//------------------------------// // It begins // Story: Odd Love: The 53-D icident // by punisher143 //------------------------------// Without a doubt, one of the most boring jobs anyone could get stick with was void patrol. In theory, it was an important job to make sure nothing in dark space would cause trouble. In practice, there was really nothing of major importance in dark space. Except for the one time with the apple caterpillar, but that sorted itself out in due time. The darkness of the void was broken by the occasional bright lights of scattered universes. Not that the poor sap on void duty cared; all he wanted was for his shift to be over. Fortunately, his shift would prove to be much more interesting when the audio sensors picked up the one thing he didn’t expect: conversation. “I hate you so much right now Dusk,” one voice said. “Rainbow, I know you’re angry right now, but blaming me isn’t going to help,” another voice said. Some swift maneuvering of the void drone found the source of the conversation: a pair of floating stallions, a purple unicorn and a cyan pegasus, surrounded in some kind of magical field. The scout started broadcasting the sight as the pegasus continued. “Well, it is your fault we’re here. How could you have possibly screwed up so badly?” “I was practicing very complicated teleportation spells! Then you had to show up, crash into me, and then we’re in space. What was so important anyway?!” “…New Dashing Dare.” Rainbow Blitz smiled at Dusk, who rolled his eyes. The ponies continued their conversation just as a chat window opened up. >Administrator_6: Really?< >Void-S: The drone’s not malfunctioning. What do you want me to do?< >Administrator_6: They have to have come from somewhere. Find out their origin.< >Void-S: Can do, give me a minute.< “Whatever Blitz, I need to concentrate on keeping this shield up. So don’t let go of me.” “Trust me dude, I am not thinking of that anytime so… what the hay is that thing?” Dusk opened an eye and looked around until he saw what Blitz saw. The two watched as what could best be described as a black eye with a red iris floated next to them. “What you said,” was Dusk’s reply. >Void-S: They came from universe 43-c. Crap, they drifted way too far away from there.”< >Adminstrator_6: These ponies always seem to displace themselves. Put them somewhere where they don’t exist and let them figure it out.< >Void-S: You mean those specific iterations?< >Administrator_6: Yes.< >Void-S: Alright, I’ll figure something out.< Suddenly the eye started glowing a bright red and Dusk looked down at Rainbow. “What the hay is it doing?” Blitz asked. “I have no idea! Brace yourself!” The glow soon engulfed Dusk and Rainbow and when it dulled and went away, they found themselves falling rather rapidly through clouds. “What? How did we get-?” “Dusk, no time! Crashing!” Blitz yelled at him and spread his wings while holding onto Dusk. Rainbow knew enough about flying to know that they were coming in too fast. A quick look at the rapidly approaching ground showed there was a lake coming up. ‘Ok, only have one shot at this,’ Blitz thought and aimed for the lake while flapping his wings as fast as he could. “Hey Fluttershy, watch me do a cannon ball into the lake!” Pinkie shouted at her yellow pegasus friend and started jumping excitedly. “Um… ok. I’m watching,” Fluttershy said from the picnic blanket she had laid out. Pinkie smiled widely and looked up at the sky, probably to judge wind or something, and stopped when she saw something. “Look, a shooting star!” Pinkie yelled pointing at the streak, “If we make a wish, it’ll come true right?” “Um… I don’t think that’s a shooting star Pinkie. They don’t show up during the day,” Fluttershy said. “They don’t?! Then what is it?” Pinkie stared at the approaching object, and once Fluttershy realized that fact she started to slowly back away. “Um, Pinkie… maybe we should-“ she started to say just as the object, which they now saw was two ponies, crashed into the lake and splashed water over the both of them. Fluttershy shrieked loudly and cowered while Pinkie stood in the exact position she was before, though now soaking