Tears for the Rising Moon

by Inky Shades

Chapter II: Luna

Chapter II: Luna

“Come on this isn’t funny anymore!” Luna said as she tried and failed again to teleport back to Equestria. Was Tia playing a joke on her or something? You foal; you still believe that this is just a joke? Look at where you are!

Okay, maybe this could be considered a bit excessive sending her to the moon and all. But surly her sister had a reason for sending her here, right? Think about it! How many times have you tried to return to Equestria? How many times were you just sent back where you started? You know what this means. “No, she wouldn’t.” Are you sure? You were trying to plunge her beloved Equestria into eternal darkness after all. “But—” Just admit it! Your sister banished you!

No, this couldn’t be true. There was no way that her sister would banish her! Tia always loved her jokes. She probably just decided to play a particularly cruel prank on her to punish her for not lowering the moon for a couple of weeks. Any minute now Tia would bring her back and confirm that this was just a prank. She’d then apologize to her older sister for things getting so out of hoof. Everything would be fine.

You really believe that don’t you? Do you think she will be so quick to forgive you after what you’ve done? “I would’ve lowered the moon eventually.” No you wouldn’t have! “Yes, of course I would've!” You think that you can lie to yourself? Do you think it will help you sleep better tonight? A lie is still a lie and in the morning you will still be trapped here.

A chill traveled down her spine. Did her sister really send her away? The thought terrified her. Was she… shunned? No, Tia wouldn’t do that would she? She knew how much she hated being alone, right? She’d never do this. You really think that don’t you? This is rich! Do you actually think that your sister paid you any attention? All she cares about are her subjects and herself. Forget Luna.

“Tia please I don’t want to be alone again! I’m sorry. Things weren’t supposed to get this crazy. Honest. I just wanted our citizens’ love and respect that’s all! I just wanted what you had. Please, Tia, I… I’m scared; don’t abandon me here!” You’re not completely abandoned. I’m here with you; I will always be here with you.

Her mind went back to her fillyhood. Back then her sister had always been there for her. One night in particular stood out. A nightmare had awoken her from a deep slumber. The details of the nightmare were lost to the passage of time. All she remembered now was that it terrified her. No longer could she go back to sleep. Every creak from the castle caused her to jolt. Shadows loomed over her bed like demons. Without a second thought she dashed out of her room and into her sister’s room next-door. When she woke her sister up she had tears streaming down her face.

“Do you remember what happened next, Tia? You didn’t get upset; you didn’t kick me out. Instead you wiped away my tears and do you know what you told me? ‘Why don’t you sleep with me for the night? I’ll keep you safe from the shadows.’ Right then I felt so lucky to have you as my big sister. I guess not even you could save me from my own darkness. We used to be so close when did we start to drift apart?” Not that she ever tried to save you. Face it Luna. Your precious big sister doesn’t care for you as much as you thought.

That wasn’t right. She knew her sister cared for her deeply. That’s just why she banished you because she “cares!” Do you still honestly believe she cares for you? You do don’t you? Fine, then can you tell me who is going to raise the moon in your absence? “I had forgotten about the moon, but how can I move it if my magic won’t work right? The only other pony that could do it is… Tia.” Exactly! She has replaced you with herself. I bet that Celestia planned to replace you from the start. Now there is no need for her to share her spotlight. I bet that she is glad to have you gone! “No. There is no way. None! She told me… she told me that we were going to rule as equals! She’d never replace me… right?”

It was too horrible to think of. Her only sister replacing her! That’s right. Your sister doesn’t love you. She hates you! “Please don’t say that!” she sobbed. “Is it true sister? Do you hate me? Do you not love me anymore? Please tell me that you don’t hate me.” She waited for an answer that would never come. Your sister can’t hear your cries. Even if she could she’d ignore you just like all of the other times. Face the music. At this moment everypony including your sister is probably celebrating your banishment! Soon everypony will forget that you even existed. The forgotten princess!

Why did this have to happen? How did everything end up so wrong? She only wanted some recognition, some respect, some… love. Were these things too much to ask for? Now she’d lost everything including the most important pony to her. “How did we end up like this Tia?” You already know the answer to that. It all started on that first night.

Excitement filled the air that day for her. It would be the first time that she raised the moon. From atop her bedroom’s balcony she could see ponies gathered in the streets. The sun had gone for the day. Everypony waited for her to raise the glorious moon. However, as she raised it something began to happen. All the ponies were going inside! Why didn’t they cheer as exuberantly for her as they did for her sister’s sunrise? Where were the children that should be playing under the moon’s gentle glow? How come everypony was going inside?

You know why. They didn’t appreciate you! Nopony understood the beauty you brought with the bringing of night. They cast you aside in favor of your sister’s sun. Even when you blanketed their lands with millions of stars they still wouldn’t love you like they loved Celestia! In fact wasn’t it your sister who told you that they were just tired? Didn’t she say that tomorrow would be different?

“Yes.” Was tomorrow different? “No.” What about the day after that? How about the day after that? Tell me if you ever saw a change. “No. It was always the same.” How did this make you feel? “I felt sad and… angry.” What did you do about it?

One morning she decided to leave the moon up. This time she wouldn’t go unnoticed and by the clamor in the streets she didn’t. Never before had the sun and moon been visible at the same time. From her balcony she could hear their confusion. This wasn’t how she wanted to get their attention, but it felt good to be noticed.

Her little stunt even got Tia’s attention. She wanted her sister to notice. When Tia confronted her about the ordeal she didn’t appear angry or anything. If possible her sister tried to ignore her more! Why couldn’t she yell or something? If she did then she’d at least have to acknowledge what she did, but she didn’t. In a straight voice she simply asked for her to lower the moon. That’s it. She didn’t even ask the most important question: why? Any joy she gathered from the attention disappeared. She didn’t protest and did as her sister asked.

“Do you know how lonely I felt right then, Tia? Couldn’t you have taken the time to ask, why? Why didn’t you ask me! Tell me!” That’s right let it all out. Let her have it! “You never knew what it felt like to be all alone. Everypony always loved you. Do you know what it’s like for me to live in your shadow? I hate you!” she screamed. Almost immediately she clasped her mouth with her hooves. So now it comes out!

“I… I didn’t mean it Tia!” Yes you did. “Why are you doing this to me?” You’re doing this to yourself. I am your darkness, born the moment your jealousy began. However, until your final decision I never had a name. “You’re Nightmare Moon.” No, we are Nightmare Moon. You and I are two sides to the same bit.

One night she decided that she had enough. She’d grown tired of being ignored by everypony. Her sister had so many chances to make them see, but she never did anything! It had come time to handle things herself. She reached her point of no return. This time the moon would rise and it would never lower again!

“What… what’ve I done?” You did what you needed to do. “There had to be a better way! Any other way! Tia would’ve gotten around to talking to them eventually. Tia, how long will it be before I get to see you again? I want to discover that these past couple weeks were nothing but a dreadful nightmare. I want to wake up.

“Tia, I love you so much. If you don’t feel the same way about me anymore I would… understand. It's scary being alone you know. Not having someone to protect you. I know that I don’t have any right to ask this, but can you… ever forgive me?” How touching. Don’t worry I’ll be here to keep you company the whole time.