A New Beginning

by Mr101


The white stallion stroked his chin as he eyes the blue mare up and down cautiously but smiled and raised his hoof to his guards who stepped aside.

“So tell me miss, what do I call you?”

“You do not need to know me name, only know I’m helping you in return for getting my own personal revenge against that brute Ratchet and I suspect you would love to just have that too don’t you…Flicktail”

The stallion snorted and raised his brow curiously not sure how the mare knew his name but offered no sign of suspicion and merely smiled at her.

“Very well…tell me what you know…”


The group sat on the train as it rolled down the tracks on its way to Ponyville their moods higher than ever, Rarity and Spike were snuggling close to one another as Twilight and Rarity talked about the Princess and their days. Ratchet and Ditzy were sitting beside them Ditzy had drifted off asleep and was cuddling into Ratchet a soft smile on her face, Ratchet was looking out the window enjoying the peacefulness and smiled enjoying the soft breathing coming from Ditzy.

“I’m glad that incident with those three ponies didn’t escalate too much before some pony really got hurt, but something about the description you gave on the leader bothers me…” Twilight said scribbling down something on her scroll.
“In what way dear” Rarity asked her.

“He just sounds familiar that’s all…something the guards were talking about when I was with the Princess, it’s nothing don’t worry about it” Twilight smiled as she rolled her scroll up.

Rarity was about to press further when Spike yawned loudly and rubbed his eyes.

“Hmmm…what you two talking about?” he murmured blinking his eyes lazily.

“Nothing Spike” Twilight giggled “Seems we need to get you to bed”

“No I’m fine twilight I’m…” Spike interrupted himself by yawning long and wide before smacking his lips. “…fine”
Rarity giggled softly and pulled him in for a warm hug “You should get some rest when you get home Spikey Wikey…you’ve had a long day”

“Ok Rarity…for you I’ll “He yawned mid-sentence again and leant against her drifting off to sleep smiling to himself.

The train continued to roll down the tracks the sounds almost quiet and non-existent to the group on board, Twilight smiled as she re-opened her scroll to continue writing the moon’s light filling up the carriage as the others slept softly. She began to write whispering to herself the words she wrote.

“Dear Princess Celestia,

I don’t know much about how a relationship between two ponies who love each other can really affect other ponies around them, but after witnessing the emotions between Rarity Spike Ditzy and my latest friend Ratchet, I can happily report that I know how their feelings can make others feel.

Today, my dear assistant and friend Spike finally asked Rarity to be his marefriend as Ratchet asked Ditzy and they both said yes and when they met back up with me I could feel a radiating power coming from all of them. I could feel the power of their love and it was as strong as magic. I am happy to of been able to feel this power and I’m very happy for the two couples, I’ll be more than happy to continue reporting on my findings on the power of love for you Princess alongside my reports on friendship.

You’re faithful Student.

Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight smiled finishing her letter and was about to ask Spike to send it to the Princess but remembered he was asleep and giggled to herself softly.

“I’ll send it tomorrow…” she whispered to herself as she pulled out a book she had picked up at the Canterlot archives and began to read.

The train came to a stop at Ponyville as the group descended from the train except for Spike who was resting on Rarity’s back sound asleep; the others chuckled as Twilight lifted him up with her magic and placed him gently on her back. Rarity came over to him and kissed his cheek softly prompting a murmur and a smile from Spike; she giggled and whispered to him.

“Good night my Spikey Wikey…”

Rarity said goodnight to Twilight Ratchet and Ditzy who in turn said their goodnights and went their separate ways, Ratchet and Ditzy walked side by side enjoying each other’s company in the light of the moon, the teddy bear Ratchet had given to her balancing on her back. They arrived at a house belonging to a grey coated unicorn who smiled as she let them into her home.

“Thank you so much again for looking after Dinky today Star Charmer” Ditzy said to the mare

“Not at all Ditzy dear” Star Charmer smiled as she looked over to the two fillies that were asleep on the sofa “Cloud Dancer and Dinky had a great time today”

“That’s good, so how is everything? How’s Iron Clad doing?”

“Oh he’s fine; he’s currently on patrol near Appleloosa”

The two talked more about their lives as Ratchet went to check on Dinky, as he approached the little filly stirred and opened her eyes slightly.


“Hey kid, me and your mum have come to take you home” he smiled down at her as Cloud Dancer woke up flapping her little wings.

