My Little Pony: Adventuring is magic!

by ICrackVideoGames

The Dogs Come Runnin'

Chapter 6:
The Dogs Come Runnin'

Finn and Marceline trot along the path to Ponyville. They take opportunity to catch up on things.

"So Marceline...How DID you get here?" Finn asks.

"Oh...Uh, I don't know... I'm not Bonnibel; I'm not the science-y type!" She asks.

Finn, wanting answers, gives her a stern look.

"I told you, I hid inside Bonnibel's laboratory. Other than that, I have no clue." She shrugs it off.

Finn, on the other hand, doesn't want to end it there; but seeing that they are both deprived of sleep, he shrugs it off as well. They keep walking in the dark night, with only the street lights to make them feel comfortable.

"I hear there are diamonds around here." Marceline says.

"You sure know a lot about Equestria, Marceline."

"Well, I DID watch the show."

Finn rolls his eyes at her. "I'm not gonna even TRY to understand that..."

"So, Finn." Marceline asks.

"Yeah?" He replies.

"Do you miss her?" Marceline questions him.

"Who? The princess?"

She chuckles.

"No Finn... I mean your ladyfriend, Flame Princess." She says. This immediately makes Finn stop and makes blood rush to his face. How could he have forgotten? He's only been here for a week and he's already forgotten about his girlfriend!

"O...Of course..." He says, looking down.

Marceline stares at Finn. He looks at her.

She then nudges his arm.

"I won't blame you if you forgotten about her, Finn."

"How did you...?"

"Finn. I've lived for over a thousand years. I know when someone's lying." She says.

Finn looks down, ashamed that he had forgotten his first true love.Marceline stays silent for a second, then breaks the silence.

"And I've played a lot of Phoenix Wright."

"Phoenix What?"

"Nothing." She replies before turning away.

"Cheer up dude, I don't blame you."

"Why not?"

"Come on" She flies up."You're in a world where Friendship is Magic! (Get it?) You practically get new friends here EVERYDAY. And look at the scenery here! Glob, it's amazing."

"So? What does that have to do with me forgetting Flame Princess?" Finn raises an eyebrow.

"What I mean is: You're bound to forget ONE friend eventually!"

"Yeah. But...This is Flame Princess we're talking about. MY GIRLFRIEND. Not just some normal friend. She's not supposed to be forgotten, especially by her boyfriend! What would you feel if someone you loved had forgotten you?"

"Well..." She puts her hoof to chin to think.

"See? *sigh*..."

Marceline lands on the ground. "Geez...I was just trying to cheer you up Finn...." She says, Frowning.

Finn sighs. "I'm sorry Marcie.... I didn't mean to snap at you."

She stays quiet for about two seconds then speaks. "It's okay dude, I-" She was interrupted by the sound of rustling.They look to the bushes near them. The bushes were definitely making the rustling sound.

The disturbances put their heads out of the bushes slightly. Their features are unrecognizable to them, but their eyes are glowing yellow in the darkness.

"Hello? Who is that?! I'm not afraid to fight you!" Finn says.

"Ooooh... Looks like these ponies noticed us, Rover..." The first disturbance says. The sound of his voice makes Finn shiver a bit.

"Yes indeed Fido... These ponies are not as dumb as we thought."

"Hey!! Who are you calling dum-" Finn takes a step forward before Marceline stops him.

"Finn, don't." She shakes her head.

"What? Why not? You heard what they called us!"

"They're diamond dogs... "

"Yeah, so?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not afraid of these things!" He smiles confidently.

"What? No I'm not saying that they're dangerous. They're actually pretty useless. They're not worth fighting." She states happily.

"Hey! Who are you callin' useless?!" Fido shouts questioningly, waving his fist in the air. Marceline ignores them and looks to Finn.

" Yeah...they were practically the most useless antagonists in the show!" She rolls her eyes and laughs.

"Seriously?" He says, completely ignoring the Fido and Rover cursing in the background.

" Yeah! Did you know that RARITY got them to do her bidding by just whining?" She falls on the floor, laughing.

"'Oh! The chain is getting so heavy! Why do I have to pull it?!' " She says, mimicking Rarity's sophisticated voice. Before the diamond dogs knew it, The pony in blue was on the floor was lauging with Marceline.

"Then, the diamond dogs couldn't take it! They were on their knees begging her to stop! 'Please pony! We'll do anything!' " She says. " Oh my Glob, I couldn't contain my laughter!" She says,snickering.

The Diamond dogs, with their now crimson faces, run away in embarassment.

"Hey, wait weren't there three of you last-" Looks up to see them nowhere to be found. " Time...?"

She looks around and finds Finn still rolling on the floor, laughing out loud. (Gettit? Aww God i'm terrible.)

"Where are they?"

Finn sits up. " I don't know, but they're DOG gone useless!" He gives a big grin to Marceline.

Marceline responds by punching him in the stomach. Finn falls on his back and rolls on the floor, in pain this time. "That was horrible." She says.

Finn gasps for air in response.