A New Beginning

by Mr101

Dealing with a show off

“Well it is a pleasure to finally meet you Mr Ratchet” Mayor Mare smiled at Ratchet shaking his hoof “I trust you got everything sorted with your missing suitcase?” Ratchet blinked and looked at Twilight and her friends who in turn blinked.

“Uhm…what suitcase-“Ratchet was cut off by Rainbow Dash sticking her hoof over his mouth

“He sure did! We helped him sort that mess all right!” she grinned nervously as Ratchet just blinked.

“Uhm…well then…I’m glad…” She eyed Dash and the girls with some suspicion before turning to Ditzy “and you say he has been shown to his new home and shop?”

“Yes Mayor, we even managed to get it fixed up but…it’s kinda bare” Ditzy frowned slightly.

“Oh in that case Ratchet do you need any help with equipment?” she turned to Ratchet.

“No thank you Mayor, my dad’s going to send me stuff I need from his old workshop so I should be fine but thank you for the offer” Ratchet smiled to her, the conversation continued with the Mayor telling Ratchet about events in the town as well as the names of the ponies in charge of the emergency numbers. When she had finished she shook his hoof again and waved him and the girls off as they left her office.

“Well now what ya’ll wanna do?” Applejack asked out loud.

“I don’t really know but I can’t help think I forgot something…”Ditzy replied stroking her chin trying her hardest to think.
“Uhm…Ditzy darling…” Rarity began “have you delivered the rest of your mail?”

“OH SWEET SUGAR HOOVES!” Ditzy shouted her wings suddenly shooting out as she flew off at high speed down the road almost crashing into two ponies who dived out of the way just in time, after ditzy had left Ratchet turned to the girls.

“I think I’d better go get my store ready girls, it was nice meeting you all” he smiled as APAU peeked out slightly waving goodbye.

“Ok Ratchet, hope you have a good evening and once again welcome to Ponyville” Twilight replied smiling, the girls then went off towards Twilight’s home as Ratchet headed back to his shop. When he entered he looked around, APAU began writing a list above his head as Ratchet muttered things he needed. “And I need a tool rack there” he continued to mutter, about fifteen minutes of this he looked up to APAU who finished writing the list ‘turned’ to look at him.

“Got all that buddy?” he asked him, APAU gave a thumbs up as Ratchet grinned “Ok, I need to relay that to dad” he walked over to the telephone and dialled some numbers.


As the sun rose up over Equestria Ratchet got up with a loud yawn smacking his lips as he got up to freshen himself up, as he headed down the stairs there was a knock on the door. ‘Bit early for someone to knock’ he thought to himself. He opened the door and then grinned happily as he was greeted by an equally happy looking Ditzy.

“Well good morning Ditzy how are you?” he smiled.

“Great thanks Ratchet, gotcha a big order here” she indicated behind her to a cart carrying a large assortment of equipment, Ratchet grinned as he stepped outside, ‘Blimey that was fast’ he thought.

“Great! These are the bits of equipment I need to set up shop” Ratchet and Ditzy then carefully started to carry the equipment into the building with APAU’s help, it took the trio not too long as APAU set everything up, Ratchet’s stomach then rumbled as he blushed. “I haven’t had breakfast yet...”

“Well neither have I to be honest…wanted to get this delivered first” Ditzy replied with the same blush rubbing the back of her head “Was wondering if you wanted to have breakfast together?”

“Sure sounds great” Ratchet smirked “Muffins?” Ditzy’s face lit up as she giggled flapping her wings.

“How’d you know?”

The two happily chowed down on a breakfast of muffins and apple juice, when they finished their breakfast Ditzy hugged Ratchet and took off to finish her other deliveries. Ratchet carried on setting up some projects he wanted to work on when he wasn’t working and turned the sign in his window to ‘open’.

“Ready to start the day” he said to himself softly.