They were joined by Ditzy and Star who came over smiling; Ditzy produced the teddy bear and Dinky gasped before pouncing it and snuggled it giggling Cloud fluttered over to her mother and looked up at her with eyes saying ‘I want one’.

“How are you my little muffin?”

“I’m fine mummy; did you have a good time with Mr Ratchet?”

“Yes I did” Ditzy giggled and she leant down and nuzzled Dinky’s cheek.

The three gave their goodbyes to Star Charmer and Cloud Dancer and made their way to Ditzy’s home with Dinky riding on her mother’s back, she murmured as she nodded off silently cuddling the teddy. Ditzy and Ratchet smiled to each other as they approached her door, Ditzy quietly opening the door she turned to Ratchet and smiled at him.

“Thank you….for today”

“No problem…” Ratchet smiled back at her.

“No I mean it…today was one of the best days ever…” she blushed smiled leaning in kissing Ratchet on the lips, Ratchet smiled before returning the kiss. “Well…better get this one into bed” Ditzy smiled looking back at the sleeping Dinky.

“Ok…I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“Definitely” Ditzy giggled and kissed him again before entering her home and closing the door, Ratchet stood there for a while smiling to himself before heading off towards his home humming to himself softly.

‘I can’t believe how well today went’ he thought to himself as he turned a corner, he stopped for a second as a strange feeling came over him. He turned around to scan the area squinting his eyes to peer into the shadows, after a while he couldn’t see anything and shrugged as he continued walking to his home.


“That was to bucking close…” the blue Pegasus said quietly peeking out from his cover to see if Ratchet had moved away, he felt a smack to the back of his head and turned growling at the blue mare. “What was that for?!”

“For nearly giving away our cover! We need to get to the flat I rented out and discuss the plan there”

“I don’t understand why we can’t just rush him now”

“Because you simple minded idiot” the mare smacked his head again “Your boss put me in charge of this and we will do this MY way understand?”

“Whatever, I still don’t get why you had to write down the plan for the boss and leave it with him” The Pegasus grumbled rubbing his head, the mare turned back with a scowl as she watched Ratchet slowly disappeared from view.

“Because you idiot, it shows a level of planning which you and your boss seemed to of lacked” The Pegasus glared at her but she ignored it “Soon Ratchet…soon you will feel the awesome and powerful revenge of the great-“the mare resisted the urge to say anymore fearing it would give her position away and wake some pony up “Come on” she said leading the two stallions towards a building.


Ratchet woke up early the next morning feeling cheerful and almost lept out of bed heading downstairs to have some breakfast, he was planning on surprising Ditzy and Dinky by inviting them over for dinner after he had finished inspecting the trains at the station. Finishing his breakfast and cleaning his teeth he equipped APAU and headed out of the shop, it was still fairly early so not many ponies were out yet only a couple were up and about, Ratchet spotted the other mail pony that resided in Ponyville pushing a package into a tree before an angry looking squirrel threw it back at him.

He chuckled to himself and trotted off humming to himself as he headed towards the train station, again he stopped for a moment getting the same strange feeling he got the previous night. He turned round and scanned the area once more only seeing the mail pony and a couple of the stall owners setting up, after a while he shook his head and carried on walking.

‘Coulda sworn I felt some ponies eyes on me…’

From behind the trees a grey unicorn watched him carefully before heading off down the road looking up to a building and nodding at the blue Pegasus that was watching from the window who nodded in response.

“He’s gone to the station”

“Good” replied the mare “We can now start our plan”

She left the room using her magic to levitate the hood over her head once more and was followed by the Pegasus and re-joined the unicorn in the streets and headed off avoiding the main road towards Ratchet’s shop, as they approached the Pegasus and unicorn turned around facing away from the door standing guard as the mare inspected the door. She gave it a quick kick with her hoof and then cast a spell on the lock with her horn unlocking the door, she entered by herself and scanned the shop front and made a mental note of the layout, walking to the different machines giving them a good looking over before nodding in satisfaction and leaving the shop. She used her magic to relock the door and beckoned for the two stallions to follow her back to the flat.


Ratchet paused for a moment as APAU tweaked a bolt on the train’s wheel and looked towards the town.

‘What an odd feeling…must be the oats” he thought to himself shrugging it off as he carried on with his work, he spent a good hour and a half checking over the two trans that were stationed in the sidings before reporting to the drivers and confirming both engines were fit for duty. They thanked him and as he left the station his stomach rumbled.

