//------------------------------// // Chapter I : The First Setback // Story: Equestria First and Only // by Verlax //------------------------------// Equestria First and Only by Verlax Pre-Readed and Corrected by : Dusk Apollo - Hingard Cover Art by : Angry Muffins Characters from Gaunt's Ghost novel series belong to Dan Abnett and Black Library, I don't own any of them. Characters from My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic belong to Lauren Faust and Hasbro, I don't own any of them. Chapter I : The First Setback Thought of the Day : Happiness is a delusion of the weak. Location : Segmentum Pacificus, surface of the Darendara planet, Secessionist's Last Stand in the Palace Time : 758.M41 Cadet-Commissar Gaunt signalled to General Caernavar and Commissar-General Oktar that the fight was over. He brought the prisoners out with their hands on their heads as Hyrkan troops set about disabling gun emplacements and munitions stores. "What do we do with her?" - Tanhause asked him. Gaunt turned from the assault cannon he had been stripping of its firing pin. The girl was lovely, white-skinned and black haired, as was the pedigree of the Darendarans. She clawed at the clenching hands of the Hyrkan troops hustling her and other prisoners down the draughty hallway. When she saw Gaunt, she stopped dead. He expected vitriol, anger, the verbal abuse so common in the defeated and imprisoned whose beliefs and cause had been crushed. But what he saw in her face froze him in surprise. Her eyes were glassy, deep, like polished marble. There was a look in her face as she stared back at him. Gaunt shivered when he realised the look was recognition. "There will be six." - she said suddenly, speaking surprisingly perfect High Gothic with no trace of the local accent. The voice didn’t seem to be her own. It was guttural, and its words did not seem to match the movement of her lips. "Six living manifestations of power. Save them, and you will be free. Do not abandon them. But first you must find your ghosts." "Enough of your madness!" - Tanhause snapped, then ordered the men to take her away. The girl was vacant-eyed by now and froth dribbled down her chin. She was plainly sliding into the throes of a trance. The men were wary of her, and pushed her along at arm’s length, scared of her magic. The temperature in the hallway itself seemed to drop. At once, the breaths of all of the men steamed the air. It smelled heavy, burnt and metallic, the way it did before a storm. Gaunt felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise. He could not take his eyes off the murmuring girl as the men bustled her away gingerly. "The Inquisition will deal with her." Tanhause shivered. "Another untrained psyker witch working for the enemy." "Wait!" Gaunt said and strode over to her. He tensed, scared of the supernaturally-touched being he confronted. "What do you mean? ‘Six manifestations’? ‘Ghosts’?" Her eyes rolled back, pupil-less. The cracked old voice bubbled out of her quivering lips. "The Warp knows you, Ibram. Same as the Sun and the Moon" He stepped back as if he had been stung. "How did you know my name?" She didn’t answer. Not coherently, anyway. She began to thrash and gibber and spit. Nonsense words and animal sounds issued from her shuddering throat. "Take her away!" - Tanhause barked. Gaunt watched the corridor for five full minutes after the girl had been dragged away. The air remained cold long after she had disappeared. He looked around at the drawn, anxious face of Tanhause. "Pay it no heed." - the Hyrkan veteran said, trying to sound confident. He could see the cadet was spooked. Just inexperience, he was sure. Once the Boy had seen a few years, a few campaigns, he’d learn to shut out the mad ravings of the foe and their tainted, insane rants. It was the only way to sleep at night. Gaunt was still tense. - "What was that about?" - He said, as if he hoped that Tanhause could explain the girl’s words. "Rubbish is what. Forget it, sir." "Right. Forget it. Right." But Gaunt never did. Location : Equestria, Canterlot Castle Time : 17:13 PM, 26/06/1002 in the Equestrian Calendar, Five Years Later "Sergeant Fast Spear, what part of ‘I'm not available at the moment.’ do you not understand'!?" cried Princess Luna. She didn't use the Royal Canterlot Voice. Still, the wall of her sanctuary shook horribly due to the power of the Princesses shout. "Princess, we are under attack by Change–" - tried to say aghast guard once he recovered from the Princesses shout. "I'm busy, don't you see!? Get out of my room! NOW!" - shouted the princess, her patience wearing thin. Fast Spear held his ground, his message was of the utmost importance. Luna turned to see that Fast Spear still had not left. Summoning her magic she grabbed hold of Fast Spear and threw him out of her chambers. He tried to deny it, but he was no match for the dark blue alicorn. He flew through the room, and landed past the doors as they were slammed shut and locked. Luna then enchanted the doors with the “Silent Gate” spell, keeping all the sound within the room. The last thing she heard was something about Celestia being in