//------------------------------// // Chillaxin bro! // Story: Igniting Hope // by Theta //------------------------------// My world went black as night, why? I didn't know until I came to, and boy was that a rude awakening. I woke up with my back against a wall, right across from where I had mysteriously passed out. It was then that I noticed a lacrosse helmet sitting on the floor, upside down and still. I woke with a line-like bump on the top of my head. Celestia be damned, the face mask must've hit me. "Hey kid, you're finally awake! Thought that helmet had sent you into a coma or some shit like that." "Ugh, wha- Oh naw man, I reckon it'll take a little more than that to keep me down. Shoot, you got any painkillers layin around?," I winced, and grabbed my ribs. "Nope, ain't had to have them things in a long while, dude. What I do have is whiskey, the day this shit don't work is the day the sun don't shine. Here, let me grab you a drink." Shit, he say whiskey? Ugh, if he says it'll work, I'm up for it, my heads killing me, and I really feel like drowning out my sorrows...Buck it! Heh, man oh man, if only I could see my mom's face if she caught me drinking. That look would be priceless!"Duh, okay dude...I still can't believe I'm in the same place with the Theta Gait! I mean dude earth ponies aren't normally runners, and any that play midfield are mostly benched! But you made everything look so easy! On top of the fact that you outran, outplayed, and outeverything'd every player in the league!" He hollered back, "Heh, looking back on it, yeah I did do those things didn't I? Oh well the past is the past dude, no use dwelling on that. Say, you said something about being kicked out of somewhere...what exactly did you do?" "Nothing man, absolutely nothing. I'd say you know Dismal Law, but did you know she's got a daughter? I didn't...well till I met her...she took me in, cared for me after I got into a little fight, next thing I know, I'm being scorned for liking her. Ol' Law kicked me out because of that, and told me I was too low class for Ditzy.," My voice went cold, and the words flowed with venom. "Shit man, didn't know Ditzy was Dismal Law's daughter...y'know what? Buck 'er! I mean if y'all like each other, whom is to say you two can't be together! I mean be careful, she's a powerful mare, but don't not see Ditzy because of her. Don't need a real true-to-life Romeo and Juliet tragedy, bro. Anyway, drink up.," He said, walking towards me with a drink in his hand. I stop all air flow through my nose, and downed the whole glass. I'll never get used to whiskey's sour flavor. It went down without much more than a cough, and instantly lit up my gut with a warm embrace. "Ugh, dude this tastes like my shoulder pads...this better take my edge off." "Hahaha, little man you shoulda seen your face! It went all scrunched up...guess you don't like the taste too much do ya? Don't worry dude, it just takes a few months of drinking to get used to the taste. In fact, you'll come to enjoy it!" Enjoy it? You kidding me? This tastes like cat piss and sweat! Akk, hate sour things. "If you say so, man. Hey, thanks again for letting me crash here, means a lot to me. Don't worry none bout money either, I got a couple jobs set up already." "Sounds good, little dude. Just don't over work yourself, I mean this buildings already paid off, only thing we gotta worry bout is food and lighting." "Uh, lighting? Don't y'all got electricity out here?" "Nope, dude look at the town;it's literally out in the middle of nowhere...only buildings with electricity are the ones who bring in the big bits. Otherwise, not me. However, I do go through candles like no other, so there's that we gotta fund for." "Aight, sounds good dude. You got a couch or somewhere I can rest?" "Yeah, upstairs and the living room is to your right. Kitchen is across the hall, bathroom is two doors down from the kitchen, and my bedroom's right in the middle...sock on the door mean's I got company, man." "Good deal, reckon I'm going to head up dude. Night, man.," I said as I got up and walked towards the stairs.This dude is pretty chill, down to earth, and seems cool...Well shoot he's Theta Gait! Of course he's cool, I mean he was in the PLL! Can't believe I'm under the same roof with the dude! That night I did something that I hadn't done in what felt like forever; I remembered...My dream...so vivid, so real, so uncool. Everything moved slower, and I had a front row seat to everything. I recognized everything, from the point I decided to throw the ball, to when I froze in fear. I saw myself in the car, I witnessed the whole speech again...I even saw him. The dream cut to black after I had got to the train station, and the only thing in the room was Nastic, except he wasn't...well he wasn't all there. Physically he was, but when I took a second look at him, that body was empty. His eyes were completely white, his mouth hanging open, and his body just stood there, stiff and edgy. And all that I could do was stare at him. Stare into the face of the dude I killed. I woke up with sweat rolling down my forehead, but something was different...I mean everything felt real, I felt awake but...I found that the room around me slowly faded into faces...one of my mom, one of my old man, one of Ditzy, and of course one of Nastic. They all just stared at me with disapproving glances, for what seemed like an eon... it was only after that, that blood started to trickle down each of their faces, starting at the eyes, and slowly filling the room around me. Eventually the blood started to rise, and after a few minutes it had already reached the ceiling... "Nastic!," I screamed aloud as the morning sun shone upon me. Theta walked in with a quizzical look on his face and asked, "Dude you alright?" "Ye-yeah, I'm fine. Just had a nightmare, ain't nothing too big. Hope I didn't wake you." "Nah man, you're good. I wake up before dawn to watch the sunrise. Shit, seein' as how you're awake, how about we go get somethin' to eat. I know a pretty good place down the road, you in?" "Hmm, tempting but nah. I think I'll go into the market and get an apple, shoot man this town's got the best of the best in that area." "Suit yourself man, but right now a three egg omelet and a pot of coffee have my name written on them, and they're practically screaming for me to get my flank down there right now. Peace out dude!," he yelled back as he ran down the stairs. This dude is crazy...wait a minute, he said he wakes up before dawn? Just my luck, the time I gotta be up in two days... wonder if Rarity got word from her old man yet. Shit, I'll check that out after a nice apple...or three.