells and take all prisoner gear outside and gather them up." He repsonded. Chrysalis bit her tongue. "Did he say why we are to do this?" "No sir he just gave the orders." The guard said. Chrysalis was begging to wonder what Sombra was up to. Was this some sort of a colt hunt he had cooking up for her or was this something else. Looking up she watched dozens of guards beginning to flood the prison. They cleared out all the lowlifes and took them back up stairs and out of sight. "You there don't stand there come help." A colt said giving her a bunch of neck harnesses and chains. "Take these to the gathering place just outside the palace." Chrysalis was given a heavy amount and she struggled to get them up to the upper floors. All round she saw guards rushing around trying to move everything being taken out of the prison. Every prisoner was being led out of the door being closely followed by guards. "You there hurry up with those. We need every single one we can get out there before tomorrow's sun." A gaurd yelled at her. "Yes sir!" She responded. A group of messengers went galloping by her almost knocking her down. "What is going on?" She asked herself. Sombra laid fast asleep in his bed dreaming on what tomorrow was going to bring. "There will be a reckoning like no other once I am done. Soon all will hate and feel lost just as I have. Once I have taught these ponies that only then can we all move on." A sound disrupted him causing him to leap out of bed. "Chrysalis is that you?" he asked. There was no sound or a response. He quickly began lighting up the room with his horn. There wasn't anypony there as far as he could see. A knock came to his door quickly distracting him. Opening it he was greeted by the presence of a royal guard. He was a older looking colt but he had a look of worry on his face. "Sorry to disturbed you my lord but I have some question on the orders you gave us." He said slowly. Sombra sensed some fear coming from the pony but he couldn't tell why. After all he just asked a question there was no reason to be scared. "Sure what did you want to ask about them?" Sombra asked with curiosity. "Yes sir I was just asking the purpose of these excises was. I mean you have us piling a great pile out in the courtyard and all." The guard said. "Well solider I hope you can respect my descion on not telling you what the purpose of these orders are but let me explain on thing. Tomorrow I want all the guards and army armed and ready for action." Sombra said. "Now please don't disturbed me again." He slammed the door on the pony's face. Chrysalis walked away. "What is he up to and what does he have planned for tomorrow? I got to find somepony to help me." She walked down the hallway and came to a deserted open hall. The only sound in the palace were the ones of the guards shouting orders at each other. "This is all to weird, something bad is about to happen I can feel it?" "Come again solider?" Sam's voice called out. Chrysalis turned to see the butler slumped over on a chair clenching his side. She quickly rushed over to him. "Sir are you hurt?" She asked. "No and you can drop the act Chrysalis I know it's you." He said. "Wait how did you know?" She asked preparing to bolt. "Don't worry I am not going to tell Sombra and don't worry about how I knew it was you just know that I did. Anyway what where you just going on about?" He asked. "Sombra has given orders to his guards and army." She said bitting her lip. "Are you sure you're okay?" "Yeah just a bit of burning thats all, you said the army?" Sam asked. "He gave orders to have all the troops to abandon their post and mobilized here by tomorrow morning. Plus he has requested that all the ponies of the empire be here by noon too. That's not the part that worries me, he asked for the dungeons to be emptied on supplies. Chains, cuffs, and neck holders are all being piled outside. I don't like where this is going." She said. "Well maybe he has gone mad after all he seemed very unpleasant after he found out what you were." Sam said. "Sam please if I could have talked to him before he went all crazy on me maybe I could have explained. Yes I am a creature who feeds on others for their emotions but Sombra was different. At first I thought I was going to just use him but something happen." She said. "And that was?" Sam asked. Chrysalis dropped her head."Well he started to care for me and love me. All my instincts told me to change and deceive him but he loved me for me. I didn't have to hide myself for he just didn't care. In time I started to care for him as well. Deep down I grew feelings for him, never had that happen to me before. I tried to stop my natural ability but I just got caught up in.....in." "Falling in actual love?" Sam asked. Chrysalis nodded. "Well I can go ahead and tell you that I knew you didn't mean any harm by it. I know you actually loved him and wouldn't purposely hurt him. The sad thing is though what has happen has happen. Now we got to figure out a way to help Sombra before he does anything else rash or violent." Sam said struggling to get up. "Beside we should move before somepony comes across a guard proclaiming their actual love for Sombra to his butler." Chrysalis helped Sam by using herself as support. "Where did you have in mind?" "The only place I think is safe is with Vig right now." He noticed Chrysalis's reaction. "Don't worry I wont tell him either now lets go. I am begging to feel sick." Chrysalis walked the butler down into the palace towards Vig's lab. Sombra awoke to the sounds of marching hooves. Peeping out of the window he could see