Chimichangas and Cupcakes

by Awesomedude17


Chimichangas and Cupcakes
By Awesomedude17

"I like to move it, move it! You like to move it, move it! We like to move it, move it! We like to...


Deadpool danced with Pinkie while Celestia and Luna watched with big grins on their faces. Twilight went to the two sisters.

"Princess, how could you let this creature run about?"

"Twilight, he is a bit eccentric, but he is very nice, and I like him."

"A bit of a crush on the sexiness that is... me?"

"No, it is rather more of a curiosity."

I say bullshit!

Whatever, how'd the alt us do?

Asking questions on blogs and being crazy. Boring stuff.

"Ready for charge!"

"Drop the bass!" Pinkie said as she brought out a turn-table set and played a dubstep song.

"Wub, wub wub wub, wub wub wub, WUB!

"This is insanity!" Twilight was visibly sweating.

"Insanity? I AM DEADPOOL!" Wade was on a statue when he jumped off. He landed face first on a cake that Celestia was saving for later and splattered it all over the place.

"Great, I guess there's no desert tonight." Celestia said in a somewhat annoyed tone.

Wade tasted it and widened his eyes.

"Cheesecake? This is okay." Wade said calmly.

Expecting a different reaction?


How many people will get the reference?

Hopefully everyone.

Wade got up and the song ended. He put his hand on the statue and leaned on it.

"So ponies, what now?"

"Well, I guess we could talk about who you were, and what you do exactly to everypony, in detail." Celestia said as she finished wiping the cake off her face.

"In detail?"

"In detail."

"In detail?"

"In detail."

"In detail?"

"Just tell us now or later."

"Which also happens to be a candy from my home."

"Candy!" Pinkie loved sweets.

"Now and Laters, hard at first, then they get chewy."

Do we like 'em?

I don't think so, we never tried them.

Wanna get some later or now?


"Ohhh, sounds super, duper good!"

"Hell yeah!" Wade put his back on the statue and it tilted.

"Um, Deadpool, I wouldn't do that if I were you." Celestia warned the merc.

"Why?" Wade pushed on the statue and it passed it's tilting point and fell. The statue broke and a creature flopped out of the shards. It was Discord.

"HAHAHA HA! I'm free again!"

"That's why."

"Aunt Joe, is that you? You got a shave!" Wade said stroking Discord's goatee.

"Ahh, you must be the guy who freed me."

"And I'm bored already. Hey author, play some house here!"

You got it!

"Hmm, reminds me of cheese."

"You want fake spray cheese?" Wade offered the draconicus a can of spray cheese.

"Hmm, if it's fake, why not!" Discord sunk his fang into the can and sucked it like a vampire, except with cheese instead of blood.

"What's going on here?" Twilight was freaking out, Discord was free. She was also confused at what caused music to play, and why was it making her crave cheese? She also did not know why Discord was freely conversing with the mutant.

"I honestly do not know either." Celestia was used to strange things, but this was outrageous.

"I like you monkey thing."

"And I like you too Aunt Joe!"

"Just call me Discord."


"Can I join your fun?"

"Sure Pinkie, I always liked you the best." Discord said.


Twilight just stared. Her eyes then, somehow, turned completely blue with some white words on it.

"Twilight?" Rarity touched Twilight, who just felled down stiffly.

"Oh dear."

Here's the image of the day.

"Good, I was getting bored."

"Halloween was two months ago."


"Good point, play music!"

They call him Cuban Pete.

"Me likey."

"Me too!"


Vamos amigos!!!

"SI! Amigo!"