The day began slowly as he had thought it would, a couple ponies coming in with a couple of knick knacks such as broken clocks and toasters. He happily fixed them placing the bits he earned into the till, at around lunch time Ditzy opened the door holding a paper bag in her mouth smiling placing it on the table.

“Hey Ratchet thought you might me hungry!” she giggled sitting herself down at the table

“You thought right” smiling as he sat down with her, she took out two wrapped up newspapers containing two portions of hay fries. The two chattered as they ate their food when they heard a loud commotion outside, the two ponies got up and walked to the window peeking out.

“Wonder what the hay is going on out there” Ditzy tilted her head.

“Not sure, want to go check it out?” Ratchet turned to her, Ditzy nodded and headed out of the shop Ratchet quickly equipping APAU followed her out and they both walked with the crowd of ponies who were heading towards a large wooden coat in the town square. The hushed chatter of the ponies had mixed ideas of what was going to happen.

“I heard it’s a travelling sales pony!” one pony said.

“Well I heard it was a travelling show pony! Another pony replied.

As the chatter grew more excited Ratchet spotted Rarity Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy near the front of the stage and nudged Ditzy, she looked to where he was pointing his hoof and they both went over.

“Morning girls” Ratchet greeted them with a smile.

“Oh morning Ratchet morning Ditzy” Rarity greeted them back “How are you today?”

“Good thank you wondering what all the commotion is about” Ratchet replied scanning over the cart curiously “Any ideas?” the girls gave a shrug.

“Apparently she’s this unicorn who has amazing magical talent” a voice came from behind them, turning round they saw it was Spike Snips and Snails followed closely by Twilight.

“Oh hey sugar cube wondered where you were “Applejack smiled. As the girls chattered about the strange stage Ratchet scanned it then turned to Ditzy.

“I got a bad feeling about this…”he whispered. Ditzy was about to speak when a voice suddenly spoke up over the crowds of ponies.

“COME ONE COME ALL! COME AND WITNESS THE AMAZING MAGIC OF THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!!” the voice boomed out, as the last word was said the cart suddenly expanded out into a make shift stage followed by a puff of smoke in the centre revealing a blue unicorn with a light blue mane in a hat and cape, the crowd gasped watching the unicorn some in confusion some in awe.

“Watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie performs the most spectacular feats of magic every witnessed by pony eyes!” She announced standing on her back legs as fireworks shot up exploding in the sky. The excited chattering erupted again in excited whispers.

“My my my, what boasting” Rarity sneered.

“Come on” Spike started “No ponies as magical as Twil-“he abruptly stopped as Rarity looked at him, he coughed awkwardly “Rarity I uh…MOUSTACHE!” he suddenly blurted out. Rarity blinked then looked back towards Trixie as Spike sighed and face palmed himself.

“Smooth” Ratchet whispered teasingly nudging him, Ditzy giggled as Spike gave Ratchet an annoyed shove.
“There’s nothing wrong with being Talented is there?” Twilight asked Rarity looking a little worried.

“Nothing at all” Applejack replied turning her head glaring at Trixie who was performing simple tricks “Cept when some pony goes around showing off like a school filly with fancy new ribbons”.

“Just because one has the ability to perform lots of magic does NOT make one better than the rest of us” Rarity added.

“Especially when you got me around being better than the rest of us” Rainbow smirked before receiving a glare from Applejack Rarity and Ditzy. “Uhm…I mean, yeah magic schmagic…boo!” she quickly added before shooting a glance at the glaring ponies, Ratchet was getting a bit bored now as nothing had really happened, he wanted to go back to his shop and finish his project and looked somewhat annoyed as Trixie sneered at Rainbow.

“Well well well, it seems we have some neighsayers in the audience who is so ignorant as to challenge the magical ability of the Great and Powerful Tri-“she was cut off.