hundreds of solders pouring in form all the streets. Along on the sidewalks the citizens of the empire also were begging to form but many where still to come. "Look at them lining up. Soon they wish they were never born." He said. Grabbing the heart he went down to the courtyard of the palace to see the massive pile of chains. It grew in great height almost touching the intersection of the basses of the palace. There was just one more thing he had to do. "Captain order my generals to present themselves before me immediately." Sombra ordered. In about the span of ten minutes all his major generals appeared before. Some gasped at his appearance but they were quickly able to conduct themselves. "Gentlecolts I here by order a seal of stone to take place right now." Sombra said. "Sir are you sure? I mean you do know what you are doing right?" General Knocks asked. "A seal hasn't been used in centuries." "Yes I know and don't question me just present your parts." Sombra ordered. The generals looked at each other hesitantly as they each one by one took out a small piece of metal hidden away in their armor. Each little pice was laid before Sombra waiting to be put together. "Sir are we about to go to war or something. I mean there must be a reason you want to break a seal open?" General Grull asked. "Oh there is a good reason now step back." Sombra said. Sombra reached deep down within his memories as he tried to recall the spell his father taught him. Soon it began coming back to him as the pieces began to move towards each other. A couple clicking sound affirmed that the small amulet was in place. Using his magic Sombra lifted it up and shattered it into a million pieces. The amulet was now nothing but dust. A small energy came froth from the ground running around the generals and quickly disappearing. "The seal is broken and your word must be to the death." Sombra said. "Yes sir!" They all responded. "Good now as of today the city and empire are under martial law. No pony enters or leaves or boarders without checking here first. All citizen as of now are to be quarantined and processed by use of chains if they try to leave. Also all citizens must obey every order I give and you must enforce it. They will work to build up the empire's defenses." Sombra said. The look on his generals faces showed that they feared what he was going to do. "Sir why all the sudden moves." One asked. "Is there an unknown threat to us?" Sombra held his hoof up. "The seal is broken you must obey every single one of my orders without question now go." The colts looked at each other wondering if they were doing the right thing. Slowly they left to go carry out Sombra orders. The unicorn snickered at they're hesitation. Now that he had the army under his complete control it was only a matter of time before he brought them all under the same feelings of depression. Sombra watched as the troops went out to their positions. The sun began climbing the sky as the ponies of the empire began pouring in. It would soon be time to act. Retreating to his palace he made his way to a balcony that sat just above the growing sea of ponies. The sound of the crowd was whispers of everything going on. It must have been a strange time with the city changing and the summoning of them. He looked at the sun and noticed that it was time for him to begin. "Silence will be the new music that escapes the lips of those who hold hope close to them." He said. "Signal for them to be silent." He asked a courier holding a trumpet. The blast hit the air like thunder silencing the entire crowd. "Ponies of the crystal empire you be wondering why I have brought you here today. Let me start by saying that I have assembled you all here to let you know that we are begging anew. You may have already seen the city take a different change over the last couple of hours but let me assure you its all in good fate. This is only the start for now we work on building the city even greater. Together we will make the empire is stronger. You will all take part in this new uprising for all must contribute to the cause or else they will suffer the consequence." This sent some to start walking away only to meet with a wall of guards. A guard knocked a pony to the ground who tried to resist. This sent many into a panic state. "There is not walking away from this all must work." Sombra said. A lot of the ponies began freaking out as seeing the guards standing there with weapons at the ready. Some began pushing there way out of the crowd to get away. "Take whoever tries to flee into custody for anypony attempting to abandon here will be trailed as a traitor!" Sombra shouted. By this time everypony around him had scattered leaving him alone. "Arrest them all! I order you to arrest every non army personnel immediately. Use the chains and cuffs place below. All will bow before me weather they like it or not! I am the king!" Sombra screamed This caused everypony to freeze even the guards. "Yes I here by declare my rise from prince to king of the crystal empire!" He said slamming his hoof into the ground. Now soldiers obey your king and arrest all these traitors!" Sombra said. The street below fell into chaos as the guards and soliders began tackling ponies to the ground. Soon screams filled the air as each pony was eventually cuffed and chained. "You will all suffer by my hooves!" Sombra yelled. His heart stopped beating leaving him to panic. To his surprise he wasn't dying. "What? How?" He stopped as he noticed the guards where begging to take control of the situation. "My heart was gone a while ago." He said.