//------------------------------// // Plan of Attack // Story: My Little Portal- Friendship Is Science // by Luna Plays Minecraft //------------------------------// Everypony continued on through the vents in silence. Pinkie Pie's hair deflated and was now covering her face. "Her room isn't far now. I recognize this place." Rainbow Dash told them. "And what is your plan of attack, captain." Wheatly asked. Rainbow glared at him. "I- I don't know." "WE'RE DOOMED!" "Would you shut it? You haven't even helped us at all, you're just slowing us down. If it were up to me, I would throw you in the incinerator. You dhould be thanking Fluttershy for taking care of you and carrying you everywhere." Rainbow snapped. Wheatly stayed silent for a moment, but then said, "Who is Fluttershy?" Rainbow face-hoofed. "The one carrying you. I'm Rainbow Dash, that's Pinkie Pie, that's Rarity, and the one who died back there is Twilight Sparkle." She told him. They continued on in awkward silence until Pinkie finally had enough of it. "So.... Read any good books lately?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It took a while, but they were finally 100 hooves above GLaDOS' room. "You do realize she will kill us instantly, right?" Wheatly asked. "Not on my watch." Rainbow replied. "Oh, alright. Because that makes me feel so much better." He said sarcastically. "Um, I don't mean to bother you but... How do we get down?" Fluttershy asked. "I didn't really think about this..." Rainbow replied, causing a lot of face-hoofing. "Um, maybe we could carry them down one at a time to where GLaDOS can't see them." Fluttershy offered. "Shy, you're brilliant!" Dash told her. "Yea, not gonna work, she has cameras everywhere." Wheatly pointed out. Chell grabbed the portal gun, dropping down with her long fall boots and expertly shooting portals at all of the cameras. "Or we can just do that..." He said. "Fluttershy, take Wheatly down first, then Rarity. I'll take Pinkie Pie. Okay?" Fluttershy nodded, and jumped out of the vent, spreading her wings and going into a glide. Rainbow followed, carrying Pinkie Pie, and going into a nose dive. Pinkie had to stick her hoof in her mouth so that she did not scream. They landed in a corner behind GLaDOS, and Fluttershy went back up to get Rarity. She was back in a minute, and set Rarity down next to the others. They began to advance on GLaDOS, when she spoke. "I know you are there. You think I would not notice all of the cameras being destroyed, or you missing from the test chambers?" She asked. "I kind of didn't think you would notice." Rainbow said nervously. "Well, now that you're here, killing you will be a lot easier. I think I will kill you last, so you can watch your other friends die. Oh, and don't think I forgot about little Wheatly. Oh yes, his death will be much worse. Perhaps I will let him spend some time in a potato, so he can know how I felt when he did it to me. Yes, this will be very fun." She told them. "If you want to hurt them, you have to get through me!" Rainbow yelled, making GLaDOS chuckle. "I am prepared to do that. I think I will use the Neurotoxin today. It has been a long time since I last used that stuff. At least Chell was smart enough to destroy the Neurotoxin generator, and replace my good turrets with defective ones. But you were so foolish to come here and expect to kill me with out doing that. They say anger clouds ones mind. I think i'm starting to believe that." GLaDOS said to the cyan pegasus. "Let me just warm up the Neurotoxin generator, and let the fun be doubled." A countdown appeared on the wall. "You all have about three and a half minutes. Any last words?" "I have something to say, but it wont be the last thing." Rainbow replied, and charged GLaDOS. She simply put up a shield, and Rainbow bounced off of it like a fly to a window. And then the turrets appeared. "Oh, would you look at that. The fun has been tripled!" GLaDOS cheered. "Is anyone there?" One asked innocently, and then they fired they're rounds. Rainbow heard Rarity scream, followed by a terrible noise from Pinkie Pie. When the turrets were out of ammo, rainbow rushed to them as fast as she could. Fluttershy dropped Wheatly and followed. The unicorn and earth pony had terrible bullet wounds. Wounds that would not heal. "Oh no. No! Not you girls too!" Rainbow cried. Pinkie smiled at her. "Don't worry about us, you need to destroy GLaDOS. And don't let that meanie come back!" She said, and breathed her last breath, and Rarity did the same. Rainbow turned to GLaDOS. "You'll pay for this!" She screamed, and flew at breakneck speeds towards GLaDOS. The sound barrier appeared, and there was a loud boom. Chell and Fluttershy gasped in shock, then Fluttershy realized something. "We forgot Applejack..." Meanwhile, in the vent... "Hello? is anypony there? Should I drop down there too? Ok, let me just get mah legs through this hole and- AHHHHH!" Now there is a third dead body in GLaDOS' room. Fluttershy fainted. As Rainbow dash collided with the shields, they snapped like twigs, and then she hit GLaDOS. Rainbow felt her neck snap. It was not as painless as they say it is. Rainbow was dead, but so was GLaDOS. Knowing this, she could rest in peace. "Alright, she's dead, but without her, this entire facility will explode! We need to get out like, now!" Wheatly told the two remaining ponies. "Oh, um, alright. I guess I can carry you in my mouth, and I can carry Chell with my hooves..." Fluttershy began, but Chell shook her head. "Go." She mouthed. Fluttershy looked at her in horror. "But if I don't carry you, you'll die!" "And if you do, we won't get out fast enough!" Wheatly snapped, and Chell smiled. "I can't leave you!" She told Chell. This time, Chell pushed her. "Go!" Tears came to Fluttershy's eyes. "I'll never forget you... I don't want to lose another one of my friends!" She sobbed. "We need to go NOW if we want to make it out alive." Wheatly urged. "Goodbye Chell. And Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Twilight." She said, picking up Wheatly and taking to the sky. The roof was torn apart, and the last thing Fluttershy saw of Chell was her smiling at Fluttershy, before being covered with flames. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 year later. After Celestia Science exploded, Fluttershy and Wheatly returned to her world. Princess Celestia herself came to the funeral of the five of the mane six, and Chell. Fluttershy's life was sort of back to normal. Wheatly lived at her cottage, and she install a rail so he could move around. The elements of harmony went back to Celestia and Luna, where they were used once more to defeat discord again. The worst part of it all for Fluttershy, was telling her friend's family, that they were not coming back. But life went on, and Fluttershy got a family of her own, and lived happily ever after. The end... Or is it?