//------------------------------// // Time Loopsss // Story: A Marty Stu invades the Multiverse (Chess Game of the Gods) // by Keairan //------------------------------// That evening, as Violet and I bedded down after her orchestra had created a masterpiece. I turned and looked at her, and smiled. "Violet, your orchestra did wonderfully tonight. I think I saw ponies in the audience with tears in their eyes because you played so beautifully." "Really?" Violet said with a smile that showed over her entire face. "Yes." I said as I ran my fingers through her mane, mussing it up slightly. I continued to play with her mane as the two of us drifted off. ***** I sat back on my haunches, Nzinga playing in a pool of water in front of me. "Come on dearest, for now is when the water is at it's clearest. Fish and shells you shall spot, but only if you get off your plot!" I laughed at her easy rhyme. "Coming, my love!" I stood up, and prepared to jump into the water, when, suddenly- ~Thump~ ~Thump~ ~Thump~ Nzinga looked at me, curious fear etched on her striped face. "Lover dear, what is making that noise most queer?" I looked at Nzinga, and sighed. "I'm sorry, it means I have to go. You will forever be in my memories, my heart, and my dreams." I looked away from her. "And for what it's worth, I'm sorry." Nzinga looked at me, confused, as I rose up from my dreams, and into Tel'aran'rhiod, the world of dreams. As I emerged from my wards, I almost collided with Luna. "Can I help you?" I asked, not amused. "I was enjoying a dream of one of my wives." Luna looked at me, shocked. "You can enter the world of the unseen?!" Her mouth was agape. "Nope, this is all an illusion. You're still on the moon, and this is a screwed up dream. Of course I can use it!" Okay, stop being an ass to the alicorn princess. Yes you're pissed about your dream being interrupted. That's no reason to take it out on her. Luna stood there for a moment, comprehending everything I had just spouted off. I sensed that if she continued on her current thought path, we would be in for the waterworks. "Sorry about that, it's just I don't get happy dreams very often-" "And I interrupted. I'm sorry, but I could not help but be curious about one who has pledged to help not only my sister and myself, but another god as well. Could you please tell of us of this Oponn?" "I admit to not knowing as much as I'd like about them. Oponn are the twin jesters of chance from a reality that I only know of as Malazan. A reality that I've not been to, but have heard about. Another thing is that I don't trust them as far as a human infant can throw them." I sighed, then continued on. "If you really want to talk to them, I think they reside here in the world of dreams." I scrape my human foot across the ground. Luna looked at me, cocked her head, then asked "Art thou a piece in Discord's game amongst the gods?" Huh, her archaic speech has reappeared. Huzzah. I blinked at her, and answered her question. "I didn't realize that Discord was the one who started the game, but yes, yes I am. I have come across one other who I believe is part of the game, and another still who might be." Luna's ears flicked, and she looked at me with curiosity in her eyes. "Who art these persons? We would like to know of them, and mayhap speak with them." "Milady Luna, that is not my secret to tell." Luna's ears flicked back at this, but she did not say anything else. "Have you anymore questions, milady? If not, I'd like to return to my body, sleep in Tel'aran'rhiod is hardly restful." "You spoke of one of your titles in your introduction to our scribe, and We are disturbed greatly by it. What does the title Planetbreaker mean?" "It means that Oponn is playing a game with higher stakes than anyone should be comfortable with." I looked at her, awaiting her answer. "So thou art capable of breaking a planet? Art thou a farmer of worlds, or perchance a reaper?" Her eyes contemplatively looking at me. "A plowpony could forever be tilling the soil, breaking it, and so be known as a breaker of planets, but thou art something else, something horrible. Thou art a destroyer of worlds, an ender of life." She sighed. "Do correct us if we are wrong." "Princess, you are not wrong, but you are also not entirely correct. I have destroyed entire planets, but it is not something I relish." I sighed, and looked over at her. "I relish saving lives. I live for creating things