Bioshock: Forgotten Elements

by Barrobroadcaster

Changing with the tide

Two Days Later
Canterlot Castle Throne room

Princess Celestia paced back and fourth in her own throne room. She looked to the stained glass windows that lined the grand hall. They inspired her but she knew each one also held a profecy, knowledge of future events not yet transpired. In a way, they were windows to the future. She examined each one in detail whenever a crisis took place in the chance that the light of truth shone through these windows that could provide some clue as to what was happening. She sighed as she examined the last one; it seemed she'd find no illumination in this glass today.

The doors to her throne room opened abruptly. Her student Twilight Sparkle galloped in along with her friends from Ponyville. She'd relied on Twilight and her friends before in sitiuations like this and she was confident she could count on them again today. She only wished she could do more for them.

"Your Highness! We came as soon as we could!", Twilight said, sounding almost breathless as she and her five friends skidded to a halt before the princess. Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rarity stopped alongside Twilight. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy remained flying, ready for whatever was about to take place. Spike had been riding on Twilight's back and dismounted his friend, taking his place at her side. It was just easier for him this way; he wasn't able to run as fast as them on only two legs.

"My most faithful student Twilight, there is a situation developing that requires immediate attention.", Celestia said. She used her magic and a globe rose from the center of the room. Twilight and her friends gathered around it. Each of them pondered the sphere before finally realizing what it was they were looking at.

"Is that Equestria?", Spike asked, scratching his chin.

"Yes, this is Equestria, our world. Recently, we've had reports of strange seismic disturbances coming from the surface of Equestria around this area.", Princess Celestia explained. She highlighted an area of the globe with a glow from her horn. The others gathered around and examined the globe.

"Wait, these seismic disturbances are coming from the ocean?", Twilight asked her teacher.

"The seafloor around this area. As you know, the ocean's ecosystem is very delicate. We need you to investigate this seismic activity and ensure that it's not a danger to Equestria.", the princess said.

"How are we supposed to get to the ocean floor? The sky I got, the sea, not so much.", Rainbow Dash commented.

"For that, we're going to have to use a form of magic that is a tad unorthodox. The seafloor is only accessable at this time by sea ponies. In order for surface ponies to reach the depths, you will need a special kind of magic", Celestia explained. They all exchanged glances in the throne room, looks of concern on each of their faces.

"What kind of magic?", Twilight asked.

"A very complicated and difficult spell but one you must learn and learn quickly.", Celestia said. She levitated a book to Twilight, an old tome with a hardback that seemed partially made of coral with pages of a light seafoam green. It was as if the book itself had come from the sea. It even smelled of brine.

"I've arranged for an escort to meet you at Horseshoe Shores. They will take you where you need to go. You must depart quickly my little ponies.", Celestia finished.

"Don't worry Princess. We'll find out whatever this problem is and make sure Equestria is safe.", Twilight declared. She turned around and dashed out of the throne room, her friends following close behind her. Spike carried the book and hopped on Twilight's back. Princess Celestia watched them go. Not for the first time, she regretted relying on her student and her friends so much, not being able to provide them with more help, more information. Not being able to go with them herself. As the door to her throne room closed, she looked again to the stained glass windows. She turned away from them quickly. It was time to stop looking for answers out of the window.

2 hours later
Horseshoe Shores public beach

Twilight Sparkle looked over the spell again. She'd been concentrating on the book, trying to learn everything about this spell she could before she had to cast it. Her friends had noticed she'd stopped talking to them during the train ride over. She'd discovered exactly what the spell would do, how they would get to the bottom of the ocean. She wasn't one to question her teacher's methods or the resolve of her friends but the details of the magic she had to admit were a tad... unorthodox. That more than anything else was the reason for her silence.

The train ride over had been quick and easy and she'd wondered why they'd never gone to the beach before. They'd arrived at the beach just as the sun was setting and made their way down to the shore. The sand was comfortable and warm on Twilight's hooves as she and her friends approached the water's edge. Twilight and her friends looked around. The beach was empty apart from them. The sound of the waves and the gentle breeze was the only thing that broke the silence until Rainbow Dash spoke.

"So where is this escort that's supposed to take us to the seafloor?", Applejack asked. Twilight looked up and down the beach. Maybe their escort was late?

"I don't know. Maybe I have to cast the spell first.", Twilight opened the book of magic again and turned to the spell she needed to perform.