“Time for lunch!” he said to no pony in particular.

He headed to the local café and he saw Ditzy and Dinky coming down the road and immediately he grinned his pace quickening as he went to greet them, APAU shot out and waved to the pair Dinky was the first to see APAU and gasped before running over and bouncing around him giggling loudly.

“You love mummy you love mummy!” she said over and over.

“Hehe…yes I do” he smiled up at Ditzy who giggled at him.

“I told her this morning and she demanded we seek you out for lunch”

Ratchet laughed as he ruffled Dinky’s hair and she sat at a table, Ratchet and Ditzy sat with her and a waiter came over to take their order. Ratchet ordered a sandwich as did Ditzy Ratchet turned to Dinky and smiled.

“You can order anything you like Dinky”

“REALLY?” Dinky gasped and scanned the contents of the menu a hungry glare in her eyes like a lion watching a gazelle “I’ll haaaaave….hay fries please Mr Waiter”

“Very good young miss-“

“OH AND SOME CHOCOLATE CAKE AFTERWARDS!” Dinky interrupted grinning as the waiter nodded taking the menus and headed back to the kitchen.

“Oh I nearly forgot would you like to come round for dinner tonight?” Ratchet asked Ditzy.

“I don’t know, I’ll have to ask my little muffin “she giggled turning her head to Dinky who was playing with the salt shaker “What do you reckon, shall we have dinner at Ratchet’s tonight?”

“That depends” Dinky said in a serious tone of voice catching Ratchet off guard, she glared at hi m her face etched with pure concentration “…Will there be….muffins?”

“Oh yes Dinky, many muffins” Ratchet grinned.

Dinky just burst into fits of giggles with Ditzy and Ratchet soon following suit and laughing, soon after their orders arrived and the three tucked into their lunches.

“They look like a family don’t they?” Fluttershy said to Twilight as the two walked from the library to the café for their lunches as well seeing the three eating their food, Fluttershy balancing some animal books on her back.

“They do as well, it’s so nice to see Ditzy and Dinky happy, I’ve never really known who Dinky’s father was” Twilight replied
“W-well no pony does really…”Fluttershy said her tone sad “Ditzy’s never told any pony…”

Twilight frowned as they approached the café, they greeted Ditzy and Ratchet before sitting at their own table, and they let the three eat in private smiling at the scene which still reminded them of a family. After the three had finished their food they said goodbye to the two girls and headed of down the road, they came to a stop as Ratchet turned to Ditzy.

“Well I gotta go do another job so I’ll see you two tonight then?”

“Ok, we need to go and get some groceries as well as pick up other bits and bobs so we will see you later” Ditzy replied, they both kissed each other as Dinky giggled and began to sing as she left with her mother.

“Ratchet and mummy sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g”

Ratchet chuckled to himself as he went in the opposite direction smiling to himself. As the day went by Ratchet returned home and place APAU back on his stand and set him into standby before he headed for the kitchen, he decided to cook a pasta bake for the girls and set everything up alongside ingredients he would need to make muffins. He hadn’t made muffins before so propped open his cook book he had borrowed from Twilight and began to read its pages, the whole thing didn’t take him that long but he realised he hadn’t gotten a baking tray for muffins, frowning to himself he had an idea and poured the muffin mixture into a large glass bowl placing it in the over. Nodding happily he checked his pasta bake and smiled and noticed it was getting dark so he headed upstairs to have a quick shower before the girls arrived.


The blue mare was pacing back and forth occasionally looking out of the window waiting for Ratchet to return, the two stallions behind her were sat at a table playing a game of poker and drinking in silence.

“Urgh I cannot stand this infuriating waiting!” she said stomping a hoof out of frustration.

“Relax…he’ll be back soon enough” the unicorn said lacing his cards on the table, Pegasus gowned in annoyance as the unicorn used his magic to pull the pile of bits towards him.

“I’ll relax once I have gotten my revenge” she retorted before going back to pacing, she didn’t have to wait long before she spotted Ratchet returning to his home. She grinned and levitated her hood over her head “Were on”

The two stallions smirked as they followed her out of the building and down the road towards Ratchet’s home. As they approached the door the blue mare peeked in through the window to see Ratchet ascend the stairs, taking the opportunity she turned to the two stallions and whispered to them.

“You two idiots know the plan?”

