//------------------------------// // Getting facts straight // Story: Long live the king // by Msande //------------------------------// Loosening up "Special delivery!" shouted a voice as Sombra quickly galloped into his throne room. He skidded to a halt as he came face to face with a grey Pegasus with a wall eye. "Hello Mister. Are you the owner of this estate?" she asked politely as Sombra just stood there staring at her with his mouth open. "Mister, are you okay? Your eyes look they are on fire, are you in pain? Do I need to get some water?" she asked as a frown appeared on her face. "Hi Derpy!" cried Pinkie Pie as she raced into the room. "Is that my delivery?" she asked. She nodded as she grabbed onto a clipboard.Pinkie grabbed the pen with her mouth and quickly signed. "Is he going to be okay?" asked Derpy as she looked at Pinkie Pie. Pinkie just smiled. "Yeah, he will be just fine. Now where is the package?" Pinkie asked as Derpy vanished for a second, only to return dragging a large box inside of the throne room. The box was easily three times the size of the delivery pony, but she only seemed to struggle with it so much. Pinkie gave the Pegasus her do before she vanished of wobbling a little as she flew away. "How did she get in here without me knowing?" Sombra asked as Pinkie tore off the brown paper to reveal a very big cardboard box. she quickly dived in, scattering packing peanuts over the floor. "Seriously, the security is slacking, how the buck did she get in?" Pinkie popped out of the box, white peanuts stuck in her mane as she spit a few out of her mouth and onto the floor. "That was Derpy. She's really good at getting things around. She just delivered all my party supplies." Pinkie said. "Party supplies?" Sombra repeated as she vanished back into the box. Suddenly a massive hat flew out and landed on his head. "What in the world?" he asked, pushing the round brim above his eyes. "It's a sombrero," she explained, as she tossed a record player onto the ground. "It looks good on you," she said with a smile. "You think so," he said, not so sure as Pinkie pulled out a massive cannon. "Hit the Deck!" he shouted as he started charging up a shield only to get hit with a blast of confetti. "It's time to party!" she shouted as all kinds of streamers and balloons started to litter the throne room. All of a sudden, the record started playing music. "We need more ponies!" Pinkie declared as she suddenly vanished. The king took the hat off as his ears twitched at the music. Suddenly Pinkie returned carrying a massive amount of Crystal ponies. "What is the meaning-" He was cut off as Pinkie suddenly grabbed him by the hooves and started twirling him around the throne room. "Wohoo!" Pinkie shouted as she spun Sombra around the room with no sense of rhythm or rhyme. She let go and he went spiraling into his throne as all the Crystal ponies gasped in shock. The king opened his eyes, finding himself sitting upside down in his throne. Blowing his hair out of his face he just looked at Pinkie Pie. "Fine, have your fun. But if you need me, I am going to be in the library." And with that, the king took his leave. Twilight kept going over the book as the purple sword levitated above her. The book was about sword crafting and she was doing her best to get the shape and structure down. Suddenly her ears picked up on a teleporting spell. "Is everypony in the place crazy?" Sombra asked as he came into view, still sporting the oversize sombrero. "Nice hat," Twilight said as the king jumped. "Dear Celestia, don't do that," he shouted his eyes flaring up for a brief second. "Honestly is no place sacred? I just want to have some time to think," he said as he glared at Twilight. "No need to get mean about it," Twilight said as her eyelids fell a bit. "That pink pony has turned my throne room into a party. Of all things to happen, this is going to be mildly annoying at best. I should have just kept you here," he grumbled. "Were she goes I go!" declared Spike as the two looked up to see him on one of the rolling ladders. "I seriously doubt that. So where are his parents?" Sombra asked as the two glanced at each other. Twilight opened her mouth when suddenly the door burst open. "Twilight, Pinkie has got the party rolling. Finally something to besides read books," Dash said as she shot behind Twilight, quickly pushing her to the door. Sombra suddenly found himself scooped up as well. "I just left," he declared. But Dash dragged the two unicorns out of the library. "Nice hat," Dash said, ignoring his comment as Spike raced out after them. "I am half-tempted to get sealed back up just to get away from you all," he shouted. Dash stopped shoving and then he found himself back at the party. The whole room was alive as all the Crystal ponies seemed to be smiling and having a good time. "No," he started repeating. "Conga!" shouted Pinkie. "No," Sombra said again as Pinkie grabbed his waist and everyone started lining up. The King of Fear was pushed around the throne room with everyone dancing behind him. