A Saiyan in Equestria

by Reddened Chaos


A/N: Ok, now that I've gotten Red's special stuff done (for now, there may be more if I chose to) we can get to the good stuff. We're starting on the events of the show now! naturally, we're starting on Season 3, but I may have a repeat of stuff from Season 1 and 2 if I desire. That being said, let's get on with the fun.

A Saiyan In Equestria

I awoke with a start, after hearing some Solar Guards bash on the room door in an attempt to wake Luna and myself. I get up and instantly bash them into the wall, and each other after opening the door in a way that would hit them.

"WHAT THE HAY DO YOU TWO WANT?!?" I demanded. Luna standing right next to me with the same annoyed look.

"Sorry Sir. But Princess Celestia has requested the presence of Princess Luna, it's an important matter." One of them said. I glanced over at Luna.

"What pray tell is this important matter?" She asked.

"It...has returned." The other guard said.

"It?" I asked, looking to Luna.

"Oh my...We must be going Red." She said, as she left hurrying for the throne room, I followed, as Rainbow had already taken Scootaloo back to Ponyville with her.

We arrived in the throne room, finding Celestia looking out a window, off toward the northern end of the planet. She seemed deep in thought. We both approached.

"What's going on Celestia?" I asked, as Luna approached and looked out in the same direction.

"The Crystal Empire has returned. I'm sending Twilight and her friends to go and assist Princess Cadence and Shining Armor in protecting the Kingdom, and saving it." Celestia explained.

"The Crystal Empire is home to some very powerful magic my sister, it must not fall again. Are you sure you don't want me to assist as well?" Luna asked.

"I am sure my sister, Twilight and her friends will succeed." Celestia responded.

"Of course they will. They've got me to help." I said, standing next to Luna, facing them both, receiving an annoyed glance from Celestia.

"No. You won't be going. YOU must stay here to guard my sister, and I incase something comes to attack." She said.

"You can't be seri-What the shock?!?" I said glancing back toward the window, toward the northern area of the planet, just like they were.

"What is it hon?" Luna asked, as Celestia looked with confusion.

"I feel...something out there...something STRONG. and it's getting me excited. it's sending chills down my spine. Looks like I'll be going anyway." I said with a smirk glancing back at Celestia and Luna, who nodded, and I went to leave to prepare for the journey, before looking back "Looks like I get to test out my new Chaos Powers more." I said. I had been training my Chaos Powers for a little while now, as I was also preparing for Luna's Birthday, which was in a few days. I received a nod from Celestia, showing her approval, and I left, holding the door for Twilight, who entered soon after, and Luna left as Twi entered.

"Hello Red." Twilight said to me, having her saddlebags on, which were filled so full, I'm surprised they hadn't burst by now.

"Hey Twilight." I said, before closing the door after Luna left, and ran back into our room, getting my gear prepared for the journey ahead of me. With a possible hard fight as well. After a while, I found my old Ocarina, which i used to play all the time, in my spare time. I began to play it again, playing a melody that fit a song I could hear Twilight singing outside, with Spike and her friends, though I confess, I played a few...sour...notes...anyway, I got packed and ready, packing my Ocarina as well, who knows, it may come in handy. I arrived at the train station, to see that the train wasn't working. After ordering Twi and the others to get on, and telling them the news that they've got me on their side as an assist, I walked to the back of the train, and started to push. I then continued, till it started to get moving, I then punched it as hard as I could, and it went off at it's natural speed, working again.

"Alright then." I said, as I sifted through my memories, and found a black and green motorcycle, and used my Chaos Powers to create it, and then hopped on, and drove off after it.

I drove next to the train and waved at the others, while I drove ahead of it, and off toward the frozen north, as I did, I continued to feel that strange presence, that sent chills down my spine, those feelings got worse, as I crossed over into the arctic. I was getting closer, and this presence, was new...and yet...familiar, like I'd known it my entire life.

The Train and i arrived at the station, and we were greeted by Shining Armor, who had arrived to escort us, we started walking back to the blue barrier in the distance, when we heard a sound, a roar... I turned around, and saw a shadowy creature.

"What the shock is that thing?" I asked.

"King Sombra, the Unicorn king who was sealed away by Celestia and Luna, to prevent him from controling the Crystal Empire 1000 years ago." Twilight said. I promptly laughed.

"Alright then, get going, I'll cover you." I said when I prepared to strike, when a large Icicle suddenly burst forth and landed right at my feet, and dispersed the shadowy form of King Sombra for the moment, and I saw a figure land in it's place, as tall as me, and looked similar to me. With a cutie mark on his upper arms, that shown a rainbow, with an Icicle and a lightning bolt of rainbow colors inside it. and he wore Goku's Gi, like mine, but it was different, it was black on red, rather than being orange on blue. his hair was exactly like Goku's, except it was snow white, and the spikes that drooped down over his forehead were red, that feeling i felt that sent chills down my spine was going stronger than ever, when the figure spoke.

"Hello Red...my...brother." he said with a voice as cool as ice. He then dashed at me, and punched me in the stomach, sending me flying before I flipped myself over, and landed.

