Warpony 40k

by Luckythebrony

Drums of War

Chapter I

Drums of War

Segmentum Celest Pegusian Gate
Pegusa Capital City

1334 Imperial Standard

A young lieutenant Earth pony was galloping down the side toward the command bunker.  All of Capital City was under Marshall Law as of zero nine hundred hours Imperial and the streets were deserted so he had little opposition to his personal marathon.  He was panting heavily and perspiration damped his dark mane and coat, and soaked through the joints of his khaki fatigue jacket.  His collar pins bore the rank of a Lieutenant first class and a subdued Harmonia the holy symbol of Her divinity in the galaxy. It was a symbol of two Alicorns one black and one a dirty golden colour rising and lowering a blackend moon and a dirty golden sun as she had done on holy Equestria. A large silver MI inside a laurel wreath badge on his beret made him out as a member of the intelligence division.  He had to hurry still the stallion he was to deliver these dispatches too was not anypony to keep waiting.  As he approached the tactica control bunker he slowed to a stop adjusted his coat and beret and entered.  He made his way down the winding corridors past the control rooms and toward the main conference room he knew lay just around the corner.  Stood staring at the metal blast door and peered inside through the bullet proof glass and saw the meeting he was hoping to avoid had already begun.
‘Empress’s blood’ he swore and bit his hoof, a bead of sweat rolled down his temple.  If he interrupted he might be shot but if he did not pass on his message he would be shot.  He summoned his Pegisian courage and opened the door, he entered quietly and no one abet a steely eyed Commaresar seemed to notice him.  He walked to end of the table where the recipient of the dispatch was seated examining a hololithic, three dimensional display of Pegisia floated in the middle of the table.  Another Earth pony, a mare with steel blue eyes, a light tan coat and black short cut mane with a large pink stripe through it, was pinpointing areas where the rebellious cultists of Discord had hit the hardest with their terrorism.  She was wearing the same khaki fatigues as every Pegusian Guard would be, with the rank of a Colonel on her collar.  He sighed to himself good He wasn’t talking you do not interrupt a stallion like Him when he spoke.  The colt cleared his throat as he approached him holding out the data wafer which carried the report on it.  He raised his hoof up in the Lieutenant’s face and he abruptly stopped and the old stallion stood to face him.  He stood tall for a Pegasus pony at least five feet, he was barrel chested and muscular tone could be seen from under his khaki fatigues.  A series of ugly scars across his face spoke of countless bouts won and lost and his wing where the same.  He wore five polished brass stars on the collar of his frock coat with an overly polished brass Harmonia on the other.  The cloak he wore over his back was lined with fine red silk on the inside but was a gruff olive drab on the outside, a testament of the Pegausian warrior mentality, always ready for a war.  The fur of some unknown beast adorned the collar and the clasp was the only symbol of his authority a golden Harmonia.   His mane was short, neatly tapered, fiery red with a few streaks of silver through it and his bread was as neatly trimmed and the same red with white as his mane, but his eyes the colour of molten metal burned with a passion and a will which only could be held by one stallion.  With his twin hel-pistols and a power sabre hanging from his waist he truly looked like a hero from legend.  This was The Lord Castellan, Field Marshal Gillmane Redlord named after the illustrious Matriarch Rainboute Gillimane of the Ultramareines, and he was not amused.

‘This,’ he pointed to the data wafer in the colts’ mouth, ‘if this is so bloody important it had better worth your life for interruptin' a war council, MY war council Lieutenant.’  His voice was gruff from years of yelling orders on the battle field but it still retailed all the authority he had earned.  The steely eyed Commaresar stepped forward and racked a bolt pistol he took from its holster under his storm coat.  The Lieutenant swallowed hard and gave the wafer to an aid who then made their way over to a control lectern and inserted the wafer into a data slot.  A new image appeared over the table it was of Pegusia and the other planets in the system as well as the Eye of Discord.  As the image flicked into life a few of the assembled officer gasped and made symbols of the Harmonia with their hoofs in the air.  Gillimane cleared his throat to get them to calm and return to the matter at hoof. 

‘Why?’ is all he asked as he looked to the terrified Lieutenant for an explanation.

‘My lord,’ his voice was trembling as he began to punch codes into another lectern closer by, ‘You see here by the data shown that has been an increase in warp energies coming from the Eye.  This indicates an approaching warp storm of unheard of proportions,’ he made to continue but was stopped by the Colonel from earlier, 

‘Does this have anything to do with the recent uprising and rouge magikster activity we have been dealing with lately?’  She was curious but kept her expression completely professional.

‘ Yes ma'am it also confirms what we ffear,’ He started to stammer and he took a deep breath, ‘we fffear tthhat the levels of energy and cultist activity are constant with those of the last… um….’  He couldn’t do it, he took of his beret and ran a hoof over his mint green and white mane, he breathed deeply and looked back up all eyes were on him now.  He again mustered his courage and spoke, ‘The energy level are constant with the last Black Crusade.’  Groans and gasps filled the room, muttered conversations and side bars took over, and an officer fainted on the spot. Gillimane was silent staring at the holographic Eye in the center of the room his hoofs together as he thought.  Finally after a few chaotic seconds he raised his hoof.  The Colonel whistled and again the room grew silent as they saw their leaders’ gesture.  Gillimane stood and stared into the eyes of his assembled military leaders he spoke.

