Shut The Blinds

by The Rainbow Blunderbolt

Oranges to Apples

Chapter seven: Oranges to Apples

“Ms. Dash?”

Rainbow Dash groaned and used her hooves to grapple the edges of the pillow and fold them over her head. There was no way any pony was going to wake her up from this nap. Who cared if she was asleep for a whole week, she still needed it! The sweet embrace of sleep was one of her favorite things, after all. However, the pony who was disturbing her didn’t seem to notice or exactly care for that matter.

“Ms. Dash?” the voice said again, a bit more forcibly this time around. This time, along with the sound, came a hoof that shook her shoulder. Irritably, she tried swatting it away, but all she felt was air as she swiped her hoof back and forth. Still, she had to admit the voice was better than the constant, rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor that kept ringing in her ears relentlessly.

Groaning, she finally answered,” I’m up, I’m up…” and moved herself slowly into a sitting position. Since she couldn’t quite figure out where the voice was coming from, she leaned back and held her head straight, her eyes set on the direction right in front of her. But, if she could take a guess, she would say that it was coming from her right.

“Lunch time,” the voice, Nurse Redheart’s voice to be more precise, called out from her right.

Ha, she was right. It was to be expected though. Rainbow Dash always guessed correctly. However, the little celebration of hers was obliterated when the thought of hospital food crossed her mind. Celestia how she hated that stuff. The last time she was here and had to eat their food, she could just barely force it down her throat. Right now, the absolute last thing she want to do was eat more of it. For a moment she was thinking about just telling the nurse she wasn’t hungry, but she couldn’t starve, now could she?

Surprisingly, a loud clank was heard and something rather heavy was placed onto her back legs, a tray most likely. She heard a chair pull up to the edge of her bed as well.

“Now, I’m going to have to help you eat so - ”

“No! I mean…um…no, I don’t need any help, thanks.”

“Ms. Dash, you won’t be able to see the food. And if you make a mess, then that could lead to some minor problems,” Nurse Redheart said firmly, standing by her position.

Rainbow felt a large heat rise in her face. This might just be the most humiliating thing she had ever experienced. Now she couldn’t eat by herself? What could be next? On second though, it might be better to leave that certain question unanswered. However, she understood what the nurse was saying. It might just be better to swallow her pride and accept the help. Then again…no. She was NOT going to be treated like a foal!

“Can’t you just…I dunno…tell me where everything is?” she pleaded, almost begging not to be fed. What was left of her reputation was on the line! She couldn’t give in now!

A small silence passed between them, and Rainbow assumed that the nurse was thinking about letting the pegasus have her way. But, it seemed that the odds were not exactly in her favor. Then again, they hadn’t really been on her side recently.

“I’m sorry, but certain…precautions say that I must,” Redheart said apologetically. From the sounds that came to Rainbow’s ears, Nurse Redheart had taken a seat in the chair beside her bed. “Maybe next time.”

So much for eating by herself.

She barely listened when Nurse Redheart told her what was on the tray and where each item was. But, she did catch snippets of the explanation and when she did she didn’t particularly like what she heard. All of it was just trashy hospital food that barely tasted like anything. And sure enough, as she started eating it, she was proven correct. The food was hard to get down, and being fed like a foal just added insult to injury. Now she was absolutely sure this was the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to her. She just hoped no pony was watching. However, by the pleasing silence that surrounded them, it seemed that the two ponies were alone.

After what seemed like twelve centuries plus a year, Nurse Redheart gave a small sound of approval and the spoon that had been shoved repeatedly into her mouth disappeared.

Rainbow Dash smacked her lips together a few times, happy that the foreign object was finally out of her mouth.

“Okay, Ms. Dash. You’re all done,” she said happily. Little did Rainbow Dash know that the Nurse felt almost the same way about feeding her. She didn’t particularly like force feeding patients, especially when they were so desperate to not have this belittling procedure done. And for some pony like Rainbow Dash, she felt a huge awkwardness that came with it, adding on to the already humiliating process. The only difference between her and the pegasus was a huge pool of sympathy forming in the earth pony’s gut for Rainbow Dash. But, she had little time to pay attention to such feelings.

