Backwards: Insanity is not Sane

by chewyrainbow

Here we go again

Dash sat silently on the Defendant stand, her head lowered. Whenever she tried to look around, all she got was harsh cold glares and disgusted frowns. She felt horrible, but she knew she had nothing else to go for.
In the plaintiff's stand, sat an unknown unicorn wearing fancy clothes and Sweetie Belle, she guessed this was part of Rarity's family. Next to them was Granny Smith, Big Macintosh, and Applebloom who was in tears. She looked at Rainbow pitifully instead of angrily. Unlike anypony else she had seen. Rainbow Dash could see no pony representing Fluttershy, but there were two more mares, part of Pinkie Pie's. Dash didn't know that much about her family so she didn't know who they were
An earth-pony mare trotted to the stand, but lowered her muzzle and whispered in the pegasus's ear on her way.
"Trash, I'll have you sent to the moon faster than you can say objection!" She wore a neat black suit and her mane done up in a tight bun.
The cyan mare winced at the words and figured she had nothing left going for her, If only she knew were Twilight was. Maybe she could get out just with a couple sets of five years in prison instead.
A door behind the Judge's stand opened and in stepped a high class acting stallion. With his head held high and long black robes he sat down in a imitation leather chair. He picked up the gavel and knocked it on a small piece of stained wood.
The bailiff spoke, "All rise!"
Dash lifted herself up trying to ignore everything around her.
"The Court is now in session, Judge GavelHoof presiding."
She laughed inwardly slightly at his name; everypony always had such interesting names.
The Judge nodded as the bailiff handed him some papers, "Parties have been sworn in, you may be seated."
Rainbow Dash plopped down giving a mumble.
The Judge started, "Rainbow Day Dash, you are charged on account of murder to the victims; Pinkamena Diane Pie, Rarity Belle, Fluttershy, and Applejack…Apple?” he muttered and then continued. “Do you claim innocent in wish to go through a full court trial, or plead guilty?”
“I can’t say.”
“Why not?” Judge GavelHoof questioned.
“Because, I don’t have a lawyer. I think I should be given a few moments to call someone and get a lawyer.”
“That seems reasonable enough, request granted, bailiff bring in a phone.”
This guy doesn't seem to bad, at least he is trying to act normal around me... She was sick of everything, she couldn't take her own guilt, the ponies around her, and just everything in all.
The stallion in the police looking suit stepped away for a few moments and returned a phone in his mouth.
Dash smiled and dialed a number, she had to call Twilight, why hadn’t she been here? I thought she would have hurried or done something, you'd expect that unicorn to have jumped on the situation. The rainbow maned pegasus sighed as a tear rolled down her cheek.

She held the phone to her ear and mouth, it rang. There was an awkward silence around her. Everypony was watching, some seemed oblivious, some seemed angered, and some acted as though they just didn't care.
She was held in her thoughts until the silence was broken, by a familiar voice.
* "Hello?" *
"T-twilight?" Dash's voice was cracking and she could feel her eyes tearing up more.
* "Rainbow Dash?! I was told to stay here instead of come with Princess Celestia, I've been going out of my mind with everything, is everything okay?" *
"Dangit Celestia, Twilight you know nothing is okay."
* "Well it was worth a try, where are you? You sound normal!" *
"T-twilight...I need your help."


GavelHoof nodded, "Do you wish to speak for and with the Defendant?"
"I do," Twilight muttered, it was odd to be here, everything that had conspired. She didn't know what was going to come of all this. and she knew that everypony was against Rainbow Dash. She felt awkward around her, after all that had happened, she didn't know how to act, but she knew she would do anything to stop from losing the last of her few friends. The very, very last.