wet and shivering a little. “That water was cold,” Pinkie said and shook herself dry, “We better check to make sure whoever that was is alright Fluttershy. Where’d I put my snorkel?” “Well, ok. I hope they are alright,” Fluttershy said and slowly got up and walked to the lake’s shore while Pinkie looked for a snorkel. The water’s surface burst when two stallions broke through taking deep breaths and coughing, which drew the mare’s attention and caused Fluttershy to lower to the ground again. “Are we alive?” one of them, a unicorn, asked. “Yeah,” the other one said, “we are. And I think we’re back home too.” The two started laughing in relief before the pegasus suddenly splashed the unicorn. “You and your teleportation spells! Can’t you walk like a normal pony?” “Oh that’s rich, coming from the pony who probably learned to fly before he learned to walk! Try going a day without flying and then we’ll talk.” “Whatever. Now can we-“ “AAH, something touched me!” the unicorn shouted and started swimming out of the lake, “Are there fish in this lake?!” “What? Are you scared of fish or something?” the pegasus asked with a hint of amusement. Pinkie looked back at Fluttershy and back at the unicorn as he climbed ashore. “I hate fish! I hate fish things! They’re scaly and they don’t blink and…” the unicorn shivered and let out a disgusted moan, “I need to get home.” “Uh, we may have a problem. Look right.” The unicorn did so and screamed at the sudden face full of smiling pink pony. “That’s the longest it’s taken for anypony to notice me standing next to them. Except for Rainbow, but I think she was tired that day. *Gaaaaaaaaasp* Are you a new pony in town? I love meeting new ponies, because new ponies means new friends! That’s a nice shade of purple in your coat by the way, I gotta try and replicate that for a cupcake frosting.” “Berry…” “Have we met before; because you seem reeeeeealy familiar to me. But that can’t be right because I’ve never seen a stallion like you before.” Pinkie stopped and started scratching her head. “Now that I think about it, I’ve met a lot more mares than stallions. Don’t you think that’s weird Fluttershy?” “Pinkie…” Fluttershy tried to say. “You’re right, I’ll think about that later. Right now, NEW FRIENDS!” Pinkie hugged Dusk tightly, pressing the breath out of him, and continued with, “I got to throw you and that other stallion a welcome party! What’s your favorite kind of cupcake?” “Berry…” “Berry, that’s a good choice! What kind of berry? I have strawberry, blueberry, gooseberry, cranberry, boysenberry, elderberry, and all other kinds! I remember telling my dad he smelled like elderberries once, and he got really mad for some reason. Oh, and then there was this one time-“ Dusk managed to shove a hoof in Pinkie’s mouth and said, “Berry, can you stop talking for three seconds so I can think?” before pushing Pinkie away from him. Blitz climbed out of the water and shook himself dry as Pinkie gasped in realization. “Oh, you were talking to me! I think you have me confused with a friend though. My name’s Pinkie Pie last I checked.” Pinkie turned to Fluttershy and genuinely asked, “My name is Pinkie Pie right?” “Um, yes it is,” Fluttershy answered. Dusk, having just discovered Fluttershy, looked between the two mares a couple of times before looking back at Rainbow Blitz and was glad they shared the same look of disbelief. “You’re right Rainbow, we are in serious trouble,” Dusk said and jumped back a little when Pinkie popped up between them. “Rainbow, where? I didn’t think she would be out and… wait,” Pinkie looked at Rainbow and gasped loudly again. “That’s where I’ve seen you before! You look just like Rainbow Dash, and you,” Pinkie pointed at Dusk, “look just like Twilight! Are you two fans of theirs or something? Oh silly me, I haven’t asked what your names are.” Pinkie stared at Dusk with an expectant smile which only made the unicorn a little uncomfortable. “Well, my name is Dusk Shine and his name is Rainbow Blitz. We were-“ “So you’re those kinds of fans eh?” “I… beg your pardon?” “It’s ok, I once caught Rainbow painting her coat to look like Daring Do. Who am I to judge if you wanted