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" he shouted but Pinkie Pie and the others seemed to ignore him. The hall opened up as Shining and Cadance walked in but they found themselves planted at the sight they had witnessed. The two looked at each other. The room was a mess and in the center of it was Sombra hanging upside down by the banner. "I have lost all control of the situation. I am starting to question my sanity for letting the pink one stay." "That was the best party ever!" Pinkie shouted as Sombra untangled his leg. "I would still like to know how I got up there," he mused to himself. "I wouldn't worry about questioning it, trust me you'll just drive yourself mad," Twilight said, recalling her own attempts at explaining it. "You know it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be," Cadance admitted as Sombra turned his attention to the new arrivals. "And why are you here?" Sombra demanded, his calm demeanor going out the window as he teleported in front of the two. Shining rose up meeting him eye to eye. "Dear, we are not here to start a fight," Cadance reminded as Twilight teleported next to Sombra. "Don't start," Twilight said in an even tone as Sombra glanced over at her. "He is my brother and i won't stand for any fighting." "What do you want?" Sombra said as he relaxed his shoulders. Cadance gave a light smile as Shining glanced over at his wife. "No," Shining suddenly said. "What, I am not," Cadance argued. "No," he repeated firmly. "It's not that big, it's a small spell," she continued, a knowing look in her eye. "No." The two went back and forth as Sombra and Twilight glanced at each other, twin looks of confusion on their faces. "Is there a reason you are wasting my time?" Sombra said in a cold voice, snapping them out of their argument. "Yeah, we were asked to deliver this to you," Cadance said as she offered him a scroll. "Okay, feel free to use one of the guest rooms during your visit. If you need me I will be in my room." "You're not going to open it up here?" Twilight asked as he levitated the scroll over his head. "I prefer to read these alone," he admitted. "I'll see you in the library later. And Miss Pie, no more parties for now. There is a reason for the misery. I can't have you messing it up." And with that, he vanished. "Okay," Shining said as he looked at Twilight. "You're not hurt, are you? Everything in one piece, he didn't touch you, did he?" Shining asked, big brother mode activated. He quickly grabbed her shoulders, giving her a quick look over.Twilight brushed her brothers hooves off. "I am fine," she said, hoping that he would relax a bit. "Things have been interesting, to say the least, but nothing bad. Well, outside of the entire city put back into a slave-like state." Everyone seemed to lower their ears a bit at the overall feeling of defeat. "Sorry but I did learn some new things, watch this," Twilight squinted her eyes as she formed the purple sword again. The two watched in shock as she brandished the magical blade. "Amazing," Shining said as he watched the blade form. "I am not to comfortable with the idea of combat magic, but it looks pretty," Cadance admitted. Twilight nodded her head in agreement as the sword vanished. "Yeah but from what I saw in his memories, he feels it's justified." "Wait, you saw his memories," the two said at the same time. "It's interesting. Come to the library, I'll bring you up to speed on what's been going on," Twilight said as she lead the way. "Dash, you want to come along?" Twilight offered. "Not so loud," Dash said as she curled up on the cloud she was floating on above the throne room. "To much punch," Twilight said as she shook her head. "Let's take this to the library. So why did Celestia send you back up here?" Twilight asked. "Another plan," Shining Armor cut in. "Look, I understand not putting every apple in the same barrel. But it's just a collar," Shining said as he reached out. "Shining, don't," Twilight tried to stop but her big brother was to fast. "AHH!" Black energy blasted out of the collar, sending him flying into the wall. The black energy cut off as Shining dropped to the floor. "That. Was. Not. A good. Idea," he admitted weakly. "Shining," Cadance said as she and Twilight rushed to his side. "We need to get him to a doctor." "I am fine, just a mild case of electricity," Shining said, waving them off as he stood up. "I had to make sure. I wasn't able to sleep knowing I just left you here with that monster," Shining admitted. "You didn't need to electrocute yourself," Twilight said as Shining slowly stood up. "I really feel like I deserved it, considering how useless I have been lately," he said as his head slumped to the ground. Cadance nuzzled against his head. "You do a good job every day. Everypony makes mistakes," she reminded before pulling her head back. He pushed himself back up to his feet. "Well my mistakes cause a lot more damage than everypony else," he said in a low voice. The two walked in silence to the library. Shining took a seat in one of the chairs but he looked beat, and not in the physical sense. "Now then, why are you here?" asked Twilight. "Two reasons," Cadance replied. "Mostly to do with our 'new' friend. One, I want to use my magic and see if it will break whatever hold the black magic has on him. And if that doesn't work, see if getting him away from the doorway has any effects. Celestia sent him a pair of tickets to Gala," Cadance admitted with a smile. Shining and Twilight blinked owlishly at that bit of information. "You could have told me that anywhere," Twilight said casually. "There is one more plan but, um," Cadence said, rubbing her hoof. "I am totally against it," Shining said stomping his hoof down on the cushion. Twilight glanced between the two, not understanding what they were talking about. "Well-" Cadance started. "That's enough. We have enough ideas in the air as it is. We don't need anypony else adding to it. We start down the list and see what we get from what we have." Twilight said, shutting down the conversation. "As the old saying goes, too many cooks spoil the soup." "Fair point," Cadance admitted. Shining Armor sighed in relief as he slumped back in the chair. "So how are Rarity and the others holding up?" Twilight asked. The three talked back and forth, hitting on small talk and recent gossip. Cadance filled most of the silence, going on about the little things. "As well as