“Yes yes we get it your ‘Great and powerful’ woo…” Ratchet said in an annoyed sarcastic tone shaking his hooves when as he said great and powerful. “Can you just get on with whatever it is you’re going to do some of us have work to do” some ponies in the crowd giggled Rainbow struggled to keep from bursting out laughing, Trixie snorted.

“Do you not know you’re in the presence of the most powerful unicorn in ALL of Equestria?!” she glared at him sending off some sparks from her horn that turned into fireworks that exploded into the shape of some badly drawn monsters, a loud gasp came from the ponies behind him. Ratchet just looked up at her unimpressed, this annoyed Trixie slightly.

“Pfft just who does she think she is?” Rarity whispered to Twilight.

“Yeah!” Spike butted in “since we all know that Twilight here is-“

“Spike Shh!” Twilight cut in, she then nudged him away from the crowd to speak to him privately as Ratchet looked back at Trixie along with the girls as she began making more fireworks appear again standing on her back legs. Rainbow had also had enough and shot up onto the stage.

So ‘Great and Powerful’ Trixie” She said sarcastically “What makes you think you're so awesome, anyway?” Trixie scoffed and stuck her nose up at Dash before puffing her chest out.

“Why only the Great and Powerful Trixie has magic strong enough to vanquish the dreaded Ursa Major!” she proudly proclaimed as more fireworks shot off around the stage producing a weak outline of a strange creature above the stage, the audience gasped in awe at her statement she surveyed the crowd happy knowing she had them hanging on her every word as she continued.

“When all hope was lost the ponies of Hoofington had no one to turn to, but the Great and Powerful Trixie stepped in and with her awesome magic, vanquished the Ursa Major and sent it back to its cave deep within the Everfree Forest!” Ponies in the crowd started to murmur in approval, Ratchet looked left and right before raising his hoof up.

“Uhm…excuse me Trixie but if you defeated this so called Ursa Major, why is it I have never read anything about it in any of the papers I mean SURELY” he emphasised the last word with a coy smirk “Something as amazing as that would of made the headlines in every front page!” the ponies began to mutter between themselves.

“He’s got a point I never saw anything about it in the papers” one whispered

“And something as big as an Ursa Major would have been a great story to earn bits” another whispered.

“No pony from Hoofington ever mentioned it when I was there come to think of it” a colt in the middle called out to Trixie, Trixie’s posture wavered slightly unsure on how to proceed, Ratchet smirked to himself as she smirked back confusing him.

“Why of course you ponies have not heard about this, I politely declined an interview as I wished to be treated like normal ponies and as a thank you the wonderful citizens of Hoofington promised to keep it a secret for the Great and Powerful Trixie!”

“Well that makes sense…I think” a voice whispered.

“Wow she’s so selfless and so amazing!” replied another, Ratchet face hoofed in disbelief ‘Didn’t they JUST hear her talk about being better than every pony?’ he thought as he sighed.

“It's true, my enthusiastic little admirers. Trixie is most certainly the best in Ponyville” she suddenly announced, there was a long pause as ponies looked at her some in admiration others in confusion. “Don't believe the Great and Powerful Trixie?” she chuckled to herself “Well then, I hereby challenge you, Ponyvillians” she scanned the crowd shooting a glare at Ratchet as she passed him “Anything you can do, I can do better. Any takers? Anyone? Hmm? Or is Trixie destined to be the greatest equine who has ever lived!? How about you my out spoken friend?” she pointed a hoof at Ratchet gritting her teeth almost forcing out the word friend. Before Ratchet had a chance to answer Spike, who was now irritated, stood in front of him.

“Please! Your nothing compared to Twi-“Twilight muffled him quickly with her hoof much to his protests as she pulled him back, Twilight nervously looked away from the gazes of the other ponies as Trixie who spotted Twilight’s horn smirked ignoring her hatred for Ratchet turned her gaze to Twilight locking her eyes with hers.

