My little pony: OCs are Magic

by loopertooper

Chapter 6

Bronze and Blaze carried the unconscious brothers to the library. Critical, covered in his own dried blood. Hyper, burnt and battered, scarred all over. Both brothers’ wounds have stopped bleeding, but the blood that came out keeps them locked in their mind, away from reality.

“Have they awoken?” Celestia rested inside in the library, with Twilight and the girls. Bronze shook his head as he dropped Hyper on the bed in the library.

“They’re dying… I don’t think they will awake. I believe we should put them out of their misery.” Luna grabbed a seat. Celestia glared here younger sister.

“We aren’t here to fight them. It would do you good to remember that.” Blaze dropped Critical on the other bed in the room.

“What is all this about, Princess?” Twilight brought tea out to the guests.

“I would be glad to explain. This war is between the ponies that wear the sigil of power. These sigils give the ponies’ power that works towards a common bond between them and their partners. All these ponies have to fight till only one team survives.” Celestia waits to see if the explanation she just gave made sense to the on lookers.

“So is that why you two killed them?” Blaze pestered, staring at Luna.

“All for the good of Equestria.” Luna scoffed.

“SCREW YOU!” Hyper leaps towards Luna, kicking her in the spine.

“Hyper!” Blaze leapt towards Hyper, missing him and landing near the surprised Luna. Luna smiled at the opportunity to kill another participant of the wars.

“Hyper, you think you can beat me one on one? That is amusing to us, for you will die now if you wish it.” Celestia interfered and grabbed Hyper.


“So you want ponies like that, which would kill innocents to feed their hunger for blood. You wish that they could stay in Equestria and win their wish?” Luna trotted up to the levitated Hyper.

“… I… don’t know?” Hyper winces in pain, now over his adrenaline rush. Feeling the wounds and burns that cover his body. He drops to the ground, unable to move, immobilized in pain. “Critical… is he alright?” Celestia looked over at Critical, still unconscious.

“He lost too much blood… he will take time to recover.” Rarity galloped over to Critical’s side, grasping his hoof in her own.

“I will tend to his wounds and then Luna and I must go.” Celestia used her magic to patch up some of the obvious wounds on Critical. She thanked Twilight and bid her farewells.

“Those two are gonna be our main problem. They could’ve killed us now if they wanted.” Blaze trotted towards the door.

“Twilight, can you watch over Critical till he wakes up?” Bronze tended to Hyper’s wounds. “I’m going to take Hyper out, and make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid.”

“I’m right here!” Hyper attempted to gallop out the door, but collapses due to his wounds.

“See, he needs a chaperone to make sure he doesn’t die.” Twilight giggled and nodded. The three left the library, leaving Critical in the hands of 6 mares.

“WHAT HAPPENED?” Colorlove drops down out of the sky, landing on Hyper. “Why are you all bruised up?”

“Well… that’s a long story… please… get… off… me.” Hyper gasped for air.

“Sorry… it’s just, that Potion and I were so worried.” Potion Note blushed as she helped Colorlove up. Blaze assisted the winded Hyper, proceeding to carry Hyper until he gained full ability to breathe and move.

“Can we explain it to you later? It’s just we’re on a time clock.” Bronze lead the group onwards.

As they arrived at Sugarcube Corner, Bronze stopped the team.

“Okay, wait one minute and I’ll get the first aid kit from the kitchen. Blaze, make sure he doesn’t die, okay?” Blaze shrugged. Bronze chuckled as he walked into Sugarcube Corner.

“Excuse me… do any of you know Over Critical and Hyperactive?” The group turned to see a dark blue pegasus with abnormally large wings. The feathers on his wings protrude out farther than the size of the pegasus himself. His cutie mark was a blue feather with 3 lines of electricity running through it.

“Yeah, I’m Hyper, how can I help you?” Blaze smacked the back of Hyper’s head, then pointing to the pegasus’ back. Where the left wing meets the main torso, a sigil resided. “OH DAMN!”

“Um, and you are?” The pegasus turned to Potion Note.

“My name, my dear, is Spark Storm.” Hyper’s eyes dilated at the word “Storm”.

“Yo, Spark, do you have any family members?” Spark stood still at the mention of “family”.

“Yes, I have a younger sister, and that’s all. Here she is now, late as always.” As Spark said this, Scootaloo came flying by on her scooter.

“SCOOT RUN!” Blaze leapt forward to save the young filly, but Spark flashed in front of him. Blaze’s hoof dropped into Spark’s right wing. His hoof felt only feathers. “The hell… no bones?!”

“My shame… a birth defect that is my eternal sigil.” Spark withdrew from Blaze. “But now, we kill you.” Spark charged Hyper.

“OH DAM…!” Spark strikes him in the throat. Hyper stops short, dying slowly from suffocation as Spark choked him.

“YO!!!” Blaze called out Spark.

“I know you aren’t strong. Hyper must die! Then we will fly!” Scootaloo charged Blaze.

“RAZOR WHEEL!” Scootaloo became a giant wheel covered in spikes, and rolled down Blaze.

“…” Blaze lay out on the ground, dying slowly like Hyper.