danger. Probably some prank from the nobles, nothing important. They did a lot of stuff to get under our skin, anything from faking love letters to something more radical like sending mobs. Though a thought did nag at the back of Luna's mind that perhaps it truly was something important. Pushing her thoughts aside she returned her attention to the task at hand. It was the occasion of the century, and she wouldn’t let it pass by. If she succeed in her plan, it would give Equestria a chance Luna approached a large stain glass window that showed not the moon but stars. At first glance, their positions looked totally random. However, every single white dot was placed, based on her research. Before she started to cast her spell, Night Stalker came into the room. He was a member of the Night Guard, her own elite guardians. Similar to the Royal Guard, every one of her warriors looked the same: skin, wings, hooves... their entire body. But Night Stalker was more. He was unique, because Night Stalker actually could 'think'. Giving him a task, always ended in solving the problem in quite unique and unexpected way. The best part was his willing to perform even the stupidest task, and in unknown to her method, he could do this. "Princess, are you sure? - Night Stalker spoke, removing his helmet. His mane, compared to the rest of his light gray body, was entirely black. His voice was calm, almost relaxing. "I mean, it's really rare, that we get these... these ships in orbit. But we are under attack, and it looks really serious." Princess Luna sighed hard "I’m sorry Night Stalker, but I'm on the edge of what could be the biggest discovery in the long history of Equestria.” Luna turned to face Night Stalker, and in a flat even tone she said “Barricade the doors, cover the windows, make my sanctuary a fortress. I need three hours of peace." Members of the Night Guard saluted and started moving furniture to barricade all the entrances to the room. Princess Luna stood still for a moment. She could hear sounds and voices coming from somewhere outside her sanctuary. Those were the sounds of combat, of magic missiles flying... she thought for a moment, maybe she should join her sister in the defence of Canterlot? But she abandoned the thought soon enough. Celestia was powerful enough to deal with the threats by herself. Now, she focused on the space. Not this one in the room, but in the cosmos. Her horn became a beacon of the pure white light, she shut her eyes, but while her physical eye sight was gone, she was still able to see everything. Okay, not exactly everything. She was in space; dark, empty space. Not entirely empty, however. There were also dots, millions of dots everywhere, but now they meant nothing. There were also the Moon, orbiting Equestria from far away, and the Sun, shining extremely brightly. She could look at the Sun, but even in spirit form it was blinding her. She didn't have a body, but she felt that her... existence was here, in the cosmos. She could move anywhere she wanted to, but she couldn't leave this system. Something like a leash was attached to her, not allowing the Princess of the Moon to leave the solar system. However, she didn't need to leave. An abnormally big ship stood still in the space, really close to Equestria. The passengers didn't realise there was a Moon or the Equestria planet. This was the result of Celestia and Luna’s magnificent spell. They cast it about ten thousand years ago, and the royal sisters sacrificed a large amount of power, only to for the spell to last for five years. Every day after that both Princesses needed to cast the spell. Celestia in the morning, and Luna in the evening. Ponies thought they were raising and lowering the Sun and moon. Truth was, they were enpowering their spell, which made the planet and the moon invisible. Not only invisible, but the planet’s gravity was masked from the universe. The ship looked like a flying cathedral in the space. It was magnificent, mostly covered with gold and red. She felt thousands of living creatures in this vehicle, every one of them busy with maintaining such a powerful machine. From data she gathered earlier, they called themselves "Humans" from the "Imperium of Mankind". Every frigate accidentally arriving near Equestria gave Princess Luna a chance of learn what the world outside Equestria looked like. This one was the biggest she had ever seen, and it probably stored a great amount of knowledge. She focused one more time, and in a single moment, she was on the vessel. Location : Segmentum Pacificus, half way between Tobm III and Gornus II, Juvenalis Battlecruiser from the Imperial Navy Time : 763.M41 It was weird... He felt something strange. He was sure that he was being observed. It wasn't something like instinct whispering quietly to him. It felt like his own brain screaming violently to him : 'Something is watching you!' He looked everywhere, but he couldn't find it. He was so distracted by this strange feeling that he accidentally fell into somebody. They fell over, and landed on metal bars of the ship floor. "Uhm... I'm... Oh my God-Emperor, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to..." He