possible, Applejack keeps sending letters but there is nothing to report," Shining said with a defeated look on his face. "Has he tried anything?" "No, he has been a gentlecolt. Well as far as one can be in this kind of situation. I do know one thing, he thinks he is doing the right thing. From what I gathered from his memories and the books in the library, some of the leaders of this land had a great mistrust of Celestia after Discord was defeated. Some planned on starting a war to ouster her early on. However, the student and the prince decided to put a stop to it," Twilight said. "And now whether out of fear or anger, he holds his position in a state of limbo. Neither able to move forward or go back. Not to mention, the black magic seems to have some mental effects. The extent of which, I have no idea." Twilight explained. The two glanced at each other for a brief moment. "It seems the story is not as black and white as we first believed," Cadance said in an even tone. 'Crunch, crunch, crunch,' came the sound of what seemed like snapping crystals. "Spike, if you ruin your dinner," she groaned as she walked out into the hallway, only to stop cold. "Nothing like a good ruby wouldn't you say?" asked King Sombra as he tossed another into the air. "How are you eating that?" Twilight asked as he walked past the room. "Wouldn't you like to know?" he said, winking at her. "You go threw more personality changes than a woman. Pick a personality and stick with it!" Twilight shouted at him. He spun around, his red cape flowing behind him. "Oh Miss Sparkle, having a hard time figuring out a man is not as linear as those in you romance novels?" he asked as he walked right up to her. She quickly backpedaled, trying to keep some distance. "Don't come any closer," she snapped, trying to intimidate him as Cadance and Shining Armor entered the hallway. "Well, if you really want to know, I guess you'll just have to figure it out on your own." he said as he walked around her. "In the meantime, try not to let all those plans you got up in the air crash together. Sometimes keeping things simple is the best way to go." "I am going to kill him," Shining said as he glared at the King. Cadance restrained as a faint glow appeared around the stallion. He kept walking, not noticing. Twilight watched as a black energy swirled around with so many other different colors, none stopping or keeping the same shape or consistency. "That explains it," Cadance said as she cut her magic off. The two siblings glanced at her, a little confused. "His emotions are in a constant state of flux. But somehow he is capable of keeping sane. I would think at this point he would be a mess of crazy and incomprehensible babble. I can't help but wonder what's holding him together?" Cadence mused as she eyed the king as he vanished around the corner. "Will power?" asked Shining Armor. "Emotions hold a bit more power over a pony than you give them credit for," Cadance said as she looked at her husband. "Still, I think it would be our best bet to banish him from the land and not deal with all these emotional problems." Shining said with a dark frown. "Sadly that plan's been tossed out the window. Let's try getting him out of the area first and see if that does anything," Cadance said in an even tone. "This whole situation is a bucking mess," Shining cursed. His wife glared at him for his curse word. "Well I'll go talk to him then. How long will you be sticking around?" Twilight asked, mentally hoping it was a long time. "Not long, sadly. Just enough to talk and let you know we haven't been sitting on our thumbs as of late." Shining said, clearly agitated with the times table. "Well let's go talk to the king," Cadance said as she headed off after the king. ____ "You want me to what!" he asked as his voice echoed around the throne room. "What, pray tell, could you possibly say that would convince me to go to a political party in Canterlot?" he asked. "How about please?" asked Pinkie Pie as a smile stretched across her face. "One more smart remark and I am sending you to the door," he threatened as he glared at the pink pony. "Door?" Pinkie asked as she tilted her head when suddenly a claw and hoof quickly covered her mouth. "Nothing, I was thinking it would be the perfect opportunity to explore the changes in the world firsthand. Besides, the library has grown a bit quiet since your last visit," Twilight said thoughtfully. "Fine," he grunted out as his hoof suddenly went to his head. "Are you okay?" asked Twilight as he shook his head. "Just a headache. And I will need somepony to keep an eye on the Empire while I am gone." "I am sure Princess Celestia could find someone to keep an eye on things for you," Cadance offered. "I wouldn't mind doing it, since I hate these social parties anyway." "Now that I think about it, you never did go to one. Or Princess Luna for that matter," Twilight mused. "Well I am glad you are taking it into consideration." "Yeah," he said, drawing the word out. He paused a bit as he got off his throne, walking away a bit. "I will be taking the Crystal Heart into the waste land. Just to be safe. If I have any trouble getting back in, I will make sure you will regret it," he threatened. The group quickly nodded. "I need to to get my clothing squared away." "I don't think so. We are going to Ponyville, I have a friend of mine who can get you in the best tux possible. The last thing you want to do is embarrass yourself," Twilight said, already thinking about damage control. "Any particular reason?" asked Sombra as he raised an eyebrow at Twilight. "Let's just say last time we all went, it was a night remember to say the least," Spike said folding his arms. Dash, Pinkie, and Twilight all seized up at the memory.