to dye your manes?” “I don’t dye my mane!” Rainbow Blitz suddenly yelled angrily. “Oh, here we go,” Dusk whispered. “I’m so sick of ponies saying that to me! ‘Oh, there’s no way his mane can be like that naturally’ they all say. Well news flash, I WAS BORN WITH MY MANE LIKE THIS! Do you understand me?!” Blitz stood there breathing heavily looking right into Pinkie’s eyes. “I think I hit a raw nerve, I’m sorry,” Pinkie said still smiling. “Remember the exercises Blitz, it’s the best way to calm down.” ‘Ugh, we’re walking in circles here,’ Dusk thought with a sigh, ‘better take action before Blitz actually hits somepony.’ With a plan in mind, Dusk turned to Fluttershy and cleared his throat. “So… my name’s Dusk Shine.” “Um… I’m Fluttershy,” was her reply. Dusk leaned closer in a silent show that he didn’t hear her, so Fluttershy took a deep breath and repeated her name, which ended up being only slightly louder. “Fluttershy, that’s a nice name,” Dusk said and smiled at the mare, only to be taken back when Fluttershy blushed and looked at the ground. “Uh, anyway, your friend said something about a Twilight?” “Oh, yes. Twilight’s really smart and lives in the library in town.” “Really, can you take us to her? My friend and I are kind of lost, so she might be able to help.” ‘If she is who I think she is.’ “Ok, I just need to-“ “Are you going to see Twilight?” Pinkie asked, startling both Dusk and Fluttershy, and bounced in excitement. “That is a great idea! I really want to know how Rainbow reacts to knowing she has a fan.” Pinkie proceeded to bounce around Dusk and Fluttershy before going toward the buildings of Ponyville. “Pinkie, wait for us,” Fluttershy said to Pinkie and started trotting after her. Dusk followed the mares and looked back to see Blitz flying up and next to him. “So what’s the plan? Please tell me you have a plan,” Blitz said. “We follow them and they’ll take us to somepony who can help us,” Dusk answered. “What do you mean, who could possibly help us right now?” “I’ll explain on the way. By the way, about that eye…” “Yeah…” “Let’s never talk about that ever again.” “Took the words right out of my mouth.” “Where’s Spike? He should have checked in by now.” Rainbow Dash looked up from her book at Twilight, who was looking out a window. Rainbow sighed and stretched out on the floor. “He’s probably still with the Crusaders or something,” Rainbow said and looked back at the book, “Besides, didn’t you want him to go out and interact with kids his age?” “That’s true, but you know how the Crusaders are. They can get… extreme when they’re playing.” “Oh what’s the worst they could do?” “We have captured a dragon!” Scootaloo shouted, the cloth she used as a mask doing little to soften the noise. “What do we do with him?” Sweetie asked and adjusted her hood slightly. “You can untie me for starters,” Spike said and struggled against his binds. “Don’t struggle!” Applebloom yelled, the small boards that constituted her ‘armor’ clanking whenever she moved. “Now here’s what we’re gonna do: first, ah’ll eat his soul, then we’ll take him to Sugarcube Corner and celebrate our victory with milkshakes!” “That’s an awesome plan!” Scootaloo said fluttering her wings. “I love milkshakes!” Sweetie said clapping her hooves. “Sure, whatever,” Spike said quickly growing bored, “as long as you untie me soon.” “Ah’m glad everyone agrees with the plan. Now take him into the clubhouse, ah need to be alone to eat his soul properly!” Spike’s eyes widened and he started struggling even more as Sweetie and Scootaloo picked him up and carried him up to the Crusader’s clubhouse. “Wait, hold on! I don’t like the way she said that!” “Ah said no strugglin’!” “I suppose you’re right. I just worry about… uh oh.” “What’s up?” Rainbow asked, getting up and walking over to Twilight at the window. “Pinkie’s coming, and she looks really happy,” Twilight said and moved over for Rainbow. “Oh yeah she does, and you know what that means.” “She met a new pony,” the both said and walked to the door. Rainbow was about to say something just when Pinkie opened the door. “Hi Twilight, hi Rainbow!” she said and trotted up to them, “you are not going