“Hmmm, how about…you!” she smirked pointing her hoof at Twilight. Twilight shrunk back slightly worried as every pony turned to focus their gaze on her. “Well how about it? Hm? Is there anything YOU can do that the great and powerful Trixie can’t?” She smirked at Twilight “Well little hayseed?” Twilight began to stutter but before Twilight could utter a single word though Applejack, who had clearly had enough of the arrogant unicorn.

“That’s it I can’t stand for no more of this!” Applejack walked up onto the stage and pulled out a lasso. “Can your magical powers do this?” she challenged her as she started to perform tricks with her lasso the crowd of ponies going ‘ooo’ and ‘Aahh’, the lasso then grabbed an apple from a nearby tree pulling it into her mouth, the crowd applauded the girls the loudest. “Top THAT missy” Applejack smirked at Trixie. Trixie simply chuckled loudly and scoffed at Applejack.
“Oh ye of little talent, watch and be amazed at the magic of the!-“again she was cut off.

“Great and Powerful Trixie we get it already!” Ratchet glared annoyingly, some ponies tittered again Ditzy let out a small giggle. Trixie scowled at him before carrying on.

“At the magic of the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie!”” she emphasised the words glaring again at Ratchet who glared back. He didn’t particularly like ponies that were THIS arrogant. Trixie’s horn glowed as applejacks rope seemingly came to life startling her, Applejack watched closely as the rope began to sway hypnotically in front of her, not noticing the other end wrapping around an apple. Suddenly Applejack felt her hooves being tied together before being dangled upside down, before she could speak she had an apple stuffed into her mouth muffling her protests, the crowd began to laugh with the exception of her friends Ratchet gritted his teeth angrily, something he disliked more than an arrogant pony was a bully who was arrogant.

“Once again the Great and Powerful Trixie prevails!” she puffed out her chest, she looked down at Ratchet and smirked almost trying to egg him her face saying ‘Where’s your snappy comments now?’ he was about to speak up when Rainbow Dash shot up to the stage once more confronting her.

“There’s no need to go strutting around and showing off like that!” she said angrily. Trixie simply scoffed.


“That’s my job” Rainbow glared at her before zipping off at high speed towards a windmill flying around the rotating blades before shooting up into the sky punching through several clouds leaving a perfect circle, before stopping briefly only to shoot down straight back through the holes only this time several water droplets shot after her at close neck speed. She flew around the blades once more before coming to a stop on the stage just as the water droplets collided with her back splashing to form a miniature rainbow behind her, smugly, Dash smirked at Trixie.

“They don’t call me ‘Rainbow’ and ‘Dash’ for nothing!” the crowd broke out into whoops and cheers for her Trixie however was unimpressed.

“When Trixie is through, the only thing they’ll call you is loser!” her horn lit up gain shooting a beam at the Dash, the rainbow around her suddenly wrapped her up tightly and began to spin rapidly lifting Dah into the air in protest before bringing her to the ground on her front her eyes spinning in their sockets.

“I think I’m “she gulped swallowing “gonna be sick” she trailed off Applejack ran over to help her up.

“Seems like any pony with a ‘dash’ of good sense would think twice before tussling with the Great Trixie!” her horn lit up again making a small storm cloud appear behind Dash a bolt of lightning zapping her on the flank causing her to yelp in pain, the crowd and Trixie began to laugh again Ratchet, looking at them left to right was getting more and more irritated, Dash may be one of the most arrogant ponies he knew and granted he didn’t like that but he liked her as she was a good friend and Dash didn’t go out of her way to humiliate and hurt ponies.

“She needs to be taught a lesson” he whispered to Ditzy who nodded in agreement her scowling face fixed on Trixie although it was hard to take her seriously with her eyes, Spike nodded next to him.

“What we need is another unicorn to challenge her, some pony with some magic of her own” he said, Dash and Applejack nodded.

“Yeah A unicorn to show this unicorn who’s boss” Dash bitterly added.

