//------------------------------// // No Good Deed Goes Unpunished // Story: Agent of Chaos // by Enfield //------------------------------// Two days, two days I've been in this cell with chains around each of legs and one around my neck. Celestia stuck me in here once I was able to walk on my own, at least she didn't get the guards to throw me in here. Some of the guards were really pleasant and rather talkative, not what I had expected considering that I disintegrated their friends only, only. Wait, how long was I out for? Twilight neglected to tell me how long I was out for after I took down Discord. But as I was trying to mull over that thought Twilight turns up with Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. "Hey Scott," Twilight said. I wave back and walk over to the bars that separate us. "Where's Applejack and Rarity?" I ask her. "They're taking care of their sisters. The Crusaders are all okay just so you know." "Good." "How are you holding up?" Rainbow Dash asks me. "I'm okay, the guards are treating me nicely. One of them put padding on my cuffs so I wouldn't get any bruises." "Oh, that is nice of them," Fluttershy said. I lean up against the bars and motion Twilight closer. "Twilight? When I was in the hospital, how long was I unconscious for?" "Well if you want the full amount of time you were unconscious." "How long?" "Thirty days," Twilight says. Thirty days? I've been out for a month, but it only felt like just a few minutes passed. Pinkie then pokes the side of my head and hands me a box. Inside is a cake, typical Pinkie Pie. Makes me laugh. "Thanks Pinkie." "I'll try to defend you at your trial," Pinkie said. An hour later after Twilight and her friends left four guards armed with spears but instead of dragging me out they kindly ask me to follow them and out of respect I join them. The guards then lead me through hallways and corridors until we enter a large room. Around me are about a hundred ponies and sitting on a set of massive thrones is the Royal Family, only Celestia is looking down at me with a rather angry look. Luna looks disappointed, and as for Cadence and Shining they kind of look upset, like that I'm a long lost friend that they'll never see again. There's another unicorn over in the corner of the room, gibbering something about large studded sticks as he rubs his rear flank. Ew, I can only guess what happened to him. I as I led between the crowds of ponies I keep my head down expecting to be bombarded in a hail of angry shouts, curses and great globs of phlegm, but nothing comes my way. Ponies just stand and stare as I pass them, completely silent, the only sound coming from the crowds are just short whispers. If only I could hear what they are saying about me. I look to my right and I see the filly that I hit with the club and then healed with her family, the little filly watches me with large eyes as I pass her. As we near the Royal Family I'm instructed to stand on a pedestal in front of the thrones. I step up and try to make myself look as physically tall as I can in order to give the impression that I'm not afraid of what's happening, to my right stand Twilight and her friends along with the Crusaders. Good, I know they'll help me. In order to quiet the whispering which has now dominated the silence from before, Celestia takes hold of a large staff and slams the end against the floor, making the whole room shake. Bloody hell she's really pissed, either that or she's on her "monthly trip" as I like to call it. Monthly trip, you know... "Now we start with the trial of Scott Websly," Celestia said in a calm sounding but rather powerful voice, "Scott MacDuff Websly, you are charged with assisting Discord which is high treason. How do you plead?" "Don't-plead-the-fifth," I say inside my head. They probably don't have the same laws and rights here. All I do is swallow and remain still. Celestia continues anyway regardless. "We all know that you're guilty Websly. Do you have anypony who'll stay by your side even during such a time like this?" "I'll represent him!" Pinkie pipes up, thanks Pinkie, "Scott is the best pony who I've ever met. He's kind, funny and best of all, very forgiving. Even on the day I attacked him he got over it afterwards and helped me out even after he hit me on my nose." "Didn't he attack you first?" Celestia asked Pinkie. "He said that he was going mad when that happened, now that we know he was Discord's servant Twilight believes that he was under a spell. He meant me no harm in the end." Celestia nods and dismisses Pinkie. A compelling argument, that should help me. "Anypony else?" This time the Crusaders step up, those are some brave kids. "We'll defend him too!" Sweetie Belle says. A look compassion crosses Celestia's face which she then hides. "Scott's the coolest and bravest pony ever!" Scootaloo said. "He's helped us so many times and we can't just stand back and let him go without us saying something," Apple Bloom adds. "Not only did he look after us for a night, he protected us from a Manticore," Scootaloo said. "Yeah! A Manitcore sent by Discord to kill us!" Sweetie Belle exclaims. "And he kept us safe from those mean ponies when Discord was in control," Apple Bloom said. "How did he keep you safe?" Celestia said. "He said that we were going to be his slaves but he actually hid us in a large room," Sweetie Belle said, "He also gave us toys and made the door only open for him so that nopony could get us." The Crusaders then gather up around me looking their cutest and smile sweetly up towards the Royal Family. "He didn't hurt us, so why should you hurt him?" Scootaloo asks. Cadence gives a small "dwaaa" but Celestia shushes