to believe who I met today.” “Let me guess, a new pony?” Rainbow asked. “Two new ponies! They’re stallions about our age and they’re fans of yours.” “Er… what?” Rainbow looked at Twilight, who shrugged and looked back at Pinkie. “It’s the weirdest thing, or at least the weirdest thing to happen this week. I was at the swimming hole with Fluttershy and I was about to do this sweet cannonball when I saw this shooting star, except it wasn’t a shooting star, it was two ponies! They landed in the water and one of them was really scared of fish for some reason. The weirdest thing was they looked like you, except they were stallions and had really bad attitudes when it comes to manes. Have I lost you yet?” “Only slightly, but I think I understand what you’re saying,” Twilight said. “How good are their costumes?” Rainbow asked. “Really good! Now that I think about it, Fluttershy should be here with them soon,” Pinkie said and looked back at the door, “I hope I didn’t lose them.” No sooner had she said that did Fluttershy slowly peek inside. “Oh, hi girls. I’m… glad you’re here,” she said quietly and walked through the door. “Girls?” a voice quietly asked from outside. “Weren’t you listening on the way here?!” another said in annoyance, “Look, I’ll explain it again.” “I take it those are the stallions Pinkie was talking about?” Twilight asked and pointed at the door. Fluttershy blinked and nodded before saying, “um… don’t say anything about fish or mane colors to them. They don’t like it.” “Dangit Dusk, I don’t understand a word of what you’re saying! I’m going in,” the first voice outside said and a pegasus stallion walked in looking behind him. “All I heard was ‘blah blah, magic theory, blah blah, councils.’ You have to learn to-“ the stallion looked ahead and stopped in his tracks at the sight of Rainbow and Twilight. The mares and the stallion stared at each other silently as a unicorn walked in with a sigh. “And you need to learn some patience Blitz,” he said, “you never know what…” much like the pegasus, he stopped at the sight of the mares, but unlike his friend he brightened up and stomped a hoof. “Ha, I knew it! I told you so Blitz!” “Yeah yeah, I’ll give you five bits later,” the pegasus said, “but right now, what the hay.” “You can say that again,” Rainbow Dash said and backed up a step, “who are you?” “I’d ask you the same question, rainbow mane.” “What is that supposed to mean?!” “Please don’t pick a fight Rainbow,” Twilight said to her friend. “But I’m not!” both pegasi said and glared at each other afterwards. The unicorn stallion sighed again and placed an arm around his friends shoulder. “Hey Blitz, do you think she can beat you in a race?” he asked pointing at Rainbow Dash, which earned a surprised ‘what?!’ from both of them. “I remember reading once that smaller racers are faster because there’s less mass to drag them down. I think she can actually beat you.” “Darn right I could!” Rainbow said with no small amount of pride and flared her wings. “Maybe Pinkie was right and you guys are big fans of ours.” “You’re full of crap Dusk, and that goes double for you! I could beat you with one wing tied behind my back!” Blitz yelled and started hovering in the air. “You can use both of your wings and I’ll still beat you with no trouble.” “Why don’t you put your skills where your mouth is?!” “Gladly. One lap around town, first one back wins,” Rainbow hovered to the same height as Blitz and smirked before adding, “I might even slow down for the little colt.” “Don’t bother! We start outside!” Blitz landed and stormed outside with Rainbow trotting confidently after him. “Wait, I wanna do the flag waving thing!” Pinkie shouted and bounced out the door. Both Twilight and Dusk sighed and the latter smiled at the former. “Sorry about that, he gets really vocal when he’s confused. A little exercise will do him some good,” Dusk said. “Rainbow Dash is much the same way,” Twilight returned and looked Dusk over before saying, “So… Dusk is it?” “Um… yeah, my name’s Dusk Shine and my friend is Rainbow Blitz. You’re Twilight Sparkle right?” “Yes, it’s nice to meet you. But who are you, since I find it easier to take