"Twilight darling, about this magic you need to cast? What exactly does this spell entail?", Rarity asked.

"It's uh, well... a little different than what I'm used to working with but I should be able to manage. But we're going to have to get in the water for it to work. And I'm going to have to cast it on one pony at a time. So... who wants to go first?", Twilight asked, some forced confidence and enthusiasm in her voice.

"What's this spell going to do Twilight? Make it so we can breathe underwater?", Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yeah... kind of.", Twilight said, evading answering directly.

"How is it going to let us reach the seafloor?", Fluttershy asked.

"Haha, only sea ponies can get to the seafloor.", a voice behind them said. They turned to see a grey head poking out of the top of the water a few feet away from them. It had a blonde mane and familiar eyes.

"Derpy? Is that you? What are you doing here?", Rainbow Dash asked.

"Oh I'm not Derpy. I'm her cousin, Drippy! Drippy Fins, premier mail sea pony of Seaquestria!", she explained.

"You're Derpy's... cousin?", Twilight asked, confused. Derpy Hooves is a pegasus... and her cousin is a sea pony. Twilight shook her head; this was not the time to start questioning things like this.

"Yep! I'm supposed to take you guys to the ocean floor where the sequake happened. I've never seen surface ponies before. It's nice to meet you all! My cousin's told me all about you!", Drippy said with a smile.

"It's nice to meet you too Drippy.", Twilight said, trying to break the awkwardness of the moment.

"So when are you guys supposed to transform?", Drippy asked.

"Transform?", Rarity asked, a bit in shock.

"Yeah. Only sea ponies can get to the bottom of the ocean.", Drippy explained.

"We're going to have to turn into... sea ponies?", Rainbow Dash asked, looking to Twilight. Twilight nodded.

"We'll be able to change back right?", Rainbow Dash looked at Twilight with hopeful eyes.

"Yes. We should be able to transform back when we get on dry land.", Twilight said.

"Okay... so there's no problem.", Rainbow Dash said, trying to shake off her nervousness.

"I guess we should start now. We'll have to get into the water first.", Twilight walked into the waves up to her neck. The water was cool and she kept her hooves planted on the ground. Her heart began to race. Spike watched them as they entered the surf. Unfortunately, he wouldn't be able to join them. The spell only worked on ponies.

"Oh, this is soo exciting! We're going to go an undersea adventure!", Pinkie Pie said as she merrily trotted into the waves. The others looked less than excited about this opportunity than she did.

"Okay... here goes nothing.", Twilight said. Her horn glowed with a bright magenta aura. The aura pulsed and expanded, the sea around them began to glow a bright yellow. Twilight felt her hooves lift off othe sand, she felt the water swirl around her. She felt her body change as she adjusted to the form of a sea pony. Her tail disappeared and her body elongated, she felt her front hooves recede into her, flatten out and become fins. She closed her eyes; there was no pain but the feeling was strange. The feeling stopped abruptly, her horn and the water around them stopped glowing and she opened her eyes, looking at the sand underwater beneath her. The sea water didn't sting her eyes. She popped her head above the surface.

Spike stood before them with his mouth hanging open. Twilight looked around, her friends had all surfaced too and were beginning to try out their new bodies. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy's wings had become a second set of wing-like fins on their backs. Rarity and Twilight still had their horns. Pinkie Pie was swimming backwards in the waves around them and Applejack's hat now had a tye underneath it.

"Wow. You guys make great sea ponies!", Drippy said.

Spike rubbed his chin with his right claw. "Okay, so now we got Flutterdive, Rarisea, Aquajack, Rainbow Splash, Sinkie Pie and...", Spike thought for a moment before snapping his claws in triumph. "Twilight Sprinkle!", he announced.

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Spike, are you going to be okay here by yourself?", she asked the baby dragon.

"Ah, no sweat. Princess Celestia got me a room at the Horseshoe Hotel. While you guys are gone, I'm going to be on vacation!", Spike pulled out a pair of shades and put them on.

"Fantastic.", Twilight said again. Apparently, her mentor had the foresight to book her assitant a room at an expensive local lodge while they were investigating. "Well, have fun Spike. We'll try to be back soon", Twilight said.

"Good luck you guys! And take your time! I'm planning on learning how to surf while I'm here!", Spike called as he walked off the beach. Twilight's friends and Drippy bid Spike farewell and then dove their heads into the water, disappearing from sight as the sun went down.