“The Earth Is The Key, The Earth Is The Key, The Earth Is The Key, The Earth Is The Key, The Earth Is The…” A voice ringed in Blaze’s head.

“KEY!” Blaze’s sigil erupted in light.

“Hmm interesting. CRACKLING SURGE.” Spark’s sigil erupted as well. Sparks wings receded into his body. In their place came “wings” of complete electricity. “Electro FEATHER!” 3 “feathers” came flying at Blaze. Blaze, in response, smirked.

“SPIRE!” Blaze smashed the earth with his hoof, and in front of him came a spire of earth. The feathers just evaporated as they hit the spire. “Now am I problem?” Spark took flight.

“Sister, you too.” Scootaloo smiled.

“Okay, ROLLER’S DREAM!” Scootaloo’s sigil lit up and her wings receded into her body. In their place came 2 metallic wings. The wings also deployed 4 wheels that extended to the ground.

“WHAT THE FRIGGING HELL IS SCOOTALOO WEARING!?” Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Rarity, and Critical trotted over to Hyper lying on the ground. Critical’s coat is cleaned of all his dried blood, ready to battle.

“Why are you just watching Blaze get double teamed?” Hyper glared his cynical brother. “That’s why we’re here.” Critical trotted in range.

“Who’s that?” Spark stared at the unicorn.

“That’s Over Critical. Don’t worry, he’s a gentlecolt I’ll take care of him.” Scootaloo turned and charged Critical.

“Scootaloo what the hell… you can fly?” Rainbow Dash watches on with disbelief.

“Rainbow… Dash. I can fly FASTER THAN YOU!” Scoot’s eyes filled with tears. “My brother gave me flight, you gave me… dreams.”

“Sorry Scootaloo.” Once Scoot was close enough where she had no reaction time, Critical conjured his spears, 3 for now. Scoot ran into them, damaging her wings. She plummeted to the ground as the wings malfunctioned.

“Sister!” Spark prepared to catch Scoot, but Blaze stopped him. Blaze launched Spark airborne with his spires.

“Yo Spark, every hear of dub steps?” Spark recovered from the barrage which brought him to the ground.


“BEAT RIPPLE!” The earth rippled in and the earth cracked almost swallowing Spark whole, but instead the cracked earth expelled spires that impaled Spark’s wings. The electricity’s circuit was interrupted, and Spark’s wings disappeared.

“That ended quickly.” Bronze exited Sugarcube Corner, holding the first aid kit.

“YOU WERE JUST WATCHING?” Bronze stuck his tongue out and smiled.

“I bring gifts for the victors and of course the mares.” Behind Bronze is a plate of doughnuts.

“Save those, for the victor hasn’t been decided. Crackling Surge.”

“I beat you once, I can again.”

“I’m behind you, partner.” Bronze placed the doughnuts down and gave the first aid kit to the girls to help Hyper, then joined Blaze in battle.

“But you don’t have your sigil power.”

“It doesn’t matter we work off of one another.”

“Fine, but don’t die.”

“… I’ll scratch that off the list.” Bronze and Blaze laughed.

“Is it weird that they are more in sync then we are bro?” Hyper stared as Twilight and Rarity patched his many wounds.

“Not my fault your reckless abandon makes us lose.” Critical sat down next to Hyper.

“Why aren’t you helping us?” Blaze turned to see Critical pull a tea set out of nowhere. With the tea set came three chairs and a small table.

“Thank you dear.” Rarity kissed Critical.

“Tea Time Blaze, my apologizes.”

“Time to die.” With those words, Scootaloo and Spark took off into the sky.

“SPARK STORM!!!!” Spark’s wings disappeared, all his feathers flying off and circling the area. Hyper ran and grabbed Twilight and Rainbow Dash. Critical grabbed Rarity, and shielded her beneath his body. The feathers flew down, stabbing into the 4 stallions, trying to cover the mares from harm. Once they hit, a static surge runs through each. Spark clapped his hooves, and the feathers lit up brighter and brighter. They hissed.

“GIRLS RUN!” Critical threw Rarity to Twilight, who was picked up by Rainbow, and the three flew up.

“Wow, we can’t catch a freaking break, can we?” Bronze chuckled. The stallions all huddled in a circle, and grabbed Hyper’s hoof.

“Die!” As Spark said this, Hyper jumped, which failed because the feathers created an electric field that holds them down. The feathers all hissed louder, then exploding. The stallions were thrown all over the place. Hyper was torn again; blood and flesh presided where the stallions were when the feathers exploded. The 4 couldn’t stand. They were slowly dying.

“Alright boys, that’s enough. Isn’t it rude to fight when company is over?” The voice echoed through Hyper’s head.


Yo everyone, loopertooper here, time for some thanks. Today we got a cliff hanger, and one new arrival who survived. Also we got some new sigil powers. Okay now first is the new pony on the block; mechafone- Spark Storm. Now for the originals- Over Critical-Donceluzza (My EXCELLENT brother buddy); Potion Note- B_Bubble132; Colorlove- bigMAREmac; Blaze Arlis- BronyGC (My EXCELLENT following buddy); Bronze- epicdonus1123 (My EXCELANT editing buddy), Hyperactive- loopertooper (My EXCELLENT me). GOODNIGHT EVERYPONY, see you next chapter.