anything Pinkie says with a dash of salt.” “Yeah, that’s kind of complicated. I think I have an idea what’s going on, and I’m going to need your help to confirm it.” “Ok, what do you need from me?” Dusk looked at Fluttershy, who had been quietly looking through a bookshelf, and leaned closer to Twilight. “Maybe we should talk somewhere else, if that’s ok with you.” “What do you mean?” “Well it’s just because your friend is here and I’m not sure if you told them some things. For instance, have you ever gone to this big park in Canterlot on your eleventh birthday and saw this big-“ “AAAAAA, ok I get it! Don’t say another word, just get up the stairs now!” Twilight frantically pushed Dusk up the stairs. Fluttershy thought she saw a blush on Twilight’s face as she did so. Once they were up in Twilight’s room, she turned back and said, “I hope you didn’t hear any of that Fluttershy.” “Oh, no I didn’t hear anything,” Fluttershy answered with a shake of her head. Twilight nodded and shut the door. Fluttershy blinked a couple of times before deciding that whatever Twilight meant was none of her business and picked a book at random from the shelf. “’A tale of two mares’? That sounds interesting,” she whispered and opened the book. She made it halfway through the first paragraph when she started to wonder how Rainbow was doing. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle had been sitting outside of the clubhouse for almost ten minutes in total silence. While this seemed like a good idea at first, now Scootaloo was practically dying of boredom. “What do you think is going on in there?” Scootaloo asked Sweetie as she rolled onto her back. “Didn’t Applebloom say she was going to fight for Spike’s soul? I guess anything like that would be too scary for someone like me,” Sweetie said with a glance at the clubhouse door. Just then, Scootaloo gasped and pointed up at the sky. “Look, it’s Rainbow Dash!” she yelled just as a streak of rainbow passed the sky above them. “She’s so cool how she flies like-“ a second rainbow trail joined the first one which stopped Scootaloo mid sentence. “Was that… her again? She’s gotten really fast, hasn’t she?” Sweetie asked. When Scootaloo didn’t answer, Sweetie looked down at her friend who was still staring at where the rainbow trails had been. “So… intense…” was all she mumbled. Thankfully Sweetie’s attention was drawn from her friend when Applebloom opened the clubhouse door and walked down with a large smile with Spike following particularly less happy and with a piece of paper on his head. “So… how did it go?” “Ah own his soul for the day!” Applebloom said with a chuckle. “Whatever…” Spike muttered lowly. “So… can we get milkshakes now? And Scootaloo is out of it again,” Sweetie said with a hoof motion at Scootaloo. “She’ll snap out of it. Spike, wake her up!” Applebloom looked back at Spike, who sighed and walked over to Scootaloo. “That milkshake better be worth it,” he said. Pinkie was waiting outside the library, right next to the finishing line she had drawn earlier for the Rainbows. ‘Hm, from the last time I timed Rainbow, she should be back right about…’ She looked at a nonexistent watch on her foreleg and didn’t flinch when two pegasi landed and skidded across the line, “Now. It’s getting really easy to time you Rainbow.” “Yeah whatever, I’m just glad I won,” Rainbow Dash said standing up. “No you didn’t, I won by a landslide!” Rainbow Blitz said pressing his forehead against Dash’s. “You wish! I was ahead by an inch!” “I was!” “It was too close to call,” Pinkie interrupted and brought Blitz and Dash into a hug, “now come on, let’s go see Twilight. I think she was telling stories to the nice stallion that looks like her.” Pinkie smiled and let the pegasi go as she walked into the library. Both Rainbows looked at each other and snorted. “This isn’t over,” Blitz whispered, “not by a long shot.” “Fine by me,” Dash returned and followed Pinkie inside. Once she got in, she found Fluttershy reading a book, which she seemed very into. “Whatcha reading, Fluttershy?” Fluttershy shrieked a little at the question and quickly closed the book. “It’s nothing! Just a… romance I was