fell into Sejanus, Flag-Lieutenant and second in command of the Juvenalis. He was an old man with white hair and face filled with wrinkles, wearing a blue uniform with golden decorations. A few medals were pinned to his chest, briefly showing the officers entire glorious history. Before Sejanus was hit by him, he leaned on the staff with the small Imperial Eagle symbol on top of it. The old man slowly got up on his legs again, helping a bit with a staff. He looked on his face, and surprisingly, he didn't find anger or fury on the officers face. He was afraid of being punished for attacking such important person on the board, but instead the old man smiled. "Apology accepted. I guess you feel it too, don't you?" "Wh-What, sir?" - he asked, still in consternation. "Being observed, of course. Don't try to deny it; the entire crew is feeling it right now." - Sejanus said. Probably the worst thing with this feeling was how aggressive it was. It was something not like somebody glaring at him, but rather shooting to him with the lasgun on minimum power. He couldn't help looking behind, still searching for this "Observator". Sejanus stood near the glass, facing monotonous landscape of the black space. "Well, so you probably don't know what it's all about. I think I can easily explain it to you." - Sejanus spoke, using his "mentor" voice. - "Well, we exit the Warp because of the technical problems, and there is nothing here. In theory of course. It's only one star, we called Solaris, because it's surprisingly similar to the original Sun of the Holy Terra. And, in space surrounding Solaris there is nothing. In theory, of course." - he turned to him, with delightful smile. He was looking like a professor in this moment, rather than the commander of battleship section. - "But every ship that came near this system, has gotten the same symptoms. The entire crew feeling like they were being observed. The oldest report of the "strange feeling" came from M33, so it's really something bigger here. That's why most ships try to avoid this region. There are a lot of theories, what exactly is this place." - Sejanus stopped lecture, looking on him expecting something. `"Hmm... Warp Anomaly?" - he shot "Yes and no. It "looks" like a Warp Anomaly, gravity weirding, strange feelings, navigators pissing their pants... but no, it's not the Warp Anomaly. Or at least, it's not the "Warp" Anomaly. It's a big mystery, and I think we will never discover the truth... Location : Juvenalis Battlecruiser from the Imperial Navy, Section III, Library Time : 763.M41 "Oh, come on! Turn the page!" - Princess Luna shouted. Or at least, she tried. No one could hear her. She stood just above the anonymous iterator, who was reading a big tome of pure history. Just as planned. But, one of the points of her plans was destroyed. This iterator was so slow in reading. She was reading much faster, but she couldn't turn pages in the spirit form, it would alert the human. Despite that, the information she gathered was totally worth it. One of the biggest surprises was how familiar their language, called "Low Gothic" was similar to Equish. Sometimes she heard words in a Latin, which humans called "High Gothic". Only two things were different. Human accent was completely different; it sounded hard and harshly. Compared to them, ponies did not speak, but sang their words; it sounded calm and relaxing. Second was a minor difference in the words list, but still it was extremely similar. It gave her an idea, that actually her species didn't raise themselves in the Equestria, but rather they came as colonists from Terra. It would explain why they used same languages. Some data she found, made a foundation for this theory. On the other hoof, she saw the old book of the wars in the Ultima Segmentum, and "horses" were actually used as a "cavalry". The idea seemed ridiculous to her, but in a universe where one poorly placed word could cause the slaughter of dozens of "heretics" it wasn't that mad. "Who’s there!?" suddenly she heard a powerful shout. It wasn't iterator. It came from outside of Library. Afterward, she heard loud and often stomps. Really heavy boots, probably power armor, strong voice, humans actually hearing her... oh... Inqisuitor "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" - she panicked, trying to restore her focus again. The iterator immediately rise from his chair and ran towards the member of the Inquisition. He just moved though her, like though ghost and the human didn't felt anything. Princess of the Moon calmed down, and started her spell again, only backwards. Vision became blur, and after a moment she again saw the beautiful panel of her sanctuary. Last thing she saw before vanishing from the Juvenalis battleship was the Inquisitor who just passed the entrance to the library. Inquisitor Toth ran into the room. He was a member of the respected Ordo Xenos and he definitely 'heard' something or somebody on this ship. He made his way though sections of the ship and entered the library. To his surprise everything was normal. Books stood where they stood, windows clear, no xenos prints on the