Agent of Chaos

by Enfield


Well here it is, my cover has been blown and the entirety of the royal family is now accusing me of poisoning them with the cake that I made. I cower by the the side of my Interceptor and watch as the guards and Shining converge on me.
"Don't even think about running." Shining said. He's right, I'm surrounded on all sides and I have no way to escape. But I did plan for a situation like this.
"Nine banger activate!" I yell. A pop and a fizz follow as the model lunar lander shoots up twenty feet into the air and hovers for a second. As the ponies watch it the lander explodes in a series of bright flashes and loud bangs. I shield my eyes and cover my ears but there's still a ringing in my ears after the explosion takes place. I look and see the entire crowd has been disorientated and stunned along with the guards, this is the opening I need. I bolt out of the courtyard and run down the hallway, looking to see if there are any signs that will lead me to the Elements Of Harmony. My search begins to frustrate me and the staring ponies and groups of guards watch as I run through the halls and try to weave my way through the crowds. I stop and try to choose which hallway would lead me to the Elements.
Her voice makes everypony and guard look at me with either confusion or anger. I smile sheepishly and back away into another room.

"He went this way!" I hear Shining yell. Some of the guards in the room I just left now are advancing on me. I bolt from that room and run up a winding staircase to my left. I look around and see that there's only three doors at the end of the hall and a few guards are coming out of the door on the left. I hide behind a statue but the guards are running towards me. I panic knowing that they might know who I am but they might be running to help the Princess's and to quell the ruckus that has just started downstairs. As they close in I manage to hear them.
"Come on! He's around here somewhere!" one guard yells.
"Oh no, he's referring to me," I think as I try to sink against the wall. Then I try to think of something to make so I can hide in it. One idea springs to mind but it might not work. As the guards near I tell myself that it's now or never and I create a cardboard box and dive under it.
"Down here!" a guard yells. I try to stay as still as I possibly can but the guards are now right next to me.
"Where did this come from?" on guard asks.
"It's just a box, leave it," another said.
"He could be under it."
"Come on, what idiot would hide under a box?"
"An idiot trying to hide."
Were they calling me an idiot? Hypocrites, if I'm such an idiot then why don't they find out if I am one and life up the box? A small argument breaks out and I hear three guards run off leaving the two arguing with me.
"Should we lift it?" the first guard asks.
"On three," the other replies. I get ready knowing that I have one chance to overpower these two headcases and get the Elements.
"One..." I adjust my stance to strike.
"Two..." I wonder if these two know where the Elements are, probably not since they were bickering about whether to look under the box or not.
"Three!" light takes over darkness as the box is lifted off of me. The two stare at me in amazement as I lay there like a tiger.
"Gotya!" the first guard says. I jump up and grab the both of them and knock them out as I slam them on the floor. After the two are out cold I stuff them under the box and run through the middle door.

The middle door leads to another massive hallway that ends in a strange looking door. On both sides of the hall, there are stained windows each one depicts some sort of story that I don't think twice about until I come across one window that shows what looks like Discord being zapped by six ponies, around them are none other than the Elements of Harmony. Not the real ones but I know what they look like now. As I walk down the hall two heavily armed guards stand by the door, spears crossed and looking stern.
"Halt, who dares enter the Hall of the Elements?" one of the guards ask.
"I just wanted to see the Elements of Harmony," I say as casually as I possibly can.
"Nopony is allowed to enter the Holding Room, Celestia has called for a lockdown of the castle," The other guard said.
The two are holding me up and the sounds of running hooves grow closer. This is a long shot but it might allow me to pass. The Element of Chaos glows red and I hold up one hoof.
"I am not the pony they are looking for," I say. The guard's eyes become purple and glassy.
"You are not the pony they are looking for," they repeat in a hollow voice.
"I was never here," I say.
"You were never here," the guards repeat. Now to get in the holding room.
"You may pass."
"You may pass Mr. Websly."
I nod and enter the room that contain the Elements. I shut the door and press my ear next to it. Outside I hear Shining Armor and what sounds like twenty guards run down the hall way and end at the door.
"Did anypony come down here?" Shining asks the guards.
"I didn't see anything," one guard said.
"Who are you looking for?" the other asks.
"A stallion known as Scott Websly," Shining said, "He's gray and wearing a steel colored suit."
"I haven't seen anything sir," the guard said. Shining huffs and runs away with the rest of the guards. I breath a sigh of relief and turn around. Behind me is a large glass box and inside are the real Elements Of Harmony.

I slowly approach the glass box and the Element Of Chaos starts to glow and levitate off my chest. The light from the moon illuminates the box and the Elements Of Harmony, but as I get closer the Elements Of Harmony glow red and levitate off their pedestals and float towards me. The glass melts and now the Elements are in my reach. I stop and stare at them for a few seconds before I pluck the Element of Magic out of the air, the fact that it's a tiara makes me chuckle and then without another second of delay, the Element Of Chaos touches the Element of Magic and the purple star shaped stone shatters to a million pieces. The pieces land on the floor along with the stoneless tiara, I stare in amazement as the shattered remains turn to dust and are absorbed by the Element Of Chaos, a rush of power surges through me and I feel much stronger. After I get over the strange feeling I start destroying each and every one of the Elements until all that remains are the necklaces. Just like before, each and every Element is absorbed by the Element Of Chaos leaving me feeling rather peculiar but incredibly powerful at the same time.
"Yes! Yes! Excellent work Scott!" a voice says from behind me. I turn around and see Discord smiling and clapping as I take each of the broken trinkets that once held the Elements.
"All in a days work," I say as I toss them at him. Discord catches them and looks at me in confusion.
"Did you disintegrate the Elements?"
"Yes, they are all destroyed," I say, clearly Discord hasn't seen what happened to the Elements after they were all shattered. I keep quiet in case I need to use that to my advantage. The sound of running hooves and shouts makes us both face the door, Discord tells me to stand in front of the broken Elements as he makes the room darker. The door suddenly busts open and the entire Royal Family is standing in the doorway along with Twilight and her friends. After a minute of silence Celestia is the first to speak.

"Scott Websly! What is the meaning of this?"
"He told me to," I say, "If I didn't do what he said then I was going to die."
"Who are you talking about?" Luna asks me.
"He's behind me," I say. Suddenly, the Element Of Chaos glows red and I see the group in front of me back away slowly in surprise. I know who they've seen.
"Hello Celestia."
Before anypony reacts a bright red light shoots out from above me and strikes each of the ponies. I watch as they drop to the floor and Discord walks over to them. He smiles as he observes the bodies of the group, then he faces me.
"And so begins the Reign Of Discord."