Pleasuring Techniques and Other Weird-Ass Stories

by Regidar

The Plan to End All Plans

Meanwhile, at the Legion of Doom...
Regidar was planning his next move upon Discord’s everlasting rant. He continued to annoy Regidar, and ruined his plans for world domination. It was time to finish him off once-and-for-all. He was going to do something so vile... So wicked... That even Knighty might actually be excited.

He was going to make Discord become his waifu. Yes, indeed. His waifu. Indeed, this was improbable, but, it was going to work out. By allowing him to jerk off and spread his chaotic seed around the world of Equus, he must have Discord be his waifu. It was time to take action.
Regidar immediately started posting ‘I came’ on every story there was. Soon, Discord would take notice. And then, truly, it would be he who came.