dust, iterator still alive. But the biggest surprise was the vanishing of this strange feeling. Thousands of people sighed with relief, when the "being observed" feeling just simply disappeared. Bookshelves were still in place, holding pricey knowledge. Beside him, there was only one iterator, glaring at him taken-aback. "My lord, what happened? - asked the iterator in Low-Gothic. He wasn't scared by his presence. The inquisitor wore red-painted power armor with a long fur cape on the back. In one hand he held a power sword, in his second, a bolt pistol. He wasn't old; he had only nineteen years of purging xenos scum, in total forty-eight years. Still, it was some really rich years, during which he managed to wipe entire species of dangerous aliens. He didn't like to admit it, but he really didn't know what happened. They entered the Anomaly, entire crew start shaking in horror of being observed, he heard non-human shout in the library, he approached library only to find it empty and in the same moment 'feeling' vanished. That were facts, now: analyse. Something breached the security of the ship. What or Who was it? Extremely potent psyker? He could sense him. Deamon? Gellar Field certainly cut the possibility of deamons breaking into the cruiser. Even if a deamon could get in, he would still sense him. Of course, it was related with this strange feeling that every crew of every ship felt during travel though this area. To gather more Intel, he should call old crews, start inspections, make some interviews, called more support from the Inquisition... "It's time to start an investigation." - Inquisitor Toth said Location : Equestria, Canterlot Castle Time : 21:03 PM, 28/06/1002 in the Equestrian Calendar, two days after the Changeling Invasion Princess Celestia finally ended her usual meetings with the nobles, only to find exactly thirty-eight letters from bussi. This night was supposed to be extremely long and boring. She slowly made her way to her personal room. It would be a real understatement saying that her room was luxurious. It was a mystery for most ponies, that actually sitting on the throne isn't comfortable as it seems. It was the first rule of setting up a new kingdom: always make a good and comfortable throne for yourself. If you are supposed to be stuck with this furniture for years, dozens, hundreds or even thousands of years, make it comfortable. You are not supposed to replace your throne with a better one, because "it's tradition that you always sit on this throne, Princess." So, if she couldn't make her throne comfortable, even with pillows and magic, she tried to change her bedroom into a heaven in which she could actually rest. As a result, the room contained one wooden desk with a golden finish, gorgeous, an abnormally big hoof chair, and some marvelous painting. Actually, she rarely looked at them, but because they were there, she just felt that it leveled up her room into a new level of richness. And of course her bed—what a bed! So comfortable, so warm, so fitting... that bed was the cause of her being incredibly late for one of the one thousand Summer Sun Celebration and many others. After that, she made it a bit 'less' comfortable to avoid being late for everything. There was a lot of big windows that could provide light in the day, and a beautiful sky view at night. Celestia sat in her armchair and was about to unfold first letter when suddenly she heard knock on her door. "Can I come in?" - she heard a soft voice from outside of the door. She easily recognized her sister, Princess Luna. Instead of answering, she approached the door and opened it. Luna stood in the entrance, holding a big bag of scrolls in her magic. Without a single word, Luna came into her room and sat gently on the edge of her bed. The Princess of the Moon waited a moment before she spoke, probably gathering her thoughts. “I want to speak about the Changeling incident. I apologise for yesterday; I lied about the reason why I didn’t appear during the battle.” It surprised her. She wasn’t angry because of her sister absence during the fight. She didn’t say anything, so Luna continued. “Another human ship appeared in orbit. It was the biggest since… it was the biggest in entire history. I broke into it, and I gathered some knowledge”—she pointed at the scrolls—“But, this time, one of the humans actually felt my spirit form. This was the inquisitor, and if the data we’ve collected is true, it is a high probably that the humans will start an investigation. “Can I read these scrolls?” – Celestia asked. She still didn’t know what to think about the entire situation. “Sure”. she answered and gave her the papers with her magic. The Princess of the Sun started reading. There were a lot of these scrolls, and it took some time before she finished. There were notes, plans, dates, schematics, personal data, a large amount of knowledge. Now, if they could put all the data they’ve collected during the millennium, it would create a library. “It was worth it.” Celestia spoke “And... I think we need to start negotiating. It's already too late, but we can still save Equestria from the grim darkness of an eternal