Rainbow Dash breathed out a large sigh of relief. “Thank Celestia…” she mumbled, leaning back against the pillow. She heard the chair move back a small ways away from her and footsteps heading towards what she guessed was the door. But, before the door opened, she heard Nurse Redheart speak once again.

“Oh, and another thing. There’s a glass of orange juice on the counter just to your right, in case you’d like it,’ the nurse told her.

Rainbow Dash licked her lips. “Right. Thanks,” she said hesitantly.

“You’re quite welcome. Call us if you need anything,” Nurse Redheart said.

The door then clicked closed, leaving Rainbow Dash alone once again. She was just about to lay back down against the cozy bedspread when she just noticed how dry her throat really was. Not to mention the residue of the food she had just eaten was still stuck in her throat. So, very carefully, she leaned over to her right and felt around. She had to be particularly careful with this seemingly simple task. If there was one thing she didn’t want to do right at that particular moment it was spill the liquid. There was no doubt it would cause an unbearably sticky mess, both to her and the floor, and it would take more trouble cleaning up than it was worth. However, just as she was about to give up, her fumbling hooves knocked against something cold and spherical. Quickly, she grabbed it with her two hooves, making sure she didn’t spill the contents of the glass. As soon as it was steadied, she wasted no time with putting it to her mouth and letting the cool liquid wash away the foul taste of the hospital food.

When the sweet juice touched her taste buds, she was utterly surprised to find that it was actually pretty good. It wasn’t bitter, tasteless, or warm. The small glass of juice was certainly a rarity in this kind of setting, and she intended to savor every drop she was given. But, when she finally did finish it, she felt like it had been swallowed a bit too quickly for her tastes. Still, she would probably be able to ask Nurse Redheart or some other nurse or doctor for another glass, so it wasn’t even that big of a deal.

What really perplexed her was the way she thought of the juice. It was just that. A glass of (very good) orange juice. Why did she react in the way she did? To any other pony, it would just be a regular beverage, but to her it was different for some reason. She skimmed her hoof along the glass. Funny, the juice reminded her of AJ’s apple cider for some reason.


That was it.

She missed her friends. The orange juice had reminded her of them, and she only wished that they were here right now, talking with her, keeping her company, or just particularly being with her. She could honestly care less what they would be doing, she just wanted some company. She hated being alone. Right now she was regretting sending Twilight and Rarity off so early. Maybe if she hadn’t been so pushy they would have stayed. But, there was nothing she could do now.

And there she sat, leaning her head against the backboard of the bed and pondering about useless and not so useless things. Like juice, her friends, and flying. Oh how she missed flying. How she missed that luxurious feeling of the wind brushing through her ruffled feathers as she flew. How she missed that rush of adrenaline she always got when she took that first leap into the air, her back legs pushing off the ground and her wings taking over, plunging her face first into her true home, the endless blue sky above her. Never again would she fly, never again would she perform daring stunts of aerial acrobatics, never again would she produce another Sonic Rainboom, or break the visible light spectrum. Never again would she defy the laws of what every pony thought was possible.

Maybe she would miss that most of all.

Breaking the laws of physics. Oh how she had enjoyed proving those ponies who doubted her wrong. The look of disbelief on their faces when she had made the impossible possible brought her pride, joy, and even amusement to admit their defeat to her. What she wouldn’t give to see the looks on their faces one more time, just one more time, if only for a brief glance.

Funny how the things you take for granted everyday of your life are the things that matter the most.

She started in surprise when she heard the door click open again, her thoughts grinding to a halt. Who could it be this time? She braced herself as the unknown pony walked into the room.

“Are you finished?” Nurse Redheart’s soothing voice filled the air.

She let out a relieved breath and relaxed as she heard the comforting, not to mention familiar, sound. “Yeah…the orange juice was good,” she said.

