//------------------------------// // Prologue: The Key Appears // Story: Fallout Equestria: The Sky's Heart // by G-man64 //------------------------------// The Sky’s Heart: Prologue: The Key Appears "If you have a dream, don't wait. Act." In our hearts we all have the ability for light and darkness, for good and evil, for innocence and depravity. In our minds we all have the ability for decisions that will change our lives for both better and worse. However even in the lifeless wasteland nothing's black and white. Decisions that seem terrible may become our best choices. Those that seem great may turn horrible. When Cloudsdale was hit by the balefire bomb two-hundred years ago the enclave closed the sky. They believed this idea to be for the better. They did it for protection, for safety, for the good of all pure born pegasi. But all they did was steal the sun and moon from those on the ground, create a corrupt government, and instill fear. But when the bomb hit we also saw a good idea that seemed appalling when Rainbow Dash left to aid the ground. She was the wielder of loyalty and she proved that by wanting to help all as opposed to only her own species. It seemed terrible she was branded as a traitor and a coward. But she had the right idea. A small pegasus named Scootaloo idolized her since she was a foal, followed her path and went below the clouds. She was the first to be branded as a Dashite. They took her cutie mark away and with a hot iron branded her with the symbol of a traitor. The Rainbow Dash's cutie mark. Others followed, some went onto greatness, and some died. My name is Skybreeze have a light blue coat and light brown spiky mane I may be a Dashite but I’m one who didn't do anything. But one day that changed. ***** I lived on a small island with no one but my best friend Rockcloud another Dashite who has a light grey coat and a straight white mane, and a light pink unicorn mare with a brown mane named Keyna who believed our cause. We all enjoyed lazy days laying on the beach and finding things to build our raft. My friend and I may have been Dashites, but we were still pegasiand we could still fly. We could have left but didn't refusing to leave without our friend although we wanted to get off the island ASAP for fear that the Enclive might find us. One day while we were taking a break from building the raft Keyna asked a question all friends eventually ask, "How’d you get your cutie mark?" "Well," I started, "Me and Rockcloud got ours the same way. We betrayed the Enclave. We left the cloud cover and were branded traitors. Same as all Dashites." "No," she said, "I mean your real marks the ones that reviled your special talent the ones that made you… you. Not the ones that were forced upon you for wanting to help." "Well one night I had an odd dream. There were these seven pillars with silhouettes of things I'd never seen. The only thing's I recognized were a unicorn and a griffon. Then suddenly I was standing atop one of these pillars. A sword, a shield, and a wand appeared before me. I took the shield in my mouth and these pure black monster’s appeared. When I woke I realized that the ground needed pegasi. I also realised I had my mark a pure white key hole. It was so bright that I was momentarily blinded and I still am not sure what it meant.” "Funny," Rockcloud said, "same with me. But I took the sword, and my cutie mark was black as the darkest shadow. Keyna, you're the only one of us who still has their mark," he said pointing to the pink outline of an open heart. "Truth be told it was when I first got to this island when I saw its unspoiled innocence. But like you two I don't know what it means." I decided to get us back on subject, "Well," I said, "let's get some more work on this raft done. Who knows when those armor clad pegasi will come raining down." ***** A few weeks later our raft was ready. We had the final part for it. A rope so me and Rockcloud could pull it. "Ready?" she yelled. "Yeah," Rockcloud yelled ready to pick up the rope, "let's get a move on." But then what we feared happened. Pegasi in black caprice armor with their scorpion tails and insectoid eyes came. "General we have the Dashites in sight approaching." "Damn it," Rockcloud said, "Skybreeze, grab your rope let's get out." "Don't have to tell me twice," I said narrowly avoiding their shots. We grabbed the ropes on the raft and flew fast as our wings could take us. "They're fleeing on wing with a unicorn ally in tow on a raft pursuing," one solder said "Negative," his general replied, "we're sending the Weather Squad. They'll whip up a storm that will tear them in two. Return to the raptor." "Yes sir." ***** We were a few miles out to sea, and it seemed we were safe. "Hey Rockcloud, nice job back there," I said. "Hey we couldn't have done it without you," he replied. But then we saw pegasi in rainbow colored armor coming. "Crap," Rockcloud yelled over the roaring wind they were producing, "the Weather Squad they really want us dead. The only thing that could be worse is if they sent the Wonderbolts." The rainbow armored pegasi began flying in a circle, whipping up a roaring wind making a cyclone. Using its force they slammed into us. "KEYRA!" I yelled seeing her raft demolished causing her to crash into the sea before me and Rockcloud were caught in it. We were all ripped away and thrown in separate directions. ***** I was flung into the sea and passed out. It was there that I heard a voice. "Skybreeze," it said, "you are the one. In the wake of the world’s destruction there are those who lost hope. Those who lost courage. Those who lost their hearts.” "You are the one to stop this. Use the weapon you will find, defeat the heartless, and locate seven innocent minds across the world. For only those with innocent minds still have pure hearts. "You will find yourself on the shore of the equestrian city 'Twiopolis' when you awaken. Locate the unicorn with blade and bullet he will lead you towards your destiny." ***** I awoke on the beach near a gleaming city my wing hurting too much to fly. Surrounded by the black creatures from my dream. "Great how am I supposed to defend myself?" As though responding to my call a key-like sword appeared in my mouth. “Whaf gering ern?” With everything going on I was so confused and muffled by the blade in my mouth. Instead of thinking anymore I decided to act and attack. Upon hitting one it disappeared in a puff of smoke and its allies dispersed. “Wer I gef yor mer ner werpon,” I thought aloud beginning to walk towards the city. Skybreeze's: S.P.E.C.I.A.L. S:7 P:4 E:6 C:7 I:6 A:5 L:5 Skybreeze's Traits: Good Natured: Your Barter, Mechanics, Medicine, Science, Speech and Survival skills are all increased by +5. Your Battle Saddles, Explosives, Firearms, Magical Energy Weapons, Melee and Unarmed skills are all decreased by -5. Dashite: You start out with the perk Magical Power Armor Training. You are branded as a Dashite and no longer have your cutie mark. Quest perk attained: Chosen by the Blade (Rank 1): You have a destiny. One that is not only yours or Equestria's, but that of the whole world. You are the only one that can weld this key-like sword. You’ll learn more about it as your quest goes on.