"Who...wait...I recognize you now. AURON!" I yelled, as I dashed back, and punched, kicked, assaulted him, fighting back.

(Luna's POV)

I could sense a battle erupting and something going on with Red up in the arctic north near the Crystal Empire. I spread my wings, and used my magic, and warped there, arriving to find him fighting with another humanoid creature, but, Red seemed to be smiling, like he hadn't seen this person for a long time. I stepped over, to separate them, and I spread my wings, to prepare the Royal Canterlot Voice.

"BE STILL!!!" I commanded, the channel of air and wind used by the Royal Canterlot Voice separated Red and the mystary man for a moment before they stopped fighting.

(Rainbow's POV)

I heard the familiar yell of Princess Luna outside the empire. What the hay was she doing out there?!? To top it off, I heard fighting out there a while ago, and saw snow flying as if Red was fighting with all his might. I had to see this. I flew away, and checked out the area, landing by Luna.

"What the hay is going on?!?" I asked curious.

(Red's POV)

"I glanced over then my eyes widened, shocked that LUNA had shown up, and so did Rainbow Dash, I quickly bowed before Luna, as did my brother Auron. We both then rose.

"Lulu, what brings you here?" I asked approaching her and giving her a hug. She returns it.

"Darling, Who is that man, I felt his presence sometime after you left, and it felt like something was going on with you. So, I came to investigate." She explained. Rainbow told us she came to find out what the fighting and Luna's arrival was about.

"This, is Auron, my brother." I said, motioning to him. "We've been known as the 'Elemental bros' for years, because I controlled fire, he controlled ice." I explained, he then turned to me.

"Hey bro, incase your wondering, Bardock told me you were here, and thus, that's how I found you. I came here to help you anyway I can. Besides, I wanna see how strong you've gotten since we last saw each other." He said.

"Sure, check this new transformation out." I said, before transforming into the Lunar Saiyan form, with my hair standing on edge, and turning orange, my aura changed into the same shade of blue that Luna's coat was, my eyes changed to be a sky blue color, like her mane and tail were when she changed back from Nightmare moon, and I had rainbow colored lighting surrounding me.

"Nice." He said "But I bet you can't beat me like this." He said, before charging up, past Super Saiyan 2, and his aura glowed a rainbow of colors, as his hair turned pure white, and stood on edge.

"Wonderful." I said, whistling in approval. "But even you should know brother, you may have been a bit stronger than I am, but, you can't beat me. You'll never be able to beat me, I'm the better fighter." I said, smiling, before reverting back to normal, he did the same, and I noticed something, Rainbow Dash, she was staring at Auron since he turned into this 'Rainbow Saiyan' form as he called it.

"Dashie? You Okay?" I asked.

"That...was...beautiful..." She said.

"What, his new transformation? eh, I'll admit, it looks pretty cool, but, it's nothing compared to me." I said, with a quick laugh.

"I...think...I love him.." She said, hesitantly. Her saying this stung my heart...but...why? Why did it hurt me to find out Dashie was in love with my brother?!? I already told her I loved Luna, and chose Luna....so, why was it hurting like this when she admitted this...Could it be, I still love her like I love Luna?

"Really Dash? I thought you loved me." I said with a quick smirk, and to my surprise, she blushed.

"I do, and I still do, but, if I can't be with you because you love Luna, I should go after the next best thing." She said, as I followed her to her room where she was staying, as we were walking in the Canterlot Castle, my brother having put King Sombra at bay for a while, so the Crystal Empire was safe, for now...

"So, your saying your only a second rate mare?" I said with a devilish smirk, knowing that it would annoy her, that I called her second rate.

"NO WAY! I settle for nothing but the best!" She exclaimed, annoyed.

"Then why are you settling for second rate with my brother? He may be slightly stronger than I am, but, he'll never beat me, because I'm the better fighter." I explained, looking into her rose eyes.

"It...it's because of that Rainbow Saiyan transformation of his, he seems deathly loyal, like you, and that rainbow look, just, got me..." She said. She then started to think about it more. "I think I wanna marry him." She said finally

"WHAT?!? No..." I said, my heart was hurt now, she wanted to MARRY Auron?!? If she does, then she'll be a second rate mare, and I won't let that happen to Dashie.


"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU RAINBOW DASH!" I exclaimed. I then heard a gasp, as the door had opened, and...it was Luna. She had walked in on my exclamation. She heard me confess some love to Rainbow...

"Wh...what...You...love her..." Luna said, starting to cry.

"Wha? Luna?! Please, wait, let me explain!" I tried to say, before stopping my attempted approach, when I saw her coat turn black, with her cutie mark changing to be a purple starry sky with a crescent moon, her jewelry changed to some form of armor, and her eyes changed to look more...draconian, again. She had become Nightmare Moon.

"ENOUGH. WE DO NOT WISH TO SPEAK TO YOU ANY LONGER. FAREWELL!" She said blasting me with magic, knocking me into the wall, and then she flew away.