Nurse Redheart chuckled. “I see.”

Rainbow Dash then remembered something she had forgot to mention to the nurse earlier. “Hey, do you know when I can leave?” Rainbow Dash asked. When the nurse didn’t answer right away she thought that she had accidentally offended her in some way. “N-not that this place isn’t cool or anything-”

“It’s quite alright, Ms. Dash,” Nurse Redheart chuckled in an amused fashion. Her tone once again grew serious. “Well…if you keep recovering at the rate you are now, I’d say…” Nurse Redheart thought about her answer for a moment or two. “Tomorrow afternoon? Early the next day?”

Rainbow Dash let out a small sound that seemed eerily familiar to the word ‘yes’.

“But, first thing’s first. Do you know where you’ll be staying after you’re released?”

Rainbow Dash froze. If she was being honest with herself, she hadn’t exactly thought that far ahead yet. “Erm…no,” she admitted quietly, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly.

“I see…I see…” Redheart trailed off, thinking to herself quietly. She spoke once again, her voice brightening with optimism. “Well, there’s no need to worry, Ms. Dash. I’m sure that if worse comes to worst we can find you somewhere to stay,” she promised.

“Thanks,” Rainbow smiled gratefully.

“You’re very welcome, my dear. Now…” There was something about her tone that Rainbow Dash didn’t quite like. It was serious, and it made it sound like some pony had just died, Celestia forbid. “I’m just wondering something.”

Rainbow could feel herself becoming defensive with every second that passed. “Shoot,” she said cautiously.

“For future references, we need to know if you have any immediate family around at the time? Care to help us?” the nurse asked.

The pegasus gulped. Immediate family? Her parents? She shook her head violently. There was no way she was going to think about that now. “I…I don’t want to talk about it,” she answered hesitantly. At the moment, she was doing a very good impression of Fluttershy, leaning her head down and fiddling with the sheets bundled up in her hooves.

Nurse Redheart made a small distraught moan, but it died in her throat about as quickly as it had come up.

“I understand,” she said disappointedly.

For the…second or third time today, she heard hoof steps shuffle to the door before it slammed shut. Groaning, she wondered if she truly had any privacy here. Because right now it certainly didn’t seem like it. She turned onto her right side and flopped her head against the pillow. She wasn’t going to reveal where her parents were to these ponies. They didn’t need to know, so she wouldn’t tell them. It was as simple as that. She trusted these ponies about as far as she could throw them, and that wasn’t saying much. Besides, she didn’t need any more problems right now, thank you very much.

Struggling to get her mind off the unwanted subject, she thought about where she might possibly stay. Since her house was above ground, it was all but unreachable to her. At the moment, she was homeless. And not to mention jobless. But, she could figure it out as it came to her, no problem.

Rarity’s place was more or less always busy with new and old customers, and more likely than now she would probably be used as a living mannequin all day, so that was out. Pinkie Pie was always throwing parties and being random and…well…it was Pinkie Pie. What did she honestly expect? She decided it would be for the best if she didn’t stay with her pink earth pony friend. One could only take so much Pinkie Pie after all. She liked Applejack’s place well enough, so that was definitely a possibility. Fluttershy’s…she was out of the question at the moment.

That only left Twilight, the pony who had saved her from the hands of death itself. She felt almost an unending sense of gratitude towards the unicorn, there was absolutely no getting around that fact. But, there were some more practical reasons she could stay with her. Her place would probably have the most peace and quiet, something she desperately seemed to need. But, who said those were the only reasons? She had been meaning to spend more time with the unicorn. This could be her chance. The very thought brought a small but radiating warmth to her face, but she quickly pushed it down.

That settled it then. Next time Twilight came over, she would ask her about a place to stay. If Twilight couldn’t have her over for whatever reason, she would ask Applejack. If neither of them could…well she would figure that out when it came to that.

But for now…it was time to catch up on her nap.