war beyond our measure." "Well... actually, we can hold this spell a little longer. Maybe two years. Princess of the Night said "In two years, we could find some power source, that will hold this barrier longer. I can disrupt the human ships that will come near Equestria. We don't need to reveal ourselves." And that was a problem. Celestia was hiding something, as it destroyed Luna's plan completely. Actually, she didn't know why she didn't say it earlier. Maybe it was one of her few mistakes, she made during her entire life. "Sister..." she spoke. "I lied". "What”? Luna asked taken-a-back, her face changing in disbelief. "I'm weak, and it's a fact. During your absence, for one thousand years I was holding it alone. I became so feeble that Chrysalis actually defeated me. I needed the Bearers of Harmony to defeat Discord and Nightmare Moon, because I was too fragile to do it myself. Yesterday, I was on the edge of Magic Exhaustion, and it's getting worse. We won't be able to hold it much longer, than a few months. When the Elements of Harmony released you from the Nightmare, you came back just in time to save the barrier." "Why didn't you tell me?" - Luna inquire, with an easy to read anxiety on her face. "I could..." "You couldn't do anything to help me, but I admit, I have should told you. I wanted to apologise for it." "Accepted. But now we need to do something. War, incredibly violent war is just near our doors. We isolate our fellow ponies for ten millennium. They are not ready for this. If we just left this barrier to destroy itself, Equestria would be destroyed. I have updated our star map, and it's not looking well. We could make an alliance only with the Tau Empire, but they are too far from us. Elders are too proud and selfish, they would leave us at the first occasion. What others... Chaos obviously not, Orks not, Necrons not... Imperium. Imperium of Mankind. But what could we offer them for protection? We could pay taxes I guess, but humans hate..." Luna fell silent, searching for a good word. "Xenos. I wouldn't be surprised if they would just perform an orbital bombardment and destroy us completely. Even if we were to use our incredibly good diplomatic skill, I don't think we could manage to do this. "I was 'investigating' the humans ships too, and I found a really good quote in one of theirs books. They are living in the mindless, idiotic universe, but still their faith is beyond measure. 'Heresy grows from idleness'. We can still try to save our fellow ponies. We will try to convince them..." she stopped, when suddenly she realised one thing "When will another ship come into orbit?" "I really don't know. But this time they realised that something is really wrong with this place, so the next cruiser will probably arrive earlier. We have about six months, if we won't ask for help. Maybe... maybe you could ask Shining Armor to help maintain the barrier; he knows everything anyway, so it won't be hard." "He will give us only a few weeks, but yes, it's good idea sister." - spoke Princess Celestia, when suddenly realisation struck her mind. - "How many ponies actually know this?" - she asked. "Well... you, me, Shining Armor knows that we keep a barrier, but he doesn’t know from what, Night Stalker knows almost as much as me, King of Griffonia knows, The Great Shaman of the Zebrica knows... and Discord. He is the only being from the outside of the Equestria, in fact. Deamon of the Lord of Change in our motherland... good that magic of our country is powerful enough to hold him." "If we will reveal ourselves to the Imperium of Mankind, our fellow ponies will of course discover it. We need to prepare them for such a revelation." The Princess of the Sun said. "We should do something about this." Obvious statement. Isolation for 10,000 years... It would be shocking and terrifying that for such a long time they lived in a artificially created utopia, separated from the real world. They were goddesses, with incredible power. They could dominate entire groups of worlds. They could use this power to create a real empire. They could use it to spread the pony nation across the stars, to create a kingdom of eternal happiness and harmony for their loyal subjects. But what did they do? They ran, ran from the possibility of fighting, of sacrifice and instead they used their goddesses powers to isolate their ponies from the suffering. Actually, this could work. But now, they knew that spell is going to be annihilated. Was it worth it? Ten thousands years of peace, ten thousands years of prosper, ten thousands years of harmony, ten thousands years of friendship and magic. And in a few months, it will all vanish. If she weren't almost a thirteen millennia year-old goddess, she would already start crying. So many years of her work will be utterly destroyed. Turned into dust. It was a surprise to her, when Luna approached her and hugged her hard. She answered it, and they stood in this position, hugging each other and not saying a single word. Princess of the Sun and the Moon united to stand against all the threats to their loyal subjects. "We will do something about this" - Luna said quietly.