“A real unicorn to unicorn tussle” Applejack added with a nod, Ratchet frowned a little, as much as he didn’t like Trixie and her behaviour he felt that the who thing was getting way out of hoof.

“Uh...” Twilight began nervously, Ratchet saw this and spoke up.

“Guys I think that-“Ratchet was abruptly cut off as Rarity swung her mane accidently brushing his face as she puffed out her chest importantly.

“Enough enough all of you, I take your hint but Rarity is above such nonsense. Rainbow Dash and Applejack may behave like ruffians, but Rarity conducts herself with beauty and grace” She scoffed, Trixie had overheard this and smirked seeing another opportunity to show big herself up even more.

“Ooo what’s the matter? Afraid you’ll get a hair out of place in that rat’s nest you call a mane?” there was a silence. Rarity glared darkly at her causing Spike to hid behind Twilight slightly afraid, Rarity almost growled out.

“Oh, It, Is, ON! You may think you're tough with all of your so-called powers, but there's more to magic than your brutish ways. A unicorn needs to be more than just muscle. A unicorn needs to have style” as she spoke her horn lit up and pulled one of Trixie’s curtains form behind the stage off its support and encased herself with it before turning it into an elegant looking dress, she had also restyled her mane posing with grace as the crowd gasped in awe of her look. “A unicorn is not a unicorn without grace and beauty” Spike sighed at her in content.

“Rarity won’t let Trixie get the best of her! She’s strong, she’s beautiful” Spike emphasized that as he battered his eyes at Rarity” She’s-“he stopped mid-sentence mouth agape as the whole crows gasped.

“QUICK! I NEED A MIRROR! GET ME A MIRROR! WHAT DID SHE DO TO MY HAIR? I KNOW SHE DID SOMETHING TERRIBLE TO MY HAIR!” Rarity screeched as Trixie looked on smirking. The girls Ratchet and spike looked at each other for a moment.

“Nothing” Twilight said.

“It’s fine” Rainbow added.

“It’s gorgeous” Applejack nodded.

“It’s green” Spike bluntly said, the girls scowled at him “What?” Rarity’s eyes welled up with tears.

“No! Green hair! Not green hair!” she ran off the stage sobbing “Such and awful awful colour!" she sobbed more running past a pony with green hair looking quite annoyed at her.

“Well I never! She said, Spike looked up to Twilight.

“Well Twilight guess it’s up to you” she looked down at him with a worried expression her ears flat “Come on show her what you’re made of!” he nudged her leg.

“What do you mean? I’m nothing special?” she replied spike scowled at her getting impatient.

“Yes you are! You’re better than her! Spike tapped his foot on the ground, Ditzy was noticing how uncomfortable Twilight was getting and nudged Ratchet who nodded walking up to Spike.

“I’m not better than any pony” Twilight firmly said.

“Spike…Don’t-“Ratchet started but was interrupted by Trixie’s loud laugh.

“Hah! You think you're better than the Great and Powerful Trixie? You think you have more magical talent? Well, come on, show Trixie what you've got. Show us all” She grinned down at Twilight who began to back away slowly.

“Who me? I'm just your run-of-the-mill citizen of Ponyville. No powerful magic here. I, uh... I think I hear my laundry calling. Sorry, gotta go.” And with that Twilight dashed off with spike chasing after her. Ratchet turned to glare at Trixie who laughed louder the crowd joining in.

“Ha! Once again, the Great and Powerful Trixie has proven herself to be the most amazing unicorn in all of Equestria. Huh, was there ever any doubt?” she smugly said walking to the back of the stage as the crowd applauded. ‘Oh that does it’ Ratchet thought turning his head up.

“HEY!” he shouted, the applauding stopped as everyone looked at him. Trixie turned round and glared at him. “You think you’re so much better than every pony here?!” he walked up onto the stage his glaring eyes never leaving hers “You’re nothing but a bully and an arrogant show off!” Trixie just scoffed at him.