skimming,” she said and put the book back. “Pfft, romance,” Blitz said walking past the mares, “is there anything to eat here?” “Try the kitchen,” Dash said shaking her head, “he is getting on my nerves.” Fluttershy giggled a little and stood up to face Rainbow. “Some ponies say your greatest enemy is yourself. I guess that’s truer for you now?” she smiled softly at Rainbow, who rolled her eyes. “Sure, where’s Twilight?” Fluttershy pointed upstairs and Rainbow took a deep breath before flying up the stairs and listened to what was going on behind it. “Your friend is like Dusk, no sense of taste,” Blitz said walking back into the room, “all that’s in there is sandwich stuff and oat cereal. She really has to… ooh, what are you doing?” “Trying to eavesdrop, but I can’t hear a thing,” Rainbow answered and no sooner had she said that was Blitz next to her and listening as well. Dash shot him a look before putting her ear back on the door and said, “What are they doing in there?” “Dusk is really into sound dampening spells, so he probably used that. I swear, it’s like he’s trying to-“ Blitz was cut off when the bedroom door suddenly opened and knocked him and Dash off the stairs and onto the floor below. “Really? I would never have expected that from him,” Twilight said and walked down the stairs with Dusk behind her. “Yeah, I saw some of them, and Elusive must have been angry to make Rainbow wear things like that,” Dusk replied with a laugh, “I assume something similar happened here?” “Yeah, after Dodge Junction Rarity- oh, you two are back.” Twilight increased her pace and stared down at the two pegasi lying in a pile with Fluttershy and Dusk. “Are you alright?” Fluttershy asked picking up Rainbow Dash. “Yeah, I’m fine,” she answered. “Same here, as soon as the room stops spinning,” Blitz said. “Well that’s good, at least you didn’t break anything,” Dusk said and looked around the library, “where’d Pinkie go, I thought she was here?” “I’ve been here,” Pinkie answered next to Dusk, naturally startling Dusk, and held up a sandwich. “I hope you don’t mind that I made lunch Twilight.” “No, it’s fine Pinkie,” Twilight said and sat down next to Rainbow Dash, “So, should we tell them Dusk?” “I think we should wait for him to get his bearings,” Dusk said and rolled Blitz onto his stomach, “Come on Blitz, I know you’ve recovered from worse.” Blitz shook his head and sat up stretching his wings. “Alright I’m fine, so what’s up?” Blitz asked as Dusk sat next to him. “Well, I talked with Twilight for a bit and I think I confirmed what happened. It’s gonna take some explaining, so do you want a snack or something.” “Dude, just tell me what’s going on.” “Ok… we’re in another universe.” Dusk’s rather blunt explanation was met with a blank stare from Blitz as he looked at him, then Pinkie, then Twilight and Dash, Fluttershy, and then back at Dusk. “You know what, I will have some snacks. This seems like it’ll take a while.” “I’ll go get some,” Pinkie said and stood up, “do you girls want anything?” “If it’s no trouble, can you get me a sandwich?” Twilight asked. “I’m fine,” Rainbow said and Fluttershy simply shook her head. “Okey dokey, be back in a bit.” Pinkie trotted out of the room and Blitz fluttered his wings slightly. “So… when you say another universe…?” he asked slowly. “It’s exactly what it sounds like. You actually spooked me so much I took us to another plane of existence entirely. To my and Twilight’s knowledge, nopony else has done that before, so… there’s that.” “Ha, I did something before you!” Blitz shouted pointing at Dash, “What do you think of that?” “Whatever, so what is going on here Twilight?” Dash asked. “I got snacks!” Pinkie called and walked in with a bowl on her back and a plate on her head, setting the former in the middle of the group and the latter in front of Twilight. “Nachos, sweet!” Blitz complimented taking a chip. “Thanks Pinkie, and in answer to your question Rainbow, Dusk and Blitz are more or less us if we were stallions,” Twilight said levitating her sandwich off the plate, “That’s toning down the large amount of differences between us that I could figure out from our short talk, but that’s