King Harkinian goes to Equestria

by Dash Attack

Squadala, he's off

Chapter 2

Dear Princess Celestia,

I have reason to believe that all of Equestria may be in danger. While practicing a premonition spell, one that allowed me to see glimpses of future, a strange bipedal creature appeared before me. In my vision I saw him terrorize Canterlot with a weird device that shot cooked meat at every pony in his path. Although what I saw was extremely vague, his presence alone was enough to scare me to the point where I actually started to shiver. I've been doing further research as to who or what this creature may be. One of my books on alien beings briefly mentions a creature that matches the description of the one from my vision. I believe the book referred to them as humans, but that's about the only useful thing I was able to find. For the first time since I've been your student, I hope that I miscast the spell.

Your Student,
Twilight Sparkle

Celestia read the letter over and over again. It had been almost 700 years since a human stepped foot into her country. After the last human and pony war, the two races had almost complacently forgotten about one another. Even her own memory was foggy. As the ruler of Equestria, and a demigod of ponykind, ponies had always been her number one concern. Keeping tabs on the 24 hour cycle of the sun and her own country made it almost impossible for her to keep tabs on other races in other continents.

However, the one thing she didn't forget about the human was race was their ability to adapt and evolve over time. Back when humans and ponies lived together, it was always the humans who were able to adapt to the harshness of the world. While her kind’s survival depends on the control over the natural world, the humans were able to endure all the hardships her kind had seldom faced. Because of their resilience and their technology, they were potentially very dangerous, but not out-right evil.

Celestia had always made sure never to judge another race based on the individual actions of a few. If she did, she would have melted the entire Changeling Empire using a solar flare from the sun years ago. Malevolent thoughts of revenge started to creep into Celestia’s head as she imagined all the changelings being burned alive by her divine light, but quickly pushed those thoughts away. She was above all that.... for now. Her thoughts shifted back to the man in Twilight’s letter and what kind of person he was. If only she knew.


"Oaaaah" Cried the King in agony.

It had been five days since he set sail to find and destroy Equestria. During this time, he had sailed past Narnia, Oz, and Middle Earth with out the foggiest clue of where he was going. He had also refused to dock the ship until he had reached his destination. Now he was lost in the middle of the ocean with no more dinner, no sense of direction, and no hope of ever reaching his destination alive.

Luckily for the King, help was on its way. Knowing that her father would probably get lost looking for an outcry that existed on freaking television, Zelda had sent the wizard Gwonam to go save her father from his own stupidity. Using his magic carpet, Gwonam was able follow the King, but up until now was unable to keep up with him. Now that the King had slowed down due to starvation, he could finally aid his majesty on his quest. Swiftly he swooped in front of the King.

"Your majesty, look, I am here."

The King slowly lifted up his head to gaze up at his savior.

"You saved me" the King said excitedly.


After docking in Gamelon to replenish the starving ruler, the King and Gwonam argued about what their next course of action should be. Although Gwonam was sent to bring the King home, this was not his intent. After hearing that the King was sailing in search of Equestria, his interest had peaked. Although Zelda did not believe that such a place existed, Gwonam knew what she did not. For generations, his Koridian ancestors had told stories of a land full of magic and techno color horses. Over the years, he had been researching and charting the possible locations of Equestria using his magic map. Now with the wisdom of his majesty the King, he might be able fulfill his life long dream of finding Equestria.

Unfortunately, he soon learned that the King’s goals were drastically different from his.

"Those ponies corrupted Mah Boi, I must destroy them at all costs"

"But your majesty, think of all we can learn".

"Not you too, they are girly and stupid and must die.".

"Have you at least watched the first two episodes?"

"Why the @#!$ would I do that, I couldn't even last 20 seconds."

"But Rainbow Dash is Awesome".

"Is she a lesbian?"

The kings’ last question really got him mad. Gwonam was a diehard SoarinDash supporter, and hated how so many bronies pegged RD as a lesbian just because of her mane. It wasn't right. However, even he had to admit RainbowFire was an interesting paring, but that was beside the point. Despite his inner rage at the King, he kept his composure and responded.

"It is only fanon."

"Than I am not interested."

Just like all the others, he thought to himself. With that he got up from where he was sitting and flipped the King his middle finger.

"Squadala,&^%# off." He shouted as he started making his way back to his carpet.

At first the King was very upset to lose such an important ally, but immediately perked up when he saw what Gwonam had left behind while heaving his fandome tantrum. The King now had the map, and he knew exactly where he wished to go. When the room was empty, the only thing that could be heard is the sound of his famous laugh.

AN: Gwonam's opinion was a parody of myself and my SorinDash bias taken to the extreme. Please for the love of Celestia, don't read too much into it. That whole sequence was a joke and nothing more. I hoped you enjoyed this story and I hope you don't get mauled by a mob of angry shippers. Until Next time my friends. Now for the ending theme.