“Well Trixie has already proven herself ‘thrice’ that she is Greater and more Powerful than any pony here” she smirked, two young colts started to boo Ratchet.

“Doesn’t give you the right to proclaim yourself the best Trixie, every pony has their talent talents that no other pony can do” he looked into the crowd “Take Dash” he indicated a hoof at her as she just blinked “She has no idea how she would go about fixing a locomotive, does that make me, a pony who CAN do that better than her? No, same goes for me, there isn’t a chance in my wildest dreams to be able to fly and pull off the amazing stunts she does but that doesn’t make her better than me!” as he finished several cries came from Rainbow Applejack and Ditzy.

“You tell her sugar cube!” Applejack called out

“Yeah you go Ratchet!” Dash whistled, Trixie scowled at Ratchet and then smirked.

“If you feel that is the case then why don’t YOU take on the Great and Powerful Trixie hmmm?” Ratchet just scoffed dramatically at her.

“No, because unlike you I’m not a petty silly little filly” he turned and began to walk off the stage Trixie laughed behind him.

“Oh Trixie sees how it is, your just a big talentless CHICKEN!” she smirked waiting for his retort as the crowd all collectively went ‘ooooo’ Ratchet slowly turned to face her.

“No pony…calls me chicken!” he started to walk back to her glaring angrily when he heard Applejack and Dash call him.

“Hey Ratchet don’t fall for her ticks just walk away like the bigger pony!” Applejack said.

“She’s got a point Ratchet, walk away while you still have your pride” Dash added, Ratchet was about to walk away when Trixie began to make chicken noises, the two young colts Snips and Snails began to join in followed by the other ponies in the crowd. Ratchet glared and stood opposite her, Trixie smirked as she braced herself. ‘Need to think of something…can’t hurt her myself it goes against what I said…but if I walk away and don’t stand up for my friends what kind of message does that give to ponies about bullies’ he through worryingly, he glance to Applejack and Dash their faces mixed with worry and suspense as the crowd cheered. Ratchet looked back to Trixie who laughed again.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie will let you go first” her horn lit up ready to counter anything he did, Ratchet stood there for a moment trying to think of a way to resolve this when a loud frustrated sounding series of beeps emerged from his bags, the crowd stopped cheering confused as to the noise. Trixie lowered her guard slightly confused. “What magic is this?” she demanded.

Ratchet was about to reply when APAU shot up from the bag both tendrils clenched into a fist, a collective gasp ran across the crowd as Dash and Applejack looked at each other grinning Trixie stared at the two mechanical tendrils stunned. There was a brief pause before the two hands nodded to one another and slammed into the stage plank Trixie was standing on causing it to break and catapult her into the air over and behind Ratchet with a loud screech as she flew straight into a pile of decomposing fruits and vegetables that were near the market stalls ready to be taken away with a loud squelch.

There was a deathly silence before Trixie’s head popped up from the compost bin covered in rotting fruit and vegetable spitting out bits as she glared angrily at Ratchet. The crowd just stared at her mouths agape, Dash blinked twice and suddenly erupted into a loud laughter followed soon after by Applejack and Ditzy then the entire crowd, Trixie glared at them all as she clambered out of the bin covered head to tail in compost. Ratchet got down from the stage and began to walk through the crowd trying not to laugh as the three girls walked alongside him still laughing.

“Oh man that was PRICELESS!” Dash said through laughter as she high hoofed APAU.

“Gotta say, that was worth getting mah legs hog tied like that “Applejack said wiping a tear from her eye. Ditzy just couldn’t stop giggling as they walked towards the library APAU retracting back into the bags by his sides. Trixie scowled after them as the crowd dispersed.

“Oh you’ll regret that Ratchet…mark my words the Great and Powerful Trixie will have her revenge!” she angrily shouted point a hoof into the sky dramatically.

[Sorry for any errors and such also, there are two references to two films in here can you find them both?]