‘Mares and Gentle-Colts, you will return to your respective divisions and white shields and begin preparations of an invasion,’ he spoke as if it was just another practice drill, another day in the office, ‘Admiral Starborn,’ a pale blue Earth pony stood he the only one at the conference not dressed in the khaki of the Pegusians but the dark green of the Equian Navy.  His pale complexion told the story of how he got his name, he was void born, and probably had been on a ship all his life.  His dark mane was neatly pulled back into a short pony tail and a power sabre hung around his waist he looked at the Lord Militant and waited his instructions, ‘You will return to the flotilla and keep on guard of any signs of renegades or pirate raids, we will be needin' escorts soon from the outlyin' systems how many ships can you spare?’

‘About four cruisers are all I can manage my lord.’  The he replied

‘It will do for now, dismissed,’ the admiral bowed and left with his two aides behind him.  ‘Colonel Steelgrip!”  He turned and faced another stallion a Pegasus with the violet eyes of a common born Pegusian and a hunter green coat his head was completely shaven and when he stood it revealed an augmentic  foreleg and hoof both larger than a standard pony.  His lightning bolt rank insignia made him out to be a commander of the elite of Pegusian ground forces the Kasrcolts.

‘By your leave my lord,’ he bowed in fealty.

‘I want these rebellions squashed understood?’ he glared the storm-trooper down

‘Aye sir!  We’ll be in and out like lighting.’  He saluted and quickly made his way out of the door.

‘Everyone else you know your jobs now chop to it!’  He barked and all the assembled ponies made their way to the exits. The fainted pony begin drug by his adjutant  As the young Lieutenant made too leave Gillimane put a hoof out to stop him.  ‘Where do you think you’re off to lad?’  The Lieutenant swallowed but didn't say anything the Commaresar was busy at the door with the female Colonel he hoped that his involvement wasn't what the Lord Castellan wanted.  ‘What’s your name son?’ he finally asked.

‘Lieutenant First Class Heartstrings Lyre,’ he blurted rather loud and nervously, ‘Mission Intelligence Division, third t-.’  Gillimane held up a hoof and looked the colt up and down his green fur was just a shade darker than his mint green mane which had a white stripe down one side.  It was shaggy but well kept he wouldn't discriminate against it.  His eyes are what struck out the most one was as golden as the winter wheat while the other was starkly as red as blood.  He knew he liked this colt instantly.

‘You’re not MI any more son,’ Gillimane half smiled at the colt’s confused expression, ‘now you work for me.”  He laughed throatily as Lyre’s mouth dropped.  ‘I need a new adjutant mine was just killed in warp transient, sad, sad news, he was good but you got balls walkin’ in here durin' MY war council,’  he slapped Lyre on the back of the neck, ‘and I like that in a young buck Major.’

‘Major?!?  I’m no-!!’  Lyre was flabbergasted by this he didn’t know what to do or say.

‘You are now!  I’ll drum up the paper work and make it so!’  He began to make his way out of the room and met up with the female general, ‘Heartstrings!’  He shouted back to the almost catatonic former lieutenant he looked over and ‘This is going to be you new boss besides me, meet Colonel Bonnelly.” His gaze went from Gillimane to the female general and his jaw resumed dropping again.   It was like it was the first time he saw her and to him she gave the air of beautiful and deadly she shot daggers through as she made her way out and the blast door slammed shut.  Lyre stood there for a moment and just looked into the holographic representation of the Eye, he cursed it and made his way to leave to conference room.  But he wasn’t last one to leave a the steely eyed Commaresar had watched everything from the shadows and now stepped out from his hiding place the door slide back open and Gillimane re-entered with a glassy eyed unicorn mare she swayed and spun around the room almost as if elated to be there.

‘You sure it wise to bring her near even a hologram of the Eye?’  The Commaresar spoke.

‘I do, she may be able to link with it just enough and if not,' He smiled as he looked at the Commaresar, 'that’s why you’re here…’  Gillimane watched the unicorn continue her ballet of the unholy until…  ‘She’s stopped,’ he said, both ponies stared and the Commaresar pulled out his bolt pistol and racked it.  He approached the magikster witch slowly from behind.

‘It wants, it needs….” The unicorn said dreamily as she stared at the Eye

‘It wants and needs what witch?’  Barked the Commaresar

‘Blood for the Blood god….’ She screeched and the room got cold as lighting came from her horn and hoof she cackled madly she spun into the air and unleashed her hell storm into every corner.

‘Commaresar end this bitch!!!’ Screamed Gillimane dodging lighting attacks, the Commaresar leveled his bolt pistol at the unicorn and squeezed off five rounds. His shots hit true blowing off one leg, most of the torso, and finally her head. Gore and brain matter coated the walls hissing and burning against it, almost as though it was acidic to these Empress blessed walls.  ‘Well… that escalated quickly…’  Gillimane stated brushing himself off. His eyes drifted over to the remains of the witch and then at the Commaresar who was cleaning brain and blood off his peaked cap.  

‘Well my lord did you glean anything from that?’  He stated as he re-donned his cap and preceded to holster his weapon.

‘Only that whatever is coming through the Eye this time, the Guard of Pegusa won’t be able to stop it…. Alone that is.’  He pointed at a small blinking auspex reading in the corner of the image he enlarged by pressing a series of keys on the control lectern.  The data that showed as he increased the readings’ size it was a Marestartes Battle Barge, Element of Harmony and that it belonged to Third Company of the Ultramareines.  More importantly it was only two days flight from Pegusa.  ‘Commaresar I believe this coming War just got winnable….’  Gillimane and the Commaresar stared at the blip on the holograph.