her. The Crusaders then go back to the six each of them give me a sneaky wink. Celestia opens her mouth to say something but a small voice beats her to it. "Can I say something?" Everypony in the room looks towards something behind me and I turn around to see it. It's the filly from the jail cell, she has her hoof raised and a small look of embarrassment. She slowly sinks down and lowers her hoof but Luna speaks up. "If you have to say something, then go ahead." A nudge from her mother later and the filly stands in her seat. She clears her throat and speaks. "This pony who you're accusing of assisting Discord is not a bad pony. He was just doing what Discord wanted him to in order to survive, he didn't want to suffer any kind of punishment from Discord. But once Discord left he didn't assist the Guardians in the beatings, instead he just stood frozen as it happened. Until I escaped. Once he saw me I didn't know that he was going to help me but then something happened. He raised his club, and then hit me. But I knew that it wasn't him who hit me, it was Discord's power. Scott Websly isn't a bad pony, he's not a good pony either. He's a great pony." The filly sits down and then out of no-where, the stallion who shook my hoof starts clapping followed by the other ponies who were in the same cell as him and the filly. The room erupts into applause and I stand amazed, Celestia quells the clapping and I face her. "An impressive little speech you have," she said, "But he's still committed an act of high treason. A crime punishable by death." DEATH?! "But," Celestia said which calms my shredded nerves, "Since these ponies provided very good and compelling defensive arguments and you single hoofedly destroyed Discord and repaired the Elements of Harmony I'm going to lessen your sentence to banishment." Banishment. Okay, I can live with that. "Banishment, to the moon." My jaw drops to the floor after Celestia states where I'll be banished. The moon. The-bloody-moon! What the hell?! Twilight runs in front of my pedestal and almost shields me. "Princess Celestia, you can't." "It's her say Twily," Shining said, "What Scott did was wrong and he must suffer the punishment that Celestia chooses. He should consider himself lucky that Celestia chose to have him banished." "I'm going to be banished to the bloody moon!" I say finally, "I'm not biologically capable of living on the lunar surface." "He's not even a pony!" Pinkie yells just as Applejack shoves her hoof in Pinkie's mouth to shut her up but it's too late, the Royal family look down at me in confusion and curiosity. "What do you mean by that?" Cadence asks. I sigh and lean against the railing on the pedestal. "I'm not really a pony, I was changed into one by Discord. He wanted me to blend in so he changed my entire psychical anatomy against my will. My real form is a little more unusual for this place." "Show us," Celestia said. "I'll need the Element Of Chaos," I say, "Just for a few minutes." Luna brings forth the box that contains the Element of Chaos and floats it down to me. The lid pops open and I take hold of the Element, I tighten my grip around the stone, close my eyes and try to shift forms. The sound of gasps and screams let me know that I was successful. I look down and see myself wearing a gray shirt, gray jeans and gray sneakers. That might be because of the fact that I'm going to the moon, all my clothes are gray. Irony. The chains are still around my wrists and ankles but I don't let that stop me as I look around the room at the ponies. "Gaze upon my true form!" I say to the crowd, "I am a human! Resident of planet Earth!" "Enough!" Celestia said, I turn to face her, "This form is the one you had when you were from you home world?" "Yep, but now since Earth is dead, I'm the last of my kind. There's no way anyone else survived." I change myself back into a pony again and place the Element of Chaos back into the box which Luna then takes and places beside her throne. Celestia then sighs and looks down at me. "Are you ready for you banishment?" she asks. I turn to face Twilight who looks as if she's going to try and defend me again. "Don't," I say, "I know what I did, I have to abide to the laws." "But Scott-" Twilight starts to say but I cut her off. "I know that you want to help me since I rescued you guys from the cell but I don't think that it'll be enough to guarantee my freedom. I'm just going to repeat what you're brother said, it's the rule of the princess and I have to go by it. No matter what." The Crusaders run up and hug me. I pick them up and hug them as well. "We're gonna miss you Scott," Apple Bloom said. "Do you think that we'll see you again?" Sweetie Belle asks. "No, it's not going to happen," I say, "Promise that you'll get your Cutie Marks for me." "We Pinkie Promise," Scootaloo said. They then step backwards and I feel something hug me around the middle, it's the filly. "Thanks for helping me," she says. "You're welcome," I reply. The four step back and watch as Celestia flies down and lads in front of me. "Are you ready now?" Celestia asks, her harsh tone has been replaced by a much calmer tone. I look over to the six and the fillies, all of them have tears in their eyes. I lower my head, not able to take the sight of them. "Do it." Celestia's horn glows and a small pinprick of green light forms on the end of her horn. I give the ponies one last look and see that they are waving. "Bye Scott," Twilight says. "We'll all miss you," Pinkie adds. I face Celestia just as a small ball of light floats closer to me. I watch as it expands and then takes over engulfing my entire body and making me see nothing but a light green color.