Semper Pie

by deathtap


The early dawn's mist had begun to slowly abate as the family stepped up onto the empty platform. Despite the cool, nipping chill in the air, this particular family were hardy and used to it. After all, they were tough and strong family of earth ponies. Getting up at the crack of dawn to face the morning cold was as familiar as eating breakfast, for this was the time they would start tending their 'fields'.

This was the last station on the line, beyond this there was nothing but unexplored wilderness and a rail yard that also acted as the loading bay for this town's sole source of income: rocks. This town 'produced' the finest rocks in all of Equestria; special rocks that are farmed, harvested and shipped to all corners of the kingdom, most of which found their way to the Royal capitol of Canterlot. This was a hard and savage land where only the strong could eke out a living.

But not today. Today this family stood on the platform waiting for the train to depart. Today was not a day of work nor joy, but of bitter-sweet farewells.

"I'm so proud of you, boy," the somber looking stallion stated. Igneous Rock Pie put a hoof on the younger stallion's shoulder and nodded, "I know you will make us very proud."

"Thank you, father. I will not let you down. I vow that I will make all of Equestria proud," the dark blue earth pony replied.

"You best take care of yourself, my son," the mare to his side said as she reached forward and hugged Semper. "Make sure to dress warm when it gets cold, don't talk to strangers and eat healthy, okay?"

The earth pony nodded, his hard eyes unreadable. "I shall, mother."

"You take care of yourself," Limestone said looking off to one side. "Don't do anything... stupid."

"Young lady, you will mind your tongue," Igneous said with a hint of hardness in his words. "You are talking to Her Highness' Guard. You will show him the decorum and respect worthy of that title."

"Yes, father," Limestone muttered and looked up at Semper.

"I will take care, Lime," Semper stated. "I'll leave the farm to you."

Limestone's eyes opened wide, and she nodded. "I'll do my best."

"As shall I."

"Oh dear, where is that Maud? She should be here."

Semper looked around the station which was quite busy for a last-station town.

"Late again," Limestone muttered. "Sometimes I think she loves the rocks more than her own family."

"Sempie! Sempie!" A cute little voice cooed.

"Oh, she's awake," the mother said and turned her back to reveal a small rattan basket. She used her teeth to gently place it on the station floor and a tired little filly yawned and sat up. She blinked a few more times before a bright smiled spread its way across her face. Carefully, the filly climbed out and looked at each one of her family members before shyly hiding behind her mother's leg.

The dark blue pony knelt down ruffled the filly's mane, to which she giggled and pushed his hoof away. She disappeared behind their mother trying to get him to play her favorite game: 'peek-a-boo'.

"I'm going to be gone for a while, Pinkemena. I won't be able to see you for a very long time. Be a good girl and help mother, father and your sisters, okay?"

The filly nodded slowly, not understanding the weight of his words nor of the situation. She had found the train far more fascinating and ogled at it with wide eyes. Semper reached forward to ruffle her mane again, to which she just moaned and disappeared behind her mother's leg.

"Pinkie! Say bye to Semper!" Limestone demanded.

Semper put a hoof out assuring his sister that it was fine. Limestone was always like that.

"Son, don't worry about us. We'll be just fine." His father removed his hat, "Just... be careful out there, okay?"

"Final call!" the station master shouted.

"I better... I should go, sir." Semper said to his father. The two stallions shook hooves formally.

"Yes. You should..." the father turned his head away from his eldest as he walked over to his mother and embraced her.

"Shame Pinkemena won't remember me," Semper said as he released her.

"Aw, she'll remember you, Semper," the mother replied gently. "She's old enough now."

"Mother, I know little about fillies and foals, but I know for a fact that she is still too young to remember me. Still, I hope you are right. It will be nice to come home one day and have a sister that recalls my name... perhaps two, if the next one is also a daughter."

The mother blushed and nodded, "We will tell them about you, Semper."

At that, Semper just nodded.

"Semper Pie, you will what you must. It's a very rare opportunity to be selected to be a part of the Royal Guard. We'll always be here to welcome you home when you're done." Igneous did his best to salute his son, out of respect and admiration. He never served, but he was so proud of his boy.

Semper returned the gesture flawlessly. "Thank you, sir."

"Just be sure to write when you can," the mother added.

"I shall."

"All aboard!" the station master shouted as the train blew its whistle.

Semper picked up his rucksack and made his way to the entrance of the last carriage and threw it inside. There was nopony else on the train, just him and the conductor who decided to sit with the engineer instead.

"Oh, son. I shall miss you so," his mother shouted tearfully looking up at him. Cloudy Quartz dabbed at her eye and held Pinkie close.

"Goodbye all. Take care." Semper turned and put his front-right hoof into the train.

"Take care, son!" Igneous replied as he ran up to the carriage door and put a hoof on Semper's shoulder.

The colt paused for the briefest of moments without looking back. That was the first time Igneous had ever called him 'son'. It felt strangely good.

Igneous fought the feeling of tears down with a hard frown and pulled the rest of his body aboard. Tears were a sign of weakness, and should not look weak in front of his son, and a strong son needed a strong father. Semper Pie was chosen by Princess Celestia herself. Herself. That meant something.

The train started to move just as he found his way to his seat. The five watched as the train started to move away slowly.

Pinkie waved to her older brother excitedly and Semper could only wave back to them sadly. Slowly, the train steamed out of the station and towards the distant horizon, towards his new life.

Through it all, not once did Semper Pie smile.