The blue Pegasus looked annoyed and grunted “Yeah yeah you get yours and the boss’s revenge and then we leave to catch the last train back to Canterlot we know”

“Good, now follow me”

Carefully she used her magic to unlock the door and they silently made their way in the unicorn and stallion checking the coast was clear and carefully she relocked the door, they heard the sound of hooves coming from the stairs and heard Ratchet start coming down the stairs.

“I knew I forgot to do something-“he stopped at the bottom of the stairs as he stared at the three in the room instantly recognising the two stallions “You two again? What do you think you’re doing here and how the hay did you know where I live?” he demanded as the two laughed, the blue mare stepping forward.

“Because I told them” she lowered her hood as Ratchet growled angrily slamming a hoof in to the floor.


“Yes Ratchet it is I the Great and Powerful Trixie!” Trixie stood on her back legs smirking “I said I would have my revenge and tonight I will have it!”

“Are you stupid or something Trixie? What makes you think you’ll even get away with this exactly some pony will hear me if I yell loud enough” Ratchet smirked at her but was confused as Trixie laughed at him.

“You fool! You think that I the Great and Powerful Trixie did not have a plan!” to demonstrate she used her magic to turn on all of Ratchet’s machines he had in the store front filling the room quickly with the loud sounds easily drowning out any cries for help he could yell.

Quickly he ran to the nearest one trying to turn it off but no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t turn it off and noticed the switches and buttons and power cables had Trixie’s magic glowing around them.

“It’s no use Ratchet” she levitated a long length of rope above her planning to tie him up like with Applejack” now you will feel the wrath of the Great and Powerful Trixie-“

Trixie was cut off as the two stallions stepped in front of her both with menacing looks in their eyes.

“What are you two idiots doing?! You’re ruining the Great and Powerful Trixie’s revenge! This isn’t part of the plan!”
“Shut it bitch, were doing what the boss wants us to do not you!” the Pegasus growled at her and bucked his legs into her face sending her into the wall, she hit the wall with a thud and slid down it holding her face in pain as blood poured from her nose, tears streaked down her face.

“W-what are you d-doing!” she shrieked at them as they advanced on Ratchet and ignored her.

“We’re here to teach you a lesson in respect you little shit” the unicorn said his horn glowing.

Ratchet backed up slightly in fear, he quickly glanced at APAU hoping to be able to dodge the two and grab him and use him but the unicorn caught his glance and smirked.

“Oh you want this?” he levitated the bags to him and smirked “Lucky the blue bitch told us about him isn’t it?” he laughed loudly along with the Pegasus as Ratchet looked at Trixie, he saw he crying softly trying to avert his gaze as he growled at the two.

“Put him down!”

“Gladly…” the unicorn smirked slamming APAU into the wall hard with his magic, a loud smash of metal was heard as APAU fell to the floor the twin boxes falling from their bags slightly battered. Before Ratchet could run over to him the Pegasus s suddenly brought his hooves down onto the boxes and crushed them beneath his hooves.

“NO!” Ratchet cried out before being picked up by the unicorn’s magic and thrown backwards into the wall hard, Ratchet’s eyes widened as he coughed blood up and slumped to the floor. Trixie gasped and shakily stood up.

“S-stop please! This isn’t what I w-wanted”

“Exactly, this is what the boss wanted” the unicorn replied.

Trixie whimpered slightly and started to conjure a spell, the unicorn laughed and picked her up with his own magic and threw her against the door laughing.

“Just stay down you stupid bitch, our problem is with him”

Trixie winced and cried out in pain looking to Ratchet who received a hoof to his stomach by the Pegasus, she scrambled to her hooves and unlocked the door stumbling out and limped as fast as she could towards the library.

‘I need Twilight’s help!’ she thought as she hurried as fast as she could.

Ratchet tried to stand up as blood poured from his nose before receiving another magic slam into opposing wall with a crunch and screamed in pain, his front leg bending at an unnatural angle as he fell to the floor looking up at the two stallions who only smirked maliciously at him.

“Come on you little bucker, where’s all that spunk from earlier gone eh?” the Pegasus mocked as he kicked Ratchet in the face again sending him to the floor holding his closed eye in pain struggling to focus coughing more blood onto the floor.