of beauty. Teaching others the wonders of the universe is an absolute joy. That is why it is only one of my titles, the one I detest the most, but one I must include to be truthful." "Why be honest, then? Why tell us of your deed most foul?" Luna cocked her head in confusion. "Why do poisonous serpents have rattles? Why do poisonous frogs have bright colors?" I asked in kind. "To... warn... others of the danger they present." Luna's expression of enlightenment was most satisfying. "Precisely." My voice was calm, if slightly smug. "Now, do you have any other questions?" "None that weigh heavily upon my countenance, and none that thou cannot answer at a later time. We bid you good even." "Goodnight, Princess." With that, I returned to my body, and another dream ***** The next morning, Violet got out of bed before me. "Rise and shine, sleepyhead!" She rang out, chipper as can be. "I'll rise, but I refuse to shine." I grunted back at her, tongue flicking multiple times. Why does the air taste like old sock? "Get ready quickly, Marty. I'm hoping we'll get home before dark." "Alright, alright, hold your horses." I smirked at her when I realized what I'd said. I oozed out of bed, then slithered into the shower for a quick wash. Having washed, we ate a quick breakfast, paid our bill, then left for the train station. "Y'know, we don't have to take the train. I could just gateway us home." I relayed to Violet. "Yes, but I asked Wild to take care of the house while we were gone, and he doesn't know about the whole signal bit." She replied. "Point taken." I answered evenly. We got on the train, and settled in for a nice trip home. ***** That evening as we sat around our evening meal, I broke our general bit of meaningless but lovely conversation with what had been weighing on me. "Do you remember that I have to go meet with Firefly tomorrow?" "That's right. The timing had slipped my mind. Have you thought about how you're going to subdue her?" She asked, curious. "I'm thinking I'll make two illusions, one that makes me invisible, and a double of myself that I'll 'walk' up and down the field. As for where I need to be... I calculated more or less the field where she said she met me." I picked up my map, which had a dot over a field that seemed to be exactly in between Coltogne and Canterlot. "About right here, if my calculations are worth anything." Which they should be. "Hmmm-" She tapped her tongue against her lips, looking over the map. "Well, it looks right from my perspective... but I'm horrible at reading maps. How are you going to catch her, though?" "Wrap her up in flows of air. Hopefully she isn't going too fast when she connects. I'd rather not see the bug on the windshield phenomenon with a pegasus, even if she did act like a bitch." Violet's face shifted from disgust to amusement, and giggled. "Yeah, I agree with you on both things." We spent the rest of the evening talking to each other easily and then went to bed. ****** The next morning, Violet and I ran through our typical morning routines, and I slithered off to the forge to work. The morning shift went well, but I had a meeting with a certain pink pegasus. I looked over at Steel, wiping some sweat from my brow. "Hey Steel, I have something I need to go take care of. I shouldn't take more than a couple of hours." Steel looked over at me, shook his head, then said. "Go on, lad. Do what you need to. Any chance you'll tell me what it is you need to do?" "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I replied honestly. "Whatever, lad. I'll see you later. Good luck." The old bull's agitation was palpable. "Thank you, I have a feeling I'll need it." I said, trying to inject an apology to my voice. I had been flaking way too much from work lately. I'll definitely need to make it up to him. Maybe start channel forge some of the more intricate pieces instead of doing it the hard way? Eh, I'll talk to him, see what he says. Anyways, on to confront Firefly. I tossed a wave goodbye to Steel, and slithered out of town. Once I felt I was alone, I took to the air, and began to glide towards my meeting with destiny. ***** I watched the air from my ditch, my illusion weave hiding myself impeccably. I sent my illusory clone up and down the field, following a track that I had made myself. Come on, Firefly! I want to get this done so I can go back to work! I continued to track the sky, and finally spotted a pink