//------------------------------// // The Journey // Story: A Whole New World // by Van50608 //------------------------------// Chapter 46 The Journey I patiently wait in the living room as I habitually check down at my phone. Everypony was accounted for even Cory who I had to bribe out of bed with the prospect of an angel or free pop tart. Michael asks "Van what are we waiting for?" I reply "Our guide." They all turn into me confused and asked "Guide." I said "Allow me to explain. I figured that nopony here doesn't have a fucking clue about how we're going to get to our destination. So I hired a Sherpa to lead the way so we don't get lost." They all look at me and say (In unison for some reason) "Oh ok, that makes since." Just then we hear a knock on the door. I open it to reveal a crimson red pony with a compass adorning his flank. He says "Ello mate! My names Compass Rose, and I'll be your guide today!" Elliott walks up behind me and says "So it's one of those guides huh?" I retort "Shut up. She'll get us where we need to go." She asks "Alright folks you ready to go?" We all nod and hop in the small caravan to begin the first leg of our trip. 6 Hours Later..... Rock! Paper! Scissors! Shoot! I look back to see that my retarded friends are trying to plan rock, paper, scissors. With hooves. Mother fucking hooves. I turn back and say "You do know that this one of the most retarded ideas ever of all time? Jacob says "Shut up man! I got money bet on this next hand! I'm mean hoof." I ask your really betting bits on this too? I'm pretty sure if I made friends with a sack of potatoes they would be smarter." I hear Michael from the corner yell "Hey! He has a name you know." as he lovingly stroked as bag of potatoes that seeming appeared out of nowhere. I face hoof and grumble "This is going to be the longest four hours of my life." Cory asked "We'll do you have any better ideas cockbite?" I put my hoof to my chin and say "How about eat something? I haven't eaten since breakfast and I sure as hell know Elliott's starving!" We all look over at Elliott whose stomach seemed to rumble on cue. I say "Yeah let's eat. So what did you buys pack." All them say "Pizza." Aside from Cory who said "I packed a rock." "Sigh" Four Hours Later: My friends and I after being in that caravan for so long finally hop out to find ourselves at the base of a very very large looking mountain. I turn over to my friends and say "Guys that's a long way up." Jacob says "Yeah there's bound to be a ton of rocks for you to eat." Cory said "Shut up none of you would share." Michael said "But the fact the you even tried." Cory retorted "Yeah? Well it's better than than the lunch ladies food. That shit is fucking disgusting." I say "Zip it guys Cory did just try to eat a rock, but we gotta focus on getting up there and we can't take the caravan so were going on foot." "Fuck" we all said in unison as we gathered our crap and began our long walk up. After walking in silence for what felt like an eternity we decided to stop and camp for the night. I asked "Hey Jacob can you size up this mountain?" He said "Sure on it chief." As he proceeded to fly over the side to where I hear a loud "FUCK SHIT DAMN HELL." Come off the side. Cory popped out of his tent and asked "So I guess we're pretty far down?" He said "Yeah we're like a 1/4 of the way up." I said "That's actually pretty good considering the fact we didn't start climbing until like noon." Elliott said "Well in any case we better eat and rest up so we can get moving early tomorrow." We all agreed and went to our tent for the night. Le Next Morning We all woke up especially early the next morning and began our trip up. During the time trekking up the mountain everyone walked in silence thinking about what their angels would be like or what they would wish for. By the late afternoon we had reached the summit. We all look in awe at the peak about us which seemed to have a golden shine to it and a stone brick path that lead up to the very top that had a very large tree on it with roots the size of 3 ponies. Cory yells "Fuck yeah stairs! Finally!" as he quickly proceeds to run up the stairs as quickly as possible. A few minutes later we find him lying down at on some of the stairs. He turns to us and says "Fuck stairs!" with half his tongue hanging out of his mouth. Elliott says "I think its time to take a break don't you think?" Michael says "No! I can see it! I can see the light!" We all avert our gaze upward and only what looks like a few flights of stairs later we see a summit so we all quickly rush up to the top. Even Cory who looked half dead from sprinting up the stairs like an idiot. We quickly reach the summit and gaze upon it's majesty. It's tree extending far above what we thought was ever possible for any living thing. Jacob says " I thought it looked big from further down, but this is just plain ridiculous." We all agree and head toward the massive trunk of the tree. As soon as we arrive we hear a chorus voices. It says " Greetings and Welcome' One Said in a deep majestic voice. " I am King Solaris. Ruler of the Cosmos." Another said in a ceremonious voice said " And I am Queen Atlas. Ruler of time. Welcome to Yggdrasil"