“Hey smell that?” the unicorn sniffed the air smelling the pasta bake “Seems he’s cooking dinner, and from the look of how everything is set up…he’s gunna have company”

“I bet it’s that crossed eyed bitch from earlier”

“N-no…don’t you bucking g-go near her” Ratchet said weakly as he struggled to stand breathing heavily as he stood in front of the two, the unicorn shot him back into the wall before launching him up into the celling and slamming him into the floor. Ratchet cried out in pain again as blood poured from his face and he slowly tried to stand up.

“And what are you going to do eh?” the unicorn taunted him as Ratchet slumped down again his vision becoming blurry” You can’t even stand straight”

“We better wrap it up the boss is gunna expect us back soon” the Pegasus said to his friend.

“Your right” he levitated a knife Ratchet used on wood and smirked “Maybe we should…pay her a quick visit and have some ‘fun’ with her” he laughed with the Pegasus heading to the door.

Ratchet suddenly yelled out in anger and with the last of his strength pushed himself up and ran at the two determined to not let them get to Ditzy, the two turned round startled at him and before they could react Ratchet launched himself at the Pegasus.


Ditzy was humming to herself as she brushed her mane in front of the mirror; she was looking forward to the dinner and a chance to spend time with her two favourite ponies, ever since she and Dinky had gotten home from shopping all Dinky would talk about was how well Ratchet could make muffins and had pleaded her mother to let her make an evaluation list on his cooking skills. Ditzy giggled to herself as she remembered letting her but only if she could keep it secret from Ratchet till afterwards.

She headed out of her bedroom and was about to open Dinky’s door when she heard her talking, curiously she poked her head in and saw Dinky with her back to her playing a tea party with her dolls.

“And tonight Mr Teddy we’re going to Ratchet’s house for dinner!”

She paused for a moment and nodded at the bear simulating it replying.

“That’s right Mr Teddy, the pony who won you for me, what’s that Mrs Rabbit?”

She turned her head to the pink rabbit to her left.

“Well I want him to be my daddy, he loves mummy and they look happy together”

Ditzy blushed and smiled softly at her little muffin and her mind began to wonder.

‘Maybe I should ask Ratchet if he wants to move in with us…I know Dinky will like that’

‘And who knows…he may even pop the question in a couple of months and she can finally have a proper family…’

‘Well just hold it there missy, first things first we will have dinner then see how it goes from there’

“Mummy? “

Ditzy snapped out of it and saw Dinky tilting her head at her.

“Whatcha doing?”

“Uhm nothing Dinky, just came to see if you’re ready to go to Ratchet’s”

Dinky giggled and bounced up and down

“I’m so hungry I could ride a manticore!” Dinky paused for a moment “I don’t get it….I guess I could ride it to the store”
Ditzy couldn’t help but giggle as she led the filly out of the home and towards Ratchet’s house.



There was blood all over the floor and it was still coming, Ratchet winced as he looked at the Pegasus his eyes wide who in return was staring at Ratchet’s side his mouth agape, Ratchet slowly looked to the unicorn who had the same expression before turning his head down to see the knife embedded inside of him and blood pouring from the wound. The unicorn let go of the knife with his magic and Ratchet stumbled back slightly before collapsing breathing rapidly crying in agony, the unicorn began to panic.

“Oh buck we aren’t meant to kill him!”

“Shit what do we do!?” the Pegasus said biting his lip.

“I don’t know I…” the unicorn stopped and looked to the kitchen then back to the Pegasus “Burn it…”

“You what?!”

“He’s cooking dinner if we set fire to the place then it looks like an accident with the cooker!”

“But what about the bucking blood?!-” the unicorn smacked the Pegasus in the face.

“The fire should get rid of it now come on!”

The Pegasus pulled the knife from Ratchet who screamed in pain as the blood formed a pool around him, the unicorn ran into the kitchen levitating a plank of wood and returned a few moments later with it on fire, and quickly he began to light the work place with it. As the fire began to kick off around the machines he dropped the plank and opened the door with his magic.

“Come on quick!” he yelled at the Pegasus who just stared in disbelief at Ratchet.

The unicorn used his magic to drag his friend out before slamming the door shut and both Stallions ran for the station, the Pegasus discarding the knife in a nearby bush not noticing the trail of blood it left behind.

Ratchet began to cough violently as the smoke filled his lungs, tears formed in his eye as he groaned in pain trying to crawl forwards but struggling to gain any movement. Defeated he slumped his head down as he coughed more and more his vision going hazy as he silently began to sob.

“Ditzy…Dinky…I’m sorry…”

His vision then slowly went black.