//------------------------------// // Runnin' Deuces High! // Story: Igniting Hope // by Theta //------------------------------// (Deuces High is a play that mainly involves two people, the guy who runs the ball down and the guy who sets a pick. Oddly named chapter, but it seemed fitting. The jersey I refer to is a dark green with the wording "Celtic Elite" on it, and on the back displays his number (20) and the phrase 'Feelin' lucky?' Remember this, as there will be reactions to it.) I casually started to slip back into my jeans, being careful to not rip them any further along the legs. Well, shoot...my only two shirts are my jersey and undershirt, both of them are doused in sweat. Buck it, I pick the jersey, it smells a little bit better. Not paying any attention to what I was doing, I lost balance slipping my pants leg, and ultimately falling on my flank with an immediate *THUD*. Two things happened after that: One, I started cursing myself, and two I laughed for some reason. The only thing that could describe that laugh was dark, no downright melancholy. Celestia help me, I am a messed up pony. I take pleasure in pain, it's what reminds me I'm still alive; that I still have feeling... After rising to my feet, I walked over to the chair in which my jacket, jersey, and shirt sat. Snatching up the jersey, I first noticed that it smelt worse than before, and looked better as well. Of all the colors, our jersey's had to be dark green. That blood still looks fresh, and no doubt will attract immediate attention. Wonder how warm it is outside? Maybe if it's cold enough... My thinking was cut short, Ditzy walked into the room with a tank top and shorts on, "Oh pony feathers is it hot out today! It's a real heat wave out there, odd because it was chilly yesterday." I quickly mumbled, "Just my luck." "What was that, you say something Torque?," she asked in confusion to what I had just said. "Oh, nothin'. Just soooo excited that its warm out.," I responded with mock joy, Just my luck, dude..., "Hey Ditzy, I'm goin' out, wish me luck dude!" "Umm, good luck?," she replied along with a wave goodbye as I exited her house. Hmph getting a job shouldn't be too hard right? Just got to find a nice, distracting job. Something that requires thinking, something that won't leave me to my own devices... I thought, walking down the street through the market. No job signs so far, damn, thought for sure there'd be work here. I took a turn towards that same building I saw coming into town, the one called Carousel Boutique. Hmm, fashion. Not exactly my forte, but hay it's worth a shot. I entered the building, and was quickly greeted by a stunning, purple maned mare whom wore a look of terror on her face. "Err, welcome to Carousel Boutique, the best in fashion!," she said while flipping her already luxurious man, "Wait a minute, you were that stallion at the library, the one who stood up for...who was it...oh, Ditzy Doo. I do have to say that you are a fine gentle colt. I'm Rarity by the way, how may I help you, darling?," she spoke with a voice that I can only imagine the upper class elite of Canterlot spoke with. "Yeah, I'm kind of bumming at her house 'till I can build up some funds and get a place of my own. I'm goin' around seein if anypony has a job for me, so far no good dude.," I replied with a laid back voice, the inner bro shedding light in the most peculiar of times. "Hmm, let me think...Well my parent's really own this place, they don't usually hire ponies outside the family, this building and business history spans wayyy back to our relatives whom settled here, darling.," the fashionista unsure of what to say. "Look I ain't gunna lie, I don't know a lick about fashion, I mean just look at me. But I want a job that requires a lot of thinking, I mean a lot of labor to keep me busy.," I said, releasing my thoughts from their prisons inside my head. "Well...I do need a strong stallion to carry various things for me, my current assistant can only carry so much at his age.," she said hesitantly, obviously not sure of whether or not this would be a good idea, "Check back tomorrow would you, dear? I'll see if I can beg daddy to hire you.," she said in a elegant voice. "Thanks Rarity, oh Luna, where are my manners. I'm Torque by the way, it's a pleasure to meet you and thanks for the time, dude!," I stated with a face-hoof(I am aware that they are anthro, but the terms basically will stay the same.) I exited the boutique, Damn, that mare is a gem! She's so...so, well I don't even know. Hot is too low class, and gorgeous doesn't even come close. Hmm I'll stick with 'fine'. As in she was really fine to behold. I stopped, wiping a bead of sweat from my brow, Shoot, today of all days it had to be hot. Celestia why... I mean it's nearing close to the winter season... I looked up at the sun with disapproving eyes, resenting the heat which it emitted. I began to walk again, only to be stopped five feet later, a mare with a multi-colored mane and cyan fur, who I could only assume was Rainbow Dash, approached me. "Hey kid, you Torque? Ditz told me you were lookin' for a job, I came to see if you're WCU material, I'm a manager over there after all. So I gotta see how fast you are first. How 'bout a race?," She asked, wasting no time. "Di-um-I- Okay sure, where to?," I responded, not ready for the barrage of words thrown at me. "You see that cloud up there?," she pointed to a cloud that was around 50 yards forward, and about 300 feet above us, "That one, think you can handle it? I don't mean to brag, but I'm the fastest pegasus in Equestria, and the only to perform the legendary Sonic Rainboom, which is my signature move.," she said, not convincing me, or anypony, that she didn't intend to brag. "Alright, seems doable.," I replied, internally wincing at how far it was away. Ugh, just looking at that thing makes my ribs hurt! "321 GO!," she said seconds after I had agreed. "Woah, you're pretty fast dude!," I said, keeping pace with the young mare, "Good luck by the way, thought I'd say that while I can." "Heh, luck? Who needs luck? Have fun starin' at my flank!," she said increasing her speed. Hmph, she's good. Really good, I'll probably los-I was cut off by Natti, "Dude, you can beat her. Come on man, remember how competitive we were? Pretend she's me dude, and show her why we got 'Feelin Lucky' on our jersey's!," the voice reminded me of my former tenacity. Adrenaline rushed throughout my veins, and before I knew it, I was at that cloud. The look on her face when she arrived seconds later made me burst out laughing. "Hey, miss Rainbow, feelin' lucky?" She stared at me in disbelief, and then in embarrassment. "How did you beat me?!?! I never lose! I mean never!" "Dunno, guess I just kind of did it. Ain't much to it, just a race. Not like there's guys comin' after me, like on the lacrosse field." She stared at me with curiosity in her eyes, and a slight blush on her cheeks. Looks like I landed that job. Thanks Nastic, you're good to me, even in death.