and blue blur above the horizon. I continued moving my puppet as if nothing was wrong, waiting for her to strike. She came in at a high angle, oddly slow for a pegasus attack. Right as I was about to nab her with my prepared weave, she dropped out of the sky, and resumed her approach at a much greater speed at just a little bit above a horizontal angle of attack. I’m impressed. I think I’ve seen maybe two fliers who can survive those g-forces unaided. Seeing that she was going to fast for me to accurately grab with a flow of air, I wove together multiple walls of air, cutting off an avenue of escape with each new wall. For the final wall, right in front of her, I caused a wall of earth to shoot up from the ground, and watched as she jumped into the ceiling of the cage, startled out of her dive. I got up out of my ditch, and unwove my unneeded doppelganger and illusion. “Hello, Firefly.” I said calmly from the depths of the void. Firefly, surprised by my appearance, tried to get out of my cage. “LET ME OUT, YOU FILTHY TIREK-SPAWN!” She cried out, angry and distressed. “LET ME OUT SO I CAN KILL YOU!” I looked at her, expressionless. “Let me think about that. No. Or at least, not yet.” My voice even and inflectionless. Firefly looked at me, confused and angry. “Not yet? What kind of game are you trying to pull, Tirek-Spawn?” “I’m not playing a game, Firefly. I’m not playing a game at all. Ten days ago, you came to a house in Coltogne on the western outskirts, and warned the occupants against a certain activity. I was one of the occupants, and a lovely mare was the other. You saved a life, and kept someone from committing a needless murder.” I explained calmly “What?” She kept her confused expression, though she lost some of her anger. “I am not my body. I have no desire to harm through omission.” “Explain, please.” The anger had mostly disappeared by this point. “Alright, the short of it is, I’m a human in a tirek-spawn body. You time-looped to keep me from sleeping with a mare.” “Oh. I understand now. I told you this date, and you’re telling me about that date. I understand now.” Firefly looked thoughtful for a moment. “How do I know that you are telling the truth?” “You can’t, but as a time traveler and pegasus, it’s not like you can’t go back further in time and make sure that I’m not lying.” I unwove the cage, letting her out. “Point. You do know that if you’re lying, this conversation will never have happened, don’t you?” She said with a suspicious glance. “I wouldn’t have it any other way. Shake on the deal?” I said, slithering forward with my hand outstretched. “We’ll shake on the deal.” She said, hate glistening in her eyes. “Oh, before we finish this, a code that you should use to make sure that my past self doesn’t kill you is ‘Luna forgives sins done in her name.’” I cringed as I repeated the assassin’s line. Firefly looked perplexed at my statement, and then shook her head. “I just realized that I don’t know you or the mare’s name.” “The mare’s name is Violet Melody, and my name is Marty Stu.” I said with a slight smile. “Huh. Well, It’s been unique meeting you, Marty. After the loop, may we never cross paths again.” She nodded in my direction, then took to the air. “It would probably be for the best.” I began to slither away, not wanting to let the pink pegasus in on my abilities. I wandered into a copse of yew, and seized the source. Wait, yew? I thought, as I looked around. "I miss having a bow, and there's what looks to be good quality yew here. I think I'll ask whoever owns this field whether or not they mind if I take some." I said to myself. ***** Violet entered the house, and saw me in the kitchen with a channeled knife and a long stave of wood. "Marty, what are you doing?" She asked, curious. "I'm attempting to make a bow-stave." I replied, putting down my knife to look at her. "And why, pray tell, are you attempting to make a bow-stave?" She took a breath "And for that matter, what is a bow-stave?" "It's the wooden part of the bow one uses to fling arrows, as opposed to making music. I found a very nice copse of yew on the edge of the field where I met Firefly, and the owner was only too happy to let me take some. Something about it being poisonous and he had foals who might investigate it." "Huh. Just be sure you clean up after yourself, and don't track any sawdust into the music room." Violet said, noncommittadly. "Works for me, hon."