the absolute basics.” “So she’s not scared of fish like you?” Blitz asked Dusk teasingly. “Oddly enough, yes,” Dusk answered eating a chip, “but you might want to hold off on teasing me about that, because I know something embarrassing about you too.” “Like what?” Dash asked leaning forward. “One time Butterscotch- that would be Fluttershy where I come from- he got drunk of cider once and let slip that Blitz was really scared to touch the ground the first time he went to visit him after he moved to the ground.” “LIES! That’s a complete and utter lie!” Blitz shouted loudly, causing most of the ponies to flinch at the volume. “Is that true?” Pinkie asked looking at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow rubbed a foreleg and blushed a little in embarrassment. “It was only for one day,” she said and sighed, “I never been down there before that day, so what was I supposed to think?” “It’s ok Rainbow,” Twilight said placing a hoof on her shoulder, “and that actually helps back up our line of thinking on this.” “I agree with Twilight on this,” Dusk said and stood up to pace a little, “it’s not an exact match though. Day to day differences occur quite often, I doubt that Rainbow Dash and Rainbow Blitz have the same experiences on a given day, but major events tend to synch up rather well. I could go on all day about this, so you’re just going to have to trust me on this.” “Is Nightmare Moon still a mare here?” Blitz asked. “Yes, Nightmare Moon is still a mare here, but so is Prince Artemis so it’s consistent. He’s called Princess Luna here.” “Good, I’m still pissed about that. So I guess the biggest question is ‘are we completely screwed and am I going to have to find a way to make a living here?” “No.” was the simple answer Twilight gave. “Wait, what?” “The way you got here is highly unusual, at best, but it is based on actual magic theory. With Dusk’s help, the two of us should be able to figure out a way to get you two back home.” Blitz stared at Twilight for a moment before taking off into a hover with the biggest holler he’s had yet. “Are you serious?! I could kiss you right now! So when can we go back?” “Well, it’s just a theory. Nopony has ever done something like this, or at least I’ve never read about anything like that, so there’s going to be a lot of guesswork and speculation going into this. It would be very generous to say you could be back in a month, at least.” “Better than being here forever, I could still kiss you.” Reactions to that comment were mixed, from facehoofs from Dash and Dusk to a rather vivid blush from Twilight. “Anyway, we’re going to be here for a while,” Dusk spoke up hoping to erase the awkward atmosphere, “Which means we’re going to have to stay somewhere. I’m going to have to stay with Twilight, because we’re going to have to figure out the whole ‘getting back’ thing.” “Please don’t say I have to stay with her,” Blitz said pointing at Dash, “we’re gonna fight in the first hour!” “What, are you afraid I’ll beat you down?” Rainbow asked with a large smirk, which was returned with a very angry look from Blitz. “I’d like to see you try.” “Well, thanks for the lunch Twilight,” Pinkie said bouncing up to Twilight, “I have to go plan the parties for Dusk and Blitz. Maybe one bit party that could count as five? I’ll let you know, bye!” Pinkie proceeded to bounce out of the library with Fluttershy politely excusing herself as well. “That’s going to be interesting,” Blitz commented and looked at Dusk, “so are we going to tell the others about this when we get back?” “That depends on what happens,” Dusk answered and looked at Twilight, “we better get started, the sooner the better after all.” “I should write a letter to Princess Celestia. She should be able to provide some insight on this,” Twilight said standing up and walking to her stationary table. “I’ll look for ‘The All knowing Guide to Teleportation.’ Maybe I can find the spell I was working on when Blitz spooked me.” With the two unicorns gone and busy, Rainbow Dash and Blitz were left to stare at each other. “Round two?” Dash offered. “You’re on,” Blitz replied and flew out of the library with Dash on his heels.